

500 HS-koodi päringut kuus
  • 500 HS-koodi päringut / kuus
  • Kvoot jagatakse sinu meeskonna vahel
  • Process Excel files
  • Arendaja / API ligipääs


5'000 HS codes lookup per month
  • 5'000 HS codes lookup / month
  • Kvoot jagatakse sinu meeskonna vahel
  • Process Excel files
  • Arendaja / API ligipääs


10'000 HS-koodi päringut kuus
  • 10'000 HS-koodi päringut / kuus
  • Kvoot jagatakse sinu meeskonna vahel
  • Process Excel files
  • Arendaja / API ligipääs


25'000 HS codes lookup per month
  • 25'000 HS codes lookup / month
  • Kvoot jagatakse sinu meeskonna vahel
  • Process Excel files
  • Arendaja / API ligipääs


50'000 HS codes lookup per month
  • 50'000 HS codes lookup / month
  • Kvoot jagatakse sinu meeskonna vahel
  • Process Excel files
  • Arendaja / API ligipääs

Need a custom solution?

Scale with our Enterprise solution. Classify thousands of items at the 10-digit level in seconds.
Save your valuable time and resources for what truly matters.


Tariffy is an assistant designed to help to find and verify HS codes in order to increase compliance.

We use state-of-the-art algorithms and this novel technology can sometimes give amazing results, and sometimes do mistakes.

Humans should make the final decision. This tool should be used with the final opinion of a licensed customs professional.

© Copyright 2024 Tariffy. Kõik õigused kaitstud.