HS-Codes - 55: Synthetische oder künstliche spinnfasern:
5501 | Synthetic filament tow. |
5501.A | Aus nylon oder anderen polyamiden |
5501.11 | Aus aramid |
5501.11.100 | 1 Of m-aramids |
5501.11.900 | 2 Other |
5501.19.000 | Andere |
5501.20.000 | Aus polyestern |
5501.30.000 | Aus polyacryl oder modacryl |
5501.40.000 | Aus polypropylen |
5501.90.000 | Andere |
5502 | Artificial filament tow. |
5502.10.000 | Of cellulose acetate |
5502.90.000 | Andere |
5503 | Synthetic staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning. |
5503.A | Aus nylon oder anderen polyamiden |
5503.11.000 | Aus aramid |
5503.19.000 | Andere |
5503.20 | Aus polyestern |
5503.20.010 | - Measuring more than 3.88 decitex but less than 22.23 decitex, 25 mm or more but not more than 80 mm in length |
5503.20.090 | - Other |
5503.30.000 | Aus polyacryl oder modacryl |
5503.40.000 | Aus polypropylen |
5503.90 | Andere: |
5503.90.010 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together |
5503.90.020 | 2 Other |
5504 | Artificial staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning. |
5504.10.000 | Aus viskose |
5504.90 | Andere: |
5504.90.010 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together |
5504.90.020 | 2 Other |
5505 | Waste (including noils, yarn waste and garnetted stock) of man-made fibres. |
5505.10.000 | Aus synthetischen chemiefasern |
5505.20.000 | Aus künstlichen chemiefasern |
5506 | Synthetic staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning. |
5506.10.000 | Aus nylon oder anderen polyamiden |
5506.20.000 | Aus polyestern |
5506.30.000 | Aus polyacryl oder modacryl |
5506.40 | Aus polypropylen |
5506.40.100 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together |
5506.40.900 | 2 Other |
5506.90 | Andere: |
5506.90.010 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together |
5506.90.020 | 2 Other |
5507.00 | Artificial staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning. |
5507.00.010 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together |
5507.00.020 | 2 Other |
5508 | Sewing thread of man-made staple fibres, whether or not put up for retail sale. |
5508.10.000 | Aus synthetischen spinnfasern |
5508.20 | Aus künstlichen spinnfasern |
5508.20.010 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together |
5508.20.020 | 2 Other |
5509 | Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibres, not put up for retail sale. |
5509.A | Mit einem anteil an nylon- oder anderen polyamid-spinnfasern von 85 ght oder mehr: |
5509.11.000 | Ungezwirnt |
5509.12.000 | Gezwirnt |
5509.B | Mit einem anteil an polyester-spinnfasern von 85 ght oder mehr: |
5509.21.000 | Ungezwirnt |
5509.22.000 | Gezwirnt |
5509.C | Mit einem anteil an polyacryl- oder modacryl-spinnfasern von 85 ght oder mehr: |
5509.31.000 | Ungezwirnt |
5509.32.000 | Gezwirnt |
5509.D | Andere garne, mit einem anteil an synthetischen spinnfasern von 85 ght oder mehr: |
5509.41.000 | Ungezwirnt |
5509.42.000 | Gezwirnt |
5509.E | Andere garne, aus polyester-spinnfasern: |
5509.51 | Hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit künstlichen spinnfasern gemischt |
5509.51.010 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together |
5509.51.020 | 2 Other |
5509.52 | Hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit wolle oder feinen tierhaaren gemischt |
5509.52.010 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together |
5509.52.020 | 2 Other |
5509.53 | Hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit baumwolle gemischt |
5509.53.010 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together |
5509.53.020 | 2 Other |
5509.59 | Andere: |
5509.59.010 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together |
5509.59.020 | 2 Other |
5509.F | Andere garne, aus polyacryl- oder modacryl-spinnfasern: |
5509.61 | Hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit wolle oder feinen tierhaaren gemischt |
5509.61.010 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together |
5509.61.020 | 2 Other |
5509.62 | Hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit baumwolle gemischt |
5509.62.010 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together |
5509.62.020 | 2 Other |
5509.69 | Andere: |
5509.69.010 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together |
5509.69.020 | 2 Other |
5509.G | Andere garne |
5509.91 | Hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit wolle oder feinen tierhaaren gemischt |
5509.91.010 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together |
5509.91.020 | 2 Other |
5509.92 | Hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit baumwolle gemischt |
5509.92.010 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together |
5509.92.020 | 2 Other |
5509.99 | Andere: |
5509.99.010 | 1 Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together |
5509.99.020 | 2 Other |
5510 | Yarn (other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibres, not put up for retail sale. |
5510.A | Mit einem anteil an künstlichen spinnfasern von 85 ght oder mehr: |
5510.11 | Ungezwirnt |
5510.11.010 | - Measuring less than 192.31 decitex |
5510.11.020 | - Measuring less than 232.56 decitex but not less than 192.31 |
5510.11.090 | - Measuring 232.56 decitex or more |
5510.12.000 | Gezwirnt |
5510.20.000 | Andere garne, hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit wolle oder feinen tierhaaren gemischt |
5510.30.000 | Andere garne, hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit baumwolle gemischt |
5510.90.000 | Andere garne |
5511 | Yarn (other than sewing thread) of man-made staple fibres, put up for retail sale. |
5511.10.000 | Aus synthetischen spinnfasern mit einem anteil an diesen spinnfasern von 85 ght oder mehr |
5511.20.000 | Aus synthetischen spinnfasern, mit einem anteil an diesen spinnfasern von weniger als 85 ght |
5511.30.000 | Aus künstlichen spinnfasern |
5512 | Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85 % or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres. |
5512.A | Mit einem anteil an polyester-spinnfasern von 85 ght oder mehr: |
5512.11 | Roh oder gebleicht: |
5512.11.010 | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5512.11.020 | 2 Other |
5512.19 | Andere: |
5512.19.010 | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5512.19.020 | 2 Other |
5512.B | Mit einem anteil an polyacryl- oder modacryl-spinnfasern von 85 ght oder mehr: |
