HS-codes - 84: Kernreactoren, stoomketels, machines, toestellen en mechanische werktuigen, alsmede delen daarvan:
8401 | Nuclear reactors; fuel elements (cartridges), non-irradiated, for nuclear reactors; machinery and apparatus for isotopic separation. |
8401.10.00.00 | Kernreactoren |
8401.20.00.00 | Machines en apparaten voor isotopenscheiding en delen daarvan |
8401.30.00.00 | Niet-bestraalde splijtstofelementen (patronen) |
8401.40.00.00 | Delen van kernreactoren |
8402 | Steam or other vapour generating boilers (other than central heating hot water boilers capable also of producing low pressure steam); super-heated water boilers. |
8402.A | Stoomketels: |
8402.11.00.00 | Waterpijpketels met een stoomproductie van meer dan 45 ton per uur |
8402.12.00.00 | Waterpijpketels met een stoomproductie van niet meer dan 45 ton per uur |
8402.19.00.00 | Andere stoomketels, hybride ketels daaronder begrepen |
8402.20.00.00 | Super-heated water boilers |
8402.90.00.00 | Delen |
8403 | Central heating boilers other than those of heading 84.02. |
8403.10.00 | Ketels: |
8403.10.00.10 | Of a kind used for heating buildings, other than domestic |
8403.10.00.90 | Andere |
8403.90.00.00 | Delen |
8404 | Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of heading 84.02 or 84.03 (for example, economizers, super-heaters, soot removers, gas recoverers); condensers for steam or other vapour power units. |
8404.10.00 | Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of heading 84.02 or 84.03 |
8404.10.00.10 | Economizers |
8404.10.00.90 | Andere |
8404.20.00.00 | Condensors voor stoommachines |
8404.90.00.00 | Delen |
8405 | Producer gas or water gas generators, with or without their purifiers; acetylene gas generators and similar water process gas generators, with or without their purifiers. |
8405.10.00.00 | Generatoren voor watergas of voor luchtgas, ook indien met bijbehorende zuiveringstoestellen; acetyleenontwikkelaars en dergelijke gasgeneratoren werkend met water, ook indien met bijbehorende zuiveringstoestellen |
8405.90.00.00 | Delen |
8406 | Steam turbines and other vapour turbines. |
8406.10.00.00 | Turbines voor de voortstuwing van schepen |
8406.A | Andere turbines: |
8406.81.00 | Of an output exceeding 40 MW |
8406.81.00.10 | Stationary steam turbines |
8406.81.00.90 | Andere |
8406.82.00 | Met een vermogen van niet meer dan 40 mw: |
8406.82.00.10 | Stationary steam turbines |
8406.82.00.90 | Andere |
8406.90 | Delen: |
8406.90.10.00 | Blade diaphragms, spindle discs and shafts, wholly or in chief part of metal, for the repair or remanufacture of steam turbines or parts thereof;
, Electro-mechanical speed regulators and parts thereof, for steam turbines |
8406.90.A | Other parts of the goods of tariff item No. 8406.10.00: |
8406.90.21.00 | Rotors, not further advanced than cleaned or machined for removal of fins, gates, sprues or risers, or to permit location in finishing machinery |
8406.90.22.00 | Rotors, finished for final assembly |
8406.90.23.00 | Blades, rotating or stationary |
8406.90.29.00 | Andere |
8406.90.B | Other parts of the goods of tariff item No. 8406.81.00 or 8406.82.00: |
8406.90.31.00 | Rotors, not further advanced than cleaned or machined for removal of fins, gates, sprues or risers, or to permit location in finishing machinery, wholly or in chief part of metal, for the repair or remanufacture of steam turbines or parts thereof |
8406.90.32.00 | Other rotors, not further advanced than cleaned or machined for removal of fins, gates, sprues or risers, or to permit location in finishing machinery |
8406.90.33.00 | Rotors, finished for final assembly, wholly or in chief part of metal, for the repair or remanufacture of steam turbines or parts thereof |
8406.90.34.00 | Other rotors, finished for final assembly |
8406.90.35.00 | Other rotors, wholly or in chief part of metal, for the repair or remanufacture of steam turbines or parts thereof |
8406.90.36.00 | Blades, rotating or stationary, wholly or chief part of metal, for the repair or remanufacture of steam turbines or parts thereof |
8406.90.37.00 | Other blades, rotating or stationary |
8406.90.39.00 | Andere |
8407 | Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines. |
8407.10.00 | Luchtvaartuigmotoren: |
8407.10.00.20 | New, not exceeding 372 kW |
8407.10.00.30 | New, exceeding 372 kW |
8407.10.00.40 | Used or rebuilt |
8407.A | Motoren voor de voortstuwing van schepen: |
8407.21.00.00 | Buitenboordmotoren |
8407.29 | Andere: |
8407.29.10.00 | Inboard-outboard engines |
8407.29.20.00 | Inboard engines |
8407.B | Reciprocating piston engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of Chapter 87: |
8407.31.00.00 | Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cc |
8407.32.00.00 | Met een cilinderinhoud van meer dan 50 doch niet meer dan 250 cm3 |
8407.33.00 | Met een cilinderinhoud van meer dan 250 doch niet meer dan 1 000 cm3: |
8407.33.00.10 | For vehicles of heading 87.02, 87.03 or 87.04 |
8407.33.00.90 | Andere |
8407.34 | Met een cilinderinhoud van meer dan 1 000 cm3: |
8407.34.10 | Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2,000 cc |
8407.34.10.10 | For tractors of subheading 8701.21 to 8701.29 or vehicles of heading 87.02, 87.03 or 87.04 |
8407.34.10.90 | Andere |
8407.34.A | Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc: |
8407.34.21.00 | For use in the repair of road tractors for semi-trailers, motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons (including the driver), ambulances, hearses, motor vehicles for the transport of goods, fire fighting vehicles, or chassis for the foregoing vehicles, or for use in the manufacture of repair parts therefor |
8407.34.29 | Andere: |
8407.34.29.10 | For tractors of subheading 8701.21 to 8701.29 or vehicles of heading 87.02, 87.03 or 87.04 |
8407.34.29.90 | Andere |
8407.90.00 | Andere motoren: |
8407.90.00.30 | Gas, natural or propane, other than gas turbines |
8407.90.00.90 | Andere |
8408 | Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines). |
8408.10.00.00 | Motoren voor de voortstuwing van schepen |
8408.20.00.00 | Engines of a kind used for the propulsion of vehicles of Chapter 87 |
8408.90.00 | Andere motoren: |
8408.90.00.20 | For installation in agricultural or horticultural machinery or equipment |
8408.90.00.A | Andere: |
8408.90.00.94 | Other, of a power not exceeding 149.2 kW |
8408.90.00.95 | Other, of a power exceeding 149.2 kW but not exceeding 373 kW |
8408.90.00.96 | Other, of a power exceeding 373 kW but not exceeding 746 kW |
8408.90.00.97 | Other, of a power exceeding 746 kW but not exceeding 1,119 kW |
8408.90.00.98 | Other, of a power exceeding 1,119 kW |
8409 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the engines of heading 84.07 or 84.08. |
8409.10.00.00 | Voor luchtvaartuigmotoren |
8409.A | Andere: |
8409.91.00 | Delen waarvan kan worden onderkend dat zij uitsluitend of hoofdzakelijk bestemd zijn voor zuigermotoren met vonkontsteking: |
8409.91.00.10 | Of the engines of vehicles of subheading 8701.21 to 8701.29 or heading 87.02, 87.03 or 87.04 |
8409.91.00.20 | Of marine propulsion engines |
8409.91.00.90 | Andere |
8409.99.00 | Andere: |
8409.99.00.10 | Of the engines of vehicles of subheading 8701.21 to 8701.29 or heading 87.02, 87.03 or 87.04 |
8409.99.00.20 | Of marine propulsion engines |
8409.99.00.90 | Andere |
8410 | Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, and regulators therefor. |
8410.A | Waterturbines en waterraderen (waterwielen): |
8410.11.00.00 | Of a power not exceeding 1,000 kW |
8410.12.00.00 | Of a power exceeding 1,000 kW but not exceeding 10,000 kW |
8410.13.00.00 | Of a power exceeding 10,000 kW |
8410.90.00.00 | Delen, regulators daaronder begrepen |
8411 | Turbo-jets, turbo-propellers and other gas turbines. |
8411.A | Turbo-jets: |
8411.11.00.00 | Met een stuwkracht van niet meer dan 25 kn |
8411.12.00 | Met een stuwkracht van meer dan 25 kn: |
8411.12.00.10 | Aircraft turbines |
8411.12.00.90 | Andere |
8411.B | Turbo-propellers: |
8411.21.00.00 | Met een vermogen van niet meer dan 1 100 kw |
8411.22.00.00 | Met een vermogen van meer dan 1 100 kw |
8411.C | Andere gasturbines: |
8411.81.00 | Met een vermogen van niet meer dan 5 000 kw: |
8411.81.00.10 | Aircraft turbines |
8411.81.00.90 | Andere |
8411.82.00 | Met een vermogen van meer dan 5 000 kw: |
8411.82.00.10 | Aircraft turbines |
8411.82.00.90 | Andere |
8411.D | Delen: |
8411.91.00 | Of turbo-jets or turbo-propellers |
8411.91.00.20 | For aircraft turbines |
8411.91.00.90 | Andere |
8411.99.00 | Andere: |
8411.99.00.30 | For aircrafts |
8411.99.00.90 | Andere |
8412 | Other engines and motors. |
8412.10.00.00 | Reaction engines other than turbo-jets |
8412.A | Hydraulische motoren en hydraulische krachtmachines: |
8412.21.00 | Rechtlijnig werkend (cilinders): |
8412.21.00.10 | Tie-rod type |
8412.21.00.30 | Telescoping |
8412.21.00.90 | Andere |
8412.29.00 | Andere: |
8412.29.00.A | Unlimited rotary acting: |
8412.29.00.11 | Gear type |
8412.29.00.12 | Radial piston type |
8412.29.00.13 | Axial piston type |
8412.29.00.19 | Andere |
8412.29.00.90 | Andere |
8412.B | Pneumatische motoren en pneumatische krachtmachines: |
8412.31.00.00 | Rechtlijnig werkend (cilinders) |
8412.39.00.00 | Andere |
8412.80.00.00 | Andere |
8412.90.00 | Delen: |
8412.90.00.A | Of hydraulic or pneumatic power engines and motors: |
8412.90.00.11 | Rechtlijnig werkend (cilinders) |
8412.90.00.12 | Rotary acting |
8412.90.00.19 | Andere |
8412.90.00.90 | Andere |
8413 | Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device; liquid elevators. |
8413.A | Pompen voorzien van een meettoestel of ingericht om van een meettoestel te worden voorzien: |
8413.11 | Pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, of the type used in filling-stations or in garages |
8413.11.10.00 | For dispensing gasoline, diesel fuel, liquid natural gas or liquid propane |
8413.11.90.00 | Andere |
8413.19 | Andere: |
8413.19.10.00 | For dispensing fuel oil;
, Skid-mounted pumps for dispensing fuel for helicopters |
8413.19.90 | Andere: |
8413.19.90.10 | Automatic dosage pumps (infusion pumps), of a kind used for administering medication |
8413.19.90.90 | Andere |
8413.20.00.00 | Handpompen, andere dan die bedoeld bij onderverdeling 8413 11 of 8413 19 |
8413.30.00 | Brandstof-, olie- en koelvloeistofpompen voor explosiemotoren of voor verbrandingsmotoren: |
8413.30.00.10 | Fuel injection pumps, for diesel or semi-diesel engines |
8413.30.00.90 | Andere |
8413.40.00.00 | Betonpompen |
8413.50.00 | Andere oscillerende verdringerpompen: |
8413.50.00.10 | Mud pumps, of a power exceeding 745 kW |
8413.50.00.20 | Diaphragm pumps |
8413.50.00.A | Hydraulic fluid power pumps: |
8413.50.00.31 | Radial piston type |
8413.50.00.39 | Andere |
8413.50.00.90 | Andere |
8413.60.00 | Andere roterende verdringerpompen: |
8413.60.00.A | Hydraulic fluid power pumps: |
8413.60.00.11 | Vane type |
8413.60.00.12 | Gear type |
8413.60.00.19 | Andere |
8413.60.00.20 | Other, oilwell or oilfield pumps |
8413.60.00.30 | Roller pumps |
8413.60.00.90 | Andere |
8413.70.00 | Andere centrifugaalpompen: |
8413.70.00.10 | Submersible pumps |
8413.70.00.A | Single stage, single suction type: |
8413.70.00.21 | Close coupled, with discharge outlet of under 5.08 cm in diameter |
8413.70.00.22 | Close coupled, with discharge outlet of 5.08 cm or over in diameter |
8413.70.00.23 | Frame mounted, with discharge outlet of under 7.6 cm in diameter |
8413.70.00.24 | Frame mounted, with discharge outlet of 7.6 cm or over in diameter |
8413.70.00.30 | Multi-stage, single suction type |
8413.70.00.40 | Multi-stage, double suction type |
8413.70.00.90 | Andere |
8413.B | Andere pompen; elevatoren voor vloeistoffen: |
8413.81.00 | Pompen: |
8413.81.00.10 | Turbine pumps |
8413.81.00.20 | Self-contained household water system pumps and windmill pumps |
8413.81.00.90 | Andere |
8413.82.00.00 | Elevatoren voor vloeistoffen |
8413.C | Delen: |
8413.91.00 | Van pompen: |
8413.91.00.10 | Sucker rods, pony rods or polished rods, designed for oilfield related pumps, parts thereof |
8413.91.00.A | Of pumps, fitted or designed to be fitted with a measuring device: |
8413.91.00.21 | For dispensing gasoline, diesel fuel, liquid natural gas, liquid propane or fuel oil |
8413.91.00.22 | Of automatic dosage pumps (infusion pumps), of a kind used for administering medication |
8413.91.00.29 | Andere |
8413.91.00.30 | Of fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps, for internal combustion piston engines |
8413.91.00.40 | Of concrete pumps |
8413.91.00.B | Of other reciprocating positive displacement pumps: |
