6901 | Steine, platten, fliesen und andere keramische waren aus kieselsäurehaltigen fossilen mehlen (z.. B.. Kieselgur, tripel, diatomit) oder aus ähnlichen kieselsäurehaltigen erden |
6901 | Steine, platten, fliesen und andere keramische waren aus kieselsäurehaltigen fossilen mehlen (z.. B.. Kieselgur, tripel, diatomit) oder aus ähnlichen kieselsäurehaltigen erden |
6902 | Feuerfeste steine, platten, fliesen und ähnliche feuerfeste keramische bauteile, ausgenommen waren aus kieselsäurehaltigen fossilen mehlen oder ähnlichen kieselsäurehaltigen erden: |
6902.1000.00 | Containing, by weight, singly or together, more than 50% of the elements mg, ca or cr, expressed as mgo, cao or cr2o3 |
6902.A | Containing, by weight, more than 50% of alumina (al2o3), of silica (sio2) or of a mixture or compound of these products |
6902.2010.00 | Containing, by weight, 93% or more of silica (sio2) |
6902.A.A | Andere: |
6902.2091.00 | Containing, by weight, more than 7% but less than 45% of alumina (al2o3) |
6902.2099.00 | Andere |
6902.9000.00 | Andere |
6903 | Andere feuerfeste keramische waren (z.. B.. Retorten, schmelztiegel, muffeln, ausgüsse, stopfen, stützen, kapellen, rohre, schutzrohre, stäbe und schieber), ausgenommen waren aus kieselsäurehaltigen fossilen mehlen oder aus ähnlichen kieselsäurehaltigen erden: |
6903.1000.00 | Containing, by weight, more than 50% of free carbon |
6903.A | Containing, by weight, more than 50% of alumina (al2o3) or of a mixture or compound of alumina and of silica (sio2) |
6903.2010.00 | Containing, by weight, less than 45% of alumina (al2o3) |
6903.2090.00 | Containing, by weight, 45% or more of alumina (al2o3) |
6903.B | Andere: |
6903.9010.00 | Containing, by weight, more than 25% but not more than 50% of free carbon |
6903.B.A | Andere: |
6903.9090.40 | Silicon carbide reactor tubes and holders having a maximum service temperature of 1370 °c or more |
6903.9090.90 | Andere |
6904 | Mauerziegel, hourdis, deckenziegel und dergleichen, aus keramischen stoffen: |
6904.1000.00 | Mauerziegel |
6904.9000.00 | Andere |
6904 | Mauerziegel, hourdis, deckenziegel und dergleichen, aus keramischen stoffen: |
6904.1000.00 | Mauerziegel |
6904.9000.00 | Andere |
6905 | Dachziegel, schornsteinteile/elemente für rauchfänge, rauchleitungen, bauzierrate und andere baukeramik: |
6905.1000.00 | Dachziegel |
6905.9000.00 | Andere |
6906 | Keramische rohre, rohrleitungen, rinnen, rohrformstücke, rohrverschlussstücke und rohrverbindungsstücke |
6907 | Keramische fliesen, boden- und wandplatten; keramische steinchen, mosaiksteine und ähnliche waren auch auf unterlage; fertige formstücke: |
6907.A | Fliesen, boden- und wandplatten, andere als solche der unterpositionen 6907 30 und 6907 40: |
6907.2100.00 | Of a water absorption coefficient by weight not exceeding 0.5% |
6907.2200.00 | Of a water absorption coefficient by weight exceeding 0.5% but not exceeding 10% |
6907.2300.00 | Of a water absorption coefficient by weight exceeding 10% |
6907.3000.00 | Mosaiksteine und ähnliche waren, andere als solche der unterposition 6907 40 |
6907.4000.00 | Fertige formstücke |
6909 | Keramische waren zu chemischen und anderen technischen zwecken; keramische tröge, wannen und ähnliche behältnisse für die landwirtschaft; keramische krüge und ähnliche behältnisse zu transport- oder verpackungszwecken: |
6909.A | Waren zu chemischen und anderen technischen zwecken: |
6909.1100.00 | Aus porzellan |
6909.1200.00 | Waren mit einer mohsschen härte von 9 oder mehr |
6909.A.A | Andere: |
6909.1900.20 | Silicon nitride (si3n4) rollers or balls |
6909.1900.25 | Ceramic proppants, containing aluminium oxide, silicon oxide and iron oxide |
6909.1900.30 | Supports for catalysts, consisting of porous cordierite or mullite ceramic pieces, of an overall volume of not more than 65 l, having, per cm2 of the cross-section, not less than one continuous channel which may be open at both ends or stopped at one end |
6909.1900.40 | Ceramic-carbon absorption or adsorption cartridges of fuel motor vehicle systems, with the following characteristics:-extruded fired ceramic bound multicellular cylindrical structure,-5% or more by weight but not more than 70% by weight of activated carbon,-30% or more by weight but no more than 90% by weight of ceramic binder,-with a diameter of 29 mm or more but no more than 41 mm,-a length of not more than 150 mm,-fired at temperature of 800 °c or more |
6909.1900.50 | Ceramic articles made of continuous filaments of ceramic oxides, containing by weight:- 2% or more of diboron trioxide,- 28% or less of silicon dioxide and- 60% or more of dialuminium trioxide |