5512.21 | Roh oder gebleicht: |
5512.21.010 | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5512.21.020 | 2 Other |
5512.29 | Andere: |
5512.29.010 | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5512.29.020 | 2 Other |
5512.C | Andere: |
5512.91 | Roh oder gebleicht: |
5512.91.010 | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5512.91.A | 2 Other |
5512.91.A.A | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" or of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5512.91.021 | A Consisting wholly of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" or "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" mixed with acetate fibres |
5512.91.022 | B Other |
5512.91.029 | (2)Other |
5512.99 | Andere: |
5512.99.010 | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5512.99.A | 2 Other |
5512.99.A.A | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" or of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5512.99.021 | A Consisting wholly of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" or "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" mixed with acetate fibres |
5512.99.022 | B Other |
5512.99.029 | (2)Other |
5513 | Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, of a weight not exceeding 170 g/m2. |
5513.A | Roh oder gebleicht: |
5513.11 | Aus polyester-spinnfasern, in leinwandbindung |
5513.11.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5513.11.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5513.11.019 | - Other |
5513.11.090 | 2 Other |
5513.12 | Aus polyester-spinnfasern, in 3- oder 4-bindigem köper, einschließlich doppelköper |
5513.12.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5513.12.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5513.12.019 | - Other |
5513.12.090 | 2 Other |
5513.13 | Andere gewebe aus polyester-spinnfasern |
5513.13.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5513.13.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5513.13.019 | - Other |
5513.13.090 | 2 Other |
5513.19 | Andere gewebe |
5513.19.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5513.19.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5513.19.019 | - Other |
5513.19.B | 2 Other |
5513.19.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres, excluding those containing more than 50% by weight of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" or of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5513.19.099 | (2)Other |
5513.B | Gefärbt |
5513.21 | Aus polyester-spinnfasern, in leinwandbindung |
5513.21.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5513.21.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5513.21.019 | - Other |
5513.21.090 | 2 Other |
5513.23 | Andere gewebe aus polyester-spinnfasern |
5513.23.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5513.23.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5513.23.019 | - Other |
5513.23.090 | 2 Other |
5513.29 | Andere gewebe |
5513.29.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5513.29.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5513.29.019 | - Other |
5513.29.B | 2 Other |
5513.29.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres, excluding those containing more than 50% by weight of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" or of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5513.29.099 | (2)Other |
5513.C | Buntgewirkt |
5513.31 | Aus polyester-spinnfasern, in leinwandbindung |
5513.31.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5513.31.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5513.31.019 | - Other |
5513.31.090 | 2 Other |
5513.39 | Andere gewebe |
5513.39.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5513.39.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5513.39.019 | - Other |
5513.39.B | 2 Other |
5513.39.B.A | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres, excluding those containing more than 50% by weight of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" or of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5513.39.021 | A Of polyester staple fibres |
5513.39.029 | B Other |
5513.39.099 | (2)Other |
5513.D | Bedruckt |
5513.41 | Aus polyester-spinnfasern, in leinwandbindung |
5513.41.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5513.41.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5513.41.019 | - Other |
5513.41.090 | 2 Other |
5513.49 | Andere gewebe |
5513.49.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5513.49.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5513.49.019 | - Other |
5513.49.B | 2 Other |
5513.49.B.A | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres, excluding those containing more than 50% by weight of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" or of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5513.49.021 | A Of polyester staple fibres |
5513.49.029 | B Other |
5513.49.099 | (2)Other |
5514 | Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, of a weight exceeding 170 g/m2. |
5514.A | Roh oder gebleicht: |
5514.11 | Aus polyester-spinnfasern, in leinwandbindung |
5514.11.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5514.11.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.11.019 | - Other |
5514.11.090 | 2 Other |
5514.12 | Aus polyester-spinnfasern, in 3- oder 4-bindigem köper, einschließlich doppelköper |
5514.12.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5514.12.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.12.019 | - Other |
5514.12.090 | 2 Other |
5514.19 | Andere gewebe |
5514.19.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5514.19.B | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.19.111 | -- Of polyester staple fibres |
5514.19.119 | -- Other |
5514.19.C | - Other |
5514.19.191 | -- Of polyester staple fibres |
5514.19.199 | -- Other |
5514.19.D | 2 Other |
5514.19.D.A | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres, excluding those containing more than 50% by weight of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" or of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.19.911 | A Of polyester staple fibres |
5514.19.919 | B Other |
5514.19.D.B | (2)Other |
5514.19.991 | - Of polyester staple fibres |
5514.19.999 | - Other |
5514.B | Gefärbt |
5514.21 | Aus polyester-spinnfasern, in leinwandbindung |
