HS-koodid - 56: Vatt, vilt ja lausriie; erilõngad; nöörid, paelad, köied ja trossid ning tooted nendest:
5601 | Tekstiilvatt ja tooted sellest, kuni 5 mm pikkusega tekstiilkiud (flokk), tekstiilitolm ja -ebemed: |
5601.A | Tekstiilvatt ja tooted sellest: |
5601.21.00 | Puuvillased: |
5601.21.0010 | Wadding, in the piece (223) |
5601.21.0090 | Other (369) |
5601.22.00 | Keemilistest kiududest: |
5601.22.0010 | Wadding, in the piece (223) |
5601.22.0050 | Flocked swabs, other than articles of heading 3926 (669) |
5601.22.0091 | Muud |
5601.29.00 | Muud: |
5601.29.0010 | Containing 85 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
5601.29.0020 | Of wool or fine animal hair (469) |
5601.29.0090 | Other (899) |
5601.30.0000 | Flokk, tolm, ebemed |
5602 | Vilt, impregneeritud, pealistatud, kaetud või lamineeritud või mitte: |
5602.10 | Nõeltöödeldud või läbiõmblemismeetodil (silmkudumis-õmblemismeetodil) valmistatud vilt: |
5602.10.1000 | Laminated fabrics (223) |
5602.10.90 | Muud: |
5602.10.9010 | Of wool or fine animal hair (414) |
5602.10.9090 | Other (223) |
5602.A | Muu vilt, impregneerimata, pealistamata, katmata ja lamineerimata: |
5602.21.0000 | Of wool or fine animal hair (414) |
5602.29.0000 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
5602.90 | Muud: |
5602.90.3000 | Laminated fabrics (223) |
5602.90.A | Muud: |
5602.90.6000 | Of man-made fibers (223) |
5602.90.9000 | Other (414) |
5603 | Lausriie, impregneeritud, pealistatud, kaetud või lamineeritud või mitte: |
5603.A | Keemilistest kiududest: |
5603.11.00 | Pindtihedusega kuni 25 g/m2: |
5603.11.0010 | Impregnated, coated or covered with material other than or in addition to rubber, plastics, wood pulp or glass fibers; "imitation suede" (223) |
5603.11.0070 | Nonwoven articles, ready for use and packaged for industrial, institutional or retail sale, whether or not separated, perforated or impregnated, not elsewhere specified or included (223) |
5603.11.0095 | Other (223) |
5603.12.00 | Pindtihedusega üle 25 g/m2, kuid mitte üle 70 g/m2: |
5603.12.0010 | Impregnated, coated or covered with material other than or in addition to rubber, plastics, wood pulp or glass fibers; "imitation suede" (223) |
5603.12.0070 | Nonwoven articles, ready for use and packaged for industrial, institutional or retail sale, whether or not separated, perforated or impregnated, not elsewhere specified or included (223) |
5603.12.0095 | Other (223) |
5603.13.00 | Pindtihedusega üle 70 g/m2, kuid mitte üle 150 g/m2: |
5603.13.0010 | Impregnated, coated or covered with material other than or in addition to rubber, plastics, wood pulp or glass fibers; "imitation suede" (223) |
5603.13.0070 | Nonwoven articles, ready for use and packaged for industrial, institutional or retail sale, whether or not separated, perforated or impregnated, not elsewhere specified or included (223) |
5603.13.0095 | Other (223) |
5603.14 | Pindtihedusega üle 150 g/m2: |
5603.14.3000 | Laminated fabrics (223) |
5603.14.90 | Muud: |
5603.14.9010 | Impregnated, coated or covered with material other than or in addition to rubber, plastics, wood pulp or glass fibers; "imitation suede" (223) |
5603.14.9090 | Other (223) |
5603.B | Muud: |
5603.91.00 | Pindtihedusega kuni 25 g/m2: |
5603.91.0010 | Impregnated, coated or covered with material other than or in addition to rubber, plastics, wood pulp or glass fibers; "imitation suede" (223) |
5603.91.0090 | Other (223) |
5603.92.00 | Pindtihedusega üle 25 g/m2, kuid mitte üle 70 g/m2: |
5603.92.0010 | Impregnated, coated or covered with material other than or in addition to rubber, plastics, wood pulp or glass fibers; "imitation suede" (223) |
5603.92.0070 | Nonwoven articles, ready for use and packaged for industrial, institutional or retail sale, whether or not separated, perforated or impregnated, not elsewhere specified or included (223) |
5603.92.0095 | Other (223) |
5603.93.00 | Pindtihedusega üle 70 g/m2, kuid mitte üle 150 g/m2: |
5603.93.0010 | Impregnated, coated or covered with material other than or in addition to rubber, plastics, wood pulp or glass fibers; "imitation suede" (223) |