8413.91.00.51 | Of hydraulic fluid power pumps |
8413.91.00.59 | Andere |
8413.91.00.C | Of other rotary positive displacement pumps: |
8413.91.00.61 | Of hydraulic fluid power pumps |
8413.91.00.69 | Andere |
8413.91.00.70 | Of other centrifugal pumps |
8413.91.00.90 | Andere |
8413.92.00.00 | Van elevatoren voor vloeistoffen |
8414 | Air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors and fans; ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted with filters; gas-tight biological safety cabinets, whether or not fitted with filters. |
8414.10.00.00 | Vacuümpompen |
8414.20.00.00 | Hand- en voetpompen, voor lucht |
8414.30.00 | Compressoren van de soort gebruikt in koelinstallaties: |
8414.30.00.A | Screw type: |
8414.30.00.11 | Semi-hermetic |
8414.30.00.19 | Andere |
8414.30.00.B | Other, semi-hermetic: |
8414.30.00.81 | For automobiles |
8414.30.00.82 | For ammonia |
8414.30.00.83 | Other, of a power not exceeding 186.5 W |
8414.30.00.84 | Other, of a power exceeding 186.5 W |
8414.30.00.C | Andere: |
8414.30.00.91 | For automobiles |
8414.30.00.92 | For ammonia |
8414.30.00.93 | Other, of a power not exceeding 186.5 W |
8414.30.00.94 | Other, of a power exceeding 186.5 W but not exceeding 2.2 kW |
8414.30.00.95 | Other, of a power exceeding 2.2 kW but not exceeding 7.46 kW |
8414.30.00.96 | Other, of a power exceeding 7.46 kW |
8414.40.00 | Luchtcompressoren gemonteerd op een verrijdbaar onderstel dat is ingericht om door een voertuig te worden getrokken: |
8414.40.00.20 | Of a capacity not exceeding 0.2 m³/sec |
8414.40.00.30 | Of a capacity exceeding 0.2 m³/sec |
8414.A | Ventilatoren: |
8414.51 | Tafel-, vloer-, wand-, raam-, plafond- en dakventilatoren, met ingebouwde elektromotor met een vermogen van niet meer dan 125 w: |
8414.51.10.00 | Personal fans, mains powered;
, Table fans, single or variable speed, oscillating |
8414.51.90 | Andere: |
8414.51.90.10 | Floor fans |
8414.51.90.20 | Ceiling or roof fans |
8414.51.90.90 | Andere |
8414.59.00 | Andere: |
8414.59.00.20 | Ceiling or roof fans |
8414.59.00.30 | Other fans, suitable for use with motor vehicles |
8414.59.00.A | Andere: |
8414.59.00.91 | Axial type |
8414.59.00.92 | Centrifugal type |
8414.59.00.99 | Andere |
8414.60.00.00 | Afzuigkappen waarvan de langste horizontale zijde een lengte heeft van niet meer dan 120 cm |
8414.70.00.00 | Gasdichte biologische veiligheidskasten |
8414.80 | Andere: |
8414.80.10.00 | Turbochargers and superchargers for use in motor vehicles of Chapter 87 |
8414.80.90 | Andere: |
8414.80.90.A | Air compressors, stationary: |
8414.80.90.41 | Reciprocating |
8414.80.90.42 | Rotary |
8414.80.90.49 | Andere |
8414.80.90.B | Air compressors, portable: |
8414.80.90.71 | Reciprocating |
8414.80.90.72 | Rotary |
8414.80.90.79 | Andere |
8414.80.90.C | Gas compressors: |
8414.80.90.81 | Reciprocating |
8414.80.90.82 | Centrifugal |
8414.80.90.89 | Andere |
8414.80.90.90 | Andere |
8414.90 | Delen: |
8414.90.10.00 | Stators and rotors for compressors for use in refrigerating equipment |
8414.90.90 | Andere: |
8414.90.90.30 | Of compressors, of a kind used in refrigerating equipment |
8414.90.90.40 | Of fans, for table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof, with a self-contained electric motor of an output not exceeding 125 W |
8414.90.90.50 | Of other fans |
8414.90.90.90 | Andere |
8415 | Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor-driven fan and elements for changing the temperature and humidity, including those machines in which the humidity cannot be separately regulated. |
8415.10.00 | Van de soort die aan een raam, muur, plafond of vloer wordt bevestigd en die uit één enkele eenheid bestaat of van het type "split-systeem" (systemen met afzonderlijke elementen): |
8415.10.00.10 | Domestic type |
8415.10.00.90 | Andere |
8415.20.00.00 | Van de soort gebruikt voor het comfort van personen in motorvoertuigen |
8415.A | Andere: |
8415.81 | Uitgerust met een koeltechnische inrichting en voorzien van een klep voor het omkeren van de werking daarvan (omkeerbare warmtepompen): |
8415.81.10 | The following, excluding mini-split heat pumps and air conditioner units:
, Single packaged or split-system, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 15.8 kW (53,900 BTU per hour);
, Water source, vertical, horizontal and console types, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 34.8 kW (118,700 BTU per hour) |
8415.81.10.A | Single packaged: |
8415.81.10.11 | Of a heat capacity not exceeding 15.8 kW (53,900 BTU per hour) |
8415.81.10.12 | Of a heat capacity exceeding 15.8 kW (53,900 BTU per hour) |
8415.81.10.90 | Andere |
8415.81.90 | Andere: |
8415.81.90.A | Single packaged: |
8415.81.90.11 | Of a heat capacity not exceeding 15.8 kW (53,900 BTU per hour) |
8415.81.90.12 | Of a heat capacity exceeding 15.8 kW (53,900 BTU per hour) |
8415.81.90.90 | Andere |
8415.82 | Andere, voorzien van een koeltechnische inrichting: |
8415.82.10.00 | Domestic heat pumps and air conditioners, ductless split-systems;
, Portable type, of a weight not exceeding 25 kg and of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 1.8 kW (6,000 BTU per hour);
, Truck heater/air conditioners |
8415.82.A | Andere: |
8415.82.91 | Central station air handlers;
, Combination terminal units, water source or air to air, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 5.8 kW (19,800 BTU per hour);
, Fan coil units;
, For off-highway vehicles;
, For humidity and dust sensitive areas, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 71.1 kW (242,700 BTU per hour);
, Single packaged, combination, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 15.8 kW (53,900 BTU per hour);
, Split-system, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 47.4 kW
, (161,800 per hour);
, Water source, of a heat transfer capacity not exceeding 34.8 kW (118,700 BTU per hour) |
8415.82.91.10 | Central station air handlers |
8415.82.91.20 | Fan coil units |
8415.82.91.90 | Andere |
8415.82.99 | Andere: |
8415.82.99.A | Single packaged combination and split system (remote condenser type) air conditioners, other than year-round units: |
8415.82.99.11 | Single packaged, combination, of a heat transfer capacity exceeding 15.8 kW (53,900 BTU per hour) |
8415.82.99.12 | Split system (remote condenser type) air conditioners, of a heat transfer capacity exceeding 47.4 kW (161,800 BTU per hour) |
8415.82.99.B | Year-round units (heating and cooling): |
8415.82.99.21 | Of a heat capacity not exceeding 15.8 kW (53,900 BTU per hour) |
8415.82.99.22 | Of a heat capacity exceeding 15.8 kW (53,900 BTU per hour) |
8415.82.99.30 | Air conditioning evaporator coils |
8415.82.99.40 | Dehumidifiers, incorporating a refrigeration unit |
8415.82.99.90 | Andere |
8415.83.00 | Niet voorzien van een koeltechnische inrichting: |
8415.83.00.10 | Condensing units, of a heat capacity not exceeding 15.8 kW (53,900 BTU per hour) |
8415.83.00.20 | Condensing units, of a heat capacity exceeding 15.8 kW (53,900 BTU per hour) |
8415.83.00.30 | Heat exchangers |
8415.83.00.90 | Andere |
8415.90 | Delen: |
8415.90.30.00 | Chassis, chassis bases or outer cabinets |
8415.90.90.00 | Andere |
8416 | Furnace burners for liquid fuel, for pulverized solid fuel or for gas; mechanical stokers, including their mechanical grates, mechanical ash dischargers and similar appliances. |
8416.10.00.00 | Branders voor vloeibare brandstof |
8416.20.00 | Andere branders, branders voor meer dan een soort brandstof daaronder begrepen: |
8416.20.00.30 | Gas burners |
8416.20.00.90 | Andere |
8416.30.00.00 | Automatische stookinrichtingen, alsmede daarvoor bestemde werp- en schroefstokers, mechanische roosters, mechanische toestellen voor het verwijderen van as en dergelijke inrichtingen |
8416.90.00.00 | Delen |
8417 | Industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, including incinerators, non-electric. |
8417.10.00.00 | Furnaces and ovens for the roasting, melting or other heat-treatment of ores, pyrites or of metals |
8417.20.00.00 | Bakkersovens |
8417.80.00.00 | Andere |
8417.90.00.00 | Delen |
8418 | Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15. |
8418.10 | Koelkast-vrieskastcombinaties, voorzien van afzonderlijke buitendeuren of buitenladen, of combinaties daarvan: |
8418.10.10.00 | Absorption-type, combination gas and electric powered, designed for permanent installation in recreational vehicles and for use in the manufacture of such vehicles |
8418.10.20.00 | Refrigerating-freezing type |
8418.10.90 | Andere: |
8418.10.90.A | Met compressiekoeling: |
8418.10.90.13 | Having a refrigeration capacity, by volume, not exceeding 381 litres |
8418.10.90.14 | Having a refrigeration capacity, by volume, exceeding 381 litres |
8418.10.90.B | Electric, having a refrigeration capacity, by volume, of 381 litres or more: |
8418.10.90.21 | Having a refrigeration capacity, by volume, of 381 litres or more, but not exceeding 524 litres |
8418.10.90.22 | Having a refrigeration capacity, by volume, exceeding 524 litres |
8418.10.90.90 | Andere |
8418.A | Koelkasten voor huishoudelijk gebruik: |
8418.21.00 | Met compressiekoeling: |
8418.21.00.10 | Electric, having a refrigeration capacity, by volume, of 381 litres or more |
8418.21.00.A | Andere: |
8418.21.00.91 | Having a refrigeration capacity, by volume, not exceeding
, 184 litres |
8418.21.00.92 | Having a refrigeration capacity, by volume, exceeding 184 litres but not exceeding 266 litres |
8418.21.00.93 | Having a refrigeration capacity, by volume, exceeding 266 litres but less than 381 litres |
8418.29.00.00 | Andere |
8418.30 | Vrieskisten met een capaciteit van niet meer dan 800 l: |
8418.30.10.00 | Household type |
8418.30.90.00 | Andere |
8418.40 | Vrieskasten met een capaciteit van niet meer dan 900 l: |
8418.40.10.00 | Blood bank type;
, Household type;
, With minimum temperature capability to -85°C at 30°C ambient |
8418.40.90.00 | Andere |
8418.50 | Andere meubelen (kisten, kasten, vitrines, toonbanken en dergelijke) voor het bewaren en het uitstallen, uitgerust met koel- of vriesinrichting: |
8418.50.10.00 | Refrigerating or refrigerating-freezing type |
8418.50.A | Freezing type: |
8418.50.21.00 | Display counter;
, Ice merchandisers;
, Reach-in frozen food and ice cream merchandisers, sliding, swing glass or solid door, with capacities not exceeding 2.3 m³ |
8418.50.29.00 | Andere |
8418.B | Andere machines en toestellen voor de koel- en vriestechniek; warmtepompen: |
8418.61.00.00 | Heat pumps other than air conditioning machines of heading 84.15 |
8418.69 | Andere: |
8418.69.20.00 | Commercial refrigerating installations (store type) |
8418.69.90 | Andere: |
8418.69.90.10 | Absorption liquid chilling units |
8418.69.90.20 | Ice cube makers and dispensers |
8418.69.90.30 | Soft ice-cream makers and dispensers |
8418.69.90.40 | Water coolers |
8418.69.90.50 | Reciprocating liquid chilling refrigerating units |
8418.69.90.60 | Centrifugal liquid chilling refrigerating units |
8418.69.90.70 | Refrigeration condensing units |
8418.69.90.80 | Refrigeration units, of a kind used for trucks, trailers or vans |
8418.69.90.90 | Andere |
8418.C | Delen: |
8418.91 | Meubelen ingericht om van een koeltechnische inrichting te worden voorzien |
8418.91.10.00 | For use in the manufacture of the goods of this heading;
, For the goods of tariff item No. 8418.10.10, 8418.10.90, 8418.21.00, 8418.29.00, 8418.30.10, 8418.30.90, 8418.40.10, 8418.40.90, 8418.50.10, 8418.50.29, 8418.61.00, 8418.69.20 or 8418.69.90 |
8418.91.20.00 | For the goods of tariff item No. 8418.50.21 |
8418.99 | Andere: |
8418.99.10.00 | Door assemblies incorporating at least two of the following: inner panel, outer panel, insulation, hinges or handles |
8418.99.90 | Andere: |
8418.99.90.10 | For combined refrigerator-freezers fitted with separate external doors and for household type refrigerators |
8418.99.90.90 | Andere |
8419 | Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment, whether or not electrically heated (excluding furnaces, ovens and other equipment of heading 85.14), for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature such as heating, cooking, roasting, distilling, rectifying, sterilizing, pasteurizing, steaming, drying, evaporating, vaporizing, condensing or cooling, other than machinery or plant of a kind used for domestic purposes; instantaneous or storage water heaters, non-electric. |
8419.A | Geisers en andere heetwatertoestellen, niet elektrisch: |
8419.11.00 | Gasgeisers |
8419.11.00.10 | For domestic purposes |
8419.11.00.90 | Andere |
8419.12.00.00 | Zonneboilers |
8419.19.00 | Andere: |
