HS-codes - 69: Keramische producten
6901.00.00.00 | Stenen, tegels en andere keramische voorwerpen van diatomeeënaarde (bijvoorbeeld kiezelgoer, bergmeel, diatomiet) of van dergelijke kiezelaarden |
6902 | Vuurvaste stenen en tegels en dergelijke vuurvaste keramische vormstukken, voor constructiedoeleinden, andere dan van diatomeeënaarde of van dergelijke kiezelaarden |
6902.10 | Bevattende, afzonderlijk of tezamen, meer dan 50 gewichtspercenten mgo, cao of cr2o3 |
6902.10.10.00 | Magnesite bricks |
6902.10.50.00 | Andere |
6902.20 | Bevattende meer dan 50 gewichtspercenten aluminiumoxide (al2o3), siliciumdioxide (sio2) of een mengsel of verbinding van deze producten |
6902.20.10 | Bricks |
6902.20.10.10 | Alumina |
6902.20.10.20 | Andere |
6902.20.50 | Andere |
6902.20.50.10 | Alumina |
6902.20.50.20 | Andere |
6902.90 | Andere |
6902.90.10 | Bricks |
6902.90.10.10 | Clay |
6902.90.10.20 | Andere |
6902.90.50 | Andere |
6902.90.50.10 | Clay |
6902.90.50.20 | Andere |
6903 | Andere vuurvaste keramische voorwerpen (bijvoorbeeld retorten, smeltkroezen, moffels, mondstukken, stoppen, dragers, schuitjes, pijpen, buizen, hulzen, staafjes en schuiven), andere dan van diatomeeënaarde of van dergelijke kiezelaarden |
6903.10.00.00 | Bevattende meer dan 50 gewichtspercenten vrije koolstof |
6903.20.00.00 | Bevattende meer dan 50 gewichtspercenten aluminiumoxide (al2o3) of een mengsel of verbinding van aluminiumoxide en siliciumdioxide (sio2) |
6903.90.00 | Andere |
6903.90.00.10 | Of clay |
6903.90.00.50 | Andere |
6904 | Baksteen, vloerstroken (hourdis), balkbekleding en dergelijke keramische artikelen |
6904.10.00 | Baksteen |
- | Solid bricks: |
6904.10.00.10 | Heat insulating |
6904.10.00.20 | Andere |
- | Hollow bricks: |
6904.10.00.30 | Heat insulating |
6904.10.00.40 | Andere |
6904.90.00.00 | Andere |
6905 | Dakpannen, elementen voor schoorstenen, rookkanalen, bouwkundige ornamenten en ander bouwmateriaal, van keramische stoffen |
6905.10.00.00 | Dakpannen |
6905.90.00 | Andere |
6905.90.00.10 | Heat insulating |
6905.90.00.50 | Andere |
6906.00.00.00 | Buizen en goten, alsmede hulpstukken daarvoor, van keramische stoffen |
6907 | Plavuizen, vloer- en wandtegels, van keramische stoffen; blokjes en dergelijke artikelen voor mozaïeken, van keramische stoffen, ook indien op een drager; keramische afwerkstukken |
- | Plavuizen, vloer- en wandtegels, andere dan die bedoeld bij de onderverdelingen 6907 30 en 6907 40 |
6907.21 | Met een waterabsorptiecoëfficient van niet meer dan 0,5 gewichtspercent |
6907.21.10 | Unglazed |
6907.21.10.05 | Tiles, whether or not rectangular, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm |
6907.21.10.6 | Andere |
6907.21.10.11 | Tiles, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is 30 cm or less |
6907.21.10.51 | Andere |
6907.21.11 | Glazed: |
- | The largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm: |
6907.21.20.00 | Having not over 3229 tiles per square meter, most of which have faces bounded entirely by straight lines |
- | Andere |
6907.21.30.00 | The largest surface area of which is less than 38.7 cm2 |
6907.21.40.00 | Andere |
6907.21.90 | Andere |
6907.21.90.11 | Tiles, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is 30 cm or less |
6907.21.90.51 | Andere |
6907.22 | Met een waterabsorptiecoëfficient van meer dan 0,5 gewichtspercent, doch niet meer dan 10 gewichtspercenten |
6907.22.10 | Unglazed |
6907.22.10.05 | Tiles, whether or not rectangular, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm |
6907.22.10.6 | Andere |
6907.22.10.11 | Tiles, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is 30 cm or less |
