

500 HS codes lookup per month
  • 500 HS codes lookup / month
  • Quota shared among your team
  • Process Excel files
  • Developer / API access


5'000 HS codes lookup per month
  • 5'000 HS codes lookup / month
  • Quota shared among your team
  • Process Excel files
  • Developer / API access


10'000 HS codes lookup per month
  • 10'000 HS codes lookup / month
  • Quota shared among your team
  • Process Excel files
  • Developer / API access


50'000 HS codes lookup per month
  • 50'000 HS codes lookup / month
  • Quota shared among your team
  • Process Excel files
  • Developer / API access

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Scale with our Enterprise solution. Classify thousands of items at the 10-digit level in seconds.
Save your valuable time and resources for what truly matters.