8419.19.00.10 | For domestic purposes |
8419.19.00.90 | Andere |
8419.20.00 | Medical, surgical or laboratory sterilizers |
8419.20.00.10 | Medical or surgical sterilizers |
8419.20.00.20 | Laboratory sterilizers |
8419.B | Droogtoestellen: |
8419.33.00.00 | Lyophilization apparatus, freeze drying units and spray dryers |
8419.34.00.00 | Andere, voor landbouwproducten |
8419.35.00 | Andere, voor hout, papierstof, papier of karton |
8419.35.00.10 | For wood |
8419.35.00.90 | Andere |
8419.39.00 | Andere: |
8419.39.00.10 | For food and beverages |
8419.39.00.90 | Andere |
8419.40.00.00 | Distilleertoestellen en rectificeertoestellen |
8419.50.00 | Warmtewisselaars: |
8419.50.00.30 | Mechanically operated |
8419.50.00.90 | Andere |
8419.60.00.00 | Apparaten en inrichtingen voor het vloeibaar maken van lucht of van andere gassen |
8419.C | Andere toestellen, apparaten en inrichtingen: |
8419.81.00 | Voor het bereiden van warme dranken of voor het koken, bakken of opwarmen van spijzen: |
8419.81.00.10 | Machinery for making hot drinks |
8419.81.00.20 | Continuous pressure preheaters or cookers or atmospheric preheaters or cookers, for sterilizing or cooking or for both sterilizing and cooking food products in hermetically sealed containers |
8419.81.00.30 | Toasters, electrically heated |
8419.81.00.90 | Andere |
8419.89.00.00 | Andere |
8419.90.00 | Delen: |
8419.90.00.10 | Of machinery and plant for making paper pulp, paper or paperboard |
8419.90.00.20 | Of apparatus of a type used in restaurants, hotels or similar locations |
8419.90.00.30 | Of medical, surgical or laboratory sterilizers |
8419.90.00.90 | Andere |
8420 | Calendering or other rolling machines, other than for metals or glass, and cylinders therefor. |
8420.10.00 | Kalanders en walsmachines: |
8420.10.00.10 | For textiles |
8420.10.00.20 | For paper |
8420.10.00.30 | For rubber or plastics |
8420.10.00.90 | Andere |
8420.A | Delen: |
8420.91.00.00 | Cilinders |
8420.99.00.00 | Andere |
8421 | Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, for liquids or gases. |
8421.A | Centrifuges, centrifugaaldrogers daaronder begrepen: |
8421.11.00.00 | Melkontromers |
8421.12.00.00 | Clothes-dryers |
8421.19.00.00 | Andere |
8421.B | Toestellen voor het filtreren of zuiveren van vloeistoffen: |
8421.21.00.00 | Voor het filtreren of zuiveren van water |
8421.22.00.00 | Voor het filtreren of zuiveren van dranken, andere dan water |
8421.23.00 | Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines |
8421.23.00.10 | Oil filters |
8421.23.00.20 | Fuel filters |
8421.23.00.90 | Andere |
8421.29.00 | Andere: |
8421.29.00.20 | Hydraulic fluid power filters rated at 1,000 kPa or greater |
8421.29.00.90 | Andere |
8421.C | Toestellen voor het filtreren of zuiveren van gassen: |
8421.31.00 | Luchtfilters voor explosiemotoren of voor verbrandingsmotoren: |
8421.31.00.10 | Air filters for use with the goods of tariff item No. 9908.00.00; Air cleaners for use in the manufacture of asphalt pavers |
8421.31.00.20 | Air filters, for motor vehicles of Chapter 87 |
8421.31.00.90 | Andere |
8421.32.00.00 | Katalysatoren en deeltjesfilters, ook indien gecombineerd, om uitlaatgassen van verbrandingsmotoren te zuiveren of te filteren |
8421.39.00 | Andere: |
8421.39.00.10 | Dust extractors or smoke filters |
8421.39.00.20 | Electrostatic filters (precipitators) |
8421.39.00.30 | Industrial gas cleaning equipment |
8421.39.00.40 | Gas separation equipment |
8421.39.00.90 | Andere |
8421.D | Delen: |
8421.91 | Van centrifuges, centrifugaaldrogers daaronder begrepen |
8421.91.10.00 | Drying chambers for clothes-dryers and other parts of clothes-dryers incorporating drying chambers |
8421.91.20.00 | Furniture designed to receive clothes-dryers |
8421.91.90.00 | Andere |
8421.99.00 | Andere: |
8421.99.00.10 | For machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying water |
8421.99.00.90 | Andere |
8422 | Dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing, or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; other packing or wrapping machinery (including heat-shrink wrapping machinery); machinery for aerating beverages. |
8422.A | Dish washing machines: |
8422.11 | Voor huishoudelijk gebruik |
8422.11.10.00 | Counter-top, electric;
, Portable, of a width not exceeding 46 cm |
8422.11.90 | Andere: |
8422.11.90.10 | Portable electric dish washing machines |
8422.11.90.90 | Andere |
8422.19.00.00 | Andere |
8422.20.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor het reinigen of het drogen van flessen en andere bergingsmiddelen |
8422.30.00 | Machinery for filling, closing, sealing, or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; machinery for aerating beverages |
8422.30.00.10 | Machines for aerating beverages |
8422.30.00.A | Machinery for filling, closing, sealing, labelling or capsuling: |
8422.30.00.21 | Bottles |
8422.30.00.22 | Cans |
8422.30.00.23 | Bags |
8422.30.00.29 | Andere |
8422.30.00.90 | Andere |
8422.40.00.00 | Andere verpakkingsmachines (krimpverpakkingsmachines en -toestellen daaronder begrepen) |
8422.90 | Delen: |
8422.90.10.00 | Water containment chambers and other parts incorporating water containment chambers, for dish washing machines of the household type |
8422.90.20.00 | Door assemblies for dish washing machines of the household type |
8422.90.90 | Andere: |
8422.90.90.10 | Of dish washing machines, household type |
8422.90.90.30 | Of dish washing machines, other than household type |
8422.90.90.50 | Of machinery for filling, closing, sealing, or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; Of machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; Of machinery for aerating beverages |
8422.90.90.60 | Of other packing or wrapping machinery, including heat-shrink wrapping machinery |
8422.90.90.90 | Andere |
8423 | Weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds. |
8423.10.00.00 | Personenweegtoestellen, babyweegtoestellen daaronder begrepen; huishoudweegschalen |
8423.20.00.00 | Toestellen voor het continuwegen van goederen op transportbanden |
8423.30.00.00 | Toestellen voor het afwegen van constante hoeveelheden en weegtoestellen voor het vullen van zakken of andere bergingsmiddelen |
8423.A | Andere weegtoestellen en weeginrichtingen: |
8423.81.00 | Met een weegvermogen van niet meer dan 30 kg: |
8423.81.00.10 | Digital electronic type |
8423.81.00.90 | Andere |
8423.82.00.00 | Met een weegvermogen van meer dan 30 doch niet meer dan 5 000 kg |
8423.89.00.00 | Andere |
8423.90.00.00 | Gewichten voor weegtoestellen van alle soorten; delen van weegtoestellen en weeginrichtingen |
8424 | Mechanical appliances (whether or not hand-operated) for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders; fire extinguishers, whether or not charged; spray guns and similar appliances; steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines. |
8424.10.00 | Blusapparaten, ook indien gevuld: |
8424.10.00.10 | Manually operated |
8424.10.00.90 | Andere |
8424.20.00.00 | Spuitpistolen en dergelijke toestellen |
8424.30.00 | Zandstraaltoestellen, stoomstraaltoestellen en dergelijke straaltoestellen: |
8424.30.00.10 | Sand blasting machines |
8424.30.00.90 | Andere |
8424.A | Sproeiers voor de land- of tuinbouw: |
8424.41.00.00 | Draagbare sproeiers |
8424.49.00.00 | Andere |
8424.B | Andere toestellen |
8424.82.00 | Voor de land- of tuinbouw: |
8424.82.00.A | Mechanical appliances for irrigation: |
8424.82.00.11 | Self propelled, center pivot |
8424.82.00.19 | Andere |
8424.82.00.20 | Lawn sprinklers |
8424.82.00.90 | Andere |
8424.89.00.00 | Andere |
8424.90.00 | Delen: |
8424.90.00.10 | Of sand blasting machines |
8424.90.00.20 | Of steam and similar jet projecting machines |
8424.90.00.90 | Andere |
8425 | Pulley tackle and hoists other than skip hoists; winches and capstans; jacks. |
8425.A | Takels: |
8425.11.00 | Met elektromotor |
8425.11.00.10 | Chain hoists |
8425.11.00.20 | Cable hoists |
8425.11.00.90 | Andere |
8425.19.00 | Andere: |
8425.19.00.10 | Chain hoists, manually operated |
8425.19.00.90 | Andere |
8425.B | Lieren; kaapstanders: |
8425.31.00.00 | Met elektromotor |
8425.39.00.00 | Andere |
8425.C | Dommekrachten en vijzels: |
8425.41.00.00 | Stationaire hefbruggen van de soort gebruikt in garagewerkplaatsen |
8425.42.00.00 | Andere dommekrachten en vijzels, hydraulisch werkend |
8425.49.00.00 | Andere |
8426 | Ships' derricks; cranes, including cable cranes; mobile lifting frames, straddle carriers and works trucks fitted with a crane. |
8426.A | Loopkranen, laadbruggen, bokkranen, hefportalen en portaalwagens: |
8426.11.00.00 | Loopkranen |
8426.12.00.00 | Mobile lifting frames on tires and straddle carriers |
8426.19.00.00 | Andere |
8426.20.00.00 | Torenkranen |
8426.30.00.00 | Portaalkranen |
8426.B | Andere machines en toestellen, met eigen beweegkracht: |
8426.41.00 | On tires |
8426.41.00.10 | Cable operated |
8426.41.00.A | Andere: |
8426.41.00.91 | Work trucks fitted with a crane |
8426.41.00.99 | Andere |
8426.49.00 | Andere: |
8426.49.00.10 | Cable operated |
8426.49.00.90 | Andere |
8426.C | Andere machines en toestellen: |
8426.91.00.00 | Ontworpen om op een wegvoertuig te worden gemonteerd |
8426.99.00.00 | Andere |
8427 | Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment. |
8427.10 | Transportwagens met eigen beweegkracht, aangedreven door een elektromotor: |
8427.10.10.00 | Rider-type, counterbalanced fork-lift trucks |
8427.10.90 | Andere: |
8427.10.90.10 | Automated guided vehicles (AGV) |
8427.10.90.20 | Operator riding |
8427.10.90.90 | Andere |
8427.20 | Andere transportwagens met eigen beweegkracht: |
8427.20.10.00 | Rider-type, counterbalanced fork-lift trucks |
8427.20.90.00 | Andere |
8427.90.00.00 | Andere transportwagens |
8428 | Other lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery (for example, lifts, escalators, conveyors, teleferics). |
8428.10.00 | Personen- en goederenliften, bakkenliften daaronder begrepen: |
8428.10.00.10 | Passenger elevator |
8428.10.00.90 | Andere |
8428.20.00.00 | Pneumatische transportinrichtingen |
8428.A | Andere continuwerkende transportinrichtingen voor goederen: |
8428.31.00.00 | Speciaal ontworpen voor ondergronds gebruik |
8428.32.00.00 | Andere, werkend met bakken |
8428.33.00.00 | Andere, werkend met banden |
8428.39.00 | Andere: |
8428.39.00.30 | Feeders |
8428.39.00.A | Bulk conveyors: |
8428.39.00.41 | Chain type |
8428.39.00.42 | Screw type |
8428.39.00.49 | Andere |
8428.39.00.80 | Other conveyors |
8428.39.00.90 | Andere |
8428.40.00.00 | Roltrappen en rolpaden |
8428.60.00.00 | Teleferics, chair-lifts, ski-draglines; traction mechanisms for funiculars |
8428.70.00.00 | Industriële robots |
8428.90.00 | Andere machines en toestellen: |
8428.90.00.10 | Self-propelled crawler mounted pipelayers |
8428.90.00.40 | Woodland log handling machinery, other than skidders |
8428.90.00.90 | Andere |
8429 | Self-propelled bulldozers, angledozers, graders, levellers, scrapers, mechanical shovels, excavators, shovel loaders, tamping machines and road rollers. |
8429.A | Bulldozers en angledozers: |
8429.11.00 | Op rupsbanden |
8429.11.00.10 | New |
8429.11.00.20 | Used or rebuilt |
8429.19.00 | Andere: |
8429.19.00.10 | New |
8429.19.00.20 | Used or rebuilt |
8429.20.00 | Egaliseermachines |
8429.20.00.10 | Levellers, for use on the farm |
8429.20.00.90 | Andere |
8429.30.00 | Schrapers |
8429.30.00.10 | New |
8429.30.00.20 | Used or rebuilt |
8429.40.00 | Wegwalsen, schapenpootwalsen en andere bodemverdichtingsmachines: |
8429.40.00.10 | Tamping machines, new |
8429.40.00.20 | Tamping machines, used or rebuilt |
8429.40.00.A | Road rollers: |
8429.40.00.31 | New |
8429.40.00.32 | Used or rebuilt |
8429.B | Mechanische schoppen, excavateurs (emmergravers) en laadschoppen: |
8429.51.00 | Laadschoppen met voorschop: |
8429.51.00.A | Wheeled front-end loaders, designed to be fitted with a bucket, having a capacity, for general purpose use, exceeding 12.3 m³: |
8429.51.00.12 | New, 4 wheel drive, rear engine mounted |
8429.51.00.13 | Used or rebuilt |
8429.51.00.19 | Andere |
8429.51.00.20 | Wheeled front-end loaders, designed to be fitted with a bucket, having a capacity, for general purpose use, not exceeding 12.3 m³, used or rebuilt |
8429.51.00.30 | Wheeled front-end loaders, designed to be fitted with a bucket, having a capacity, for general purpose use, not exceeding 12.3 m³, new, two wheel drive, rear engine mounted |
8429.51.00.B | Wheeled front-end loaders, designed to be fitted with a bucket, having a capacity, for general purpose use, not exceeding 12.3 m³, new, four wheel drive, rear engine mounted, with a bucket capacity of: |
