HS-Codes - 85: Elektrische maschinen, apparate, geräte und andere elektrotechnische waren, teile davon; tonaufnahme- oder tonwiedergabegeräte, bild- und tonaufzeichnungs- oder -wiedergabegeräte, für das fernsehen, teile und zubehör für diese geräte:
8501 | Electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets). |
8501.10.00 | Motoren mit einer leistung von 37,5 w oder weniger: |
8501.10.00.A | Of an output of less than 18.65 W: |
8501.10.00.11 | AC |
8501.10.00.12 | DC |
8501.10.00.19 | Andere |
8501.10.00.B | Of an output of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W: |
8501.10.00.21 | AC |
8501.10.00.22 | DC |
8501.10.00.29 | Andere |
8501.20.00.00 | Allstrom-(universal-)motoren mit einer leistung von mehr als 37,5 w |
8501.A | Andere gleichstrommotoren; gleichstromgeneratoren, ausgenommen fotovoltaische generatoren: |
8501.31.00 | Mit einer leistung von 750 w oder weniger: |
8501.31.00.10 | DC motors, of an output exceeding 37.5 W but not exceeding 75 W |
8501.31.00.20 | DC motors, of an output exceeding 75 W but less than 750 W |
8501.31.00.90 | Andere |
8501.32 | Mit einer leistung von mehr als 750 w bis 75 kw: |
8501.32.20.00 | Motors for use as the primary source of mechanical power for electric powered vehicles of subheading 8703.80 or 8703.90 |
8501.32.90 | Andere: |
8501.32.90.10 | DC generators |
8501.32.90.90 | Andere |
8501.33.00.00 | Mit einer leistung von mehr als 75 kw bis 375 kw |
8501.34.00 | Mit einer leistung von mehr als 375 kw: |
8501.34.00.30 | Generators |
8501.34.00.40 | Motors |
8501.40.00 | Andere einphasen-wechselstrommotoren: |
8501.40.00.10 | External rotor permanent split capacitor motors, of a power exceeding 30 W or more but not exceeding 120 W, for use in the manufacture of cooker (range) hoods; Gear motors, for use in the manufacture of machinery or equipment; Other motors, for use in the manufacture of submersible water pump systems, with a pump diameter exceeding 8.89 cm |
8501.40.00.20 | Of an output exceeding 37.5 W but not exceeding 75 W |
8501.40.00.30 | Of an output exceeding 75 W but not exceeding 750 W |
8501.40.00.40 | Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 3,730 W |
8501.40.00.50 | Of an output exceeding 3,730 W |
8501.B | Andere mehrphasen-wechselstrommotoren: |
8501.51.00 | Mit einer leistung von 750 w oder weniger: |
8501.51.00.10 | Gear motors |
8501.51.00.90 | Andere |
8501.52.00 | Mit einer leistung von mehr als 750 w bis 75 kw: |
8501.52.00.10 | Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 14.92 kW |
8501.52.00.20 | Of an output exceeding 14.92 kW but not exceeding 75 kW |
8501.53.00 | Mit einer leistung von mehr als 75 kw: |
8501.53.00.10 | For operating mud (slush) pumps, winches (draw works) or rotary tables |
8501.53.00.20 | Of an output not exceeding 149 kW |
8501.53.00.30 | Of an output exceeding 149 kW but not exceeding 375 kW |
8501.53.00.40 | Of an output exceeding 375 kW but not exceeding 750 kW |
8501.53.00.50 | Of an output exceeding 750 kW but not exceeding 1,875 kW |
8501.53.00.60 | Of an output exceeding 1,875 kW |
8501.C | Wechselstromgeneratoren, ausgenommen fotovoltaische generatoren: |
8501.61.00.00 | Mit einer leistung von 75 kva oder weniger |
8501.62.00.00 | Mit einer leistung von mehr als 75 kva bis 375 kva |
8501.63.00.00 | Mit einer leistung von mehr als 375 kva bis 750 kva |
8501.64.00 | Of an output exceeding 750 kVA |
8501.64.00.10 | For use in the manufacture of generator sets |
8501.64.00.90 | Andere |
8501.D | Fotovoltaische gleichstromgeneratoren: |
8501.71.00.00 | Of an output not exceeding 50 W |
8501.72.00.00 | Of an output exceeding 50 W |
8501.80.00.00 | Photovoltaic AC generators |
8502 | Electric generating sets and rotary converters. |
8502.A | Stromerzeugungsaggregate, angetrieben durch kolbenverbrennungsmotor mit selbstzündung (diesel- oder halbdieselmotor): |
8502.11.00 | Mit einer leistung von 75 kva oder weniger: |
8502.11.00.10 | Of an output not exceeding 35 kW |
8502.11.00.90 | Andere |
8502.12.00.00 | Mit einer leistung von mehr als 75 kva bis 375 kva |
8502.13.00.00 | Mit einer leistung von mehr als 375 kva |
8502.20.00 | Stromerzeugungsaggregate, angetrieben durch kolbenverbrennungsmotor mit fremdzündung: |
8502.20.00.10 | For use on the farm, for farm purposes only; Ground power units, for providing electrical power for aircraft; Of an output not exceeding 35 kW |
8502.20.00.90 | Andere |
8502.B | Andere stromerzeugungsaggregate: |
8502.31.00.00 | Windgetrieben |
8502.39.00.00 | Andere |
8502.40.00.00 | Elektrische rotierende umformer |
8503.00 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of heading 85.01 or 85.02. |
8503.00.10 | Stators and rotors of the machines of heading 85.01 |
8503.00.10.10 | Of gear motors |
8503.00.10.20 | Of motors, excluding gear motors |
8503.00.10.30 | Of generators, excluding generating sets |
8503.00.10.90 | Andere |
8503.00.90 | Andere: |
8503.00.90.10 | Of gear motors |
8503.00.90.20 | Of motors, excluding gear motors |
8503.00.90.30 | Of generators, excluding generating sets |
8503.00.90.90 | Andere |
8504 | Electrical transformers, static converters (for example, rectifiers) and inductors. |
8504.10.00.00 | Vorschaltgeräte für entladungslampen |
8504.A | Transformatoren mit flüssigkeitsisolation: |
8504.21.00 | Having a power handling capacity not exceeding 650 kVA |
8504.21.00.10 | Having a power handling capacity of less than 500 kVA |
8504.21.00.20 | Having a power handling capacity of 500 kVA or more but not exceeding 650 kVA |
8504.22.00 | Mit einer leistung von mehr als 650 kva bis 10 000 kva: |
8504.22.00.10 | Having a power handling capacity exceeding 650 kVA but not exceeding 2,500 kVA |
8504.22.00.20 | Having a power handling capacity exceeding 2,500 kVA but not exceeding 10,000 kVA |
8504.23.00 | Having a power handling capacity exceeding 10,000 kVA |
8504.23.00.10 | Having a power handling capacity exceeding 10,000 kVA but not exceeding 59,000 kVA |
8504.23.00.20 | Having a power handling capacity exceeding 59,000 kVA but not exceeding 100,000 kVA |
8504.23.00.30 | Having a power handling capacity exceeding 100,000 kVA |
8504.B | Andere transformatoren: |
8504.31.00 | Mit einer leistung von 1 kva oder weniger: |
8504.31.00.20 | Having a power handling capacity less than 40 VA |
8504.31.00.30 | Having a power handling capacity of 40 VA or more but less than 1 kVA |
8504.31.00.40 | Having a power handling capacity of 1 kVA |
8504.32.00.00 | Mit einer leistung von mehr als 1 kva bis 16 kva |
8504.33.00 | Mit einer leistung von mehr als 16 kva bis 500 kva: |
8504.33.00.10 | Having a power handling capacity exceeding 16 kVA but not exceeding 50 kVA |
8504.33.00.20 | Having a power handling capacity exceeding 50 kVA but not exceeding 500 kVA |
8504.34.00.00 | Having a power handling capacity exceeding 500 kVA |
8504.40 | Stromrichter: |
8504.40.30.00 | Power supplies for the automatic data processing machines of heading 84.71 |
8504.40.40.00 | Speed drive controllers for electric motors |
8504.40.90 | Andere: |
8504.40.90.A | Semiconductor converters wherein the devices employed in the converting element have a current rating exceeding 100 A average: |
8504.40.90.31 | Rectifiers |
8504.40.90.32 | Inverters |
8504.40.90.33 | Alternating current converters and cycle converters |
8504.40.90.34 | Direct current converters |
8504.40.90.35 | Power supplies |
8504.40.90.39 | Andere |
8504.40.90.B | Battery chargers: |
8504.40.90.41 | USB type, from AC source |
8504.40.90.42 | USB type, from DC source |