5514.21.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5514.21.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.21.019 | - Other |
5514.21.090 | 2 Other |
5514.22 | Aus polyester-spinnfasern, in 3- oder 4-bindigem köper, einschließlich doppelköper |
5514.22.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5514.22.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.22.019 | - Other |
5514.22.090 | 2 Other |
5514.23 | Andere gewebe aus polyester-spinnfasern |
5514.23.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5514.23.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.23.019 | - Other |
5514.23.090 | 2 Other |
5514.29 | Andere gewebe |
5514.29.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5514.29.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.29.019 | - Other |
5514.29.B | 2 Other |
5514.29.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres, excluding those containing more than 50% by weight of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" or of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.29.099 | (2)Other |
5514.30 | Buntgewirkt |
5514.30.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5514.30.110 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.30.190 | - Other |
5514.30.B | 2 Other |
5514.30.910 | (1)Of polyester staple fibres |
5514.30.B.A | (2)Other |
5514.30.991 | A Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres, excluding those containing more than 50% by weight of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" or of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.30.999 | B Other |
5514.C | Bedruckt |
5514.41 | Aus polyester-spinnfasern, in leinwandbindung |
5514.41.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5514.41.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.41.019 | - Other |
5514.41.090 | 2 Other |
5514.42 | Aus polyester-spinnfasern, in 3- oder 4-bindigem köper, einschließlich doppelköper |
5514.42.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5514.42.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.42.019 | - Other |
5514.42.090 | 2 Other |
5514.43 | Andere gewebe aus polyester-spinnfasern |
5514.43.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5514.43.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.43.019 | - Other |
5514.43.090 | 2 Other |
5514.49 | Andere gewebe |
5514.49.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5514.49.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.49.019 | - Other |
5514.49.B | 2 Other |
5514.49.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres, excluding those containing more than 50% by weight of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" or of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5514.49.099 | (2)Other |
5515 | Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres. |
5515.A | Aus polyester-spinnfasern: |
5515.11 | Hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit viskose-spinnfasern gemischt: |
5515.11.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5515.11.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5515.11.019 | - Other |
5515.11.090 | 2 Other |
5515.12 | Hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit synthetischen oder künstlichen filamenten gemischt: |
5515.12.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5515.12.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres, of acetate fibres or of synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5515.12.019 | - Other |
5515.12.090 | 2 Other |
5515.13 | Hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit wolle oder feinen tierhaaren gemischt |
5515.13.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5515.13.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5515.13.019 | - Other |
5515.13.090 | 2 Other |
5515.19 | Andere: |
5515.19.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5515.19.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres, of acetate fibres or of synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5515.19.019 | - Other |
5515.19.090 | 2 Other |
5515.B | Aus polyacryl- oder modacryl-spinnfasern: |
5515.21 | Hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit synthetischen oder künstlichen filamenten gemischt: |
5515.21.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5515.21.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres, of acetate fibres or of synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5515.21.019 | - Other |
5515.21.090 | 2 Other |
5515.22 | Hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit wolle oder feinen tierhaaren gemischt |
5515.22.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5515.22.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5515.22.019 | - Other |
5515.22.090 | 2 Other |
5515.29 | Andere: |
5515.29.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5515.29.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres, of acetate fibres or of synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5515.29.019 | - Other |
5515.29.090 | 2 Other |
5515.C | Andere gewebe |
5515.91 | Hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit synthetischen oder künstlichen filamenten gemischt: |
5515.91.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5515.91.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres, of acetate fibres or of synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5515.91.019 | - Other |
5515.91.B | 2 Other |
5515.91.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or of synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres, excluding those containing more than 50% by weight of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres", of acetate fibres or of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5515.91.099 | (2)Other |
5515.99 | Andere: |
5515.99.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5515.99.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres, of acetate fibres or of synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5515.99.019 | - Other |
5515.99.B | 2 Other |
5515.99.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of synthetic fibres or of synthetic fibres and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres, excluding those containing more than 50% by weight of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres", of acetate fibres or of "the Specified Synthetic Fibres" and acetate fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5515.99.099 | (2)Other |