8429.51.00.41 | Less than 1.5 m³ |
8429.51.00.42 | 1.5 m³ or more but less than 2.2 m³ |
8429.51.00.43 | 2.2 m³ or more but less than 2.9 m³ |
8429.51.00.44 | 2.9 m³ or more but less than 3.8 m³ |
8429.51.00.45 | 3.8 m³ or more but less than 5.2 m³ |
8429.51.00.46 | 5.2 m³ or more but less than 7.6 m³ |
8429.51.00.47 | 7.6 m³ or more but less than 11.4 m³ |
8429.51.00.48 | 11.4 m³ or more but not exceeding 12.3 m³ |
8429.51.00.50 | Other wheeled front-end loaders, designed to be fitted with a bucket, having a capacity, for general purpose use, not exceeding 12.3 m³ |
8429.51.00.C | Track-laying front-end loaders: |
8429.51.00.61 | New, with an engine of a power of less than 44.7 kW |
8429.51.00.62 | New, with an engine of a power of 44.7 kW or more but less than
, 67.1 kW |
8429.51.00.63 | New, with an engine of a power of 67.1 kW or more but less than
, 93.2 kW |
8429.51.00.64 | New, with an engine of a power of 93.2 kW or more but less than 119.3 kW |
8429.51.00.65 | New, with an engine of a power of 119.3 kW or more |
8429.51.00.66 | Used or rebuilt |
8429.52.00 | Machines waarvan de bovenbouw 360° kan draaien: |
8429.52.00.A | Crawler mounted backhoes, shovels and clamshells, new: |
8429.52.00.31 | Hydraulic |
8429.52.00.39 | Andere |
8429.52.00.B | Other backhoes, shovels and clamshells, new: |
8429.52.00.41 | Hydraulic |
8429.52.00.49 | Andere |
8429.52.00.50 | Other backhoes, shovels and clamshells, used or rebuilt |
8429.52.00.C | Andere: |
8429.52.00.91 | New |
8429.52.00.92 | Used or rebuilt |
8429.59.00 | Andere: |
8429.59.00.10 | Used or rebuilt |
8429.59.00.A | New: |
8429.59.00.21 | Backhoes |
8429.59.00.22 | Ditchers and trenchers |
8429.59.00.29 | Andere |
8430 | Other moving, grading, levelling, scraping, excavating, tamping, compacting, extracting or boring machinery, for earth, minerals or ores; pile-drivers and pile-extractors; snow-ploughs and snow-blowers. |
8430.10.00.00 | Pile-drivers and pile-extractors |
8430.20.00 | Snow-ploughs and snow-blowers |
8430.20.00.A | Snow-blowers (throwers): |
8430.20.00.11 | Attachment type |
8430.20.00.19 | Andere |
8430.20.00.90 | Andere |
8430.A | Gesteentesnijders, kolenploegen (schaven) en machines voor het boren van tunnels: |
8430.31.00.00 | Met eigen beweegkracht |
8430.39.00.00 | Andere |
8430.B | Andere machines voor het boren: |
8430.41.00.00 | Met eigen beweegkracht |
8430.49.00 | Andere: |
8430.49.00.A | For oil and gas field drilling: |
8430.49.00.11 | Rotary |
8430.49.00.19 | Andere |
8430.49.00.B | For well drilling: |
8430.49.00.21 | Rotary |
8430.49.00.29 | Andere |
8430.49.00.60 | Fixed platforms, for the discovery or exploitation of off-shore deposits of oil or natural gas |
8430.49.00.90 | Andere |
8430.50.00.00 | Andere machines en toestellen, met eigen beweegkracht |
8430.C | Andere machines en toestellen, zonder eigen beweegkracht: |
8430.61.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor het aanstampen |
8430.69.00.00 | Andere |
8431 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of headings 84.25 to 84.30. |
8431.10.00 | Of machinery of heading 84.25 |
8431.10.00.20 | Of pulley tackle and hoists, other than skip hoists or hoists of a kind used for raising vehicles |
8431.10.00.90 | Andere |
8431.20.00.00 | Of machinery of heading 84.27 |
8431.A | Of machinery of heading 84.28: |
8431.31.00 | Van personen- of goederenliften (bakkenliften daaronder begrepen), dan wel van roltrappen |
8431.31.00.10 | Of lifts |
8431.31.00.20 | Of skip hoists |
8431.31.00.30 | Of escalators |
8431.39.00 | Andere: |
8431.39.00.10 | Of pneumatic or other continuous-action elevators and conveyors |
8431.39.00.20 | Of self-propelled crawler mounted pipelayers |
8431.39.00.90 | Andere |
8431.B | Of machinery of heading 84.26, 84.29 or 84.30: |
8431.41.00 | Emmers, bakken, grijpemmers, schoppen, grijpers en tangen |
8431.41.00.30 | Shovel attachments |
8431.41.00.40 | Dragline buckets |
8431.41.00.90 | Andere |
8431.42.00.00 | Bladen voor bulldozers of voor angledozers |
8431.43.00 | Parts of boring or sinking machinery of subheading 8430.41 or 8430.49 |
8431.43.00.20 | For oil and gas field machinery |
8431.43.00.90 | Andere |
8431.49.00 | Andere: |
8431.49.00.A | Of machinery of heading 84.26: |
8431.49.00.11 | Of machinery of subheading 8426.11, 8426.19 or 8426.30 |
8431.49.00.12 | Of mobile lifting frames, straddle carriers and work trucks fitted with a crane |
8431.49.00.19 | Andere |
8431.49.00.B | Attachments for mounting on machinery: |
8431.49.00.21 | Backhoe attachments |
8431.49.00.22 | Front-end loader attachments |
8431.49.00.23 | Rippers and rooters |
8431.49.00.29 | Andere |
8431.49.00.C | Andere: |
8431.49.00.91 | Of coal or rock cutters and tunneling machinery |
8431.49.00.92 | Of backhoes, shovels, clamshells and draglines |
8431.49.00.99 | Andere |
8432 | Agricultural, horticultural or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation; lawn or sports-ground rollers. |
8432.10.00 | Ploegen |
8432.10.00.10 | Disc ploughs |
8432.10.00.20 | Mouldboard ploughs |
8432.10.00.90 | Andere |
8432.A | Eggen, cultivators, extirpators, hak-, schoffel- en wiedmachines: |
8432.21.00.00 | Schijfeggen |
8432.29.00 | Andere: |
8432.29.00.10 | Cultivators, weeders and hoes |
8432.29.00.90 | Andere |
8432.B | Zaai-, plant- en pootmachines: |
8432.31.00 | Directe zaai-, plant- en pootmachines zonder grondbewerking |
8432.31.00.10 | Seeders |
8432.31.00.90 | Andere |
8432.39.00 | Andere: |
8432.39.00.10 | Seeders |
8432.39.00.90 | Andere |
8432.C | Machines voor het strooien of verspreiden van meststoffen: |
8432.41.00.00 | Mestverspreiders |
8432.42.00.00 | Fertilizer distributors |
8432.80.00.00 | Andere machines en toestellen |
8432.90.00 | Delen: |
8432.90.00.10 | Of ploughs |
8432.90.00.20 | Of harrows, scarifiers, cultivators, weeders or hoes |
8432.90.00.30 | Of seeders, planters, transplanters, manure spreaders or fertilizer distributors |
8432.90.00.90 | Andere |
8433 | Harvesting or threshing machinery, including straw or fodder balers; grass or hay mowers; machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other agricultural produce, other than machinery of heading 84.37. |
8433.A | Mowers for lawns, parks or sports-grounds: |
8433.11.00 | Met motor en met een in een horizontaal vlak draaiende snijinrichting: |
8433.11.00.A | Riding type: |
8433.11.00.14 | Of a power less than 7.46 kW |
8433.11.00.15 | Of a power of 7.46 kW or more |
8433.11.00.B | Andere: |
8433.11.00.91 | Electric mowers |
8433.11.00.92 | Other, of a power less than 3.7 kW |
8433.11.00.93 | Other, of a power of 3.7 kW or more |
8433.19.00.00 | Andere |
8433.20.00.00 | Andere maaimachines, maaibalken voor trekkers daaronder begrepen |
8433.30.00.00 | Andere machines en toestellen voor het hooien |
8433.40.00.00 | Stro- en veevoederpersen, opraappersen daaronder begrepen |
8433.B | Andere machines en toestellen voor het oogsten; dorsmachines: |
8433.51.00 | Maaidorsers |
8433.51.00.10 | Met eigen beweegkracht |
8433.51.00.90 | Andere |
8433.52.00.00 | Andere dorsmachines |
8433.53.00.00 | Machines voor het oogsten van wortels en knollen |
8433.59.00 | Andere: |
8433.59.00.10 | Forage harvesters |
8433.59.00.90 | Andere |
8433.60.00.00 | Machines voor het reinigen of sorteren van eieren, vruchten of andere landbouwproducten |
8433.90.00 | Delen: |
8433.90.00.10 | Of mowers for lawns, parks or sports-grounds |
8433.90.00.20 | Of haying machinery or balers |
8433.90.00.30 | Of other mowers, harvesting machines and threshing machines |
8433.90.00.40 | Of machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs |
8433.90.00.50 | Of machines for cleaning, sorting or grading fruit or other agricultural produce |
8434 | Milking machines and dairy machinery. |
8434.10.00.00 | Melkmachines |
8434.20.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor zuivelbedrijven |
8434.90.00.00 | Delen |
8435 | Presses, crushers and similar machinery used in the manufacture of wine, cider, fruit juices or similar beverages. |
8435.10.00.00 | Machines en toestellen |
8435.90.00.00 | Delen |
8436 | Other agricultural, horticultural, forestry, poultry-keeping or bee-keeping machinery, including germination plant fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment; poultry incubators and brooders. |
8436.10.00.00 | Machinery for preparing animal feeding stuffs |
8436.A | Machines en toestellen voor de pluimveeteelt, broedmachines en kunstmoeders daaronder begrepen: |
8436.21.00.00 | Broedmachines en kunstmoeders |
8436.29.00.00 | Andere |
8436.80.00 | Andere machines en toestellen: |
8436.80.00.10 | Forestry machinery |
8436.80.00.A | Agricultural or horticultural type: |
8436.80.00.21 | Crop preparation machinery |
8436.80.00.22 | Barn and barnyard machinery, including automatic feeders or watering troughs |
8436.80.00.29 | Andere |
8436.80.00.90 | Andere |
8436.B | Delen: |
8436.91.00.00 | Van machines of toestellen voor de pluimveeteelt, van broedmachines of van kunstmoeders |
8436.99.00 | Andere: |
8436.99.00.10 | Of forestry machinery |
8436.99.00.20 | Of machinery for preparing animal feeding stuffs; Of crop preparation machinery |
8436.99.00.30 | Of barn and barnyard machinery, including automatic feeders or watering troughs |
8436.99.00.90 | Andere |
8437 | Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain or dried leguminous vegetables; machinery used in the milling industry or for the working of cereals or dried leguminous vegetables, other than farm-type machinery. |
8437.10.00.00 | Machines voor het reinigen of sorteren van zaad, graan of gedroogde peulgroenten |
8437.80.00.00 | Andere machines en toestellen |
8437.90.00.00 | Delen |
8438 | Machinery, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter, for the industrial preparation or manufacture of food or drink, other than machinery for the extraction or preparation of animal or fixed vegetable or microbial fats or oils. |
8438.10.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor brood- of banketbakkerijen of voor het vervaardigen van deegwaren |
8438.20.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor het vervaardigen van suikergoed, cacao of chocolade |
8438.30.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor suikerfabrieken |
8438.40.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor brouwerijen |
8438.50.00 | Machines en toestellen voor het bewerken of verwerken van vlees |
8438.50.00.10 | Meat-packing or poultry-packing plant machinery (abattoir) |
8438.50.00.90 | Andere |
8438.60.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor de bereiding van vruchten of groenten |
8438.80.00.00 | Andere machines en toestellen |
8438.90.00.00 | Delen |
8439 | Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard. |
8439.10.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor het vervaardigen van pulp van cellulosehoudende vezelstoffen |
8439.20.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor het vervaardigen van papier of van karton |
8439.30.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor het afwerken van papier of van karton |
8439.A | Delen: |
8439.91.00.00 | Van machines of toestellen voor het vervaardigen van pulp van cellulosehoudende vezelstoffen |
8439.99.00 | Andere: |
8439.99.00.10 | Of machinery for making paper or paperboard |
8439.99.00.90 | Andere |
8440 | Book-binding machinery, including book-sewing machines. |
8440.10.00.00 | Machines en toestellen |
8440.90.00.00 | Delen |
8441 | Other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. |
8441.10.00.00 | Snijmachines |
8441.20.00.00 | Machines voor de vervaardiging van zakken of van enveloppen |
8441.30.00.00 | Machines voor de vervaardiging van dozen, van kokers, van trommels of van dergelijke bergingsmiddelen, anders dan door vormen |
8441.40.00.00 | Machines voor het vormen van artikelen uit papierstof, uit papier of uit karton |
8441.80.00.00 | Andere machines en toestellen |
8441.90.00.00 | Delen |
8442 | Machinery, apparatus and equipment (other than the machines of headings 84.56 to 84.65) for preparing or making plates, cylinders or other printing components; plates cylinders and other printing components; plates, cylinders and lithographic stones, prepared for printing purposes (for example, planed, grained or polished). |
8442.30.00.00 | Machines, toestellen en uitrustingsstukken |
8442.40.00.00 | Delen van deze machines, toestellen of uitrustingsstukken |
8442.50.00 | Drukplaten, drukcilinders en ander materiaal voor het drukken; platen, cilinders en lithografische stenen, geprepareerd voor het drukken (bijvoorbeeld geslepen, gekorreld, gepolijst) |