8504.40.90.49 | Andere |
8504.40.90.C | Andere: |
8504.40.90.93 | Power supplies |
8504.40.90.99 | Andere |
8504.50.00.00 | Andere drosselspulen und andere selbstinduktionsspulen |
8504.90 | Teile: |
8504.90.10.00 | Printed circuit assemblies for the goods of subheadings 8504.40 and 8504.90 |
8504.90.20.00 | Other parts of power supplies for automatic data processing machines of heading 84.71 |
8504.90.90 | Andere: |
8504.90.90.10 | Printed circuit assemblies, of electric transformers and other inductors |
8504.90.90.A | Other, of electric transformers: |
8504.90.90.81 | Having a power handling capacity of less than 500 kVA |
8504.90.90.82 | Having a power handling capacity of 500 kVA or more |
8504.90.90.90 | Andere |
8505 | Electro-magnets; permanent magnets and articles intended to become permanent magnets after magnetization; electro-magnetic or permanent magnet chucks, clamps and similar holding devices; electro-magnetic couplings, clutches and brakes; electro-magnetic lifting heads. |
8505.A | Dauermagnete und waren, die dazu bestimmt sind, nach magnetisierung dauermagnete zu werden: |
8505.11.00.00 | Aus metall |
8505.19.00.00 | Andere |
8505.20.00.00 | Electro-magnetic couplings, clutches and brakes |
8505.90.00.00 | Andere, einschließlich teile |
8506 | Primary cells and primary batteries. |
8506.10 | Manganese dioxide |
8506.10.10.00 | Alkaline cells having welded connectors or designed to receive welded connectors, for use in electronic lock systems or in components thereof;
, Primary batteries, 9 V, for use in the manufacture of smoke detectors |
8506.10.90.00 | Andere |
8506.30.00.00 | Quecksilberoxidelemente und -batterien |
8506.40.00.00 | Silberoxidelemente und -batterien |
8506.50 | Lithiumelemente und -batterien: |
8506.50.10.00 | Cells having welded connectors or designed to receive welded connectors, for use in electronic lock systems or in components thereof |
8506.50.90 | Andere: |
8506.50.90.10 | Of an external volume not exceeding 300 cm³ |
8506.50.90.20 | Of an external volume exceeding 300 cm³ |
8506.60.00.00 | Luft-zink-elemente und -batterien |
8506.80 | Andere primärelemente und primärbatterien: |
8506.80.10.00 | For use in the manufacture of smoke detectors |
8506.80.90.00 | Andere |
8506.90.00.00 | Teile |
8507 | Electric accumulators, including separators therefor, whether or not rectangular (including square). |
8507.10.00 | Blei-akkumulatoren von der zum starten von kolbenverbrennungsmotoren verwendeten art (starterbatterien): |
8507.10.00.10 | 12 V |
8507.10.00.90 | Andere |
8507.20 | Andere blei-akkumulatoren: |
8507.20.10.00 | For use as the primary source of electrical power for electrically-powered vehicles of subheading 8703.80 or 8703.90;
, For use in the initial installation of smoke, fire or gas detection and alarm systems manufactured in Canada, including power supply panels and modules for those systems |
8507.20.90 | Andere: |
8507.20.90.10 | 6 V |
8507.20.90.20 | 12 V |
8507.20.90.30 | 36 V |
8507.20.90.90 | Andere |
8507.30 | Nickel-cadmium-akkumulatoren: |
8507.30.10.00 | Cells having welded connectors or designed to receive welded connectors, for use in electronic lock systems or in components thereof;
, For use in miners' safety lamps |
8507.30.20.00 | For use as the primary source of electrical power for electrically-powered vehicles of subheading 8703.80 or 8703.90 |
8507.30.90.00 | Andere |
8507.50 | Nickelhydrid-akkumulatoren: |
8507.50.10.00 | For use as the primary source of electrical power for electrically-powered vehicles of subheading 8703.80 or 8703.90 |
8507.50.90.00 | Andere |
8507.60 | Lithium-ionen-akkumulatoren: |
8507.60.10.00 | For use as the primary source of electrical power for electrically-powered vehicles of subheading 8703.80 or 8703.90 |
8507.60.20.00 | For use as the primary source of electrical power for electrically-powered motorcycles of subheading 8711.60 or 8711.90 |
8507.60.90.00 | Andere |
8507.80 | Andere akkumulatoren: |
8507.80.10.00 | Alkaline or lithium cells having welded connectors or designed to receive welded connectors, for use in electronic lock systems or in components thereof;
, Low discharge types, for use in the manufacture, maintenance or repair of buoys or beacons for the Government of Canada |
8507.80.20.00 | For use as the primary source of electrical power for electrically-powered vehicles of subheading 8703.80 or 8703.90 |
8507.80.90.00 | Andere |
8507.90.00.00 | Teile |
8508 | Vacuum cleaners. |
8508.A | Mit eingebautem elektromotor: |
8508.11.00.00 | Of a power not exceeding 1,500 W and having a dust bag or other receptacle capacity not exceeding 20 litres |
8508.19.00.00 | Andere |
8508.60.00.00 | Andere staubsauger |
8508.70.00.00 | Teile |
8509 | Electro-mechanical domestic appliances, with self-contained electric motor, other than vacuum cleaners of heading 85.08. |
8509.40 | Lebensmittelzerkleinerungs- und -mischgeräte (küchenmaschinen); frucht- und gemüsepressen |
8509.40.10.00 | Grape crushers for domestic purposes |
8509.40.90 | Andere: |
8509.40.90.20 | Food mixers |
8509.40.90.30 | Juice extractors |
8509.40.90.90 | Andere |
8509.80 | Andere geräte |
8509.80.10.00 | Ultrasonic vaporizers |
8509.80.90 | Andere: |
8509.80.90.10 | For food preparation |
8509.80.90.20 | For floor or carpet cleaning |
8509.80.90.90 | Andere |
8509.90 | Teile: |
8509.90.20.00 | For use in the manufacture of the goods of this heading;
, Of the goods of tariff item No. 8509.40.90 or 8509.80.90 |
8509.90.90.00 | Andere |
8510 | Shavers, hair clippers and hair-removing appliances, with self-contained electric motor. |
8510.10.00.00 | Rasierapparate |
8510.20 | Haarschneide- und schermaschinen |
8510.20.10.00 | For cutting pet hair;
, Alternating current-powered, for cutting human hair |
8510.20.90.00 | Andere |
8510.30.00.00 | Haarentferner (epilatoren) |
8510.90.00.00 | Teile |
8511 | Electrical ignition or starting equipment of a kind used for spark-ignition or compression-ignition internal combustion engines (for example, ignition magnetos, magneto-dynamos, ignition coils, sparking plugs and glow plugs, starter motors); generators (for example, dynamos, alternators) and cut-outs of a kind used in conjunction with such engines. |
8511.10.00.00 | Zündkerzen |
8511.20.00.00 | Magnetzünder; lichtmagnetzünder; schwungmagnetzünder |
8511.30.00 | Zündverteiler; zündspulen: |
8511.30.00.10 | Distributors |
8511.30.00.20 | Ignition coils |
8511.40.00.00 | Anlasser und lichtanlasser |
8511.50.00.00 | Andere lichtmaschinen |
8511.80.00 | Andere geräte |
8511.80.00.A | Voltage or voltage-current regulators, with cut-out relays: |
8511.80.00.11 | Designed for use on 6, 12 or 24 V systems |
8511.80.00.19 | Andere |
8511.80.00.90 | Andere |
8511.90.00.00 | Teile |
8512 | Electrical lighting or signalling equipment (excluding articles of heading 85.39), windscreen wipers, defrosters and demisters, of a kind used for cycles or motor vehicles. |
8512.10.00.00 | Beleuchtungs- und sichtsignalgeräte von der für fahrräder verwendeten art |
8512.20.00 | Andere beleuchtungs- und sichtsignalgeräte: |
8512.20.00.10 | Lighting equipment, including interior lights |
8512.20.00.20 | Visual signalling equipment, including braking lights and turning signal lights |
8512.30 | Hörsignalgeräte: |
8512.30.10.00 | Bells or buzzers for use in the repair of logging trucks, or in the manufacture of such parts;
, For use in the manufacture of detectors for propane or other toxic fumes |
8512.30.90.00 | Andere |
