HS-koodid - 61: Silmkoelised ja heegeldatud rõivad ning rõivamanused (trikootooted)
6101 | Meeste ja poiste mantlid, poolmantlid, keebid, joped, anorakid (sh suusajakid), tuulejoped, tuulepluusid jms rõivad (v.. A rubriigis 6103 nimetatud), silmkoelised või heegeldatud |
6101.20.00 | Puuvillased |
6101.20.00.10 | Men's (334) |
6101.20.00.20 | Boys' (334) |
6101.30 | Keemilistest kiududest |
6101.30.10.00 | Containing 25 percent or more by weight of leather (634) |
- | Muud |
6101.30.15.00 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (434) |
6101.30.20 | Muud |
6101.30.20.10 | Men's (634) |
6101.30.20.20 | Boys' (634) |
6101.90 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6101.90.05.00 | Of wool or fine animal hair (434) |
6101.90.10.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (734) |
6101.90.90 | Muud |
6101.90.90.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (334) |
6101.90.90.20 | Subject to wool restraints (434) |
6101.90.90.30 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (634) |
6101.90.90.60 | Other (834) |
6102 | Naiste ja tüdrukute mantlid, poolmantlid, keebid, joped, anorakid (sh suusajakid), tuulejoped, tuulepluusid jms rõivad (v.. A rubriigis 6104 nimetatud), silmkoelised või heegeldatud |
6102.10.00.00 | Lamba- või muude loomade villast |
6102.20.00 | Puuvillased |
6102.20.00.10 | Women's (335) |
6102.20.00.20 | Girls' (335) |
6102.30 | Keemilistest kiududest |
6102.30.05.00 | Containing 25 percent or more by weight of leather (635) |
- | Muud |
6102.30.10.00 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (435) |
6102.30.20 | Muud |
6102.30.20.10 | Women's (635) |
6102.30.20.20 | Girls' (635) |
6102.90 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6102.90.10.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (735) |
6102.90.90 | Muud |
6102.90.90.05 | Subject to cotton restraints (335) |
6102.90.90.10 | Subject to wool restraints (435) |
6102.90.90.15 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (635) |
6102.90.90.30 | Other (835) |
6103 | Meeste ja poiste ülikonnad, komplektid, pintsakud, bleiserid, püksid, rinnatüki ja traksidega tunked, põlvpüksid ja lühikesed püksid, (v.. A supelpüksid), silmkoelised või heegeldatud |
6103.10 | Ülikonnad |
6103.10.10.00 | Of wool or fine animal hair (443) |
- | Sünteeskiududest |
6103.10.20.00 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (443) |
6103.10.30.00 | Other (643) |
- | Of other textile materials: |
- | Tehiskiududest |
6103.10.40.00 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (443) |
6103.10.50.00 | Other (643) |
6103.10.60 | Puuvillane |
6103.10.60.10 | Jackets imported as parts of suits (333) |
6103.10.60.15 | Trousers, breeches and shorts imported as parts of suits (347) |
6103.10.60.30 | Waistcoats imported as parts of suits (359) |
6103.10.70.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (743) |
6103.10.90 | Muud |
- | Subject to cotton restraints: |
6103.10.90.10 | Jackets imported as parts of suits (333) |
6103.10.90.20 | Trousers, breeches, and shorts imported as parts of suits (347) |
6103.10.90.30 | Waistcoats imported as parts of suits (359) |
6103.10.90.40 | Subject to wool restraints (443) |
6103.10.90.50 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (643) |
6103.10.90.80 | Other (843) |
6103.11 | Komplektid |
6103.22.00 | Puuvillased |
6103.22.00.10 | Garments described in heading 6101 (334) |
6103.22.00.20 | Jackets and blazers described in heading 6103 (333) |
6103.22.00.30 | Trousers and breeches (347) |
6103.22.00.40 | Shorts (347) |
6103.22.00.50 | Shirts (338) |
6103.22.00.70 | Sweaters (345) |
6103.22.00.80 | Other (359) |
6103.23.00 | Sünteeskiududest |
- | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair: |
6103.23.00.05 | Garments described in heading 6101 (434) |
6103.23.00.07 | Jackets and blazers described in heading 6103 (433) |
6103.23.00.10 | Trousers, breeches and shorts (447) |
6103.23.00.25 | Shirts (438) |
6103.23.00.30 | Sweaters (445) |
6103.23.00.35 | Other (459) |
- | Muud |
6103.23.00.36 | Garments described in heading 6101 (634) |
6103.23.00.37 | Jackets and blazers described in heading 6103 (633) |
6103.23.00.40 | Trousers and breeches (647) |
6103.23.00.45 | Shorts (647) |
6103.23.00.55 | Bib and brace overalls (659) |
6103.23.00.70 | Sweaters (645) |
6103.23.00.75 | Shirts (638) |
6103.23.00.80 | Other (659) |
6103.29 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6103.29.05 | Lambavillast või muude loomade villast |
6103.29.05.10 | Garments described in heading 6101 (434) |
6103.29.05.20 | Jackets and blazers described in heading heading 6103 (433) |
6103.29.05.30 | Trousers, breeches and shorts (447) |
6103.29.05.50 | Shirts (438) |
6103.29.05.60 | Sweaters (445) |
6103.29.05.70 | Other (459) |
6103.29.10 | Of artificial fibers |
6103.29.10.10 | Garments described in heading 6101 (634) |
6103.29.10.15 | Jackets and blazers described in heading 6103 (633) |
6103.29.10.20 | Trousers and breeches (647) |
6103.29.10.30 | Shorts (647) |
6103.29.10.40 | Sweaters (645) |
6103.29.10.50 | Shirts (638) |
6103.29.10.60 | Other (659) |
6103.29.20 | Muud |
- | Garments described in heading 6101: |
6103.29.20.28 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (734) |
6103.29.20.30 | Other (834) |
- | Jackets and blazers described in heading 6103: |
6103.29.20.34 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (733) |
6103.29.20.36 | Other (833) |
- | Trousers, breeches and shorts: |
6103.29.20.40 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (747) |
- | Muud |
6103.29.20.44 | Trousers and breeches (847) |
6103.29.20.48 | Shorts (847) |
- | Shirts: |
6103.29.20.52 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (738) |
6103.29.20.54 | Other (838) |
- | Sweaters: |
6103.29.20.58 | Subject to cotton restraints (345) |
6103.29.20.60 | Subject to wool restraints (445) |
6103.29.20.62 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (645) |
- | Muud |
- | Of silk: |
6103.29.20.64 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (745) |
- | Muud |
6103.29.20.66 | Assembled in Hong Kong from knit-to-shape component parts knitted elsewhere (846) |
6103.29.20.68 | Other (846) |
- | Muud |
6103.29.20.70 | Assembled in Hong Kong from knit-to-shape component parts knitted elsewhere (845) |
6103.29.20.74 | Other (845) |
- | Muud |
6103.29.20.80 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (759) |
6103.29.20.82 | Other (859) |
6103.12 | Pintsakud, jakid ja bleiserid |
6103.31.00.00 | Lamba- või muude loomade villast |
6103.32.00.00 | Puuvillased |
6103.33 | Sünteeskiududest |
6103.33.10.00 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (433) |
6103.33.20.00 | Other (633) |
6103.39 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6103.39.10.00 | Of artificial fibers (633) |
6103.39.40.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (733) |
6103.39.80 | Muud |
6103.39.80.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (333) |
6103.39.80.20 | Subject to wool restraints (433) |
6103.39.80.30 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (633) |
6103.39.80.60 | Other (833) |
6103.13 | Püksid, trakside ja rinnatükiga tunked, põlvpüksid ja lühikesed püksid |