8442.50.00.10 | Planed, grained, polished or otherwise prepared for engraving or impressing |
8442.50.00.90 | Andere |
8443 | Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 84.42; other printers, copying machines and facsimile machines, whether or not combined; parts and accessories thereof. |
8443.A | Printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 84.42: |
8443.11.00.00 | Offset printing machinery, reel-fed |
8443.12.00.00 | Offset printing machinery, sheet-fed, office-type (using sheets with one side not exceeding 22 cm and the other side not exceeding 36 cm in the unfolded state) |
8443.13.00.00 | Andere machines en toestellen voor de offsetdruk |
8443.14.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor de hoogdruk (boekdruk), gevoed met rollen, met uitzondering van machines en toestellen voor de flexografie |
8443.15.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor de hoogdruk (boekdruk), andere dan gevoed met rollen, met uitzondering van machines en toestellen voor de flexografie |
8443.16.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor de flexografie |
8443.17.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor de diepdruk |
8443.19.00.00 | Andere |
8443.B | Andere afdrukkers, kopieertoestellen en telekopieertoestellen, ook indien gecombineerd: |
8443.31.00.00 | Machines which perform two or more of the functions of printing, copying or facsimile transmission, capable of connecting to an automatic data processing machine or to a network |
8443.32.00 | Andere, geschikt om te worden aangesloten op een automatische gegevensverwerkende machine of op een netwerk: |
8443.32.00.10 | Ink-jet printing machines |
8443.32.00.20 | Laser printers |
8443.32.00.90 | Andere |
8443.39.00.00 | Andere |
8443.C | Delen en toebehoren: |
8443.91.00 | Parts and accessories of printing machinery used for printing by means of plates, cylinders and other printing components of heading 84.42 |
8443.91.00.10 | Machines for uses ancillary to printing |
8443.91.00.90 | Andere |
8443.99.00 | Andere: |
8443.99.00.10 | Accessory and auxiliary machines, which are intended for attachment to an electrostatic photocopier and which do not operate independently of such photocopier |
8443.99.00.90 | Andere |
8444.00.00.00 | Machines for extruding, drawing, texturing or cutting man-made textile materials. |
8445 | Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or twisting machines and other machinery for producing textile yarns; textile reeling or winding (including weft-winding) machines and machines for preparing textile yarns for use on the machines of heading 84.46 or 84.47. |
8445.A | Machines voor het bereiden van spinvezels: |
8445.11.00.00 | Kaardmachines |
8445.12.00.00 | Kammachines |
8445.13.00.00 | Voorspinmachines |
8445.19.00.00 | Andere |
8445.20.00.00 | Machines voor het spinnen |
8445.30.00.00 | Machines voor het doubleren of twijnen |
8445.40.00.00 | Machines voor het spoelen, opwinden (inslagspoelmachines daaronder begrepen) of afhaspelen van textielstoffen |
8445.90.00.00 | Andere |
8446 | Weaving machines (looms). |
8446.10.00.00 | Voor weefsels met een breedte van niet meer dan 30 cm |
8446.A | Voor weefsels met een breedte van meer dan 30 cm, met schietspoel: |
8446.21.00.00 | Met motor |
8446.29.00.00 | Andere |
8446.30.00.00 | Voor weefsels met een breedte van meer dan 30 cm, andere dan met schietspoel |
8447 | Knitting machines, stitch-bonding machines and machines for making gimped yarn, tulle, lace, embroidery, trimmings, braid or net and machines for tufting. |
8447.A | Rondbreimachines: |
8447.11.00.00 | Met een cilinderdiameter van niet meer dan 165 mm |
8447.12.00.00 | Met een cilinderdiameter van meer dan 165 mm |
8447.20.00.00 | Vlakbreimachines; naai-breimachines ("stitch-bonding"-machines) |
8447.90.00.00 | Andere |
8448 | Auxiliary machinery for use with machines of heading 84.44, 84.45, 84.46 or 84.47 (for example, dobbies, Jacquards, automatic stop motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of this heading or of heading 84.44, 84.45, 84.46 or 84.47 (for example, spindles and spindle flyers, card clothing, combs, extruding nipples, shuttles, healds and heald-frames, hosiery needles). |
8448.A | Auxiliary machinery for machines of heading 84.44, 84.45, 84.46 or 84.47: |
8448.11.00.00 | Dobbies and Jacquards; card reducing, copying, punching or assembling machines for use therewith |
8448.19.00.00 | Andere |
8448.20.00.00 | Parts and accessories of machines of heading 84.44 or of their auxiliary machinery |
8448.B | Parts and accessories of machines of heading 84.45 or of their auxiliary machinery: |
8448.31.00.00 | Kaardbeslag |
8448.32.00.00 | Voor machines voor het bereiden van spinvezels, andere dan kaardbeslag |
8448.33.00.00 | Spillen, spilvleugels, ringen en spinoogjes (travellers) |
8448.39.00.00 | Andere |
8448.C | Delen en toebehoren voor weefgetouwen of voor de hulpmachines of hulptoestellen daarvoor: |
8448.42.00.00 | Rieten, hevels en schachten |
8448.49.00.00 | Andere |
8448.D | Parts and accessories of machines of heading 84.47 or of their auxiliary machinery: |
8448.51.00.00 | Platinen, naalden en andere artikelen voor het vormen van mazen |
8448.59.00.00 | Andere |
8449.00.00.00 | Machinery for the manufacture or finishing of felt or nonwovens in the piece or in shapes, including machinery for making felt hats; blocks for making hats. |
8450 | Household or laundry-type washing machines, including machines which both wash and dry. |
8450.A | Machines met een capaciteit van niet meer dan 10 kg droog wasgoed: |
8450.11 | Volautomatische machines: |
8450.11.10 | Household type, not including machines which both wash and dry |
8450.11.10.10 | Combination units (pairs) |
8450.11.10.90 | Andere |
8450.11.90 | Andere: |
8450.11.90.10 | Coin-operated |
8450.11.90.90 | Andere |
8450.12.00.00 | Other machines, with built-in centrifugal dryer |
8450.19.00.00 | Andere |
8450.20.00 | Machines met een capaciteit van meer dan 10 kg droog wasgoed |
8450.20.00.10 | Commercial laundry washer-extractors |
8450.20.00.90 | Andere |
8450.90 | Delen: |
8450.90.10.00 | Tubs or tub assemblies |
8450.90.20.00 | Furniture designed to receive household or laundry type washing machines, including machines which both wash and dry |
8450.90.90.00 | Andere |
8451 | Machinery (other than machines of heading 84.50) for washing, cleaning, wringing, drying, ironing, pressing (including fusing presses), bleaching, dyeing, dressing, finishing, coating or impregnating textile yarns, fabrics or made up textile articles and machines for applying the paste to the base fabric or other support used in the manufacture of floor coverings such as linoleum; machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking textile fabrics. |
8451.10.00.00 | Machines voor het droog reinigen |
8451.A | Droogmachines: |
8451.21.00.00 | Met een capaciteit van niet meer dan 10 kg droog wasgoed |
8451.29.00.00 | Andere |
8451.30 | Strijkmachines en strijkpersen (fixeerpersen daaronder begrepen) |
8451.30.10.00 | Accessory steam irons for commercial laundries;
, Vacuum and heated pressing tables |
8451.30.90.00 | Andere |
8451.40 | Machines voor het wassen, het bleken of het verven |
8451.40.10.00 | Carpet shampooers;
, Carpet, drapery and upholstery cleaning machines;
, Fish net washing machines |
8451.40.90.00 | Andere |
8451.50.00.00 | Machines voor het oprollen, het afrollen, het vouwen, het snijden of het kartelen van weefsels |
8451.80.00.00 | Andere machines en toestellen |
8451.90 | Delen: |
8451.90.10.00 | Drying chambers for the drying machines of subheading 8451.21 or 8451.29 and other parts of drying machines incorporating drying chambers |
8451.90.20.00 | Furniture designed to receive the drying machines of subheading 8451.21 or 8451.29 |
8451.90.90 | Andere: |
8451.90.90.10 | Of machines for washing, dry-cleaning, ironing, pressing or drying made up textile articles or of other household or laundry type machines |
8451.90.90.90 | Andere |
8452 | Sewing machines, other than book-sewing machines of heading 84.40; furniture, bases and covers specially designed for sewing machines; sewing machine needles. |
8452.10.00.00 | Naaimachines voor huishoudelijk gebruik |
8452.A | Andere naaimachines: |
8452.21.00.00 | Automatische eenheden |
8452.29.00.00 | Andere |
8452.30.00.00 | Naalden voor naaimachines |
8452.90 | Meubelen, onderstellen en kappen voor naaimachines, alsmede delen daarvan; andere delen van naaimachines |
8452.90.10.00 | Furniture, bases and covers for sewing machines, and parts thereof, for domestic sewing machines |
8452.90.20.00 | Other parts of domestic sewing machines |
8452.90.90.00 | Andere |
8453 | Machinery for preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather or for making or repairing footwear or other articles of hides, skins or leather, other than sewing machines. |
8453.10.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor het bereiden of het bewerken van huiden, vellen of leder |
8453.20.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor het vervaardigen of het herstellen van schoeisel |
8453.80.00.00 | Andere machines en toestellen |
8453.90.00.00 | Delen |
8454 | Converters, ladles, ingot moulds and casting machines, of a kind used in metallurgy or in metal foundries. |
8454.10.00.00 | Convertors |
8454.20.00 | Gietvormen voor ingots en gietpannen |
8454.20.00.10 | Ingot moulds, for the production of steel ingots |
8454.20.00.90 | Andere |
8454.30.00 | Gietmachines: |
8454.30.00.10 | Die casting machines |
8454.30.00.90 | Andere |
8454.90.00 | Delen: |
8454.90.00.A | Of casting machines: |
8454.90.00.11 | Of die casting machines |
8454.90.00.19 | Andere |
8454.90.00.90 | Andere |
8455 | Metal-rolling mills and rolls therefor. |
8455.10.00.00 | Walsstoelen voor buizen |
8455.A | Andere walsstoelen: |
8455.21.00.00 | Voor het warm walsen of voor het gecombineerd warm en koud walsen |
8455.22.00.00 | Voor het koud walsen |
8455.30.00 | Walsrollen: |
8455.30.00.10 | Cast iron |
8455.30.00.20 | Cast steel |
8455.30.00.90 | Andere |
8455.90 | Andere delen |
8455.90.10.00 | Castings or weldments, individually weighing less than 90 tonnes |
8455.90.90.00 | Andere |
8456 | Machine-tools for working any material by removal of material, by laser or other light or photon beam, ultrasonic, electro-discharge, electro-chemical, electron beam, ionic-beam or plasma arc processes; water-jet cutting machines. |
8456.A | Werkend met behulp van laser- of andere licht- of fotonenstralen: |
8456.11.00.00 | Werkend met behulp van laserstralen |
8456.12.00.00 | Werkend met behulp van andere licht- of fotonenstralen |
8456.20.00.00 | Werkend met behulp van ultrasone trillingen |
8456.30.00.00 | Werkend met behulp van elektro-erosie (vonkerosie) |
8456.40.00.00 | Werkend met behulp van plasmastralen |
8456.50.00.00 | Waterstraalsnijmachines |
8456.90.00.00 | Andere |
8457 | Machining centres, unit construction machines (single station) and multi-station transfer machines, for working metal. |
8457.10.00 | Bewerkingscentra |
8457.10.00.A | Met numerieke besturing: |
8457.10.00.11 | Used or rebuilt |
8457.10.00.12 | New vertical spindle machines, with automatic tool changers and a Y-axis travel not exceeding 660 mm |
8457.10.00.13 | New vertical spindle machines, with automatic tool changers and a Y-axis travel exceeding 660 mm |
8457.10.00.14 | New, with automatic tool changers, other than vertical spindle machines |
8457.10.00.15 | New, other than with automatic tool changers |
8457.10.00.90 | Andere |
8457.20.00.00 | Enkel-stationsbewerkingsmachines |
8457.30.00.00 | Meervoudige transferbewerkingsmachines |
8458 | Lathes (including turning centres) for removing metal. |
8458.A | Horizontale draaibanken: |
8458.11.00 | Met numerieke besturing: |
8458.11.00.10 | Multiple spindle |
8458.11.00.A | Andere: |
8458.11.00.91 | Of a power not exceeding 18.64 kW |
8458.11.00.92 | Of a power exceeding 18.64 kW |
8458.19.00.00 | Andere |
8458.B | Andere draaibanken: |
8458.91.00.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8458.99.00.00 | Andere |
8459 | Machine-tools (including way-type unit head machines) for drilling, boring, milling, threading or tapping by removing metal, other than lathes (including turning centres) of heading 84.58. |
8459.10.00.00 | Bewerkingseenheden op slede |
8459.A | Andere boormachines: |
8459.21.00.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8459.29.00.00 | Andere |
8459.B | Andere ruim-freesmachines: |
8459.31.00 | Met numerieke besturing: |
8459.31.00.10 | Table type horizontal spindle, excluding planer type |
