HS-koodid - 72: Raud ja teras
7201 | Toormalm ja peegelmalm kangide, plokkide või muude esmasvormidena |
7201.10.00 | Legeerimata toormalm fosforisisaldusega kuni 0,5 % massist |
7201.20.00 | Legeerimata toormalm fosforisisaldusega üle 0,5 % massist |
7201.50.00 | Legeeritud toormalm; peegelmalm |
7202 | Ferrosulamid |
- | Ferromangaan |
7202.11.00 | Süsinikusisaldusega üle 2 % massist |
7202.19.00 | Muud |
- | Ferrosiliitsium |
7202.21.00 | Ränisisaldusega üle 55 % massist |
7202.29.00 | Muud |
7202.30.00 | Ferrosilikomangaan |
- | Ferro-chromium: |
7202.41.00 | Süsinikusisaldusega üle 4 % massist |
7202.49.00 | Muud |
7202.50.00 | Ferrosilikokroom |
7202.60.00 | Ferronikkel |
7202.70.00 | Ferromolübdeen |
7202.80.00 | Ferrovolfram ja ferrosilikovolfram |
- | Muud |
7202.91.00 | Ferrotitaan ja ferrosilikotitaan |
7202.92.00 | Ferrovanaadium |
7202.93.00 | Ferronioobium |
7202.99.00 | Muud |
7203 | Rauamaagi jm käsnrauasaaduste otsesel redutseerimisel saadud raud, tükkidena, graanulitena vms kujul; raud minimaalse puhtusega 99,94 % massist, tükkidena, graanulitena vms kujul |
7203.10.00 | Rauamaagi otsesel redutseerimisel saadud raud |
7203.90.00 | Muud |
7204 | Malmi ja terase jäätmed ja jäägid; praagitud raua või terase valuplokid ümbersulatamiseks |
7204.10.00 | Malmijäätmed ja -jäägid |
- | Legeerterase jäätmed ja jäägid |
7204.21.00 | Roostevabast terasest |
7204.29.00 | Muud |
7204.30.00 | Tinatatud malmi või terase jäätmed ja jäägid |
- | Muud jäätmed ja jäägid |
7204.41.00 | Trei-, höövli- ja raielaastud, freesimisjäätmed, saagimisjäätmed, viilmed, lõikmed ning stantsimisjäätmed, pakettidena või mitte |
7204.41.00.10 | No.1 in bundles |
7204.41.00.20 | Other turnings and shavings |
7204.41.00.90 | Muud |
7204.49.00 | Muud |
7204.49.00.10 | No. 1 heavy melting |
7204.49.00.20 | No. 2 heavy melting |
7204.49.00.21 | Muud |
7204.49.00.91 | Shredded |
7204.49.00.99 | Muud |
7204.50.00 | Praagitud valuplokid ümbersulatamiseks |
7205 | Graanulid ja pulber toormalmist, peegelmalmist, rauast või terasest |
7205.10.00 | Graanulid |
- | Pulber |
7205.21.00 | Legeerterasest |
7205.29.00 | Muud |
7206 | Raud ja legeerimata teras valuplokkidena või muude esmasvormidena (v.. A rubriigi 7203 raud) |
7206.10.00 | Valuplokid |
7206.90.00 | Muud |
7207 | Pooltooted rauast või legeerimata terasest |
- | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist |
7207.11.00 | Täisnurkse (k.. A ruudukujulise) ristlõikega, laiusega alla kahekordse paksuse |
7207.11.00.10 | Of iron |
7207.11.00.11 | Of non-alloy steel: |
7207.11.00.21 | Billets |
7207.11.00.29 | Muud |
7207.12.00 | Muud täisnurkse (v.. A ruudukujulise) ristlõikega |
7207.19.00 | Muud |
7207.19.00.10 | Rounds |
7207.19.00.90 | Muud |
7207.20.00 | Süsinikusisaldusega vähemalt 0,25 % massist |
7207.20.00.10 | Blooms |
7207.20.00.20 | Billets |
7207.20.00.30 | Slabs, sheet bars or rounds |
7207.20.00.90 | Muud |
7208 | Lehtvaltstooted rauast või legeerimata terasest, laiusega vähemalt 600 mm, kuumvaltsitud, plakeerimata, pindamata ja muul viisil katmata |
7208.10.00 | Rullides, kuumvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata, reljeefse mustriga |
- | Other, in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, pickled: |
7208.25.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm |
7208.26.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm, kuid alla 4,75 mm |
7208.27.00 | Paksusega alla 3 mm |
- | Other, in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled: |
7208.36.00 | Paksusega üle 10 mm |
7208.37.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm, kuid mitte üle 10 mm |
7208.37.00.10 | Of a width of 600 mm or more but not exceeding 1,525 mm |
7208.37.00.20 | Of a width exceeding 1,525 mm but not exceeding 1,830 mm |
7208.37.00.50 | Of a width exceeding 1,830 mm |
7208.38.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm, kuid alla 4,75 mm |
7208.38.00.10 | Of a width of 600 mm or more but not exceeding 1,525 mm |
7208.38.00.20 | Of a width exceeding 1,525 mm but not exceeding 1,830 mm |
7208.38.00.50 | Of a width exceeding 1,830 mm |
7208.39.00 | Paksusega alla 3 mm |
7208.40.00 | Mitte rullides, kuumvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata, reljeefse mustriga |
- | Other, not in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled: |
7208.51.00 | Paksusega üle 10 mm |
- | Heat treated: |
7208.51.00.11 | Pressure vessel quality, vacuum-degassed |
7208.51.00.12 | Pressure vessel quality, not vacuum-degassed |
7208.51.00.19 | Muud |
7208.51.00.20 | Other, of a thickness of more than 10 mm but not exceeding 15.875 mm: |
7208.51.00.21 | Of a width less than 1,168.4 mm |
7208.51.00.22 | Of a width of 1,168.4 mm or more but not exceeding 1,879.6 mm |
7208.51.00.23 | Of a width exceeding 1,879.6 mm but not exceeding 2,489.2 mm |
7208.51.00.24 | Of a width exceeding 2,489.2 mm but not exceeding 3,098.8 mm |
7208.51.00.25 | Of a width exceeding 3,098.8 mm |
7208.51.00.26 | Other, of a thickness of more than 15.875 mm but not exceeding 25.4 mm: |
7208.51.00.31 | Of a width less than 1,168.4 mm |
7208.51.00.32 | Of a width of 1,168.4 mm or more but not exceeding 1,879.6 mm |
7208.51.00.33 | Of a width exceeding 1,879.6 mm but not exceeding 2,489.2 mm |
7208.51.00.34 | Of a width exceeding 2,489.2 mm but not exceeding 3,098.8 mm |
7208.51.00.35 | Of a width exceeding 3,098.8 mm |
7208.51.00.36 | Other, of a thickness of more than 25.4 mm but not exceeding 50.8 mm: |
7208.51.00.41 | Of a width less than 1,168.4 mm |
7208.51.00.42 | Of a width of 1,168.4 mm or more but not exceeding 1,879.6 mm |
7208.51.00.43 | Of a width exceeding 1,879.6 mm but not exceeding 2,489.2 mm |
7208.51.00.44 | Of a width exceeding 2,489.2 mm but not exceeding 3,098.8 mm |
7208.51.00.45 | Of a width exceeding 3,098.8 mm |
7208.51.00.46 | Other, of a thickness of more than 50.8 mm but not exceeding 76.2 mm: |
7208.51.00.51 | Of a width less than 1,168.4 mm |
7208.51.00.52 | Of a width of 1,168.4 mm or more but not exceeding 1,879.6 mm |
7208.51.00.53 | Of a width exceeding 1,879.6 mm but not exceeding 2,489.2 mm |
7208.51.00.54 | Of a width exceeding 2,489.2 mm but not exceeding 3,098.8 mm |
7208.51.00.55 | Of a width exceeding 3,098.8 mm |
7208.51.00.56 | Other, of a thickness of more than 76.2 mm but not exceeding 101.6 mm: |
7208.51.00.61 | Of a width less than 1,168.4 mm |
7208.51.00.62 | Of a width of 1,168.4 mm or more but not exceeding 1,879.6 mm |
7208.51.00.63 | Of a width exceeding 1,879.6 mm but not exceeding 2,489.2 mm |
7208.51.00.64 | Of a width exceeding 2,489.2 mm but not exceeding 3,098.8 mm |