6103.41 | Lamba- või muude loomade villast |
6103.41.10 | Trousers, breeches and shorts |
6103.41.10.10 | Trousers and breeches (447) |
6103.41.10.20 | Shorts (447) |
6103.41.20.00 | Bib and brace overalls (459) |
6103.42 | Puuvillased |
6103.42.10 | Trousers, breeches and shorts |
- | Trousers and breeches: |
6103.42.10.20 | Men's (347) |
- | Boys': |
6103.42.10.35 | Imported as parts of play suits (237) |
6103.42.10.40 | Other (347) |
- | Shorts: |
6103.42.10.50 | Men's (347) |
- | Boys': |
6103.42.10.65 | Imported as parts of play suits (237) |
6103.42.10.70 | Other (347) |
6103.42.20 | Bib and brace overalls |
6103.42.20.10 | Insulated, for cold weather protection(359) |
6103.42.20.11 | Muud |
6103.42.20.15 | Boys' sizes 2-7 (237) |
6103.42.20.25 | Other (359) |
6103.43 | Sünteeskiududest |
- | Trousers, breeches and shorts: |
6103.43.10 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair |
6103.43.10.10 | Trousers and breeches (447) |
6103.43.10.20 | Shorts (447) |
6103.43.15 | Muud |
- | Trousers and breeches: |
6103.43.15.20 | Men's (647) |
- | Boys': |
6103.43.15.35 | Imported as parts of play suits (237) |
6103.43.15.40 | Other (647) |
- | Shorts: |
6103.43.15.50 | Men's (647) |
- | Boys': |
6103.43.15.65 | Imported as parts of play suits (237) |
6103.43.15.70 | Other (647) |
6103.43.20 | Bib and brace overalls |
6103.43.20.10 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6103.43.20.11 | Muud |
6103.43.20.15 | Insulated, for cold weather protection (659) |
- | Muud |
6103.43.20.20 | Men's (659) |
6103.43.20.25 | Boys' (659) |
6103.49 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
- | Tehiskiududest |
6103.49.10 | Trousers, breeches and shorts |
6103.49.10.10 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (447) |
6103.49.10.11 | Muud |
6103.49.10.20 | Trousers and breeches (647) |
6103.49.10.60 | Shorts (647) |
6103.49.20.00 | Bib and brace overalls (659) |
6103.49.40 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
6103.49.40.10 | Trousers, breeches and shorts (747) |
6103.49.40.20 | Bib and brace overalls (759) |
6103.49.80 | Muud |
- | Trousers, breeches and shorts: |
6103.49.80.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (347) |
6103.49.80.12 | Subject to wool restraints (447) |
6103.49.80.14 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (647) |
- | Muud |
6103.49.80.24 | Trousers and breeches (847) |
6103.49.80.26 | Shorts (847) |
- | Bib and brace overalls: |
6103.49.80.34 | Subject to cotton restraints (359) |
6103.49.80.36 | Subject to wool restraints (459) |
6103.49.80.38 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (659) |
6103.49.80.60 | Other (859) |
6104 | Naiste ja tüdrukute kostüümid, komplektid, jakid, pintsakud, bleiserid, kleidid, seelikud, püksseelikud, püksid, trakside ja rinnatükiga tunked, põlvpüksid ja lühikesed püksid (v.. A supelrõivad), silmkoelised või heegeldatud |
- | Kostüümid |
6104.13 | Sünteeskiududest |
6104.13.10.00 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (444) |
6104.13.20.00 | Other (644) |
6104.19 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
- | Tehiskiududest |
6104.19.10.00 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (444) |
6104.19.15.00 | Other (644) |
6104.19.40.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (744) |
6104.19.50.00 | Of wool or fine animal hair (444) |
6104.19.60 | Puuvillane |
6104.19.60.10 | Jackets imported as parts of suits (335) |
6104.19.60.20 | Skirts and divided skirts imported as parts of suits (342) |
6104.19.60.30 | Trousers, breeches and shorts imported as parts of suits (348) |
6104.19.60.40 | Waistcoats imported as parts of suits (359) |
6104.19.80 | Muud |
- | Subject to cotton restraints: |
6104.19.80.10 | Jackets imported as parts of suits (335) |
6104.19.80.20 | Skirts and divided skirts imported as parts of suits (342) |
6104.19.80.30 | Trousers, breeches and shorts imported as parts of suits (348) |
6104.19.80.40 | Waistcoats imported as parts of suits (359) |
6104.19.80.50 | Subject to wool restraints (444) |
6104.19.80.60 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (644) |
6104.19.80.90 | Other (844) |
- | Komplektid |
6104.22.00 | Puuvillased |
6104.22.00.10 | Garments described in heading 6102; jackets and blazers described in heading 6104 (335) |
6104.22.00.30 | Skirts and divided skirts (342) |
6104.22.00.40 | Trousers and breeches (348) |
6104.22.00.50 | Shorts (348) |
6104.22.00.60 | Blouses, shirts and tops (339) |
6104.22.00.80 | Sweaters (345) |
6104.22.00.90 | Other (359) |
6104.23.00 | Sünteeskiududest |
- | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair: |
6104.23.00.10 | Garments described in heading 6102; jackets and blazers described in heading 6104 (435) |
6104.23.00.14 | Skirts and divided skirts (442) |
6104.23.00.16 | Trousers, breeches and shorts (448) |
6104.23.00.20 | Blouses, shirts and tops (438) |
6104.23.00.22 | Sweaters (446) |
6104.23.00.24 | Other (459) |
- | Muud |
6104.23.00.26 | Garments described in heading 6102; jackets and blazers described in heading 6104 (635) |
6104.23.00.30 | Skirts and divided skirts (642) |
6104.23.00.32 | Trousers and breeches (648) |
6104.23.00.34 | Shorts (648) |
6104.23.00.36 | Blouses, shirts and tops (639) |
6104.23.00.40 | Sweaters (646) |
6104.23.00.42 | Other (659) |
6104.29 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6104.29.05 | Lambavillast või muude loomade villast |
6104.29.05.10 | Garments described in heading 6102; jackets and blazers described in heading 6104 (435) |
6104.29.05.30 | Skirts and divided skirts (442) |
6104.29.05.40 | Trousers, breeches and shorts (448) |
6104.29.05.60 | Blouses and shirts (438) |
6104.29.05.70 | Sweaters (446) |
6104.29.05.80 | Other (459) |
6104.29.10 | Of artificial fibers |
6104.29.10.10 | Garments described in heading 6102; jackets and blazers described in heading 6104 (635) |
6104.29.10.20 | Skirts and divided skirts (642) |
6104.29.10.30 | Trousers and breeches (648) |
6104.29.10.40 | Shorts (648) |
6104.29.10.50 | Blouses, shirts and tops (639) |
6104.29.10.60 | Sweaters (646) |
6104.29.10.70 | Other (659) |
6104.29.20 | Muud |
- | Garments described in heading 6102; jackets and blazers described in heading 6104: |
6104.29.20.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (335) |
6104.29.20.12 | Subject to wool restraints (435) |
6104.29.20.14 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (635) |
- | Muud |
- | Of silk: |
6104.29.20.16 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (735) |
6104.29.20.18 | Other (835) |
6104.29.20.20 | Other (835) |
- | Seelikud ja püksseelikud |
6104.29.20.22 | Subject to cotton restraints (342) |
6104.29.20.24 | Subject to wool restraints (442) |
6104.29.20.26 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (642) |
- | Muud |
- | Of silk: |
6104.29.20.28 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (742) |
6104.29.20.30 | Other (842) |
6104.29.20.32 | Other (842) |
- | Trousers, breeches and shorts: |
6104.29.20.34 | Subject to cotton restraints (348) |
6104.29.20.36 | Subject to wool restraints (448) |
6104.29.20.38 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (648) |