8459.31.00.80 | Other horizontal spindle |
8459.31.00.90 | Andere |
8459.39.00.00 | Andere |
8459.C | Andere ruimmachines: |
8459.41.00.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8459.49.00.00 | Andere |
8459.D | Kniefreesmachines: |
8459.51.00.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8459.59.00.00 | Andere |
8459.E | Andere freesmachines: |
8459.61.00.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8459.69.00.00 | Andere |
8459.70 | Andere machines voor het snijden of tappen van draad |
8459.70.10.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8459.70.90.00 | Andere |
8460 | Machine-tools for deburring, sharpening, grinding, honing, lapping, polishing or otherwise finishing metal, or cermets by means of grinding stones, abrasives or polishing products, other than gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing machines of heading 84.61. |
8460.A | Vlakslijpmachines: |
8460.12.00.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8460.19.00.00 | Andere |
8460.B | Andere slijpmachines: |
8460.22.00.00 | Centerloze uitwendige rondslijpmachines, met numerieke besturing |
8460.23.00.00 | Andere rondslijpmachines, met numerieke besturing |
8460.24.00.00 | Andere, met numerieke besturing |
8460.29.00.00 | Andere |
8460.C | Machines voor het slijpen van gereedschap: |
8460.31.00.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8460.39.00.00 | Andere |
8460.40 | Hoon- en lapmachines: |
8460.40.10.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8460.40.90.00 | Andere |
8460.90.00.00 | Andere |
8461 | Machine-tools for planing, shaping, slotting, broaching, gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing, sawing, cutting-off and other machine-tools working by removing metal, or cermets, not elsewhere specified or included. |
8461.20 | Sterkearmschaafbanken en steekbanken |
8461.20.10.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8461.20.90.00 | Andere |
8461.30 | Trekfreesbanken: |
8461.30.10.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8461.30.90.00 | Andere |
8461.40.00.00 | Machines voor het frezen, steken, schaven, slijpen of afwerken van tandwielen |
8461.50 | Zaagmachines en afsteekbanken: |
8461.50.10.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8461.50.90.00 | Andere |
8461.90 | Andere: |
8461.90.10.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8461.90.90.00 | Andere |
8462 | Machine-tools (including presses) for working metal by forging, hammering or die forging (excluding rolling mills); machine-tools (including presses, slitting lines and cut-to-length lines) for working metal by bending, folding, straightening, flattening, shearing, punching, notching or nibbling (excluding drawbenches); presses for working metal or metal carbides, not specified above. |
8462.A | Machines voor het warm bewerken door middel van smeden, matrijssmeden (persen daaronder begrepen) of hameren: |
8462.11.00.00 | Machines voor het gesloten matrijssmeden |
8462.19.00.00 | Andere |
8462.B | Machines ((af)kantpersen daaronder begrepen) voor het buigen, het vouwen, het strekken of het vlakken, voor vlakke producten: |
8462.22 | Machines voor profielvorming: |
8462.22.10.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8462.22.90.00 | Andere |
8462.23.00.00 | (af)kantpersen met numerieke besturing |
8462.24.00.00 | Paneelbuigers met numerieke besturing |
8462.25.00.00 | Rolvormmachines met numerieke besturing |
8462.26.00.00 | Andere machines voor het buigen, het vouwen, het strekken of het vlakken, met numerieke besturing |
8462.29 | Andere: |
8462.29.10.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8462.29.90.00 | Andere |
8462.C | Lijnen voor het overlangs of op lengte snijden en andere snijmachines (met uitzondering van persen) voor vlakke producten, andere dan gecombineerde ponssnijmachines: |
8462.32.00.00 | Lijnen voor het overlangs of op lengte snijden |
8462.33.00.00 | Snijmachines met numerieke besturing |
8462.39.00.00 | Andere |
8462.D | Machines (met uitzondering van persen) voor het ponsen, het inkepen of het nibbelen, voor vlakke producten, gecombineerde ponssnijmachines daaronder begrepen: |
8462.42.00 | Met numerieke besturing: |
8462.42.00.10 | Punching machines |
8462.42.00.90 | Andere |
8462.49.00.00 | Andere |
8462.E | Machines voor het bewerken van buizen, pijpen, holle profielen en staven (met uitzondering van persen): |
8462.51.00.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8462.59.00.00 | Andere |
8462.F | Persen voor het koud bewerken van metaal: |
8462.61 | Hydraulische persen: |
8462.61.10.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8462.61.90.00 | Andere |
8462.62 | Mechanische persen: |
8462.62.10.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8462.62.90.00 | Andere |
8462.63 | Servopersen: |
8462.63.10.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8462.63.90.00 | Andere |
8462.69 | Andere: |
8462.69.10.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8462.69.90 | Andere: |
8462.69.90.10 | Die stamping machines |
8462.69.90.90 | Andere |
8462.90 | Andere: |
8462.90.10.00 | Met numerieke besturing |
8462.90.90.00 | Andere |
8463 | Other machine-tools for working metal or cermets, without removing material. |
8463.10.00.00 | Draw-benches for bars, tubes, profiles, wire or the like |
8463.20.00.00 | Thread rolling machines |
8463.30.00.00 | Machines voor het bewerken van draad |
8463.90.00.00 | Andere |
8464 | Machine-tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement or like mineral materials or for cold working glass. |
8464.10.00 | Zaagmachines: |
8464.10.00.10 | For working stone |
8464.10.00.20 | For working concrete |
8464.10.00.90 | Andere |
8464.20.00 | Slijp- en polijstmachines: |
8464.20.00.10 | Glass working machines |
8464.20.00.90 | Andere |
8464.90.00 | Andere: |
8464.90.00.10 | For cold working glass |
8464.90.00.90 | Andere |
8465 | Machine-tools (including machines for nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise assembling) for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or similar hard materials. |
8465.10.00 | Machines waarmee bewerkingen van verschillende aard zonder tussentijdse gereedschapswisseling kunnen worden uitgevoerd: |
8465.10.00.10 | For working wood |
8465.10.00.90 | Andere |
8465.20.00.00 | Bewerkingscentra |
8465.A | Andere: |
8465.91.00 | Zaagmachines: |
8465.91.00.10 | Of a kind used in sawmills |
8465.91.00.A | Other, for working wood: |
8465.91.00.21 | Band type |
8465.91.00.23 | Table type |
8465.91.00.26 | Mitre type |
8465.91.00.29 | Andere |
8465.91.00.B | Andere: |
8465.91.00.91 | Mitre type |
8465.91.00.99 | Andere |
8465.92.00 | Schaafmachines, freesmachines en profileermachines |
8465.92.00.A | For milling or moulding wood: |
8465.92.00.11 | Routers |
8465.92.00.19 | Andere |
8465.92.00.90 | Andere |
8465.93.00 | Schuur-, slijp- en polijstmachines |
8465.93.00.30 | For working wood |
8465.93.00.90 | Andere |
8465.94.00 | Machines voor het buigen en machines voor het ineenzetten |
8465.94.00.10 | For working wood |
8465.94.00.90 | Andere |
8465.95.00 | Boormachines en uitsteekmachines |
8465.95.00.10 | For working wood |
8465.95.00.90 | Andere |
8465.96.00 | Splijt-, afsnij- en schilmachines |
8465.96.00.A | For working wood: |
8465.96.00.11 | Log splitters |
8465.96.00.12 | Chippers |
8465.96.00.19 | Andere |
8465.96.00.90 | Andere |
8465.99.00 | Andere: |
8465.99.00.A | For working wood: |
8465.99.00.11 | Log splitters |
8465.99.00.12 | Chippers |
8465.99.00.19 | Andere |
8465.99.00.90 | Andere |
8466 | Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of headings 84.56 to 84.65, including work or tool holders, self-opening dieheads, dividing heads and other special attachments for the machines; tool holders for any type of tool for working in the hand. |
8466.10.00 | Gereedschaphouders en zelfopenende draadsnijkoppen: |
8466.10.00.10 | Tool holders, for forming-type or cutting-type dies |
8466.10.00.20 | Holders, for replaceable cutting or drill inserts |
8466.10.00.90 | Andere |
8466.20.00 | Werkstukhouders: |
8466.20.00.20 | For metalworking machine tools |
8466.20.00.90 | Andere |
8466.30.00.00 | Verdeelkoppen en andere speciale toestellen voor montage op machines |
8466.A | Andere: |
8466.91.00.00 | For machines of heading 84.64 |
8466.92.00 | For machines of heading 84.65 |
8466.92.00.10 | Of woodworking machines |
8466.92.00.90 | Andere |
8466.93 | For machines of headings 84.56 to 84.61 |
8466.93.10.00 | Bed, base, table, head, tail, saddle, cradle, cross slide, column, arm, saw arm, wheelhead, tailstock, headstock, ram, frame, work-arbour support, and C-frame castings, weldments or fabrications |
8466.93.90.00 | Andere |
8466.94 | For machines of heading 84.62 or 84.63 |
8466.94.10.00 | Bed, base, table, column, cradle, frame, bolster, crown, slide, rod, tailstock and headstock castings, weldments or fabrications |
8466.94.90.00 | Andere |
8467 | Tools for working in the hand, pneumatic, hydraulic or with self-contained electric or non-electric motor. |
8467.A | Pneumatisch: |
8467.11.00 | Roterend (ook indien met slagmechanisme): |
8467.11.00.10 | Wrenches |
8467.11.00.A | Suitable for metalworking: |
8467.11.00.21 | Grinders, polishers or sanders |
8467.11.00.29 | Andere |
8467.11.00.30 | Other drills, screwdrivers and nut runners |
8467.11.00.90 | Andere |
8467.19.00 | Andere: |
8467.19.00.10 | Designed for use in construction or mining |
8467.19.00.90 | Andere |
8467.B | Met ingebouwde elektromotor: |
8467.21.00 | Boormachines van alle soorten: |
8467.21.00.10 | Rotary, battery powered |
8467.21.00.80 | Other rotary |
8467.21.00.90 | Andere |
8467.22.00 | Zagen: |
8467.22.00.20 | Chain saws |
8467.22.00.30 | Reciprocating and jig saws, including saber saws |
8467.22.00.40 | Circular saws |
8467.22.00.90 | Andere |
8467.29.00 | Andere: |
8467.29.00.A | Grinders, polishers and other sanders: |
8467.29.00.11 | Angle grinders, polishers or sanders |
8467.29.00.12 | Orbital and straight-line sanders |
8467.29.00.19 | Andere |
8467.29.00.20 | Screwdrivers, nut runners and impact wrenches |
8467.29.00.30 | Routers |
8467.29.00.40 | Hedge trimmers |
8467.29.00.50 | Grass and weed trimmers (edgers) |
8467.29.00.90 | Andere |
8467.C | Ander gereedschap: |
8467.81.00.00 | Chain saws |
8467.89.00 | Andere: |
8467.89.00.20 | Gasoline powered grass and weed trimmers and brush cutters |
8467.89.00.30 | Other, designed for use in agriculture or horticulture |
8467.89.00.90 | Andere |
8467.D | Delen: |
8467.91.00.00 | Of chain saws |
8467.92.00.00 | Van pneumatisch gereedschap |
8467.99.00.00 | Andere |
8468 | Machinery and apparatus for soldering, brazing or welding, whether or not capable of cutting, other than those of heading 85.15; gas-operated surface tempering machines and appliances. |
8468.10.00.00 | Handbranders |
8468.20.00.00 | Andere machines en toestellen, werkend met gas |
8468.80.00.00 | Andere machines en toestellen |
8468.90.00.00 | Delen |
8470 | Calculating machines and pocket-size data recording, reproducing and displaying machines with calculating functions; accounting machines, postage-franking machines, ticket-issuing machines and similar machines, incorporating a calculating device; cash registers. |
8470.10.00.00 | Electronic calculators capable of operation without an external source of electric power and pocket-size data recording, reproducing and displaying machines with calculating functions |
8470.A | Andere elektronische rekenmachines: |
8470.21.00.00 | Schrijvende |
8470.29.00.00 | Andere |
8470.30.00.00 | Andere rekenmachines |
8470.50.00 | Kasregisters |
8470.50.00.10 | Point-of-sale terminals |
8470.50.00.90 | Andere |
8470.90.00 | Andere: |
8470.90.00.10 | Postage-franking machines |
8470.90.00.20 | Ticket-issuing machines |
8470.90.00.90 | Andere |
8471 | Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, not elsewhere specified or included. |
8471.30.00.00 | Portable automatic data processing machines, weighing not more than 10 kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and a display |
8471.A | Andere automatische gegevensverwerkende machines: |
8471.41.00 | Bevattende in dezelfde behuizing ten minste een centrale verwerkingseenheid en, al dan niet gecombineerd, een invoer- en uitvoereenheid |
8471.41.00.10 | With cathode-ray tubes (CRT) |
8471.41.00.90 | Andere |
8471.49.00 | Andere, aangeboden in de vorm van systemen |
8471.49.00.10 | With cathode-ray tubes (CRT) |
8471.49.00.90 | Andere |
8471.50.00 | Processing units, other than those of subheading 8471.41 or 8471.49, whether or not containing in the same housing one or two of the following types of unit: storage units, input units, output units |