5516 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres. |
5516.A | Mit einem anteil an künstlichen spinnfasern von 85 ght oder mehr: |
5516.11 | Roh oder gebleicht: |
5516.11.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.11.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.11.019 | - Other |
5516.11.B | 2 Other |
5516.11.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.11.099 | (2)Other |
5516.12 | Gefärbt |
5516.12.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.12.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.12.019 | - Other |
5516.12.B | 2 Other |
5516.12.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.12.099 | (2)Other |
5516.13 | Buntgewirkt |
5516.13.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.13.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.13.019 | - Other |
5516.13.B | 2 Other |
5516.13.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.13.099 | (2)Other |
5516.14 | Bedruckt |
5516.14.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.14.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.14.019 | - Other |
5516.14.B | 2 Other |
5516.14.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.14.099 | (2)Other |
5516.B | Mit einem anteil an künstlichen spinnfasern von weniger als 85 ght, hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit synthetischen oder künstlichen filamenten gemischt: |
5516.21 | Roh oder gebleicht: |
5516.21.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.21.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.21.019 | - Other |
5516.21.B | 2 Other |
5516.21.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.21.099 | (2)Other |
5516.22 | Gefärbt |
5516.22.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.22.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.22.019 | - Other |
5516.22.B | 2 Other |
5516.22.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.22.099 | (2)Other |
5516.23 | Buntgewirkt |
5516.23.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.23.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.23.019 | - Other |
5516.23.B | 2 Other |
5516.23.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.23.099 | (2)Other |
5516.24 | Bedruckt |
5516.24.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.24.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.24.019 | - Other |
5516.24.B | 2 Other |
5516.24.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.24.099 | (2)Other |
5516.C | Mit einem anteil an künstlichen spinnfasern von weniger als 85 ght, hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit wolle oder feinen tierhaaren gemischt: |
5516.31 | Roh oder gebleicht: |
5516.31.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.31.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.31.019 | - Other |
5516.31.B | 2 Other |
5516.31.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.31.099 | (2)Other |
5516.32 | Gefärbt |
5516.32.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.32.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.32.019 | - Other |
5516.32.B | 2 Other |
5516.32.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.32.099 | (2)Other |
5516.33 | Buntgewirkt |
5516.33.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.33.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.33.019 | - Other |
5516.33.B | 2 Other |
5516.33.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.33.099 | (2)Other |
5516.34 | Bedruckt |
5516.34.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.34.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.34.019 | - Other |
5516.34.B | 2 Other |
5516.34.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.34.099 | (2)Other |
5516.D | Mit einem anteil an künstlichen spinnfasern von weniger als 85 ght, hauptsächlich oder ausschließlich mit baumwolle gemischt: |
5516.41 | Roh oder gebleicht: |
5516.41.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.41.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.41.019 | - Other |
5516.41.B | 2 Other |
5516.41.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.41.099 | (2)Other |
5516.42 | Gefärbt |
5516.42.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.42.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.42.019 | - Other |
5516.42.B | 2 Other |
5516.42.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.42.099 | (2)Other |
5516.43 | Buntgewirkt |
5516.43.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.43.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.43.019 | - Other |
5516.43.B | 2 Other |
5516.43.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.43.099 | (2)Other |
5516.44 | Bedruckt |
5516.44.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.44.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.44.019 | - Other |
5516.44.B | 2 Other |
5516.44.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres or acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.44.099 | (2)Other |
5516.E | Andere: |
5516.91 | Roh oder gebleicht: |
5516.91.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.91.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.91.019 | - Other |
5516.91.B | 2 Other |
5516.91.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.91.099 | (2)Other |
5516.92 | Gefärbt |
5516.92.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.92.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.92.019 | - Other |
5516.92.B | 2 Other |
5516.92.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.92.099 | (2)Other |
5516.93 | Buntgewirkt |
5516.93.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.93.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.93.019 | - Other |
5516.93.B | 2 Other |
5516.93.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.93.099 | (2)Other |
5516.94 | Bedruckt |
5516.94.A | 1 Containing more than 10% by weight of silk |
5516.94.011 | - Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.94.019 | - Other |
5516.94.B | 2 Other |
5516.94.091 | (1)Containing more than 50% by weight of acetate fibres, of synthetic fibres or of acetate fibres and synthetic fibres taken together, or having either the warp or the weft of such fibres |
5516.94.099 | (2)Other |
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