- | Muud |
- | Of silk: |
6104.29.20.40 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (748) |
- | Muud |
6104.29.20.41 | Trousers and breeches (847) |
6104.29.20.43 | Shorts (847) |
- | Muud |
6104.29.20.45 | Trousers and breeches (847) |
6104.29.20.47 | Shorts (847) |
- | Blouses, shirts and tops: |
6104.29.20.49 | Subject to cotton restraints (339) |
6104.29.20.51 | Subject to wool restraints (438) |
6104.29.20.55 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (639) |
- | Muud |
- | Of silk: |
6104.29.20.57 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (739) |
6104.29.20.61 | Other (838) |
6104.29.20.63 | Other (838) |
- | Sweaters: |
6104.29.20.65 | Subject to cotton restraints (345) |
6104.29.20.67 | Subject to wool restraints (446) |
6104.29.20.69 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (646) |
- | Muud |
- | Of silk: |
6104.29.20.71 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste waste (746) |
- | Muud |
6104.29.20.73 | Assembled in Hong Kong from knit-to-shape component parts knitted elsewhere (846) |
6104.29.20.75 | Other (846) |
- | Muud |
6104.29.20.77 | Assembled in Hong Kong from knit-to-shape component parts knitted elsewhere (845) |
6104.29.20.79 | Other (845) |
- | Muud |
6104.29.20.81 | Subject to cotton restraints (359) |
6104.29.20.83 | Subject to wool restraints (459) |
6104.29.20.85 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (659) |
- | Muud |
- | Of silk: |
6104.29.20.86 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (759) |
6104.29.20.87 | Other (859) |
6104.29.20.90 | Other (859) |
- | Pintsakud, jakid ja bleiserid |
6104.31.00.00 | Lamba- või muude loomade villast |
6104.32.00.00 | Puuvillased |
6104.33 | Sünteeskiududest |
6104.33.10.00 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (435) |
6104.33.20.00 | Other (635) |
6104.39 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6104.39.10.00 | Of artificial fibers (635) |
6104.39.20 | Muud |
6104.39.20.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (335) |
6104.39.20.20 | Subject to wool restraints (435) |
6104.39.20.30 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (635) |
6104.39.20.31 | Muud |
- | Of silk |
6104.39.20.40 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (735) |
6104.39.20.50 | Other (835) |
6104.39.20.90 | Other (835) |
- | Kleidid |
6104.41.00 | Lamba- või muude loomade villast |
6104.41.00.10 | Women's (436) |
6104.41.00.20 | Girls' (436) |
6104.42.00 | Puuvillased |
6104.42.00.10 | Women's (336) |
6104.42.00.20 | Girls' (336) |
6104.43 | Sünteeskiududest |
6104.43.10 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair |
6104.43.10.10 | Women's (436) |
6104.43.10.20 | Girls' (436) |
6104.43.20 | Muud |
6104.43.20.10 | Women's (636) |
6104.43.20.20 | Girls' (636) |
6104.44 | Tehiskiududest |
6104.44.10.00 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (436) |
6104.44.20 | Muud |
6104.44.20.10 | Women's (636) |
6104.44.20.20 | Girls' (636) |
6104.49 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6104.49.10.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (736) |
6104.49.90 | Muud |
6104.49.90.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (336) |
6104.49.90.20 | Subject to wool restraints (436) |
6104.49.90.30 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (636) |
6104.49.90.60 | Other (836) |
- | Seelikud ja püksseelikud |
6104.51.00.00 | Lamba- või muude loomade villast |
6104.52.00 | Puuvillased |
6104.52.00.10 | Women's (342) |
6104.52.00.20 | Girls' (342) |
6104.53 | Sünteeskiududest |
6104.53.10.00 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (442) |
6104.53.20 | Muud |
6104.53.20.10 | Women's (642) |
6104.53.20.20 | Girls' (642) |
6104.59 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6104.59.10 | Of artificial fibers |
6104.59.10.05 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (442) |
6104.59.10.6 | Muud |
6104.59.10.30 | Women's (642) |
6104.59.10.60 | Girls' (642) |
6104.59.40.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (742) |
6104.59.80 | Muud |
6104.59.80.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (342) |
6104.59.80.20 | Subject to wool restraints (442) |
6104.59.80.30 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (642) |
6104.59.80.90 | Other (842) |
- | Püksid, trakside ja rinnatükiga tunked, põlvpüksid ja lühikesed püksid |
6104.61.00 | Lamba- või muude loomade villast |
6104.61.00.10 | Trousers and breeches (448) |
6104.61.00.20 | Shorts (448) |
6104.61.00.30 | Bib and brace overalls (459) |
6104.62 | Puuvillased |
6104.62.10 | Bib and brace overalls |
6104.62.10.10 | Insulated, for cold weather protection (359) |
6104.62.10.11 | Muud |
6104.62.10.20 | Women's (359) |
6104.62.10.30 | Girls' (237) |
6104.62.20 | Muud |
- | Trousers and breeches: |
- | Women's: |
6104.62.20.06 | Containing 5 percent or more by weight of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread (348) |
6104.62.20.11 | Other (348) |
- | Girls': |
- | Imported as parts of playsuits: |
6104.62.20.16 | Containing 5 percent or more by weight of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread (237) |
6104.62.20.21 | Other (237) |
- | Muud |
6104.62.20.26 | Containing 5 percent or more by weight of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread (348) |
6104.62.20.28 | Other (348) |
- | Shorts: |
6104.62.20.30 | Women's (348) |
- | Girls': |
6104.62.20.50 | Imported as parts of playsuits (237) |
6104.62.20.60 | Other (348) |
6104.63 | Sünteeskiududest |
6104.63.10 | Bib and brace overalls |
6104.63.10.10 | Insulated, for cold weather protection (659) |
6104.63.10.11 | Muud |
6104.63.10.20 | Women's (659) |
6104.63.10.30 | Girls' (659) |
6104.63.11 | Muud |
6104.63.15 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair |
6104.63.15.10 | Trousers and breeches (448) |
6104.63.15.20 | Shorts (448) |
6104.63.20 | Muud |
- | Trousers and breeches: |
- | Women's: |
6104.63.20.06 | Containing 5 percent or more by weight of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread (648) |
6104.63.20.11 | Other (648) |
- | Girls': |
- | Imported as parts of playsuits: |
6104.63.20.16 | Containing 5 percent or more by weight of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread (237) |
6104.63.20.21 | Other (237) |
- | Muud |
6104.63.20.26 | Containing 5 percent or more by weight of elastomeric yarn or rubber thread (648) |
6104.63.20.28 | Other (648) |
- | Shorts: |
6104.63.20.30 | Women's (648) |
- | Girls': |
6104.63.20.50 | Imported as parts of play suits (237) |
6104.63.20.60 | Other (648) |
6104.69 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
- | Tehiskiududest |
6104.69.10.00 | Bib and brace overalls (659) |
6104.69.20 | Trousers, breeches and shorts |
6104.69.20.05 | Containing 23 percent or more by by weight of wool or fine animal hair (448) |
6104.69.20.6 | Muud |
6104.69.20.30 | Trousers and breeches (648) |
6104.69.20.60 | Shorts (648) |
6104.69.40 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
6104.69.40.10 | Bib and brace overalls (759) |
6104.69.40.20 | Trousers, breeches and shorts (748) |
6104.69.80 | Muud |
- | Bib and brace overalls: |