8471.50.00.10 | With cathode-ray tubes (CRT) |
8471.50.00.90 | Andere |
8471.60.00 | Invoereenheden en uitvoereenheden, ook indien zij in dezelfde behuizing geheugeneenheden bevatten: |
8471.60.00.10 | Combined input/output units |
8471.60.00.20 | Optical scanners and magnetic ink recognition devices |
8471.60.00.30 | Magnetic media entry devices |
8471.60.00.40 | Card readers, badge readers and paper tape readers |
8471.60.00.50 | Keyboards |
8471.60.00.60 | Output devices |
8471.60.00.90 | Andere |
8471.70.00 | Geheugeneenheden: |
8471.70.00.A | Magnetic disc drives: |
8471.70.00.12 | For flexible (floppy) magnetic disks |
8471.70.00.13 | For hard magnetic disks |
8471.70.00.19 | Andere |
8471.70.00.90 | Andere |
8471.80 | Other units of automatic data processing machines |
8471.80.10.00 | Control or adapter units |
8471.80.A | Andere: |
8471.80.91.00 | Units suitable for physical incorporation into automatic data processing machines or units thereof |
8471.80.99.00 | Andere |
8471.90.00.00 | Andere |
8472 | Other office machines (for example, hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines, automatic banknote dispensers, coin-sorting machines, coin-counting or wrapping machines, pencil-sharpening machines, perforating or stapling machines). |
8472.10.00.00 | Duplicators |
8472.30.00.00 | Machines voor het sorteren, het vouwen, het in een enveloppe steken of het van een adresband voorzien van poststukken, machines voor het openen, het sluiten of het verzegelen van correspondentie en machines voor het aanbrengen of het stempelen van postzegels |
8472.90.00 | Andere: |
8472.90.00.10 | Automatic teller machines, including automatic banknote dispensers |
8472.90.00.20 | Coin or currency handling machines |
8472.90.00.90 | Andere |
8473 | Parts and accessories (other than covers, carrying cases and the like) suitable for use solely or principally with machines of headings 84.70 to 84.72. |
8473.A | Parts and accessories of the machines of heading 84.70: |
8473.21.00.00 | Van de elektronische rekenmachines bedoeld bij de onderverdelingen 8470 10, 8470 21 en 8470 29 |
8473.29.00.00 | Andere |
8473.30 | Parts and accessories of the machines of heading 84.71 |
8473.30.20.00 | Printed circuit assemblies |
8473.30.30.00 | Parts and accessories of printed circuit assemblies, including face plates and lock latches |
8473.30.90.00 | Andere |
8473.40.00.00 | Parts and accessories of the machines of heading 84.72 |
8473.50 | Parts and accessories equally suitable for use with the machines of two or more of the headings 84.70 to 84.72 |
8473.50.10.00 | Printed circuit assemblies |
8473.50.20.00 | Parts and accessories of printed circuit assemblies, including face plates and lock latches |
8473.50.90.00 | Andere |
8474 | Machinery for sorting, screening, separating, washing, crushing, grinding, mixing or kneading earth, stone, ores or other mineral substances, in solid (including powder or paste) form; machinery for agglomerating, shaping or moulding solid mineral fuels, ceramic paste, unhardened cements, plastering materials or other mineral products in powder or paste form; machines for forming foundry moulds of sand. |
8474.10.00 | Machines en toestellen voor het sorteren, het ziften, het scheiden of het wassen |
8474.10.00.10 | Portable |
8474.10.00.90 | Andere |
8474.20.00 | Machines en toestellen voor het breken, het malen of het verpulveren |
8474.20.00.20 | Portable |
8474.20.00.90 | Andere |
8474.A | Machines en toestellen voor het mengen of het kneden: |
8474.31.00 | Betonmolens en machines voor het aanmaken van mortel |
8474.31.00.10 | Stationary |
8474.31.00.20 | Portable |
8474.32.00.00 | Machines voor het mengen van minerale stoffen met bitumen |
8474.39.00.00 | Andere |
8474.80.00 | Andere machines en toestellen: |
8474.80.00.30 | For agglomerating, shaping or moulding solid mineral fuels, ceramic paste, unhardened cements, plastering materials or other mineral products, in powder or paste form |
8474.80.00.90 | Andere |
8474.90.00 | Delen: |
8474.90.00.10 | Of sorting, screening, separating or washing machines |
8474.90.00.20 | Of crushing or grinding machines |
8474.90.00.30 | Of mixing or kneading machines |
8474.90.00.90 | Andere |
8475 | Machines for assembling electric or electronic lamps, tubes or valves or flash-bulbs, in glass envelopes; machines for manufacturing or hot working glass or glassware. |
8475.10.00.00 | Machines for assembling electric or electronic lamps, tubes or valves or flash-bulbs, in glass envelopes |
8475.A | Machines voor het vervaardigen of voor het warm bewerken van glas of van glaswerk: |
8475.21.00.00 | Machines for making optical fibres and preforms |
8475.29.00.00 | Andere |
8475.90.00.00 | Delen |
8476 | Automatic goods-vending machines (for example, postage stamp, cigarette, food or beverage machines), including money-changing machines. |
8476.A | Verkoopautomaten voor dranken: |
8476.21 | Voorzien van een inrichting voor het verwarmen of voor het koelen |
8476.21.10.00 | For vending in-cup hot beverages, with no more than three selections |
8476.21.90.00 | Andere |
8476.29.00.00 | Andere |
8476.B | Andere machines: |
8476.81 | Voorzien van een inrichting voor het verwarmen of voor het koelen |
8476.81.10.00 | For vending French fried potatoes or chicken nuggets |
8476.81.90.00 | Andere |
8476.89.00.00 | Andere |
8476.90.00.00 | Delen |
8477 | Machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these materials, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter. |
8477.10.00 | Spuitgietmachines |
8477.10.00.10 | For injection-moulding rubber |
8477.10.00.20 | For injection-moulding plastics |
8477.20.00.00 | Strengpersen (extrudeerpersen) |
8477.30.00.00 | Blow moulding machines |
8477.40.00.00 | Vacuum moulding machines and other thermoforming machines |
8477.A | Andere giet- of vormmachines en -toestellen: |
8477.51.00.00 | For moulding or retreading pneumatic tires or for moulding or otherwise forming inner tubes |
8477.59.00.00 | Andere |
8477.80.00.00 | Andere machines en toestellen |
8477.90 | Delen: |
8477.90.10.00 | Base, bed, platen, clamp cylinder, ram and injection castings, weldments and fabrications |
8477.90.20 | Barrel screws |
8477.90.20.20 | For extruders |
8477.90.20.90 | Andere |
8477.90.30.00 | Hydraulic assemblies consisting of at least two of the following: manifold, valves, pump or oil cooler |
8477.90.90 | Andere: |
8477.90.90.10 | For injection moulding machines |
8477.90.90.20 | For extruders |
8477.90.90.30 | For blow moulding machines |
8477.90.90.40 | For machines for forming pneumatic tires |
8477.90.90.90 | Andere |
8478 | Machinery for preparing or making up tobacco, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter. |
8478.10.00.00 | Machines en toestellen |
8478.90.00.00 | Delen |
8479 | Machines and mechanical appliances having individual functions, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter. |
8479.10.00 | Machines en toestellen voor het uitvoeren van openbare werken, van bouwwerken en van dergelijke werken |
8479.10.00.10 | Concrete spreaders, pavers, finishers, profilers or finegraders |
8479.10.00.20 | Bituminous spreaders, pavers, finishers, profilers or finegraders |
8479.10.00.90 | Andere |
8479.20.00.00 | Machines en toestellen voor het extraheren of het bereiden van dierlijke olie of vet of van plantaardige of microbiële vette olie of vet |
8479.30.00.00 | Persen voor het vervaardigen van spaan- en vezelplaat van hout of van andere houtachtige stoffen, alsmede andere machines en toestellen voor de behandeling van hout of kurk |
8479.40.00.00 | Rope or cable-making machines |
8479.50.00 | Industriële robots, elders genoemd noch elders onder begrepen |
8479.50.00.10 | For automotive assembly lines |
8479.50.00.90 | Andere |
8479.60.00.00 | Toestellen voor het verfrissen van lucht door middel van verdamping |
8479.A | Loopbruggen voor passagiers: |
8479.71.00.00 | Van de soort gebruikt op luchthavens |
8479.79.00.00 | Andere |
8479.B | Andere machines en toestellen: |
8479.81.00.00 | Voor de behandeling van metaal, wikkelmachines voor het vervaardigen van elektrische spoelen daaronder begrepen |
8479.82.00 | Mixing, kneading, crushing, grinding, screening, sifting, homogenizing, emulsifying or stirring machines |
8479.82.00.10 | Mixing, kneading or stirring machines |
8479.82.00.90 | Andere |
8479.83.00.00 | Koude isostatische persen |
8479.89 | Andere: |
8479.89.10.00 | Aircraft ground use continuous flow jet engine start units;Artificial fog or smoke generators;Automatic loaders for small arms ammunition;Automotive relay assembly lines;Box dumpers for use with fresh fruit or fresh vegetables;Cathode assembly systems;Coating plant with thermal waste gas purification plant;Coin control devices, of iron or steel, for apparatus, other than telephones, which vends merchandise, services or tickets;Condenser tube cleaning systems;Double-sided printed circuit board coating systems;Dry solder mask processing lines for printed circuit board production;Fishing tools or well fracturing machines and appliances to be employed in the exploration, discovery, development, maintenance, testing, depletion or production of oil or natural gas wells or for use in drilling machinery to be employed in the exploration, discovery, development or operation of potash or rock salt deposits;Horizontal solder levelling systems for printed circuit board production;Initial fluid filling machines for automobiles;Laboratory jet dyeing machines;Liquid solder mask coater processing lines for printed circuit board production;Low volume needle or taper nozzle fluid dispensers;Machinery to be employed in the manufacture of pharmaceutical goods;Machines to be employed in the manufacture of slide fasteners, tooth brushes or Venetian blinds;Machines for use by printers, lithographers, bookbinders, paper or foil converters, manufacturers of stereotypes, electrotypes or printing plates or rolls, or by manufacturers of articles made from paper, paperboard or foil;Multilayer registration systems for printed circuit board production;On-line capsule inspection systems;Pipe scraping systems for cleaning;Powder presses for X-ray diffraction samples;Printed circuit board conveyorized washing and drying machines;Railcar door openers or pullers;Rider type scrubbers or polishers;Scallop attachment machines;Shot shell cartridge loaders;Tape embossing machines;Textile or plastic separator systems for footwear manufacture;Tin strip etch lines for printed circuit board production;Trailer mounted jet air start units;Ultrasonic cleaners excluding those for washing cases |
8479.89.20 | Carpet sweepers;
, Electric motor driven household air humidifiers or air dehumidifiers, excluding appliances of heading 84.15 or 84.24;
, Munition cartridge loaders, excluding shot shell cartridge loaders and automatic loaders for small arms ammunition |
8479.89.20.A | Electric motor driven household air humidifiers or air dehumidifiers, excluding appliances of heading 84.15 or 84.24: |
8479.89.20.21 | Humidifiers |
8479.89.20.22 | Dehumidifiers |
8479.89.20.90 | Andere |
8479.89.30.00 | Machinery to be employed in the manufacture of fertilizers from fish or fish waste;
, Mechanical devices for the control of the composition of sterilizing or cleaning solutions used in the food or beverage industries or in hospitals |
8479.89.A | Trash compactors: |
8479.89.41.00 | Industrial solid waste compactors;
, Waste or refuse compactors, electrically powered, utilized on aircraft, trains, ships or buses, capable of crushing bottles and other in-transit waste |
8479.89.49.00 | Andere |
8479.89.90 | Andere: |
8479.89.90.10 | For the production of petroleum or gas |
8479.89.90.20 | For motor vehicle maintenance |
8479.89.90.90 | Andere |
8479.90 | Delen: |
8479.90.A | Of the goods of tariff item No. 8479.89.41 or 8479.89.49: |
8479.90.11.00 | Frame assemblies incorporating at least two of the following: baseplate, side frames, power screws or front plates |
8479.90.12.00 | Ram assemblies incorporating a ram wrapper or ram cover |
8479.90.13.00 | Container assemblies incorporating at least two of the following: container bottom, container wrapper, slide track or container front |
8479.90.14.00 | Cabinets or cases |
8479.90.19.00 | Andere |
8479.90.90 | Andere: |
8479.90.90.10 | Of industrial robots |
8479.90.90.20 | Of machinery for public works, building or the like |
8479.90.90.30 | Of presses for the manufacture of particle board or fibre building board of wood or other ligneous materials and other machinery for treating wood or cork |