8512.40.00.00 | Scheibenwischer, scheibenentfroster und vorrichtungen gegen das beschlagen der fensterscheiben |
8512.90.00 | Teile: |
8512.90.00.10 | Of lighting equipment |
8512.90.00.20 | Of signalling equipment |
8512.90.00.90 | Andere |
8513 | Portable electric lamps designed to function by their own source of energy (for example, dry batteries, accumulators, magnetos), other than lighting equipment of heading 85.12. |
8513.10 | Leuchten |
8513.10.10.00 | Flashlights;
, Miners' safety lamps |
8513.10.90.00 | Andere |
8513.90 | Teile: |
8513.90.10.00 | Of flashlights and miners' safety lamps |
8513.90.90.00 | Andere |
8514 | Industrial or laboratory electric furnaces and ovens (including those functioning by induction or dielectric loss); other industrial or laboratory equipment for the heat treatment of materials by induction or dielectric loss. |
8514.A | Widerstandsöfen mit indirekter beheizung: |
8514.11.00.00 | Heißisostatische pressen |
8514.19.00.00 | Andere |
8514.20.00.00 | Induktionsöfen oder öfen mit dielektrischer erwärmung |
8514.B | Andere öfen: |
8514.31.00.00 | Elektronenstrahlöfen |
8514.32.00.00 | Plasma- und vakuum-lichtbogenöfen |
8514.39.00.00 | Andere |
8514.40.00.00 | Andere apparate zum warmbehandeln von stoffen mittels induktion oder dielektrischer erwärmung |
8514.90.00.00 | Teile |
8515 | Electric (including electrically heated gas), laser or other light or photon beam, ultrasonic, electron beam, magnetic pulse or plasma arc soldering, brazing or welding machines and apparatus, whether or not capable of cutting; electric machines and apparatus for hot spraying of metals or cermets. |
8515.A | Maschinen, apparate und geräte zum hart- oder weichlöten: |
8515.11.00.00 | Lötkolben und lötpistolen |
8515.19.00.00 | Andere |
8515.B | Maschinen, apparate und geräte zum widerstandsschweißen von metallen: |
8515.21.00.00 | Voll- oder teilautomatische |
8515.29.00.00 | Andere |
8515.C | Maschinen, apparate und geräte zum lichtbogen- oder plasmaschweißen von metallen: |
8515.31.00 | Voll- oder teilautomatische |
8515.31.00.30 | DC or AC/DC arc welders |
8515.31.00.90 | Andere |
8515.39.00 | Andere: |
8515.39.00.A | Non-rotating type: |
8515.39.00.11 | AC transformer type |
8515.39.00.19 | Andere |
8515.39.00.20 | Rotating type |
8515.80.00.00 | Andere maschinen, apparate und geräte |
8515.90.00 | Teile: |
8515.90.00.20 | Of DC or AC/DC arc welders |
8515.90.00.80 | Of other welding machines and apparatus |
8515.90.00.90 | Andere |
8516 | Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters; electric space heating apparatus and soil heating apparatus; electro-thermic hair-dressing apparatus (for example, hair dryers, hair curlers, curling tong heaters) and hand dryers; electric smoothing irons; other electro-thermic appliances of a kind used for domestic purposes; electric heating resistors, other than those of heading 85.45. |
8516.10 | Elektrische warmwasserbereiter und tauchsieder: |
8516.10.10.00 | Immersion heaters for photographic solutions |
8516.10.20.00 | Immersion heaters for use in motor vehicles |
8516.10.90 | Andere: |
8516.10.90.10 | Electric water heaters of a kind used for domestic purposes |
8516.10.90.90 | Andere |
8516.A | Elektrische geräte zum raum- oder bodenbeheizen oder zu ähnlichen zwecken: |
8516.21.00.00 | Speicherheizgeräte |
8516.29.00 | Andere: |
8516.29.00.A | Electric space heating apparatus: |
8516.29.00.11 | Of a kind used for domestic purposes |
8516.29.00.12 | Forced air type with built-in fan |
8516.29.00.13 | Infra-red type |
8516.29.00.19 | Andere |
8516.29.00.20 | Electric soil heating apparatus |
8516.B | Electro-thermic hair-dressing or hand-drying apparatus: |
8516.31.00 | Hair dryers |
8516.31.00.10 | Domestic hair dryers |
8516.31.00.90 | Andere |
8516.32 | Other hair-dressing apparatus |
8516.32.10.00 | Curling irons |
8516.32.90.00 | Andere |
8516.33 | Händetrockner |
8516.33.10.00 | Wall mounted |
8516.33.90.00 | Andere |
8516.40.00.00 | Elektrische bügeleisen |
8516.50.00.00 | Mikrowellengeräte |
8516.60 | Other ovens; cookers, cooking plates, boiling rings, grillers and roasters |
8516.60.10 | Bread makers;
, Indoor smokeless barbecues;
, Rice cookers |
8516.60.10.10 | Bread makers |
8516.60.10.20 | Indoor smokeless barbecues |
8516.60.10.30 | Rice cookers |
8516.60.20 | Ovens, cooking stoves and ranges |
8516.60.20.10 | Ovens, built-in |
8516.60.20.20 | Cooking stoves and ranges |
8516.60.20.90 | Andere |
8516.60.90 | Andere: |
8516.60.90.10 | Counter-top appliances |
8516.60.90.90 | Andere |
8516.C | Other electro-thermic appliances: |
8516.71 | Kaffeemaschinen und teemaschinen |
8516.71.10.00 | Coffee makers |
8516.71.20.00 | Tea makers |
8516.72 | Brotröster (toaster) |
8516.72.10.00 | Automatic |
8516.72.90.00 | Andere |
8516.79 | Andere: |
8516.79.10.00 | Fabric steamers |
8516.79.90.00 | Andere |
8516.80.00 | Elektrische heizwiderstände: |
8516.80.00.10 | Designed for cooking, of a kind used for domestic purposes |
8516.80.00.90 | Andere |
8516.90 | Teile: |
8516.90.10.00 | Housings for hand-drying apparatus |
8516.90.20.00 | Housings and steel bases for electric smoothing irons |
8516.90.30.00 | Assemblies for microwave ovens, incorporating at least two of the following: cooking chamber, space structural supporting chassis, door or outer case |
8516.90.40.00 | Printed circuit assemblies for microwave ovens |
8516.90.50.00 | Cooking chambers, whether or not assembled, for ovens or cookers |
8516.90.60.00 | Top surface panels, whether or not with heating elements or controls, for ovens or cookers |
8516.90.70.00 | Door assemblies, for ovens or cookers, incorporating at least two of the following: inner panel, outer panel, window or insulation |
8516.90.A | Housings for toasters: |
8516.90.81.00 | For automatic toasters |
8516.90.82.00 | For other toasters |
8516.90.90 | Andere: |
8516.90.90.70 | For ovens or cookers |
8516.90.90.90 | Andere |
8517 | Telephone sets, including smartphones and other telephones for cellular networks or for other wireless networks; other apparatus for the transmission or reception of voice, images or other data, including apparatus for communication in a wired or wireless network (such as a local or wide area network), other than transmission or reception apparatus of heading 84.43, 85.25, 85.27 or 85.28. |
8517.A | Fernsprechapparate, einschließlich smartphones und andere telefone für zellulare netzwerke und andere drahtlose netzwerke: |
8517.11.00 | Fernsprechapparate für die drahtgebundene fernsprechtechnik mit schnurlosem hörer |
8517.11.00.10 | With answering machine |
8517.11.00.20 | Without answering machine |
8517.13.00.00 | Smartphones |
8517.14.00.00 | Andere telefone für zellulare netzwerke oder andere drahtlose netzwerke |
8517.18.00 | Andere: |
8517.18.00.10 | Videophones |
8517.18.00.A | Andere: |
8517.18.00.91 | Line telephone sets with corded handsets, with answering machine |
8517.18.00.92 | Line telephone sets with corded handsets, without answering machine |
8517.18.00.99 | Andere |
8517.B | Andere sende- oder empfangsgeräte für töne, bilder oder andere daten, einschließlich apparate für die kommunikation in einem drahtgebundenen oder drahtlosen netzwerk (wie ein lokales netzwerk oder ein weitverkehrsnetzwerk): |
8517.61.00.00 | Basisstationen |
8517.62.00 | Geräte zum empfangen, konvertieren und senden oder regenerieren von tönen, bildern oder anderen daten, einschließlich geräte für die vermittlung (switching) und wegewahl (routing) |