6909.1900.60 | Supports for catalysts, consisting of porous ceramic pieces, of a blend of silicon carbide and silicon, with a hardness of less than 9 on the mohs scale, with a total volume of not more than 65 litres, having, per cm2 of the surface of the cross section one or more closed channels at the tail end |
6909.1900.70 | Supports for catalysts or filters, consisting of porous ceramics made primarily from oxides of aluminium and titanium; with a total volume of not more than 65 litres and at least one duct (open on one or both ends) per cm2 of cross section |
6909.1900.90 | Andere |
6909.9000.00 | Andere |
6910 | Keramische ausgüsse (spülbecken), waschbecken, waschbeckensockel, badewannen, bidets, klosettbecken, spülkästen, urinierbecken und ähnliche installationsgegenstände zu sanitären zwecken: |
6910.1000.00 | Aus porzellan |
6910.9000.00 | Andere |
6911 | Geschirr, andere haushalts- oder hauswirtschaftsartikel, hygiene- oder toilettengegenstände, aus porzellan: |
6911.A | Geschirr und andere artikel für den tisch- oder küchengebrauch: |
6911.1000.10 | Condiment or spice mills and their ceramic grinding parts, coffee mills, knife sharpeners, sharpeners, kitchen tools to be used for cutting, grinding, grating, slicing, scraping and peeling, cordierite ceramic pizza-stones of a kind used for baking pizza or bread |
6911.1000.90 | Andere |
6911.9000.00 | Andere |
6912 | Anderes keramisches geschirr, andere keramische haushalts- oder hauswirtschaftsartikel, hygiene- oder toilettengegenstände: |
6912.A | Geschirr und andere artikel für den tisch- oder küchengebrauch: |
6912.A.A | Of common pottery |
6912.A.A.A | Hand-made |
6912.0021.11 | Tableware and kitchenware, excluding condiment or spice mills and their ceramic grinding parts, coffee mills, knife sharpeners, sharpeners, kitchen tools to be used for cutting, grinding, grating, slicing, scraping and peeling, cordierite ceramic pizza-stones of a kind used for baking pizza or bread |
6912.0021.19 | Andere |
6912.A.A.B | Andere: |
6912.0021.91 | Tableware and kitchenware, excluding condiment or spice mills and their ceramic grinding parts, coffee mills, knife sharpeners, sharpeners, kitchen tools to be used for cutting, grinding, grating, slicing, scraping and peeling, cordierite ceramic pizza-stones of a kind used for baking pizza or bread |
6912.0021.99 | Andere |
6912.A.B | Stoneware |
6912.0023.10 | Tableware and kitchenware, excluding condiment or spice mills and their ceramic grinding parts, coffee mills, knife sharpeners, sharpeners, kitchen tools to be used for cutting, grinding, grating, slicing, scraping and peeling, cordierite ceramic pizza-stones of a kind used for baking pizza or bread |
6912.0023.90 | Andere |
6912.A.C | Earthenware or fine pottery |
6912.0025.10 | Tableware and kitchenware, excluding condiment or spice mills and their ceramic grinding parts, coffee mills, knife sharpeners, sharpeners, kitchen tools to be used for cutting, grinding, grating, slicing, scraping and peeling, cordierite ceramic pizza-stones of a kind used for baking pizza or bread |
6912.0025.90 | Andere |
6912.A.D | Andere: |
6912.0029.10 | Tableware and kitchenware, excluding condiment or spice mills and their ceramic grinding parts, coffee mills, knife sharpeners, sharpeners, kitchen tools to be used for cutting, grinding, grating, slicing, scraping and peeling, cordierite ceramic pizza-stones of a kind used for baking pizza or bread |
6912.0029.90 | Andere |
6912.B | Andere: |
6912.B.A | Of common pottery |
6912.0081.10 | Hand-made |
6912.0081.90 | Andere |
6912.0083.00 | Stoneware |
6912.0085.00 | Earthenware or fine pottery |
6912.0089.00 | Andere |
6913 | Statuetten und andere keramische ziergegenstände: |
6913.A | Aus porzellan |
6913.1000.10 | Hand-made |
6913.1000.90 | Andere |
6913.B | Andere: |
6913.B.A | Of common pottery |
6913.9010.10 | Hand-made |
6913.9010.90 | Andere |
6913.B.B | Andere: |
6913.B.B.A | Earthenware or fine pottery |
6913.9093.10 | Hand-made |
6913.9093.90 | Andere |
6913.B.B.B | Andere: |
6913.9098.10 | Hand-made |
6913.9098.90 | Andere |
6914 | Andere keramische waren: |
6914.1000.00 | Aus porzellan |
6914.A | Andere: |
6914.9000.10 | Of common pottery hand-made |
6914.A.A | Andere: |
6914.9000.20 | Ceramic articles made of continuous filaments of ceramic oxides, containing by weight:- 2% or more of diboron trioxide,- 28% or less of silicon dioxide and- 60% or more of dialuminium trioxide |
6914.9000.30 | Ceramic microspheres, transparent, obtained from silicon dioxide and zirconium dioxide, of a diameter of more than 125 µm |
6914.9000.90 | Andere |
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