6104.69.80.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (359) |
6104.69.80.12 | Subject to wool restraints (459) |
6104.69.80.14 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (659) |
6104.69.80.20 | Other (859) |
- | Trousers, breeches and shorts: |
6104.69.80.22 | Subject to cotton restraints (348) |
6104.69.80.24 | Subject to wool restraints (448) |
6104.69.80.26 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (648) |
- | Muud |
6104.69.80.38 | Trousers and breeches (847) |
6104.69.80.40 | Shorts (847) |
6105 | Meeste ja poiste päevasärgid, silmkoelised või heegeldatud |
6105.10.00 | Puuvillased |
6105.10.00.10 | Men's (338) |
6105.10.00.11 | Boys': |
6105.10.00.20 | Imported as parts of playsuits (237) |
6105.10.00.30 | Other (338) |
6105.20 | Keemilistest kiududest |
6105.20.10.00 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (438) |
6105.20.20 | Muud |
6105.20.20.10 | Men's (638) |
6105.20.20.11 | Boys': |
6105.20.20.20 | Imported as parts of playsuits (237) |
6105.20.20.30 | Other (638) |
6105.90 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6105.90.10.00 | Of wool or fine animal hair (438) |
6105.90.40.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (738) |
6105.90.80 | Muud |
6105.90.80.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (338) |
6105.90.80.20 | Subject to wool restraints (438) |
6105.90.80.30 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (638) |
6105.90.80.60 | Other (838) |
6106 | Naiste ja tüdrukute pluusid ja särkpluusid, silmkoelised või heegeldatud |
6106.10.00 | Puuvillased |
6106.10.00.10 | Women's (339) |
6106.10.00.11 | Girls': |
6106.10.00.20 | Imported as parts of playsuits (237) |
6106.10.00.30 | Other (339) |
6106.20 | Keemilistest kiududest |
6106.20.10 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair |
6106.20.10.10 | Women's (438) |
6106.20.10.20 | Girls' (438) |
6106.20.20 | Muud |
6106.20.20.10 | Women's (639) |
6106.20.20.11 | Girls': |
6106.20.20.20 | Imported as parts of playsuits (237) |
6106.20.20.30 | Other (639) |
6106.90 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6106.90.10 | Lambavillast või muude loomade villast |
6106.90.10.10 | Women's (438) |
6106.90.10.20 | Girls' (438) |
6106.90.11 | Of silk or silk waste: |
6106.90.15.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (739) |
6106.90.25 | Muud |
6106.90.25.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (339) |
6106.90.25.20 | Subject to wool restraints (438) |
6106.90.25.30 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (639) |
6106.90.25.50 | Other (838) |
6106.90.30 | Muud |
6106.90.30.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (339) |
6106.90.30.20 | Subject to wool restraints (438) |
6106.90.30.30 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (639) |
6106.90.30.40 | Other (838) |
6107 | Meeste ja poiste aluspüksid, püksikud, öösärgid, pidžaamad, supelmantlid, hommikumantlid jms rõivaesemed, silmkoelised või heegeldatud |
- | Aluspüksid ja püksikud |
6107.11.00 | Puuvillased |
6107.11.00.10 | Men's (352) |
6107.11.00.20 | Boys' (352) |
6107.12.00 | Keemilistest kiududest |
6107.12.00.10 | Men's (652) |
6107.12.00.20 | Boys' (652) |
6107.19 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6107.19.10.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (752) |
6107.19.90.00 | Other (852) |
- | Öösärgid ja pidžaamad |
6107.21.00 | Puuvillased |
6107.21.00.10 | Men's (351) |
6107.21.00.20 | Boys' (351) |
6107.22.00 | Keemilistest kiududest |
6107.22.00.10 | Men's (651) |
6107.22.00.11 | Boys': |
6107.22.00.15 | Blanket sleepers (651) |
6107.22.00.25 | Other (651) |
6107.29 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6107.29.20.00 | Of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6107.29.50.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (751) |
6107.29.90.00 | Other (851) |
- | Muud |
6107.91.00 | Puuvillased |
6107.91.00.30 | Sleepwear (351) |
6107.91.00.31 | Muud |
6107.91.00.40 | Men's (350) |
6107.91.00.90 | Boys' (350) |
6107.99 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6107.99.10 | Of man-made fibers |
6107.99.10.30 | Sleepwear (651) |
6107.99.10.31 | Muud |
6107.99.10.40 | Men's (650) |
6107.99.10.90 | Boys' (650) |
6107.99.20.00 | Of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6107.99.50 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
6107.99.50.13 | Sleepwear (751) |
6107.99.50.15 | Other (750) |
6107.99.90.00 | Other (850) |
6108 | Naiste ja tüdrukute kombineed, alusseelikud, aluspüksid, öösärgid, pidžaamad, negližeed, supelmantlid, hommikumantlid jms rõivaesemed, silmkoelised või heegeldatud |
- | Kombineed ja alusseelikud |
6108.11.00 | Keemilistest kiududest |
6108.11.00.10 | Women's (652) |
6108.11.00.20 | Girls' (652) |
- | Of other textile materials: |
6108.19.10.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (752) |
6108.19.90 | Muud |
6108.19.90.10 | Of cotton (352) |
6108.19.90.30 | Other (852) |
- | Aluspüksid |
6108.21.00 | Puuvillased |
6108.21.00.10 | Women's (352) |
6108.21.00.20 | Girls' (352) |
6108.22 | Keemilistest kiududest |
6108.22.10.00 | Disposable briefs and panties designed for one-time use |
6108.22.90 | Muud |
6108.22.90.20 | Women's (652) |
6108.22.90.30 | Girls' (652) |
6108.29 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6108.29.10.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (752) |
6108.29.90.00 | Other (852) |
- | Öösärgid ja pidžaamad |
6108.31.00 | Puuvillased |
6108.31.00.10 | Women's (351) |
6108.31.00.20 | Girls' (351) |
6108.32.00 | Keemilistest kiududest |
6108.32.00.10 | Women's (651) |
6108.32.00.11 | Girls': |
6108.32.00.15 | Blanket sleepers (651) |
6108.32.00.25 | Other (651) |
6108.39 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6108.39.10.00 | Of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6108.39.40.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (751) |
6108.39.80.00 | Other (851) |
- | Muud |
6108.91.00 | Puuvillased |
- | Underwear: |
6108.91.00.05 | Underpants (352) |
- | Muud |
6108.91.00.15 | Women's (352) |
6108.91.00.25 | Girls' (352) |
- | Muud |
6108.91.00.30 | Women's (350) |
6108.91.00.40 | Girls' (350) |
6108.92.00 | Keemilistest kiududest |
- | Underwear: |
6108.92.00.05 | Underpants (652) |
- | Muud |
6108.92.00.15 | Women's (652) |
6108.92.00.25 | Girls' (652) |
- | Muud |
6108.92.00.30 | Women's (650) |
6108.92.00.40 | Girls' (650) |
6108.99 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6108.99.20.00 | Of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6108.99.50 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
6108.99.50.13 | Underwear (752) |
6108.99.50.15 | Other (750) |
6108.99.90.00 | Other (850) |
6109 | T-särgid, särgikud ja muud alussärgid, silmkoelised või heegeldatud |
6109.10.00 | Puuvillased |
- | Men's or boys': |
6109.10.00.04 | T-shirts, all white, short hemmed sleeves, hemmed bottom, crew or round neckline, or V-neck with a mitered seam at the center of the V, without pockets, trim or embroidery (352) |
6109.10.00.07 | Singlets, all white, without pockets, trim or embroidery (352) |
6109.10.00.11 | Thermal undershirts (352) |
- | Other T-shirts: |
6109.10.00.12 | Men's (338) |