8517.62.00.30 | Modems, including facsimile modems, of a kind used with data processing machines of heading 84.71 |
8517.62.00.40 | Other modems |
8517.62.00.90 | Andere |
8517.69.00 | Andere: |
8517.69.00.10 | Facsimile apparatus;Other telephonic or telegraphic apparatus |
8517.69.00.20 | Receivers for calling, alerting or paging |
8517.69.00.90 | Andere |
8517.C | Teile: |
8517.71.00.00 | Antennen und antennenreflektoren aller art; teile, die erkennbar mit diesen waren verwendet werden |
8517.79.00.00 | Andere |
8518 | Microphones and stands therefor; loudspeakers, whether or not mounted in their enclosures; headphones and earphones, whether or not combined with a microphone, and sets consisting of a microphone and one or more loudspeakers; audio-frequency electric amplifiers; electric sound amplifier sets. |
8518.10.00.00 | Mikrofone und haltevorrichtungen dafür |
8518.A | Lautsprecher, auch in gehäusen: |
8518.21.00.00 | Einzellautsprecher im gehäuse |
8518.22.00.00 | Zwei oder mehr lautsprecher in einem gemeinsamen gehäuse (mehrfachlautsprecher) |
8518.29.00.00 | Andere |
8518.30 | Kopf- und ohrhörer, auch mit mikrofon kombiniert, und zusammenstellungen, aus einem mikrofon und einem oder mehreren lautsprechern bestehend: |
8518.30.10.00 | Telephone handsets |
8518.30.90 | Andere: |
8518.30.90.10 | Headphones, including earphones, and telephone headsets |
8518.30.90.90 | Andere |
8518.40.00.00 | Elektrische tonfrequenzverstärker |
8518.50.00.00 | Elektrische tonverstärkereinrichtungen |
8518.90.00.00 | Teile |
8519 | Sound recording or reproducing apparatus. |
8519.20 | Geräte, die durch eingabe von münzen, banknoten, bankkarten, wertmarken oder anderer zahlungsmittel betätigt werden: |
8519.20.10.00 | Coin- or token-operated record-players |
8519.20.90.00 | Andere |
8519.30 | Plattenteller |
8519.30.10.00 | With automatic record changing mechanism |
8519.30.90.00 | Andere |
8519.A | Andere geräte: |
8519.81.00.00 | Magnetische, optische oder halbleiter-aufzeichnungsträger verwendend |
8519.89.00.00 | Andere |
8521 | Video recording or reproducing apparatus, whether or not incorporating a video tuner. |
8521.10.00.00 | Magnetbandgeräte |
8521.90.00 | Andere: |
8521.90.00.10 | Laser video disc players |
8521.90.00.90 | Andere |
8522 | Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading 85.19 or 85.21. |
8522.10.00.00 | Tonabnehmer für rillentonträger |
8522.90 | Andere: |
8522.90.10.00 | Printed circuit assemblies |
8522.90.90.00 | Andere |
8523 | Discs, tapes, solid-state non-volatile storage devices, "smart cards" and other media for the recording of sound or of other phenomena, whether or not recorded, including matrices and masters for the production of discs, but excluding products of Chapter 37. |
8523.A | Magnetische aufzeichnungsträger: |
8523.21 | Karten mit magnetstreifen |
8523.21.10.00 | Cards incorporating an unrecorded magnetic stripe |
8523.21.20.00 | Cards incorporating a recorded magnetic stripe |
8523.29.00.00 | Andere |
8523.B | Optische aufzeichnungsträger: |
8523.41.00.00 | Ohne aufzeichnung |
8523.49.00 | Andere: |
8523.49.00.A | Recorded discs, for laser reading systems, for reproducing phenomena other than sound or image: |
8523.49.00.11 | Prepackaged software, for automatic data processing machines, of a kind sold at retail |
8523.49.00.12 | Customized software |
8523.49.00.18 | Other software |
8523.49.00.19 | Andere |
8523.49.00.90 | Andere |
8523.C | Halbleiter-aufzeichnungsträger: |
8523.51.00.00 | Nicht flüchtige halbleiterspeichervorrichtungen |
8523.52.00.00 | "Smart cards" |
8523.59.00.00 | Andere |
8523.80.00.00 | Andere |
8524 | Flat panel display modules, whether or not incorporating touch-sensitive screens. |
8524.A | Ohne treiber oder steuerschaltkreise: |
8524.11 | Aus flüssigkristallen |
8524.11.10.00 | For motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05 |
8524.11.20.00 | Replacement parts other than those used in goods of tariff item No. 8509.40.90 or 8509.80.90 |
8524.11.90.00 | Andere |
8524.12 | Of organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) |
8524.12.10.00 | For motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05 |
8524.12.20.00 | Replacement parts other than those used in goods of tariff item No. 8509.40.90 or 8509.80.90 |
8524.12.90.00 | Andere |
8524.19 | Andere: |
8524.19.10.00 | For motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05 |
8524.19.20.00 | Replacement parts other than those used in goods of tariff item No. 8509.40.90 or 8509.80.90 |
8524.19.90.00 | Andere |
8524.B | Andere: |
8524.91 | Aus flüssigkristallen |
8524.91.10.00 | For motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05 |
8524.91.20.00 | Replacement parts other than those used in goods of tariff item No. 8509.40.90 or 8509.80.90 |
8524.91.90.00 | Andere |
8524.92 | Of organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) |
8524.92.10.00 | For motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05 |
8524.92.20.00 | Replacement parts other than those used in goods of tariff item No. 8509.40.90 or 8509.80.90 |
8524.92.90.00 | Andere |
8524.99 | Andere: |
8524.99.10.00 | For motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05 |
8524.99.20.00 | Replacement parts other than those used in goods of tariff item No. 8509.40.90 or 8509.80.90 |
8524.99.90.00 | Andere |
8525 | Transmission apparatus for radio-broadcasting or television, whether or not incorporating reception apparatus or sound recording or reproducing apparatus; television cameras, digital cameras and video camera recorders. |
8525.50.00 | Sendegeräte |
8525.50.00.10 | For television |
8525.50.00.30 | For aircraft |
8525.50.00.90 | Andere |
8525.60.00 | Sendegeräte mit eingebautem empfangsgerät |
8525.60.00.40 | For aircraft |
8525.60.00.90 | Andere |
8525.A | Fernsehkameras, digitale fotoapparate und videokameraaufnahmegeräte: |
8525.81.00.00 | High-speed goods as specified in Subheading Note 1 to this Chapter |
8525.82.00.00 | Other, radiation-hardened or radiation-tolerant goods as specified in Subheading Note 2 to this Chapter |
8525.83.00.00 | Other, night vision goods as specified in Subheading Note 3 to this Chapter |
8525.89.00 | Andere: |
8525.89.00.10 | Television cameras |
8525.89.00.20 | Digital cameras and video camera recorders |
8526 | Radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus and radio remote control apparatus. |
8526.10.00 | Funkmessgeräte (radargeräte): |
8526.10.00.10 | For aircraft |
8526.10.00.20 | For boats or ships |
8526.10.00.90 | Andere |
8526.A | Andere: |
8526.91.00 | Funknavigationsgeräte: |
8526.91.00.20 | For aircraft |
8526.91.00.80 | Other, reception only |
8526.91.00.90 | Andere |
8526.92.00 | Funkfernsteuergeräte: |
8526.92.00.10 | Radio remote control apparatus, for use on amateur bands for hobby purposes or domestic audio/video equipment |
8526.92.00.90 | Andere |
8527 | Reception apparatus for radio-broadcasting, whether or not combined, in the same housing, with sound recording or reproducing apparatus or a clock. |
8527.A | Rundfunkempfangsgeräte, die ohne externe energiequelle betrieben werden können: |
8527.12.00.00 | Pocket-size radio cassette-players |
8527.13.00.00 | Andere geräte, kombiniert mit tonaufnahme- oder tonwiedergabegeräten |
8527.19.00.00 | Andere |
8527.B | Rundfunkempfangsgeräte von der in kraftfahrzeugen verwendeten art, die nur mit externer energiequelle betrieben werden können: |
8527.21.00.00 | Kombiniert mit tonaufnahme- oder tonwiedergabegeräten |
8527.29.00.00 | Andere |