6907.22.10.51 | Andere |
6907.22.11 | Glazed: |
- | The largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm: |
6907.22.20.00 | Having not over 3229 tiles per square meter, most of which have faces bounded entirely by straight lines |
- | Andere |
6907.22.30.00 | The largest surface area of which is less than 38.7 cm2 |
6907.22.40.00 | Andere |
6907.22.90 | Andere |
6907.22.90.11 | Tiles, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is 30 cm or less |
6907.22.90.51 | Andere |
6907.23 | Met een waterabsorptiecoëfficient van meer dan 10 gewichtspercenten |
6907.23.10 | Unglazed |
6907.23.10.05 | Tiles, whether or not rectangular, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm |
6907.23.10.6 | Andere |
6907.23.10.11 | Tiles, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is 30 cm or less |
6907.23.10.51 | Andere |
6907.23.11 | Glazed: |
- | The largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm: |
6907.23.20.00 | Having not over 3229 tiles per square meter, most of which have faces bounded entirely by straight lines |
- | Andere |
6907.23.30.00 | The largest surface area of which is less than 38.7 cm2 |
6907.23.40.00 | Andere |
6907.23.90 | Andere |
6907.23.90.11 | Tiles, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is 30 cm or less |
6907.23.90.51 | Andere |
6907.30 | Blokjes en dergelijke artikelen voor mozaïeken, andere dan die bedoeld bij onderverdeling 6907 40 |
6907.30.10 | Unglazed |
6907.30.10.05 | Cubes and the like, whether or not rectangular, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm |
6907.30.10.6 | Andere |
6907.30.10.11 | Cubes and the like, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is 30cm or less |
6907.30.10.51 | Andere |
6907.30.11 | Glazed: |
- | The largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm: |
6907.30.20.00 | Having not over 3229 cubes per square meter, most of which have straight lines |
- | Andere |
6907.30.30.00 | The largest surface area of which is less than 38.7 cm2 |
6907.30.40.00 | Andere |
6907.30.90 | Andere |
6907.30.90.11 | Cubes and the like, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is 30 cm or less |
6907.30.90.51 | Andere |
6907.40 | Keramische afwerkstukken |
6907.40.10 | Unglazed |
6907.40.10.05 | Finishing ceramics, whether or not rectangular, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm: |
6907.40.10.6 | Andere |
6907.40.10.11 | Finishing ceramics, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is 30 cm or less |
6907.40.10.51 | Andere |
6907.40.11 | Glazed: |
- | The largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is less than 7 cm: |
6907.40.20.00 | Having not over 3229 finishing ceramics per square meter, most of which have faces bounded entirely by straight lines |
- | Andere |
6907.40.30.00 | The largest surface area of which is less than 38.7 cm2 |
6907.40.40.00 | Andere |
6907.40.90 | Andere |
6907.40.90.11 | Finishing ceramics, the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is 30 cm or less |
6907.40.90.51 | Andere |
6909 | Apparaten en artikelen, voor chemisch of ander technisch gebruik, van keramische stoffen; troggen, bakken en dergelijke bergingsmiddelen, voor het landbouwbedrijf, van keramische stoffen; kruiken en dergelijke bergingsmiddelen, voor vervoer of voor verpakking, van keramische stoffen |
- | Apparaten en artikelen, voor chemisch of ander technisch gebruik |
6909.11 | Van porselein |
6909.11.20.00 | Machinery parts |
6909.11.40.00 | Andere |
6909.12.00.00 | Artikelen met een hardheid gelijk aan 9 of meer op de schaal van mohs |
6909.19 | Andere |
6909.19.10.00 | Ferrite core memories |