6109.10.00.14 | Boys' (338) |
- | Tank tops and other singlets: |
6109.10.00.18 | Men's (338) |
6109.10.00.23 | Boys' (338) |
6109.10.00.27 | Other (338) |
- | Women's or girls': |
6109.10.00.37 | Underwear (352) |
- | Muud |
- | T-shirts: |
6109.10.00.40 | Women's (339) |
6109.10.00.45 | Girls' (339) |
- | Tank tops: |
6109.10.00.60 | Women's (339) |
6109.10.00.65 | Girls' (339) |
6109.10.00.70 | Other (339) |
6109.90 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6109.90.10 | Of man-made fibers |
- | Men's or boys': |
- | T-shirts: |
6109.90.10.07 | Men's (638) |
6109.90.10.09 | Boys' (638) |
- | Tank tops and singlets: |
6109.90.10.13 | Men's (638) |
6109.90.10.25 | Boys' (638) |
6109.90.10.47 | Thermal undershirts (652) |
6109.90.10.49 | Other (638) |
- | Women's or girls': |
- | T-shirts: |
6109.90.10.50 | Women's (639) |
6109.90.10.60 | Girls' (639) |
- | Tank tops and singlets: |
6109.90.10.65 | Women's (639) |
6109.90.10.70 | Girls' (639) |
6109.90.10.75 | Thermal undershirts (652) |
6109.90.10.90 | Other (639) |
6109.90.15 | Of wool, with long sleeves |
- | Men's or boys': |
6109.90.15.10 | Underwear (459) |
6109.90.15.20 | Other (438) |
- | Women's or girls': |
6109.90.15.30 | Underwear (459) |
6109.90.15.40 | Other (438) |
6109.90.40 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
6109.90.40.10 | Men's or boys' (738) |
6109.90.40.20 | Women's or girls' (739) |
6109.90.80 | Muud |
6109.90.80.10 | Men's or boys' (838) |
6109.90.80.11 | Women's or girls': |
6109.90.80.20 | Of wool (438) |
6109.90.80.30 | Other (838) |
6110 | Kampsunid, pulloverid, kardiganid, vestid jms rõivaesemed, silmkoelised või heegeldatud |
- | Lambavillast või muude loomade villast |
6110.11.00 | Lambavillast |
- | Sweaters: |
6110.11.00.15 | Men's (445) |
6110.11.00.25 | Boys' (445) |
6110.11.00.30 | Women's (446) |
6110.11.00.40 | Girls' (446) |
- | Vests, other than sweater vests: |
6110.11.00.50 | Men's or boys' (459) |
6110.11.00.60 | Women's or girls' (459) |
- | Muud |
6110.11.00.70 | Men's or boys' (438) |
6110.11.00.80 | Women's or girls' (438) |
6110.12 | Kašmiirkitse villast |
6110.12.10 | Wholly of cashmere |
- | Sweaters: |
6110.12.10.10 | Men's or boys' (445) |
6110.12.10.20 | Women's or girls' (446) |
- | Vests, other than sweater vests: |
6110.12.10.30 | Men's or boys' (445) |
6110.12.10.40 | Women's or girls' (446) |
- | Muud |
6110.12.10.50 | Men's or boys' (445) |
6110.12.10.60 | Women's or girls' (446) |
6110.12.20 | Muud |
- | Sweaters: |
6110.12.20.10 | Men's (445) |
6110.12.20.20 | Boys' (445) |
6110.12.20.30 | Women's (446) |
6110.12.20.40 | Girls' (446) |
- | Vests, other than sweater vests: |
6110.12.20.50 | Men's or boys' (459) |
6110.12.20.60 | Women's or girls' (459) |
- | Muud |
6110.12.20.70 | Men's or boys' (438) |
6110.12.20.80 | Women's or girls' (438) |
6110.19.00 | Muud |
- | Sweaters: |
6110.19.00.15 | Men's (445) |
6110.19.00.25 | Boys' (445) |
6110.19.00.30 | Women's (446) |
6110.19.00.40 | Girls' (446) |
- | Vests, other than sweater vests: |
6110.19.00.50 | Men's or boys' (459) |
6110.19.00.60 | Women's or girls' (459) |
- | Muud |
6110.19.00.70 | Men's or boys' (438) |
6110.19.00.80 | Women's or girls' (438) |
6110.20 | Puuvillased |
6110.20.10 | Containing 36 percent or more by weight of flax fibers |
- | Sweaters: |
6110.20.10.10 | Men's or boys' (345) |
6110.20.10.20 | Women's or girls' (345) |
- | Vests other than sweater vests: |
6110.20.10.22 | Men's or boys' (359) |
6110.20.10.24 | Women's or girls' (359) |
- | Muud |
- | Men's or boys' |
6110.20.10.26 | Knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (338) |
6110.20.10.29 | Other (338) |
- | Women's or girls': |
6110.20.10.31 | Knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (339) |
6110.20.10.33 | Other (339) |
6110.20.20 | Muud |
6110.20.20.05 | Boys' or girls' garments imported as parts of playsuits (237) |
6110.20.20.6 | Muud |
- | Sweaters: |
6110.20.20.10 | Men's (345) |
6110.20.20.15 | Boys' (345) |
6110.20.20.20 | Women's (345) |
6110.20.20.25 | Girls' (345) |
- | Vests, other than sweater vests: |
6110.20.20.30 | Men's or boys' (359) |
6110.20.20.35 | Women's or girls' (359) |
- | Sweatshirts: |
6110.20.20.41 | Men's (338) |
6110.20.20.44 | Boys' (338) |
6110.20.20.46 | Women's (339) |
6110.20.20.49 | Girls' (339) |
- | Muud |
- | Men's or boys': |
6110.20.20.67 | Knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (338) |
6110.20.20.69 | Other (338) |
- | Women's or girls': |
6110.20.20.77 | Knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (339) |
6110.20.20.79 | Other (339) |
6110.30 | Keemilistest kiududest |
6110.30.10 | Containing 25 percent or more by weight of leather |
- | Sweaters: |
6110.30.10.10 | Men's or boys' (645) |
6110.30.10.20 | Women's or girls' (646) |
- | Vests, other than sweater vests: |
6110.30.10.30 | Men's or boys' (659) |
6110.30.10.40 | Women's or girls' (659) |
- | Muud |
6110.30.10.50 | Men's or boys' (638) |
6110.30.10.60 | Women's or girls' (639) |
6110.30.11 | Muud |
6110.30.15 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair |
- | Sweaters: |
6110.30.15.10 | Men's or boys' (445) |
6110.30.15.20 | Women's or girls' (446) |
- | Vests, other than sweater vests: |
6110.30.15.30 | Men's or boys' (459) |
6110.30.15.40 | Women's or girls' (459) |
- | Muud |
6110.30.15.50 | Men's or boys' (438) |
6110.30.15.60 | Women's or girls' (438) |
- | Muud |
6110.30.20 | Containing 30 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
- | Sweaters: |
6110.30.20.10 | Men's or boys' (645) |
6110.30.20.20 | Women's or girls' (646) |
- | Vests, other than sweater vests: |
6110.30.20.30 | Men's or boys' (659) |
6110.30.20.40 | Women's or girls' (659) |
- | Muud |
- | Men's or boys': |
6110.30.20.51 | Knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (638) |
6110.30.20.53 | Other (638) |
- | Women's or girls': |
6110.30.20.61 | Knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (639) |
6110.30.20.63 | Other (639) |
6110.30.30 | Muud |
6110.30.30.05 | Boys' and girls' garments imported as parts of playsuits (237) |
6110.30.30.6 | Muud |
- | Sweaters: |
6110.30.30.10 | Men's (645) |
6110.30.30.15 | Boys' (645) |
6110.30.30.20 | Women's (646) |
6110.30.30.25 | Girls' (646) |
- | Vests, other than sweater vests: |
6110.30.30.30 | Men's or boys' (659) |
6110.30.30.35 | Women's or girls' (659) |
- | Sweatshirts: |
6110.30.30.41 | Men's (638) |
6110.30.30.44 | Boys' (638) |
6110.30.30.45 | Women's or girls' (639) |
- | Muud |
- | Men's or boys': |
6110.30.30.51 | Knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (638) |
6110.30.30.53 | Other (638) |
- | Women's or girls': |
6110.30.30.57 | Knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (639) |
6110.30.30.59 | Other (639) |
6110.90 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6110.90.10 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
- | Sweaters: |
6110.90.10.10 | Men's or boys' (745) |
6110.90.10.20 | Women's or girls' (746) |
- | Vests, other than sweater vests: |
6110.90.10.30 | Men's or boys' (759) |
6110.90.10.40 | Women's or girls' (759) |
- | Muud |
6110.90.10.50 | Men's or boys' (738) |
6110.90.10.60 | Women's or girls' (739) |