8527.C | Andere: |
8527.91.00.00 | Kombiniert mit tonaufnahme- oder tonwiedergabegeräten |
8527.92.00.00 | Nicht mit tonaufnahme- oder tonwiedergabegeräten, jedoch mit uhr kombiniert |
8527.99.00.00 | Andere |
8528 | Monitors and projectors, not incorporating television reception apparatus; reception apparatus for television, whether or not incorporating radio-broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus. |
8528.A | Monitore mit kathodenstrahlröhre: |
8528.42.00.00 | Capable of directly connecting to and designed for use with an automatic data processing machine of heading 84.71 |
8528.49.00.00 | Andere |
8528.B | Andere monitore: |
8528.52.00.00 | Capable of directly connecting to and designed for use with an automatic data processing machine of heading 84.71 |
8528.59 | Andere: |
8528.59.A | For use in the manufacture of lightwave transmission systems: |
8528.59.11.00 | High definition |
8528.59.19.00 | Andere |
8528.59.20.00 | Black and white or other monochrome |
8528.59.30.00 | Incomplete or unfinished colour monitors, including assemblies for monitors consisting of video intermeidate (IF) amplifying and detecting systems, video processing and amplification systems, synchronizing and deflection circuitry and audio detection and amplification systems plus a power supply, but not incorporating a flat panel screen or similar display;Other, having a single picture tube intended for direct viewing (non-projection type);Other, with flat panel screen |
8528.59.90.00 | Andere |
8528.C | Projectors: |
8528.62.00.00 | Capable of directly connecting to and designed for use with an automatic data processing machine of heading 84.71 |
8528.69 | Andere: |
8528.69.A | Colour, with flat panel screen: |
8528.69.11.00 | Capable of being used with both automatic data processing machines of heading 84.71 and with apparatus which emits television signals |
8528.69.19.00 | Andere |
8528.69.20.00 | Incomplete or unfinished colour pojectors, including assemblies for projectors consisting of video intermediate (IF) amplifying and detecting systems, video processing and amplification systems, synchronizing and deflection circuitry and audio detection and amplification systems plus a power supply, but not incorporating a cathode-ray tube, flat panel screen or similar display;
, Colour, other |
8528.69.30.00 | Black and white or other monochrome |
8528.D | Fernsehempfangsgeräte, auch mit eingebautem rundfunkempfangsgerät oder ton- oder bildaufzeichnungs- oder -wiedergabegerät: |
8528.71.00 | Der beschaffenheit nach nicht für den einbau eines videobildschirms hergerichtet: |
8528.71.00.10 | Set-top boxes which have a communication function: a microprocessor-based device incorporating a model for gaining access to the Internet, and having a function of interactive information exchange |
8528.71.00.90 | Andere |
8528.72 | Andere, für mehrfarbiges bild: |
8528.72.10.00 | Set-top boxes which have a communication function: a microprocessor-based device incorporating a modem for gaining access to the Internet, and having a function of interactive information exchange |
8528.72.20.00 | Incomplete or unfinished television receivers, including assemblies for television receivers consisting of video intermediate (IF) amplifying and detecting systems, video processing and amplification systems, synchronizing and deflection circuitry, tuners and tuner control systems, and audio detection and amplification systems plus a power supply, but not incorporating a cathode-ray tube, flat panel screen or similar display |
8528.72.A | High definition: |
8528.72.31.00 | Projection type, with cathode-ray tube |
8528.72.32.00 | Non-projection type, with cathode-ray tube |
8528.72.33.00 | Other, with flat panel screen |
8528.72.34.00 | Other, for use in the manufacture of lightwave transmission systems |
8528.72.39.00 | Andere |
8528.72.B | Andere: |
8528.72.91.00 | Having a single picture tube intended for direct viewing (non-projection type), with a video display diagonal not exceeding 35.56 cm |
8528.72.92.00 | Combined in the same housing with video recording or reproducing apparatus (video cassette recorders/players), having a single picture tube intended for direct viewing (non-projection type), with a video display diagonal exceeding 35.56 cm |
8528.72.93.00 | Other non-projection type having a single picture tube intended for direct viewing, with a video display diagonal exceeding 35.56 cm but less than 66.04 cm |
8528.72.94.00 | Other non-projection type having a single picture tube intended for direct viewing, with a video display diagonal of 66.04 cm or more |
8528.72.95.00 | Projection type, with cathode-ray tube |
8528.72.96.00 | Other, with flat panel screen |
8528.72.97.00 | Other, for use in the manufacture of lightwave transmission systems |
8528.72.99.00 | Andere |
8528.73 | Andere, für einfarbiges bild |
8528.73.10.00 | Domestic television receivers |
8528.73.90.00 | Andere |
8529 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of headings 85.24 to 85.28. |
8529.10.00 | Antennen und antennenreflektoren aller art; teile, die erkennbar mit diesen waren verwendet werden |
8529.10.00.10 | Radio |
8529.10.00.20 | Television |
8529.10.00.30 | Radar, radio navigational aid and radio remote control |
8529.10.00.90 | Andere |
8529.90 | Andere: |
8529.90.10.00 | Printed circuit assemblies |
8529.90.20.00 | Transceiver assemblies for the goods of subheading 8526.10, not elsewhere specified or included |
8529.90.A | The following parts of television receivers (including video monitors and video projectors): video intermediate (IF) amplifying and detecting systems; video processing and amplification systems; synchronizing and deflection circuitry; tuners and tuner control systems; and audio detection and amplification systems: |
8529.90.31.00 | Combinations of parts |
8529.90.39.00 | Andere |
8529.90.50.00 | Parts, including face plates and lock latches, for printed circuit assemblies |
8529.90.60.00 | Other parts of goods of heading 85.25 or 85.27, excluding parts of cellular telephones |
8529.90.90.00 | Andere |
8530 | Electrical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields (other than those of heading 86.08). |
8530.10.00.00 | Geräte für schienenwege oder dergleichen |
8530.80 | Andere geräte |
8530.80.10.00 | For use in the manufacture, maintenance or repair of buoys for the Government of Canada |
8530.80.90.00 | Andere |
8530.90.00 | Teile: |
8530.90.00.10 | Of equipment for railways or tramways |
8530.90.00.90 | Andere |
8531 | Electric sound or visual signalling apparatus (for example, bells, sirens, indicator panels, burglar or fire alarms), other than those of heading 85.12 or 85.30. |
8531.10 | Einbruchs- oder diebstahlalarmgeräte, feuermelder und ähnliche geräte: |
8531.10.10 | Indicating or automatic alarm equipment for detecting or indicating noxious gases or noxious vapours in the atmosphere;
, Smoke detectors |
8531.10.10.10 | Battery-operated |
8531.10.10.90 | Andere |
8531.10.90 | Andere: |
8531.10.90.10 | Burglar alarms |
8531.10.90.90 | Andere |
8531.20.00 | Indicator panels incorporating liquid crystal devices (LCD) or light-emitting diodes (LED) |
8531.20.00.10 | Incorporating LCD's |
8531.20.00.90 | Andere |
8531.80.00 | Andere geräte: |
8531.80.00.10 | Indicating or automatic alarm equipment for detecting or indicating noxious gases or noxious vapours in the atmosphere |
8531.80.00.90 | Andere |
8531.90.00 | Teile: |