5603.93.0090 | Other (223) |
5603.94 | Pindtihedusega üle 150 g/m2: |
5603.94.10 | Floor covering underlays |
5603.94.1010 | Of wool or fine animal hair (469) |
5603.94.1090 | Muud |
5603.94.A | Muud: |
5603.94.3000 | Laminated fabrics (223) |
5603.94.90 | Muud: |
5603.94.9010 | Impregnated, coated or covered with material other than or in addition to rubber, plastics, wood pulp or glass fibers; "imitation suede" (223) |
5603.94.90.A | Other nonwovens, whether or not impregnated, coated or covered: |
5603.94.9030 | Thermal bonded, of staple fibers (223) |
5603.94.9050 | Obtained by mechanical entanglement, of staple fibers (223) |
5603.94.90.A.A | Muud: |
5603.94.9070 | Of filaments (223) |
5603.94.9090 | Of staple fibers (223) |
5604 | Tekstiiliga kaetud kumminiit ja -pael; tekstiillõng ning rubriigi 5404 või 5405 ribad jms, impregneeritud, pealistatud, kaetud või ümbritsetud kummi või plastiga: |
5604.10.0000 | Rubber thread and cord, textile covered (201) |
5604.A | Muud: |
5604.90.2000 | High tenacity yarn of polyesters, of nylon or other polyamides or of viscose rayon, impregnated or coated (201) |
5604.90.9000 | Muud |
5605.00 | Metalized yarn, whether or not gimped, being textile yarn, or strip or the like of heading 5404 or 5405, combined with metal in the form of thread, strip or powder or covered with metal: |
5605.00.1000 | Metal coated or metal laminated man-made filament or strip or the like, ungimped, and untwisted or with twist of less than 5 turns per meter |
5605.00.9000 | Other (201) |
5606.00.00 | Mähitud lõng; rubriigi 5404 või 5405 mähitud ribad jms (v.. A rubriiki 5605 kuuluv lõng ja mähitud lõng hobusejõhvist); šenill-lõng (k.. A šenill-lõng flokist); bukleelõng: |
5606.00.0010 | Containing elastomeric filaments (201) |
5606.00.0090 | Other (201) |
5607 | Nöörid, paelad, köied ja trossid, põimitud või punutud või mitte, ning impregneeritud, pealistatud, kaetud või ümbritsetud kummi või plastiga või mitte: |
5607.A | Sisalist või muudest perekond agave taimede kiududest: |
5607.21.0000 | Sidumis- või pakkenöör |
5607.29.0000 | Muud |
5607.B | Polüetüleenist või polüpropüleenist: |
5607.41 | Sidumis- või pakkenöör: |
5607.41.1000 | Of wide nonfibrillated strip |
5607.41.3000 | Other (201) |
5607.49 | Muud: |
5607.49.1000 | Of wide nonfibrillated strip |
5607.49.A | Other, not braided or plaited: |
5607.49.1500 | Measuring less than 4.8 mm in diameter (201) |
5607.49.2500 | Other (201) |
5607.49.3000 | Muud |
5607.50 | Muudest sünteeskiududest: |
5607.50.A | Not braided or plaited: |
5607.50.2500 | 3-ply or 4-ply multicolored twine having a final "S" twist, containing at least 10 percent by weight of cotton, measuring less than 3.5 mm in diameter (201) |
5607.50.3500 | Other (201) |
5607.50.4000 | Muud |
5607.90 | Muud: |
5607.90.1000 | Of coir |
5607.90.1500 | Of jute or other textile bast fibers of heading 5303 |
5607.90.A | Of abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee) or other hard (leaf) fibers: |
5607.90.2500 | Of stranded construction measuring 1.88 cm or over in diameter |
5607.90.3500 | Muud |
5607.90.9000 | Other (201) |
5608 | Sõlmitud võrgulina nööridest, paeltest või köitest; kalavõrgud valmistoodetena ja muud tekstiilmaterjalidest võrgud valmistoodetena: |
5608.A | Keemilistest tekstiilmaterjalidest |
5608.11.00 | Kalavõrgud valmistoodetena: |
5608.11.0010 | Hand-cast string-drawn |
5608.11.0090 | Muud |
5608.19 | Muud: |
5608.19.10 | Fish netting |
5608.19.1010 | Salmon gill netting, of nylon or other polyamides (229) |
5608.19.1020 | Muud |
5608.19.20 | Muud: |
5608.19.2010 | Bait bags with draw string closures |
5608.19.2090 | Muud |
5608.90 | Muud: |
5608.90.1000 | Fish netting and fishing nets |
5608.90.A | Muud: |
5608.90.A.A | Puuvillane: |
5608.90.2300 | Hammocks |
5608.90.2700 | Muud |
5608.90.3000 | Muud |
5609.00 | Mujal nimetamata tooted lõngast, rubriikide 5404 ja 5405 ribadest vms, nöörist, paelast, köiest või trossist |
5609.00.1000 | Puuvillased |
5609.00.2000 | Of vegetable fibers, except cotton |
5609.00.3000 | Keemilistest kiududest |
5609.00.4000 | Muud |
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