6110.90.90 | Muud |
- | Sweaters for men or boys: |
6110.90.90.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (345) |
6110.90.90.12 | Subject to wool restraints (445) |
6110.90.90.14 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (645) |
- | Muud |
6110.90.90.15 | Of silk (846) |
6110.90.90.23 | Other (845) |
- | Sweaters for women or girls: |
6110.90.90.26 | Subject to cotton restraints (345) |
6110.90.90.28 | Subject to wool restraints (446) |
6110.90.90.30 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (646) |
- | Muud |
6110.90.90.34 | Of silk (846) |
6110.90.90.41 | Other (845) |
- | Vests, other than sweater vests: |
- | Subject to cotton restraints: |
6110.90.90.44 | Men's or boys' (359) |
6110.90.90.46 | Women's or girls' (359) |
- | Subject to wool restraints: |
6110.90.90.48 | Men's or boys' (459) |
6110.90.90.50 | Women's or girls' (459) |
- | Subject to man-made fiber restraints: |
6110.90.90.52 | Men's or boys' (659) |
6110.90.90.54 | Women's or girls' (659) |
- | Muud |
6110.90.90.64 | Men's or boys' (859) |
6110.90.90.66 | Women's or girls' (859) |
- | Muud |
- | Subject to cotton restraints: |
- | Men's or boys': |
6110.90.90.67 | Knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (338) |
6110.90.90.69 | Other (338) |
- | Women's or girls': |
6110.90.90.71 | Knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (339) |
6110.90.90.73 | Other (339) |
- | Subject to wool restraints: |
6110.90.90.75 | Men's or boys' (438) |
6110.90.90.77 | Women's or girls' (438) |
- | Subject to man-made fiber restraints: |
- | Men's or boys': |
6110.90.90.79 | Knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (638) |
6110.90.90.80 | Other (638) |
- | Women's or girls': |
6110.90.90.81 | Knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (639) |
6110.90.90.82 | Other (639) |
- | Muud |
6110.90.90.88 | Men's or boys' (838) |
6110.90.90.90 | Women's or girls' (838) |
6111 | Väikelaste rõivad ja rõivamanused, silmkoelised või heegeldatud |
6111.20 | Puuvillased |
6111.20.10.00 | Blouses and shirts, except those imported as parts of sets (239) |
6111.20.20.00 | T-shirts, singlets and similar garments, except those imported as parts of sets (239) |
6111.20.30.00 | Sweaters, pullovers, sweatshirts, waistcoats (vests) and similar articles, except those imported as parts of sets (239) |
6111.20.40.00 | Dresses (239) |
- | Muud |
6111.20.50.00 | Trousers, breeches and shorts, except those imported as parts of sets (239) |
6111.20.60 | Muud |
6111.20.60.10 | Sunsuits, washsuits and similar apparel (239) |
6111.20.60.20 | Sets (239) |
6111.20.60.21 | Muud |
6111.20.60.30 | Imported as parts of sets (239) |
6111.20.60.50 | Babiesʼ socks and booties (239) |
6111.20.60.70 | Other (239) |
6111.30 | Sünteeskiududest |
6111.30.10.00 | Trousers, breeches and shorts, except those imported as parts of sets (239) |
6111.30.20.00 | Blouses and shirts, except those imported as parts of sets (239) |
6111.30.30.00 | T-shirts, singlets and similar garments, except those imported as parts of sets (239) |
6111.30.40.00 | Sweaters, pullovers, sweatshirts, waistcoats (vests) and similar articles, except those imported as parts of sets (239) |
6111.30.50 | Muud |
6111.30.50.10 | Sunsuits, washsuits and similar apparel (239) |
6111.30.50.15 | Blanket sleepers (239) |
6111.30.50.20 | Sets (239) |
6111.30.50.21 | Muud |
6111.30.50.30 | Imported as parts of sets (239) |
6111.30.50.50 | Babiesʼ socks and booties (239) |
6111.30.50.70 | Other (239) |
6111.90 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6111.90.05 | Lambavillast või muude loomade villast |
6111.90.05.10 | Sweaters, pullovers, sweatshirts, waistcoats (vests) and similar articles (439) |
6111.90.05.30 | Other (439) |
6111.90.6 | Tehiskiududest |
6111.90.10.00 | Trousers, breeches and shorts, except those imported as parts of sets (239) |
6111.90.20.00 | Blouses and shirts, except those imported as parts of sets (239) |
6111.90.30.00 | T-shirts, singlets and similar garments, except those imported as parts of sets (239) |
6111.90.40.00 | Sweaters, pullovers, sweatshirts, waistcoats (vests) and similar except those imported as parts of sets (239) |
6111.90.50 | Muud |
6111.90.50.10 | Sunsuits, playsuits and washsuits (239) |
6111.90.50.20 | Sets (239) |
6111.90.50.21 | Muud |
6111.90.50.30 | Imported as parts of sets (239) |
6111.90.50.50 | Babiesʼ socks and booties (239) |
6111.90.50.70 | Other (239) |
6111.90.70.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
6111.90.90.00 | Other (839) |
6112 | Spordidressid, suusa- ja supelkostüümid, silmkoelised või heegeldatud |
- | Spordidressid |
6112.11.00 | Puuvillased |
- | Garments described in heading 6101 or 6102: |
6112.11.00.10 | Men's or boys' (334) |
6112.11.00.20 | Women's or girls (335) |
- | Shirts: |
6112.11.00.30 | Men's or boys' (338) |
6112.11.00.40 | Women's or girls' (339) |
- | Trousers: |
6112.11.00.50 | Men's or boys' (347) |
6112.11.00.60 | Women's or girls' (348) |
6112.12.00 | Sünteeskiududest |
- | Garments described in heading 6101 or 6102: |
6112.12.00.10 | Men's or boys' (634) |
6112.12.00.20 | Women's or girls' (635) |
- | Shirts: |
6112.12.00.30 | Men's or boys' (638) |
6112.12.00.40 | Women's or girls' (639) |
- | Trousers: |
6112.12.00.50 | Men's or boys' (647) |
6112.12.00.60 | Women's or girls' (648) |
6112.19 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6112.19.10 | Of artificial fibers |
- | Garments described in heading 6101 or 6102: |
6112.19.10.10 | Men's or boys' (634) |
6112.19.10.20 | Women's or girls' (635) |
- | Shirts: |
6112.19.10.30 | Men's or boys' (638) |
6112.19.10.40 | Women's or girls' (639) |
- | Trousers: |
6112.19.10.50 | Men's or boys' (647) |
6112.19.10.60 | Women's or girls' (648) |
6112.19.40 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
- | Garments described in heading 6101 or 6102: |
6112.19.40.10 | Men's or boys' (734) |
6112.19.40.20 | Women's or girls' (735) |
- | Shirts: |
6112.19.40.30 | Men's or boys' (738) |
6112.19.40.40 | Women's or girls' (739) |
- | Trousers: |
6112.19.40.50 | Men's or boys' (747) |
6112.19.40.60 | Women's or girls' (748) |
6112.19.80 | Muud |
- | Garments described in heading 6101 or 6102: |
6112.19.80.10 | Men's or boys' (834) |
6112.19.80.20 | Women's or girls' (835) |
- | Shirts: |
6112.19.80.30 | Men's or boys' (838) |
6112.19.80.40 | Women's or girls' (838) |
- | Trousers: |
6112.19.80.50 | Men's or boys' (847) |
6112.19.80.60 | Women's or girls' (847) |
6112.20 | Suusakostüümid |
6112.20.10 | Of man-made fibers |
- | Anoraks (including ski-jackets), windbreakers, and similar articles: |
6112.20.10.10 | Men's or boys' (634) |
6112.20.10.20 | Women's or girls' (635) |
- | Padded sleeveless jackets: |
- | With attachments for sleeves: |
6112.20.10.30 | Men's or boys' (634) |
6112.20.10.40 | Women's or girls' (635) |
6112.20.10.50 | Other (659) |
- | Trousers and breeches: |
6112.20.10.60 | Men's or boys' (647) |
6112.20.10.70 | Women's or girls' (648) |
- | Muud |
6112.20.10.80 | Men's or boys' (659) |
6112.20.10.90 | Women's or girls' (659) |
6112.20.20 | Muud |
6112.20.20.10 | Of cotton (359) |