8531.90.00.10 | Of smoke detectors; of indicating or automatic alarm equipment, for detecting or indicating noxious gases or noxious vapours in the atmosphere |
8531.90.00.90 | Andere |
8532 | Electrical capacitors, fixed, variable or adjustable (pre-set). |
8532.10.00.00 | Fixed capacitors designed for use in 50/60 Hz circuits and having a reactive power handling capacity of not less than 0.5 kvar (power capacitors) |
8532.A | Andere festkondensatoren: |
8532.21.00 | Tantalkondensatoren |
8532.21.00.10 | Designed for surface mounting, chips |
8532.21.00.90 | Andere |
8532.22.00.00 | Aluminum electrolytic |
8532.23.00.00 | Einschichtige keramikkondensatoren |
8532.24.00 | Mehrschichtige keramikkondensatoren |
8532.24.00.10 | Chips |
8532.24.00.90 | Andere |
8532.25.00.00 | Papierkondensatoren und kunststoffkondensatoren |
8532.29.00.00 | Andere |
8532.30.00.00 | Drehkondensatoren und andere einstellbare kondensatoren |
8532.90.00.00 | Teile |
8533 | Electrical resistors (including rheostats and potentiometers), other than heating resistors. |
8533.10.00.00 | Kohlemasse- und kohleschichtfestwiderstände |
8533.A | Andere festwiderstände: |
8533.21.00.00 | For a power handling capacity not exceeding 20 W |
8533.29.00.00 | Andere |
8533.B | Draht-stellwiderstände (einschließlich rheostate und potenziometer): |
8533.31.00.00 | For a power handling capacity not exceeding 20 W |
8533.39.00.00 | Andere |
8533.40.00.00 | Andere stellwiderstände (einschließlich rheostate und potenziometer) |
8533.90 | Teile: |
8533.90.10.00 | Of ceramic or metallic materials, electrically or mechanically reactive to changes in temperature, for the goods of tariff item No. 8533.40.00 |
8533.90.90.00 | Andere |
8534.00.00 | Printed circuits. |
8534.00.00.A | Plastic impregnated, not flexible type: |
8534.00.00.11 | Having a glass base, with 3 or more layers of conducting materials |
8534.00.00.12 | Having a glass base, with less than 3 layers of conducting materials |
8534.00.00.19 | Andere |
8534.00.00.B | Andere: |
8534.00.00.92 | Having a ceramic base |
8534.00.00.99 | Andere |
8535 | Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits (for example, switches, fuses, lightning arresters, voltage limiters, surge suppressors, plugs and other connectors, junction boxes), for a voltage exceeding 1,000 volts. |
8535.10.00 | Sicherungen: |
8535.10.00.10 | For a voltage exceeding 1,000 volts, to be employed in mining, recovering and producing crude oil from shales, oil-sands or tar-sands |
8535.10.00.90 | Andere |
8535.A | Leistungsschalter: |
8535.21.00.00 | Für eine spannung von weniger als 72,5 kv |
8535.29.00.00 | Andere |
8535.30.00 | Trennschalter sowie ein- und ausschalter: |
8535.30.00.10 | Knife |
8535.30.00.90 | Andere |
8535.40.00.00 | Blitzschutzvorrichtungen, spannungsbegrenzer und überspannungsableiter |
8535.90 | Andere: |
8535.90.30.00 | Motor starters and motor overload protectors |
8535.90.90 | Andere: |
8535.90.90.10 | Terminals, electrical splices and electrical couplings |
8535.90.90.20 | Other connectors |
8535.90.90.90 | Andere |
8536 | Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, or for making connections to or in electrical circuits (for example, switches, relays, fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets, lamp-holders and other connectors, junction boxes), for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 volts; connectors for optical fibres, optical fibre bundles or cables. |
8536.10.00.00 | Sicherungen |
8536.20.00 | Leistungsschalter: |
8536.20.00.10 | With molded case |
8536.20.00.90 | Andere |
8536.30 | Other apparatus for protecting electric circuits |
8536.30.10.00 | Overloads for use in the manufacture of air conditioning machines |
8536.30.20.00 | Overload motor protectors excluding those for use in the manufacture of air conditioning machines |
8536.30.90 | Andere: |
8536.30.90.10 | Overloads |
8536.30.90.90 | Andere |
8536.A | Relais: |
8536.41.00 | Für eine spannung von 60 v oder weniger: |
8536.41.00.A | With contacts rated at less than 10 A: |
8536.41.00.11 | Electro-mechanical |
8536.41.00.19 | Andere |
8536.41.00.20 | Automotive signalling flashers |
8536.41.00.B | Andere: |
8536.41.00.91 | Contactors |
8536.41.00.92 | Electro-mechanical |
8536.41.00.99 | Andere |
8536.49.00 | Andere: |
8536.49.00.10 | Electro-mechanical, with contacts rated at less than 10 A |
8536.49.00.20 | Other, with contacts rated at less than 10 A |
8536.49.00.30 | Contactors |
8536.49.00.40 | Other, electro-mechanical |
8536.49.00.90 | Andere |
8536.50 | Andere schalter: |
8536.50.10.00 | Motor starters |
8536.50.90 | Andere: |
8536.50.90.A | Push-button: |
8536.50.90.11 | For use with machinery or equipment |
8536.50.90.19 | Andere |
8536.50.90.20 | High pressure and float, except for dishwashers |
8536.50.90.30 | Rotary |
8536.50.90.40 | Snap-action, other than limit |
8536.50.90.50 | Knife |
8536.50.90.60 | Limit |
8536.50.90.90 | Andere |
8536.B | Lampenfassungen und steckvorrichtungen: |
8536.61.00.00 | Lampenfassungen |
8536.69.00 | Andere: |
8536.69.00.10 | For co-axial cables |
8536.69.00.20 | For printed circuits |
8536.69.00.30 | Cylindrical multi-contact connectors |
8536.69.00.40 | Rack and panel connectors |
8536.69.00.90 | Andere |
8536.70.00.00 | Verbinder für optische fasern, bündel aus optischen fasern oder optische kabel |
8536.90.00 | Andere geräte: |
8536.90.00.10 | Junction boxes |
8536.90.00.20 | Terminals, electrical splices and electrical couplings |
8536.90.00.90 | Andere |
8537 | Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases, equipped with two or more apparatus of heading 85.35 or 85.36, for electric control or the distribution of electricity, including those incorporating instruments or apparatus of Chapter 90, and numerical control apparatus, other than switching apparatus of heading 85.17. |
8537.10 | Für eine spannung von 1 000 v oder weniger: |
8537.10.A | Numerical control panels with built-in automatic data processing machines: |
8537.10.11.00 | Assembled with outer housings or supports, for the goods of heading 84.21, 84.22, 84.28, 84.50 or 85.16 |
8537.10.19 | Andere: |
8537.10.19.10 | For use with machinery or equipment |
8537.10.19.90 | Andere |
8537.10.B | Motor control centres: |
8537.10.21.00 | For automotive use |
8537.10.29 | Andere: |
8537.10.29.10 | For use with machinery or equipment |
8537.10.29.90 | Andere |
8537.10.C | Other, for use with machinery or equipment: |
8537.10.31.00 | Automated industrial control systems, excluding panels for anode formers |
8537.10.39 | Andere: |
8537.10.39.10 | Assembled with outer housings or supports, for the goods of heading 84.21, 84.22, 84.50 or 85.16 |
8537.10.39.A | Andere: |
8537.10.39.91 | Panel boards and distribution boards |
8537.10.39.92 | Programmable controllers |
8537.10.39.99 | Andere |
8537.10.D | Andere: |
8537.10.91.00 | Assembled with outer housings or supports, for the goods of heading 84.21, 84.22, 84.50 or 85.16 |
8537.10.93.00 | Panel boards and distribution boards |
8537.10.99 | Andere: |
8537.10.99.20 | Programmable controllers |
8537.10.99.30 | Metal clad industrial switchgear, excluding flameproof electric switchgear to be employed in mines in which inflammable gases exist |
8537.10.99.90 | Andere |
8537.20.00 | Für eine spannung von mehr als 1 000 v: |
8537.20.00.10 | Switchgear assemblies and switchboards |
8537.20.00.90 | Andere |
8538 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of heading 85.35, 85.36 or 85.37. |
8538.10.00.00 | Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases for the goods of heading 85.37, not equipped with their apparatus |