6909.19.50 | Andere |
6909.19.50.10 | Ceramic bearings |
6909.19.50.95 | Andere |
6909.90.00.00 | Andere |
6910 | Gootstenen, wasbakken, zuilen voor wasbakken, badkuipen, bidets, closetpotten, stortbakken, urinoirs en dergelijke artikelen voor sanitair gebruik, bestemd om blijvend te worden bevestigd, van keramische stoffen |
6910.10.00 | Van porselein |
6910.10.00.05 | Water closet bowls, flushometer type |
6910.10.00.10 | Water closet bowls with tanks, in one piece |
6910.10.00.15 | Flush tanks |
6910.10.00.20 | Other water closet bowls |
6910.10.00.30 | Sinks and lavatories |
6910.10.00.50 | Andere |
6910.90.00.00 | Andere |
6911 | Vaatwerk, andere huishoudelijke artikelen en toiletartikelen, van porselein |
6911.10 | Keuken- en tafelgerei |
6911.10.10.00 | Hotel or restaurant ware and other ware not household ware |
- | Andere |
- | Of bone chinaware: |
6911.10.15.00 | Valued not over $31.50 per dozen pieces |
6911.10.25.00 | Andere |
- | Andere |
- | Available in specified sets: |
6911.10.35 | In any pattern for which the aggregate value of the articles listed in additional U.S. note 6(b) of this chapter is not over $56 |
6911.10.35.10 | Plates not over 27.9 cm in maximum dimension; teacups and saucers; mugs; soups, fruits and cereals, the foregoing not over 22.9 cm in maximum dimension |
6911.10.35.50 | Andere |
- | In any pattern for which the aggregate value of the articles listed in additional U.S. note 6(b) of this chapter is over $56: |
6911.10.37 | Aggregate value not over $200 |
6911.10.37.10 | Plates not over 27.9 cm in maximum dimension, teacups and saucers; mugs; soups, fruits and cereals, the foregoing not over 22.9 cm in maximum dimension |
6911.10.37.50 | Andere |
6911.10.38 | Aggregate value over $200 |
6911.10.38.10 | Plates not over 27.9 cm in maximum dimension; teacups and saucers; mugs; soups, fruits and cereals, the foregoing not over 22.9 cm in maximum dimension |
6911.10.38.50 | Andere |
- | Andere |
6911.10.41.00 | Steins with permanently attached pewter lids, candy boxes, decanters, punch bowls, pretzel dishes, tidbit dishes, tiered servers, bonbon dishes, egg cups, spoons and spoon rests, oil and vinegar sets, tumblers and salt and pepper shaker sets |
6911.10.45.00 | Mugs and other steins |
6911.10.52.00 | Cups valued over $8 but not over $29 per dozen; saucers valued over $5.25 but not over $18.75 per dozen; soups, oatmeals and cereals valued over $9.30 but not over $33 per dozen; plates not over 22.9 cm in maximum diameter and valued over $8.50 but not over $31 per dozen; plates over 22.9 but not over 27.9 cm in maximum diameter and valued over $11.50 but not over $41 per dozen; platters or chop dishes valued over $40 but not over $143 per dozen; sugars valued over $23 but not over $85 per dozen; creamers valued over $20 but not over $75 per dozen; and beverage servers valued over $50 but not over $180 per dozen |
6911.10.58.00 | Cups valued over $29 per dozen; saucers valued over $18.75 per dozen; soups, oatmeals and cereals valued over $33 per dozen; plates not over 22.9 cm in maximum diameter and valued over $31 per dozen; plates over 22.9 but not over 27.9 cm in maximum diameter and valued over $41 per dozen; platters or chop dishes valued over $143 per dozen; sugars valued over $85 per dozen; creamers valued over $75 per dozen; and beverage servers valued over $180 per dozen |
6911.10.60.00 | Serviette rings |
6911.10.80 | Andere |
6911.10.80.10 | Suitable for food or drink contact |
6911.10.80.90 | Andere |
6911.90.00 | Andere |
6911.90.00.10 | Toilet articles |
6911.90.00.50 | Andere |
6912.00 | Ceramic tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet articles, other than of porcelain or china: |
