HS-koodid - 49: Raamatud, ajalehed, pildid jm trükitooted; käsikirjad, masinakirjatekstid ning plaanid ja joonised:
4901 | Raamatud, brošüürid, infolehed jms trükised, köidetud või eraldi poognatena: |
4901.10.00 | Poognatena, volditud või voltimata |
4901.10.0020 | Reproduction proofs |
4901.10.0040 | Muud |
4901.A | Muud: |
4901.91.00 | Dictionaries and encyclopedias, and serial installments thereof |
4901.91.0020 | Dictionaries (including thesauruses) |
4901.91.0040 | Encyclopedias |
4901.99.00 | Muud: |
4901.99.0010 | Textbooks |
4901.99.0020 | Bound newspapers, journals and periodicals provided for in Legal Note 3 to this chapter |
4901.99.0030 | Directories |
4901.99.00.A | Muud: |
4901.99.0040 | Bibles, testaments, prayer books and other religious books |
4901.99.0050 | Technical, scientific and professional books |
4901.99.00.A.A | Art and pictorial books: |
4901.99.0060 | Valued under $5 each |
4901.99.0065 | Valued $5 or more each |
4901.99.00.A.B | Muud: |
4901.99.0070 | Hardbound books |
4901.99.0075 | Rack size paperbound books |
4901.99.00.A.B.A | Muud: |
4901.99.0091 | Containing not more than 4 pages each (excluding covers) |
4901.99.0092 | Containing 5 or more pages each, but not more than 48 pages each (excluding covers) |
4901.99.0093 | Containing 49 or more pages each (excluding covers) |
4902 | Ajalehed, ajakirjad ning perioodikaväljaanded, illustreeritud või illustreerimata, reklaammaterjalidega või ilma: |
4902.10.0000 | Vähemalt neli korda nädalas ilmuvad |
4902.90 | Muud: |
4902.90.1000 | Newspaper supplements printed by a gravure process |
4902.90.20 | Muud: |
4902.90.2020 | Newspapers appearing less than four times per week |
4902.90.2040 | Other business and professional journals and periodicals (including single issues tied together for shipping purposes) |
4902.90.2060 | Other (including single issues tied together for shipping purposes) |
4903.00.0000 | Children's picture, drawing or coloring books |
4904.00.00 | Noodid, trükitud või käsikirjas, kokkuköidetud või köitmata, illustreeritud või illustreerimata |
4904.00.0020 | Sheet music, whether or not stapled or folded, but not otherwise bound |
4904.00.0040 | Muud |
4905 | Trükitud geograafilised, hüdrograafilised jms kaardid, k.. A atlased, seinakaardid, topograafilised kaardid ja gloobused: |
4905.20.0000 | Raamatutena |
4905.90 | Muud: |
4905.90.2000 | Globes |
4905.90.6000 | Muud |
4906.00.0000 | Plans and drawings for architectural, engineering, industrial, commercial, topographical or similar purposes, being originals drawn by hand; handwritten texts; photographic reproductions on sensitized paper and carbon copies of the foregoing |
4907.00.0000 | Unused postage, revenue or similar stamps of current or new issue in the country in which they have, or will have, a recognized face value; stamp-impressed paper; banknotes; check forms; stock, share or bond certificates and similar documents of title |
4908 | Ülekandelehed (vesipildid): |
4908.10.0000 | Klaasistuvad ülekandelehed (vesipildid) |
4908.90.0000 | Muud |
4909.00 | Trükitud või illustreeritud postkaardid; trükitud õnnitlus-, kutse- ja tähtpäevakaardid, illustreeritud või illustreerimata, ümbriku või kaunistustega või ilma |
4909.00.2000 | Postcards |
4909.00.4000 | Muud |
4910.00 | Mitmesugused trükikalendrid, sh rebitavate lehtedega |
4910.00.A | Printed on paper or paperboard in whole or in part by a lithographic process: |
4910.00.2000 | Not over 0.51 mm in thickness |
4910.00.4000 | Over 0.51 mm in thickness |
4910.00.6000 | Muud |
4911 | Muud trükised (sh trükitud pildid ning fotod): |
4911.10.00 | Ärireklaam, kaubakataloogid jms: |
4911.10.0020 | Printed catalogs relating principally to current offers for the sale of United States products |
4911.10.0040 | Printed catalogs, price lists or trade notices, relating to offers, by a person whose principal place of business or bonafide residence is in a foreign country, to sell or rent products of a foreign country or to furnish foreign or international transportation or commercial insurance services |
4911.10.0060 | Tourist and other literature (including posters), containing geographic, historical, hotel, institutional, timetable, travel or similar information, principally with respect to places, travel facilities or educational opportunities outside the customs territory of the United States |
4911.10.0080 | Muud |
4911.A | Muud: |
4911.91 | Pildid, graafilised lehed ja fotod: |
4911.91.1000 | Printed over 20 years at time of importation |
4911.91.A | Printed not over 20 years at time of importation: |
4911.91.1500 | Suitable for use in the production of articles of heading 4901 |
4911.91.A.A | Muud: |
4911.91.A.A.A | Lithographs on paper or paperboard: |
4911.91.20 | Not over 0.51 mm in thickness |
4911.91.2020 | Posters |
4911.91.2040 | Muud |
4911.91.3000 | Over 0.51 mm in thickness |
4911.91.40 | Muud: |
4911.91.4020 | Posters |
4911.91.4040 | Muud |
4911.99 | Muud: |
4911.99.2000 | International customs forms (carnets) and parts thereof, in English or French (whether or not in additional languages) |
4911.99.A | Muud: |
4911.99.6000 | Printed on paper in whole or in part by a lithographic process |
4911.99.8000 | Muud |
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