8538.90 | Andere: |
8538.90.10.00 | Of ceramic or metallic materials, electrically or mechanically reactive to changes in temperature, for motor starters and overload protectors |
8538.90.20.00 | Printed circuit assemblies |
8538.90.A | Moulded parts: |
8538.90.31.00 | For use in the manufacture of relays, microwave, passive infrared, or combination microwave/passive infrared, for a voltage not exceeding 60 V |
8538.90.39.00 | Andere |
8538.90.90 | Andere: |
8538.90.90.10 | Of automatic circuit breakers |
8538.90.90.20 | Metal contacts |
8538.90.90.30 | Other parts of switchgear, switchboards, panel boards and distribution boards |
8538.90.90.90 | Andere |
8539 | Electric filament or discharge lamps, including sealed beam lamp units and ultra-violet or infra-red lamps; arc-lamps, light-emitting diode (LED) light sources. |
8539.10 | Innenverspiegelte scheinwerferlampen (sealed beam lamp units): |
8539.10.10 | For use in motor vehicles of Chapter 87 |
8539.10.10.10 | Of a dimension less than 15.24 cm |
8539.10.10.20 | Of a dimension 15.24 cm or more |
8539.10.90 | Andere: |
8539.10.90.10 | Of a dimension less than 15.24 cm |
8539.10.90.20 | Of a dimension 15.24 cm or more |
8539.A | Other filament lamps, excluding ultra-violet or infra-red lamps: |
8539.21.00 | Wolfram-halogen-glühlampen: |
8539.21.00.10 | For a voltage not exceeding 100 V |
8539.21.00.20 | For a voltage exceeding 100 V |
8539.22 | Andere, mit einer leistung von 200 w oder weniger und für eine spannung von mehr als 100 v: |
8539.22.10.00 | For use in the manufacture of Christmas lighting sets or patio lighting sets |
8539.22.90 | Andere: |
8539.22.90.10 | Standard household, of a power of 40 to 100 watts |
8539.22.90.90 | Andere |
8539.29 | Andere: |
8539.29.10.00 | Xenon filament lamps |
8539.29.A | Andere: |
8539.29.91.00 | For a voltage exceeding 31 V |
8539.29.99 | Andere: |
8539.29.99.10 | For use with the motor vehicles of Chapter 87 |
8539.29.99.90 | Andere |
8539.B | Discharge lamps, other than ultra-violet lamps: |
8539.31.00 | Glühkathoden-leuchtstofflampen: |
8539.31.00.20 | Single-end connection tubes, including compact |
8539.31.00.90 | Andere |
8539.32 | Quecksilber- oder natriumdampflampen; halogen-metalldampflampen: |
8539.32.10.00 | For use in measuring, checking or testing instruments of Chapter 90, or for use in electrically operated apparatus for indicating intervals of time;
, High pressure (190-200 atmospheres), 100W to 300W mercury discharge lamps with arc gaps from 1.0mm to 1.3mm, mounted within a parabolic or elliptical dichroic glass reflector, and with a luminious efficiency of
, 60 (+/- 5) lumens per watt, for use in Canadian manufactures |
8539.32.90 | Andere: |
8539.32.90.10 | Mercury vapour |
8539.32.90.20 | Sodium vapour |
8539.32.90.30 | Metal halide |
8539.39.00.00 | Andere |
8539.C | Ultra-violet or infra-red lamps; arc-lamps: |
8539.41 | Arc-lamps |
8539.41.10.00 | For use in measuring, checking or testing instruments of Chapter 90, or for use in electrically operated apparatus for indicating intervals of time;
, Hollow-cathode lamps, for use in instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting noxious gases;
, Xenon arc-lamps |
8539.41.90.00 | Andere |
8539.49 | Andere: |
8539.49.10.00 | For use in measuring, checking or testing instruments of Chapter 90, or for use in electrically operated apparatus for indicating intervals of time;
, Ultra violet hollow-cathode lamps, for use in instruments and apparatus for measuring or detecting noxious gases;
, Ultra violet lamps designed for detecting scheelite ore |
8539.49.90.00 | Andere |
8539.D | Leuchtdiodenlichtquellen (led-lichtquellen): |
8539.51 | Light-emitting diode (LED) modules |
8539.51.10.00 | To be incorporated into goods of Chapter 85 or 94 |
8539.51.90.00 | Andere |
8539.52.00.00 | Light-emitting diode (LED) lamps |
8539.90 | Teile: |
8539.90.10.00 | Filaments, cathodes or electrodes, for use in the manufacture of electric lamps;
, Of the goods of tariff item No. 8539.10.90, 8539.22.10, 8539.29.10, 8539.32.10, 8539.39.00, 8539.41.10, 8539.49.10, 8543.90.00 or 9405.99.00 |
8539.90.90.00 | Andere |
8540 | Thermionic, cold cathode or photo-cathode valves and tubes (for example, vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television camera tubes). |
8540.A | Kathodenstrahlröhren für fernsehempfangsgeräte, einschließlich kathodenstrahlröhren für videomonitore: |
8540.11 | Für mehrfarbiges bild: |
8540.11.A | High definition: |
8540.11.11.00 | With a video display diagonal not exceeding 35.56 cm |
8540.11.12.00 | With a video display diagonal exceeding 35.56 cm |
8540.11.B | Other, for non-projection television receivers: |
8540.11.21.00 | With a video display diagonal not exceeding 35.56 cm |
8540.11.22.00 | With a video display diagonal exceeding 35.56 cm |
8540.11.90.00 | Andere |
8540.12 | Für einfarbiges bild: |
8540.12.A | High definition: |
8540.12.11.00 | For use in the manufacture of video monitors;
, For use in the manufacture of high definition colour television receivers, projection type |
8540.12.19.00 | Andere |
8540.12.B | Andere: |
8540.12.91.00 | For use in the manufacture of video monitors;
, For use in the manufacture of other colour television receivers, projection type |
8540.12.99.00 | Andere |
8540.20.00.00 | Television camera tubes; image converters and intensifiers; other photo-cathode tubes |
8540.40.00.00 | Data/graphic display tubes, monochrome; data/graphic display tubes, colour, with a phosphor dot screen pitch smaller than 0.4 mm |
8540.60.00.00 | Andere kathodenstrahlröhren |
8540.B | Microwave tubes (for example, magnetrons, klystrons, travelling wave tubes, carcinotrons), excluding grid-controlled tubes: |
8540.71.00.00 | Magnetrone |
8540.79.00.00 | Andere |
8540.C | Andere elektronenröhren: |
8540.81.00.00 | Empfänger- und verstärkerröhren |
8540.89.00.00 | Andere |
8540.D | Teile: |
8540.91 | Von kathodenstrahlröhren: |
8540.91.10.00 | Front panel assemblies as follows:
, (a) with respect to colour cathode-ray television picture tube, an assembly that consists of a glass panel to which a shadow mask or aperture grill is attached for ultimate use, that is suitable for incorporation into a colour cathode-ray television picture tube (including a video monitor or video projector cathode-ray tube) and that has undergone the necessary chemical and physical processes for imprinting phosphors on the glass panel with sufficient precision to render a video image when excited by a stream of electrons; or
, (b) with respect to a monochrome cathode-ray television picture tube, an assembly that consists of either a glass panel or a glass envelope, that is suitable for incorporation into a monochrome cathode-ray television picture tube (including a video monitor or video projector cathode-ray tube) and that has undergone the necessary chemical and physical processes for imprinting phosphors on the glass panel or glass envelope with sufficient precision to render a video image when excited by a stream of electrons |
8540.91.90.00 | Andere |
8540.99 | Andere: |
8540.99.10.00 | Electron guns;
, Radio frequency (RF) interaction structures for microwave tubes of subheading 8540.71, 8540.72 or 8540.79 |
8540.99.90.00 | Andere |
8541 | Semiconductor devices (for example, diodes, transistors, semiconductor-based transducers); photosensitive semiconductor devices, including photovoltaic cells whether or not assembled in modules or made up into panels; light-emitting diodes (LED), whether or not assembled with other light-emitting diodes (LED); mounted piezo-electric crystals. |