8479.90.90.40 | Of machines or mechanical appliances for treating metal |
8479.90.90.90 | Andere |
8480 | Moulding boxes for metal foundry; mould bases; moulding patterns; moulds for metal (other than ingot moulds), metal carbides, glass, mineral materials, rubber or plastics. |
8480.10.00.00 | Vormkasten voor gieterijen |
8480.20.00.00 | Modelplaten voor gietvormen |
8480.30.00.00 | Modellen voor gietvormen |
8480.A | Vormen voor metalen of voor metaalcarbiden: |
8480.41.00.00 | Voor het spuitgieten of het persgieten |
8480.49.00.00 | Andere |
8480.50.00.00 | Vormen voor glas |
8480.60.00 | Vormen voor minerale stoffen |
8480.60.00.10 | For concrete or clay products |
8480.60.00.90 | Andere |
8480.B | Vormen voor rubber of voor kunststof: |
8480.71.00 | Voor het spuitgieten of het persgieten |
8480.71.00.60 | Injection type |
8480.71.00.70 | Met compressiekoeling |
8480.79.00.00 | Andere |
8481 | Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, including pressure-reducing valves and thermostatically controlled valves. |
8481.10.00 | Reduceerventielen: |
8481.10.00.40 | Pneumatic-fluid power type |
8481.10.00.90 | Andere |
8481.20.00 | Kleppen voor oleohydraulische of pneumatische overbrenging: |
8481.20.00.A | Oleohydraulic valves, directional control: |
8481.20.00.11 | Manual |
8481.20.00.12 | Solenoid |
8481.20.00.19 | Andere |
8481.20.00.20 | Oleohydraulic valves, flow control |
8481.20.00.30 | Other oleohydraulic valves |
8481.20.00.B | Pneumatic valves, directional control: |
8481.20.00.41 | Solenoid |
8481.20.00.49 | Andere |
8481.20.00.50 | Other pneumatic valves |
8481.30.00 | Terugslagkleppen: |
8481.30.00.A | Hand operated or hand activated (excluding multiple gear, pulley or chain valves and connective couplings equipped with valves): |
8481.30.00.11 | Of iron |
8481.30.00.12 | Of steel |
8481.30.00.19 | Andere |
8481.30.00.90 | Andere |
8481.40.00 | Overloopkleppen en veiligheidskleppen: |
8481.40.00.10 | Blow-out preventers, for oil or natural gas wells |
8481.40.00.A | Andere: |
8481.40.00.91 | Hand operated or hand activated (excluding multiple gear, pulley or chain valves and connective couplings equipped with valves) |
8481.40.00.92 | Other, hydraulically controlled |
8481.40.00.93 | Other, pneumatically controlled |
8481.40.00.99 | Andere |
8481.80.00 | Andere toestellen |
8481.80.00.A | Hand operated or hand activated, of iron (excluding multiple gear, pulley or chain valves and connective couplings equipped with valves): |
8481.80.00.21 | Gate |
8481.80.00.24 | Butterfly |
8481.80.00.26 | Ball |
8481.80.00.27 | Plug |
8481.80.00.29 | Andere |
8481.80.00.B | Hand operated or hand activated, of steel (excluding multiple gear, pulley or chain valves and connective couplings equipped with valves): |
8481.80.00.31 | Gate |
8481.80.00.33 | Globe |
8481.80.00.34 | Butterfly |
8481.80.00.35 | Needle |
8481.80.00.36 | Ball |
8481.80.00.37 | Plug |
8481.80.00.39 | Andere |
8481.80.00.C | Hand operated or hand activated, of brass or bronze, forged (excluding multiple gear, pulley or chain valves and connective couplings equipped with valves): |
8481.80.00.41 | Gate |
8481.80.00.46 | Ball |
8481.80.00.49 | Andere |
8481.80.00.D | Hand operated or hand activated, of brass or bronze, cast (excluding multiple gear, pulley or chain valves and connective couplings equipped with valves): |
8481.80.00.56 | Ball |
8481.80.00.59 | Andere |
8481.80.00.E | Hand operated or hand activated, other (excluding multiple gear, pulley or chain valves and connective couplings equipped with valves): |
8481.80.00.61 | Gate |
8481.80.00.64 | Butterfly |
8481.80.00.66 | Ball |
8481.80.00.69 | Andere |
8481.80.00.F | Faucets and flush valves: |
8481.80.00.71 | Faucets, plated, single control |
8481.80.00.72 | Faucets, plated, dual control |
8481.80.00.79 | Andere |
8481.80.00.G | Other, electrically, electro-hydraulically or pneumatically controlled: |
8481.80.00.81 | Control valves, designed for proportional operation by a signal from a control device, electrically or electro-hydraulically controlled |
8481.80.00.82 | Other, electrically or electro-hydraulically controlled |
8481.80.00.83 | Control valves, designed for proportional operation by a signal from a control device, pneumatically controlled |
8481.80.00.84 | Other, pneumatically controlled |
8481.80.00.H | Andere: |
8481.80.00.91 | Solenoid valves |
8481.80.00.93 | Regulator valves, self-operating, for controlling variables such as temperature, pressure, flow and liquid level |
8481.80.00.94 | Other, hydraulically controlled |
8481.80.00.95 | Other, thermostatically controlled |
8481.80.00.99 | Andere |
8481.90.00 | Delen: |
8481.90.00.10 | Of hand operated or check appliances |
8481.90.00.20 | Of valves, for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions |
8481.90.00.90 | Andere |
8482 | Ball or roller bearings. |
8482.10.00 | Kogellagers: |
8482.10.00.A | Angular contact type: |
8482.10.00.21 | Flanged wheel hub bearing units |
8482.10.00.29 | Andere |
8482.10.00.30 | Double row, radial type |
8482.10.00.B | Single row, radial type, having an external diameter of: |
8482.10.00.51 | Not exceeding 52 mm |
8482.10.00.52 | Exceeding 52 mm but not exceeding 100 mm |
8482.10.00.53 | Exceeding 100 mm |
8482.10.00.90 | Andere |
8482.20.00 | Kegellagers, samenstellingen van conische ringen en conische rollen daaronder begrepen |
8482.20.00.A | Cup and cone assemblies, entered as a set: |
8482.20.00.11 | Flanged wheel hub units |
8482.20.00.12 | Other wheel hub units |
8482.20.00.13 | With cups having an outside diameter not exceeding 102 mm |
8482.20.00.14 | With cups having an outside diameter exceeding 102 mm |
8482.20.00.B | Other cone assemblies, entered separately: |
8482.20.00.21 | For cups having an outside diameter not exceeding 102 mm |
8482.20.00.22 | For cups having an outside diameter exceeding 102 mm |
8482.30.00 | Tonlagers |
8482.30.00.10 | Single row |
8482.30.00.20 | Double row |
8482.30.00.90 | Andere |
8482.40.00.00 | Naaldlagers, samenstellingen van kooien en naaldrollen daaronder begrepen |
8482.50.00 | Cilinderlagers, samenstellingen van kooien en rollen daaronder begrepen: |
8482.50.00.10 | Single row |
8482.50.00.90 | Andere |
8482.80.00.00 | Andere, gecombineerde lagers daaronder begrepen |
8482.A | Delen: |
8482.91.00 | Kogels, rollen, naalden en dergelijke: |
8482.91.00.10 | Balls |
8482.91.00.90 | Andere |
8482.99 | Andere: |
8482.99.10.00 | Inner or outer races or rings |
8482.99.90 | Andere: |
8482.99.90.10 | Of ball bearings |
8482.99.90.20 | Of tapered roller bearings |
8482.99.90.40 | Of other cylindrical roller bearings |
8482.99.90.90 | Andere |
8483 | Transmission shafts (including cam shafts and crank shafts) and cranks; bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; gears and gearing; ball or roller screws; gear boxes and other speed changers, including torque converters; flywheels and pulleys, including pulley blocks; clutches and shaft couplings (including universal joints). |
8483.10.00 | Drijfwerkassen (nokkenassen en krukassen daaronder begrepen) en krukken: |
8483.10.00.A | Transmission shafts, excluding cam shafts and main shafts or driving shafts, for use with the tractors of heading 87.01 powered by an internal combustion engine, excluding road tractors for semi-trailers and log skidders: |
8483.10.00.11 | Crank-shafts |
8483.10.00.19 | Andere |
8483.10.00.B | Andere: |
8483.10.00.91 | Cam shafts and crank shafts, designed for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines or rotary engines of vehicles of Chapter 87 |
8483.10.00.93 | Other, for vehicles of Chapter 87 |
8483.10.00.98 | Other cam shafts and crank shafts |
8483.10.00.99 | Andere |
8483.20.00 | Kussenblokken voorzien van kogel-, rol-, naald- of dergelijke lagers |
8483.20.00.10 | Incorporating ball bearings |
8483.20.00.20 | Incorporating roller bearings |
8483.30.00 | Kussenblokken, andere dan die voorzien van kogel-, rol-, naald- of dergelijke lagers; lagerschalen: |
8483.30.00.A | Bearing housings: |
8483.30.00.12 | Ball or roller bearing type |
8483.30.00.19 | Andere |
8483.30.00.B | Plain shaft bearing: |
8483.30.00.22 | Spherical without housing |
8483.30.00.24 | Motor vehicle crankshaft without housing |
8483.30.00.28 | Other, with housing |
8483.30.00.29 | Andere |
8483.40.00 | Getande overbrengingen en wrijvingswielen, andere dan afzonderlijk aangeboden tandwielen en andere elementaire overbrengingsorganen; kogellager- en rollagerassen; versnellingsbakken en andere overbrengingsmechanismen voor het opvoeren, vertragen of anderszins aanpassen van de snelheid (koppelomvormers daaronder begrepen): |
8483.40.00.10 | For use in the manufacture of machinery or equipment; Gear boxes for high pressure cleaning applications or for fine grinding mills; Gears and reducers, for paper towel manufacturing lines; Gears for cigar, cigarette or tobacco packaging machines; Gears for marine transmissions; To be employed in the production of metallurgical coke, iron and steel; Variable speed drives, to be employed in the brewing industry |
8483.40.00.A | Gear boxes and other speed changers: |
8483.40.00.21 | Fixed ratio speed changers, each ratio of which is selected by manual manipulation |
8483.40.00.22 | Multiple and variable ratio speed changers, each ratio of which is selected by manual manipulation |
8483.40.00.23 | Torque converters |
8483.40.00.29 | Andere |
8483.40.00.30 | Ball screws |
8483.40.00.90 | Andere |
8483.50.00 | Vliegwielen en riemschijven (takelblokken daaronder begrepen): |
8483.50.00.10 | Flywheels |
8483.50.00.90 | Andere |
8483.60.00 | Koppelingen en koppelingsorganen (beweeglijke koppelingen daaronder begrepen): |
8483.60.00.10 | Universal joints |
8483.60.00.90 | Andere |
8483.90.00 | Afzonderlijk aangeboden tandwielen en andere elementaire overbrengingsorganen; delen: |
8483.90.00.10 | Chain sprockets and parts thereof |
8483.90.00.20 | Ball nut assemblies, "J" balls and ball screw assemblies, for fueling machines for nuclear energy; Toothed wheels; For use in the manufacture of the goods of this heading; Of transmission shafts and cranks, including cam shafts and crank shafts |
8483.90.00.30 | Of gears and gearing, gear boxes and other speed changers |
8483.90.00.40 | Of other transmission elements, presented separately, ball or roller screws, flywheels and pulleys |
8483.90.00.50 | Of clutches and shaft couplings, including universal joints |
8483.90.00.90 | Andere |
8484 | Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal; sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints, dissimilar in composition, put up in pouches, envelopes or similar packings; mechanical seals. |
8484.10.00.00 | Metalloplastische pakking |
8484.20.00.00 | Mechanische afdichtingen |
8484.90.00.00 | Andere |
8485 | Machines for additive manufacturing. |
8485.10.00.00 | Door het afzetten van metaal |
8485.20.00.00 | Door het afzetten van kunststof of rubber |
8485.30.00.00 | Door het afzetten van gips, cement, keramische materialen of glas |
8485.80.00.00 | Andere |
8485.90 | Delen: |
8485.90.10.00 | Bed, base, table, column, cradle, frame, bolster, crown, slide, rod, tailstock and headstock castings, weldments or fabrications |
8485.90.20.00 | Base, bed, platen, clamp cylinder, ram and injection castings, weldments and fabrications |
8485.90.30.00 | Barrel screws |
8485.90.40.00 | Hydraulic assemblies consisting of at least two of the following: manifold, valves, pump or oil cooler |
8485.90.90.00 | Andere |
8486 | Machines and apparatus of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of semiconductor boules or wafers, semiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits or flat panel displays; machines and apparatus specified in Note 11 (C) to this Chapter; parts and accessories. |
8486.10.00.00 | Machines en apparaten voor de vervaardiging van staven of schijven (wafers) van halfgeleidermateriaal |
8486.20.00.00 | Machines en apparaten voor de vervaardiging van elementen of schakelingen van halfgeleidermateriaal of van elektronische geïntegreerde schakelingen |
8486.30.00.00 | Machines en apparaten voor de vervaardiging van platte beeldschermen |
8486.40.00.00 | Machines and apparatus specified in Note 11 (C) to this Chapter |
8486.90.00.00 | Delen en toebehoren |
8487 | Machinery parts, not containing electrical connectors, insulators, coils, contacts or other electrical features, not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter. |
8487.10.00.00 | Scheepsschroeven en schroefbladen voor scheepsschroeven |
8487.90.00.00 | Andere |
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