- | Tableware and kitchenware: |
6912.00.10.00 | Of coarse-grained earthenware, or of coarse- grained stoneware; of fine-grained earthenware, whether or not decorated, having a reddish-colored body and a lustrous glaze which, on teapots, may be any color, but which, on other articles, must be mottled, streaked or solidly colored brown to black with metallic oxide or salt |
- | Andere |
6912.00.20.00 | Hotel or restaurant ware and other ware not household ware |
- | Andere |
- | Available in specified sets: |
6912.00.35 | In any pattern for which the aggregate value of the articles listed in additional U.S. note 6(b) of this chapter is not over $38 |
6912.00.35.10 | Plates not over 27.9 cm in maximum dimension; teacups and saucers; mugs; soups, fruits and cereals, the foregoing not over 22.9 cm in maximum dimension |
6912.00.35.50 | Andere |
6912.00.39 | In any pattern for which the aggregate value of the articles listed in additional U.S. note 6(b) of this chapter is over $38 |
6912.00.39.10 | Plates not over 27.9 cm in maximum dimension; teacups and saucers; mugs; soups, fruits and cereals, the foregoing not over 22.9 cm in maximum dimension |
6912.00.39.50 | Andere |
- | Andere |
6912.00.41.00 | Steins with permanently attached pewter lids; candy boxes, decanters, punch bowls, pretzel dishes, tidbit dishes, tiered servers, bonbon dishes, egg cups, spoons and spoon rests, oil and vinegar sets, tumblers and salt and pepper shaker sets |
6912.00.44.00 | Mugs and other steins |
6912.00.45.00 | Cups valued over $5.25 per dozen; saucers valued over $3 per dozen; soups, oatmeals and cereals valued over $6 per dozen; plates not over 22.9 cm in maximum diameter and valued over $6 per dozen; plates over 22.9 but not over 27.9 cm in maximum diameter and valued over $8.50 per dozen; platters or chop dishes valued over $35 per dozen; sugars valued over $21 per dozen; creamers valued over $15 per dozen; and beverage servers valued over $42 per dozen |
6912.00.46.00 | Serviette rings |
6912.00.48 | Andere |
6912.00.48.10 | Suitable for food or drink contact |
6912.00.48.90 | Andere |
6912.00.50.00 | Andere |
6913 | Beeldjes en andere versieringsvoorwerpen, van keramische stoffen |
6913.10 | Van porselein |
6913.10.10.00 | Statues, statuettes and handmade flowers, valued over $2.50 each and produced by professional sculptors or directly from molds made from original models produced by professional sculptors |
- | Andere |
6913.10.20.00 | Of bone chinaware |
6913.10.50.00 | Andere |
6913.90 | Andere |
6913.90.10.00 | Statues, statuettes and handmade flowers, valued over $2.50 each and produced by professional sculptors or directly from molds made from original models produced by professional sculptors |
- | Andere |
6913.90.20.00 | Of ceramic tile |
6913.90.30.00 | Of earthenware, whether or not decorated, having a reddish-colored body and a lustrous glaze, and mottled, streaked or solidly colored brown to black with metallic oxide or salt |
6913.90.50.00 | Andere |
6914 | Andere werken van keramische stoffen |
6914.10 | Van porselein |
6914.10.40.00 | Ceramic ferrules of porcelain or china, not exceeding 3 mm in diameter or 25 mm in length, having a fiber channel opening and/or ceramic mating sleeves of alumina or zirconia |
6914.10.80.00 | Andere |
6914.90 | Andere |
6914.90.41.00 | Ceramic ferrules of alumina or zirconia, not exceeding 3 mm in diameter or 25 mm in length, having a fiber channel opening and/or ceramic mating sleeves of alumina or zirconia |
6914.90.80.00 | Andere |
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