8541.10.00 | Diodes, other than photosensitive or light-emitting diodes (LED) |
8541.10.00.30 | Zener |
8541.10.00.90 | Andere |
8541.A | Transistoren, andere als fototransistoren: |
8541.21.00.00 | With a dissipation rate of less than 1 W |
8541.29.00.00 | Andere |
8541.30.00.00 | Thyristoren, diacs und triacs, ausgenommen lichtempfindliche halbleiterbauelemente |
8541.B | Lichtempfindliche halbleiterbauelemente (einschließlich fotoelemente, auch zu modulen zusammengesetzt oder in form von tafeln); leuchtdioden (led): |
8541.41.00.00 | Light-emitting diodes (LED) |
8541.42.00.00 | Fotoelemente, weder zu modulen zusammengesetzt noch in form von tafeln |
8541.43.00.00 | Fotoelemente, zu modulen zusammengesetzt oder in form von tafeln |
8541.49.00 | Andere: |
8541.49.00.10 | Other diodes |
8541.49.00.20 | Optical coupled isolators |
8541.49.00.90 | Andere |
8541.C | Andere halbleiterbauelemente: |
8541.51.00.00 | Halbleiterbasierte transducer |
8541.59.00.00 | Andere |
8541.60.00 | Gefasste oder montierte piezoelektrische kristalle |
8541.60.00.10 | Quartz, designed for operating frequencies not exceeding 20 MHz |
8541.60.00.20 | Quartz, designed for operating frequencies exceeding 20 MHz |
8541.60.00.90 | Andere |
8541.90.00.00 | Teile |
8542 | Electronic integrated circuits. |
8542.A | Elektronische integrierte schaltungen: |
8542.31.00.00 | Prozessoren und steuer- und kontrollschaltungen, auch in verbindung mit speichern, wandlern, logischen schaltungen, verstärkern, uhren und taktgeberschaltungen oder anderen schaltungen |
8542.32.00 | Speicher: |
8542.32.00.20 | Dynamic read-write random access memory (DRAM) |
8542.32.00.30 | Static read-write random access memory (SRAM) |
8542.32.00.40 | Electrically erasable programmable read only memory (EEPROM) |
8542.32.00.50 | Other erasable programmable read only memory (EPROM) |
8542.32.00.90 | Andere |
8542.33.00.00 | Verstärker |
8542.39.00.00 | Andere |
8542.90.00.00 | Teile |
8543 | Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter. |
8543.10.00.00 | Teilchenbeschleuniger |
8543.20.00.00 | Signalgeneratoren |
8543.30.00.00 | Maschinen, apparate und geräte für die galvanotechnik, elektrolyse oder elektrophorese |
8543.40.00 | Elektronische zigaretten und ähnliche elektrische verdampfungsvorrichtungen zum persönlichen gebrauch |
8543.40.00.10 | With substances containing nicotine |
8543.40.00.90 | Andere |
8543.70.00.00 | Andere maschinen, apparate und geräte |
8543.90.00.00 | Teile |
8544 | Insulated (including enamelled or anodized) wire, cable (including co-axial cable) and other insulated electric conductors, whether or not fitted with connectors; optical fibre cables, made up of individually sheathed fibres, whether or not assembled with electric conductors or fitted with connectors. |
8544.A | Wickeldrähte: |
8544.11.00 | Aus kupfer: |
8544.11.00.10 | Of a diameter not exceeding 0.18 mm (33 AWG) |
8544.11.00.20 | Of a diameter exceeding 0.18 mm (33 AWG) but not exceeding 0.64 mm (22 AWG) |
8544.11.00.30 | Of a diameter exceeding 0.64 mm (22 AWG) |
8544.19.00.00 | Andere |
8544.20.00.00 | Co-axial cable and other co-axial electric conductors |
8544.30.00.00 | Zündkabelsätze und andere kabelsätze von der für beförderungsmittel verwendeten art |
8544.B | Andere elektrische leiter, für eine spannung von 1 000 v oder weniger: |
8544.42.00 | Mit anschlussstücken versehen: |
8544.42.00.10 | USB type cable, for a voltage not exceeding 5 V |
8544.42.00.90 | Andere |
8544.49.00 | Andere: |
8544.49.00.A | Aus kupfer: |
8544.49.00.11 | For a voltage exceeding 600 V |
8544.49.00.19 | Andere |
8544.49.00.90 | Andere |
8544.60.00 | Andere elektrische leiter, für eine spannung von mehr als 1 000 v: |
8544.60.00.A | Mit anschlussstücken versehen: |
8544.60.00.11 | Aus kupfer |
8544.60.00.19 | Andere |
8544.60.00.B | Andere: |
8544.60.00.91 | Aus kupfer |
8544.60.00.99 | Andere |
8544.70.00.00 | Kabel aus optischen fasern |
8545 | Carbon electrodes, carbon brushes, lamp carbons, battery carbons and other articles of graphite or other carbon, with or without metal, of a kind used for electrical purposes. |
8545.A | Elektroden: |
8545.11.00 | Von der für öfen verwendeten art: |
8545.11.00.A | Of graphite: |
8545.11.00.31 | Not exceeding 88.9 cm in circumference or outside measurement |
8545.11.00.32 | Exceeding 88.9 cm in circumference or outside measurement |
8545.11.00.90 | Andere |
8545.19.00.00 | Andere |
8545.20.00.00 | Kohlebürsten |
8545.90.00.00 | Andere |
8546 | Electrical insulators of any material. |
8546.10.00.00 | Aus glas |
8546.20.00 | Aus keramischen stoffen |
8546.20.00.10 | Of a kind used for the transmission of electrical energy |
8546.20.00.90 | Andere |
8546.90.00 | Andere: |
8546.90.00.10 | Of a kind used for the transmission of electrical energy |
8546.90.00.90 | Andere |
8547 | Insulating fittings for electrical machines, appliances or equipment, being fittings wholly of insulating material apart from any minor components of metal (for example, threaded sockets) incorporated during moulding solely for purposes of assembly, other than insulators of heading 85.46; electrical conduit tubing and joints therefor, of base metal lined with insulating material. |
8547.10.00.00 | Isolierteile aus keramischen stoffen |
8547.20.00.00 | Isolierteile aus kunststoffen |
8547.90.00 | Andere: |
8547.90.00.10 | Conduit tubing |
8547.90.00.20 | Threaded joints |
8547.90.00.30 | Other insulating fittings |
8547.90.00.90 | Andere |
8548.00.00.00 | Electrical parts of machinery or apparatus, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter. |
8549 | Electrical and electronic waste and scrap. |
8549.A | Abfälle und schrott von elektrischen primärelementen, primärbatterien und akkumulatoren; ausgebrauchte elektrische primärelemente, primärbatterien und akkumulatoren: |
8549.11.00.00 | Abfälle und schrott von blei-akkumulatoren; ausgebrauchte blei-akkumulatoren |
8549.12.00.00 | Andere, blei, cadmium oder quecksilber enthaltend |
8549.13.00.00 | Nach chemischem typ sortiert, kein blei, cadmium oder quecksilber enthaltend |
8549.14.00.00 | Unsortiert, kein blei, cadmium oder quecksilber enthaltend |
8549.19.00.00 | Andere |
8549.B | Von der hauptsächlich zur wiedergewinnung von edelmetallen verwendeten art: |
8549.21.00.00 | Containing primary cells, primary batteries, electric accumulators, mercury-switches, glass from cathode-ray tubes or other activated glass, or electrical or electronic components containing cadmium, mercury, lead or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) |
8549.29.00.00 | Andere |
8549.C | Andere elektrische und elektronische baugruppen und leiterplatten: |
8549.31.00.00 | Containing primary cells, primary batteries, electric accumulators, mercury-switches, glass from cathode-ray tubes or other activated glass, or electrical or electronic components containing cadmium, mercury, lead or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) |
8549.39.00.00 | Andere |
8549.D | Andere: |
8549.91.00.00 | Containing primary cells, primary batteries, electric accumulators, mercury-switches, glass from cathode-ray tubes or other activated glass, or electrical or electronic components containing cadmium, mercury, lead or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) |
8549.99.00.00 | Andere |
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