6112.20.20.20 | Of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6112.20.20.30 | Other (859) |
6112.21 | Meeste ja poiste supelkostüümid |
6112.31.00 | Sünteeskiududest |
6112.31.00.10 | Men's (659) |
6112.31.00.20 | Boys' (659) |
6112.39.00 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6112.39.00.10 | Of cotton (359) |
6112.39.00.11 | Muud |
6112.39.00.15 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (759) |
6112.39.00.90 | Other (859) |
6112.22 | Naiste ja tüdrukute supelkostüümid |
6112.41.00 | Sünteeskiududest |
- | Of fabric containing by weight 5 percent or more elastomeric yarn or rubber thread: |
6112.41.00.10 | Women's (659) |
6112.41.00.20 | Girls' (659) |
- | Muud |
6112.41.00.30 | Women's (659) |
6112.41.00.40 | Girls' (659) |
6112.49.00 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6112.49.00.10 | Of cotton (359) |
6112.49.00.11 | Muud |
6112.49.00.15 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (759) |
6112.49.00.90 | Other (859) |
6113.00 | Garments, made up of knitted or crocheted fabrics of heading 5903, 5906 or 5907: |
6113.00.10 | Having an outer surface impregnated, coated, covered, or laminated with rubber or plastics material which completely obscures the underlying fabric |
- | Coats and jackets: |
6113.00.10.05 | Men's or boys' |
6113.00.10.10 | Women's or girls' |
6113.00.10.12 | Muud |
6113.00.90 | Muud |
- | Coats and jackets: |
- | Puuvillane |
6113.00.90.15 | Men's or boys' (334) |
6113.00.90.20 | Women's or girls' (335) |
- | Muud |
6113.00.90.25 | Men's or boys' (634) |
6113.00.90.30 | Women's or girls' (635) |
- | Trousers, breeches and shorts: |
- | Puuvillane |
6113.00.90.38 | Men's or boys' (347) |
6113.00.90.42 | Women's or girls (348) |
- | Muud |
6113.00.90.44 | Men's or boys' (647) |
6113.00.90.52 | Women's or girls' (648) |
- | Overalls and coveralls: |
- | Puuvillane |
6113.00.90.55 | Men's or boys' (359) |
6113.00.90.60 | Women's or girls' (359) |
- | Muud |
6113.00.90.65 | Men's or boys' (659) |
6113.00.90.70 | Women's or girls' (659) |
- | Muud |
- | Of cotton: |
6113.00.90.74 | Men's or boys' (359) |
6113.00.90.82 | Women's or girls' (359) |
- | Muud |
6113.00.90.84 | Men's or boys' (659) |
6113.00.90.86 | Women's or girls' (659) |
6114 | Muud silmkoelised või heegeldatud rõivad |
6114.20.00 | Puuvillased |
- | Tops: |
6114.20.00.05 | Men's or boys' (338) |
6114.20.00.10 | Women's or girls' (339) |
6114.20.00.15 | Jumpers (359) |
6114.20.00.20 | Bodysuits and bodyshirts (359) |
6114.20.00.21 | Sunsuits, washsuits, one-piece playsuits and similar apparel: |
6114.20.00.35 | Boys' (237) |
6114.20.00.40 | Women's or girls' (237) |
6114.20.00.22 | Coveralls, jumpsuits and similar apparel: |
6114.20.00.42 | Insulated, for cold weather protection (359) |
- | Muud |
6114.20.00.44 | Boys', sizes 2-7 (237) |
6114.20.00.46 | Girls' (237) |
6114.20.00.48 | Men's and other boys' (359) |
6114.20.00.52 | Women's (359) |
6114.20.00.23 | Muud |
6114.20.00.55 | Men's or boys' (359) |
6114.20.00.60 | Women's or girls' (359) |
6114.30 | Keemilistest kiududest |
6114.30.10 | Tops |
6114.30.10.10 | Men's or boys' (638) |
6114.30.10.20 | Women's or girls' (639) |
6114.30.20 | Bodysuits and bodyshirts |
6114.30.20.10 | Of fabric containing by weight 5 percent or more elastomeric yarn or rubber thread (659) |
6114.30.20.11 | Muud |
6114.30.20.30 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6114.30.20.60 | Other (659) |
6114.30.30 | Muud |
- | Jumpers: |
6114.30.30.12 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool orfine animal hair (459) |
6114.30.30.14 | Other (659) |
- | Sunsuits, washsuits, one-piece playsuits and similar apparel: |
6114.30.30.20 | Boys' (237) |
6114.30.30.30 | Women's or girls' (237) |
- | Coveralls, jumpsuits and similar apparel: |
- | Men's or boys': |
6114.30.30.42 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6114.30.30.44 | Other (659) |
- | Women's or girls': |
6114.30.30.52 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6114.30.30.54 | Other (659) |
- | Muud |
6114.30.30.60 | Men's or boys' (659) |
6114.30.30.70 | Women's or girls' (659) |
6114.90 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6114.90.05 | Lambavillast või muude loomade villast |
- | Tops: |
6114.90.05.20 | Men's or boys' (438) |
6114.90.05.40 | Women's or girls' (438) |
6114.90.05.50 | Jumpers (459) |
6114.90.05.51 | Muud |
6114.90.05.60 | Men's or boys' (459) |
6114.90.05.70 | Women's or girls' (459) |
6114.90.10 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
- | Tops: |
6114.90.10.10 | Men's or boys' (738) |
6114.90.10.20 | Women's or girls' (739) |
6114.90.10.30 | Jumpers (759) |
6114.90.10.40 | Sunsuits, washsuits and similar apparel (759) |
6114.90.10.50 | Coveralls, jumpsuits and similar apparel (759) |
6114.90.10.60 | Other (759) |
6114.90.90 | Muud |
6114.90.90.10 | Tops (838) |
6114.90.90.20 | Jumpers (859) |
6114.90.90.30 | Sunsuits, washsuits and similar apparel (859) |
6114.90.90.40 | Coveralls, jumpsuits and similar apparel (859) |
6114.90.90.41 | Muud |
6114.90.90.45 | Subject to cotton restraints (359) |
6114.90.90.50 | Subject to wool restraints (459) |
6114.90.90.55 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (659) |
6114.90.90.70 | Other (859) |
6115 | Sukkpüksid, retuusid, sukad, sokid jm sukktooted, sh tugisukad (näiteks veenilaiendite ravisukad) ja kamassid (jalatsipealsed), silmkoelised või heegeldatud |
6115.10 | Tugisukad (näiteks veenilaiendite ravisukad) |
6115.10.05.00 | Surgical panty hose and surgical stockings with graduated compression for orthopedic treatment |
- | Other graduated compression panty hose and tights: |
6115.10.10.00 | Of synthetic fibers (659) |
6115.10.15 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6115.10.15.10 | Of cotton (359) |
6115.10.15.20 | Of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6115.10.15.40 | Other (859) |
- | Other graduated compression hosiery: |
6115.10.30.00 | Of cotton (332) |
6115.10.40.00 | Of synthetic fibers (632) |
6115.10.55.00 | Of artificial fibers (632) |
6115.10.60.00 | Of other textile materials (832) |
6115.11 | Muud sukkpüksid ja retuusid |
6115.21.00 | Sünteeskiust, ühekordse lõnga joontihedusega alla 67 detsiteksi |
6115.21.00.10 | Tights (659) |
6115.21.00.20 | Other (632) |
6115.22.00.00 | Sünteeskiust, ühekordse lõnga joontihedusega vähemalt 67 detsiteksi |
6115.29 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
6115.29.40.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
6115.29.80 | Muud |
6115.29.80.10 | Of cotton (359) |
6115.29.80.20 | Of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6115.29.80.40 | Other (859) |
6115.30 | Muud naiste sukad ja põlvikud, ühekordse lõnga joontihedusega alla 67 detsiteksi |
6115.30.10.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
6115.30.90 | Muud |
6115.30.90.10 | Of man-made fibers (632) |
6115.30.90.30 | Other (832) |
6115.31 | Muud |
6115.94.00.00 | Lamba- või muude loomade villast |
6115.95 | Puuvillased |
6115.95.60.00 | Containing lace or net (332) |
6115.95.90.00 | Other (332) |
6115.96 | Sünteeskiududest |
6115.96.60 | Containing lace or net |
6115.96.60.10 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (432) |
6115.96.60.20 | Other (632) |
6115.96.90 | Muud |
6115.96.90.10 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (432) |
6115.96.90.20 | Other (632) |
6115.99 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
- | Tehiskiududest |
6115.99.14 | Containing lace or net |
6115.99.14.10 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (432) |
6115.99.14.20 | Other (632) |
6115.99.19 | Muud |
6115.99.19.10 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (432) |
6115.99.19.20 | Other (632) |
6115.99.40.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
6115.99.90.00 | Other (832) |
6116 | Sõrmkindad, labakindad ja sõrmedeta kindad, silmkoelised või heegeldatud |
6116.10 | Immutatud, pealistatud, kaetud või lamineeritud plasti või kummiga |
6116.10.05.00 | Ice hockey gloves and field hockey gloves |
6116.10.08.00 | Other gloves, mittens and mitts, all the foregoing specially designed for use in sports, including ski and snowmobile gloves, mittens and mitts |
- | Muud |
- | Without fourchettes: |
- | Cut and sewn from preexisting machine knit fabric that is impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics or rubber: |
- | Of vegetable fibers: |
6116.10.13.00 | Containing over 50 percent by weight of plastics or rubber |
6116.10.17 | Muud |
6116.10.17.20 | Subject to cotton restraints (331) |
6116.10.17.30 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (631) |
6116.10.17.40 | Other (831) |
- | Muud |
6116.10.44.00 | Containing over 50 percent by weight of plastics or rubber |
6116.10.48 | Muud |
6116.10.48.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (331) |
6116.10.48.20 | Subject to man-made fiber re- straints (631) |
6116.10.48.30 | Other (831) |
- | Muud |
6116.10.55 | Containing 50 percent or more by weight of cotton, man-made fibers or other textile fibers, or any combination thereof |
6116.10.55.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (331) |
6116.10.55.20 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (631) |
6116.10.55.30 | Other (831) |
6116.10.65.00 | Muud |
- | With fourchettes: |
6116.10.75 | Containing 50 percent or more by weight of cotton, man-made fibers or other textile fibers, or any combination thereof |
6116.10.75.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (331) |
6116.10.75.20 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (631) |
6116.10.75.30 | Other (831) |
6116.10.95.00 | Muud |
6116.11 | Muud |
6116.91.00.00 | Lamba- või muude loomade villast |
6116.92 | Puuvillased |
6116.92.05.00 | Ice hockey gloves and field hockey gloves |
6116.92.08.00 | Other gloves, mittens and mitts, all the fore going specially designed for use in sports, including ski and snowmobile gloves, mittens and mitts |
- | Muud |
- | Made from a pre-existing machine knit fabric: |
6116.92.64 | Without fourchettes |
6116.92.64.10 | Terry cloth type, looped pile fabric (331) |
6116.92.64.20 | Jersey type, brushed or napped fabric (331) |
6116.92.64.30 | Lisle type, no pile, not brushed or napped (331) |
6116.92.64.40 | Other (331) |
6116.92.74 | With fourchettes |
6116.92.74.50 | Jersey type, brushed or napped fabric (331) |
6116.92.74.60 | Lisle type, no pile, not brushed or napped (331) |
6116.92.74.70 | Other (331) |
- | Muud |
6116.92.88.00 | Without fourchettes (331) |
6116.92.94.00 | With fourchettes (331) |
6116.93 | Sünteeskiududest |
6116.93.05.00 | Ice hockey gloves and field hockey gloves |
6116.93.08.00 | Other gloves, mittens and mitts, all the fore going specially designed for use in sports, including ski and snowmobile gloves, mittens and mitts |
- | Muud |
- | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair: |
6116.93.64.00 | Without fourchettes (431) |
6116.93.74.00 | With fourchettes (431) |
- | Muud |
6116.93.88.00 | Without fourchettes (631) |
6116.93.94.00 | With fourchettes (631) |
6116.99 | Muust tekstiilmaterjalist |
- | Tehiskiududest |
6116.99.20.00 | Ice hockey gloves and field hockey gloves |
6116.99.35.00 | Other gloves, mittens and mitts, all the fore going specially designed for use in sports, including ski and snowmobile gloves, mittens and mitts |
- | Muud |
6116.99.48.00 | Without fourchettes (631) |
6116.99.54.00 | With fourchettes (631) |
6116.99.75.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
6116.99.95 | Muud |
6116.99.95.10 | Subject to cotton restraints (331) |
6116.99.95.20 | Subject to wool restraints (431) |
6116.99.95.30 | Subject to man-made fiber restraints (631) |
6116.99.95.60 | Other (831) |
6117 | Muud silmkoelised või heegeldatud rõivamanused valmistoodetena; rõivaste või rõivamanuste silmkoelised või heegeldatud osad |
6117.10 | Pea- ja kaelarätikud, sallid, mantiljad, loorid jms |
6117.10.10.00 | Of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6117.10.20 | Of man-made fibers |
6117.10.20.10 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6117.10.20.30 | Other (659) |
6117.10.40.00 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
6117.10.60 | Muud |
6117.10.60.10 | Of cotton (359) |
6117.10.60.20 | Other (859) |
6117.80 | Muud rõivamanused |
- | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste: |
6117.80.20.00 | Ties, bow ties and cravats (758) |
6117.80.30 | Muud |
6117.80.30.10 | Headbands, ponytail holders and similar articles |
6117.80.30.90 | Other (759) |
- | Muud |
6117.80.85.00 | Headbands, ponytail holders and similar articles |
6117.80.87 | Lipsud, ristlipsud ja kaelasidemed |
6117.80.87.10 | Of cotton (359) |
6117.80.87.20 | Of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6117.80.87.30 | Of man-made fibers (659) |
6117.80.87.70 | Other (858) |
6117.80.95 | Muud |
6117.80.95.10 | Of cotton (359) |
6117.80.95.20 | Of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6117.80.95.21 | Keemilistest kiududest |
6117.80.95.30 | Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6117.80.95.40 | Other (659) |
6117.80.95.70 | Other (859) |
6117.90 | Osad |
6117.90.10 | Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste |
6117.90.10.10 | Of sweaters (746) |
6117.90.10.20 | Of blouses and shirts (739) |
6117.90.10.30 | Of coats and jackets (735) |
6117.90.10.40 | Of trousers, breeches and shorts (748) |
6117.90.10.60 | Other (759) |
6117.90.90 | Muud |
- | Of sweaters: |
6117.90.90.03 | Of cotton (345) |
6117.90.90.05 | Of wool or fine animal hair (446) |
6117.90.90.10 | Of man-made fibers (646) |
6117.90.90.15 | Other (845) |
- | Of blouses and shirts: |
6117.90.90.20 | Of cotton (339) |
6117.90.90.25 | Of wool or fine animal hair (438) |
6117.90.90.30 | Of man-made fibers (639) |
6117.90.90.35 | Other (838) |
- | Of coats and jackets: |
6117.90.90.40 | Of cotton (335) |
6117.90.90.45 | Of wool or fine animal hair (435) |
6117.90.90.50 | Of man-made fibers (635) |
6117.90.90.55 | Other (835) |
- | Of trousers, breeches and shorts: |
6117.90.90.60 | Of cotton (348) |
6117.90.90.65 | Of wool or fine animal hair (448) |
6117.90.90.70 | Of man-made fibers (648) |
6117.90.90.75 | Other (847) |
- | Muud |
6117.90.90.80 | Of cotton (359) |
6117.90.90.85 | Of wool or fine animal hair (459) |
6117.90.90.90 | Of man-made fibers (659) |
6117.90.90.95 | Other (859) |
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