7208.51.00.65 | Of a width exceeding 3,098.8 mm |
7208.51.00.66 | Other, of a thickness exceeding 101.6 mm: |
7208.51.00.71 | Of a width less than 1,168.4 mm |
7208.51.00.72 | Of a width of 1,168.4 mm or more but not exceeding 1,879.6 mm |
7208.51.00.73 | Of a width exceeding 1,879.6 mm but not exceeding 2,489.2 mm |
7208.51.00.74 | Of a width exceeding 2,489.2 mm but not exceeding 3,098.8 mm |
7208.51.00.75 | Of a width exceeding 3,098.8 mm |
7208.52.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm, kuid mitte üle 10 mm |
- | Heat treated: |
7208.52.00.11 | Pressure vessel quality, vacuum-degassed |
7208.52.00.12 | Pressure vessel quality, not vacuum-degassed |
7208.52.00.19 | Muud |
7208.52.00.20 | Muud |
7208.52.00.81 | Of a width less than 1,168.4 mm |
7208.52.00.82 | Of a width of 1,168.4 mm or more but not exceeding 1,879.6 mm |
7208.52.00.83 | Of a width exceeding 1,879.6 mm but not exceeding 2,489.2 mm |
7208.52.00.84 | Of a width exceeding 2,489.2 mm but not exceeding 3,098.8 mm |
7208.52.00.85 | Of a width exceeding 3,098.8 mm |
7208.53.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm, kuid alla 4,75 mm |
7208.54.00 | Paksusega alla 3 mm |
7208.90.00 | Muud |
7209 | Lehtvaltstooted rauast või legeerimata terasest, laiusega vähemalt 600 mm, külmvaltsitud, plakeerimata, pindamata või muul viisil katmata |
- | Rullides, külmvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata |
7209.15.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm |
7209.16.00 | Paksusega üle 1 mm, kuid alla 3 mm |
7209.16.00.40 | Annealed |
7209.16.00.90 | Muud |
7209.17.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 0,5 mm, kuid mitte üle 1 mm |
7209.17.00.40 | Annealed |
7209.17.00.90 | Muud |
7209.18.00 | Paksusega alla 0,5 mm |
- | Mitte rullides, külmvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata |
7209.25.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm |
7209.26.00 | Paksusega üle 1 mm, kuid alla 3 mm |
7209.27.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 0,5 mm, kuid mitte üle 1 mm |
7209.28.00 | Paksusega alla 0,5 mm |
7209.90.00 | Muud |
7210 | Lehtvaltstooted rauast ja legeerimata terasest, laiusega vähemalt 600 mm, plakeeritud, pinnatud või muul viisil kaetud |
- | Tinaga pinnatud või kaetud |
7210.11.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 0,5 mm |
7210.12.00 | Paksusega alla 0,5 mm |
7210.20.00 | Pliiga (sh plii ja tina sulamiga) pinnatud või kaetud |
7210.30.00 | Tsingiga elektrolüütiliselt pinnatud või kaetud |
- | Tsingiga muul viisil pinnatud või kaetud |
7210.41.00 | Gofreeritud |
7210.49.00 | Muud |
7210.49.00.40 | Of a thickness less than 0.25 mm |
7210.49.00.50 | Of a thickness of 0.25 mm or more but less than 0.5 mm |
7210.49.00.60 | Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but not exceeding 1 mm |
7210.49.00.70 | Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm |
7210.50.00 | Kroomoksiididega või kroomi ja kroomoksiididega pinnatud või kaetud |
- | Alumiiniumiga pinnatud või kaetud |
7210.61.00 | Alumiiniumi-tsingisulamiga pinnatud või kaetud |
7210.61.00.10 | Of a thickness of less than 1.44 mm |
7210.61.00.20 | Of a thickness of 1.44 mm or more |
7210.69.00 | Muud |
7210.69.00.10 | Of a thickness of less than 1.44 mm |
7210.69.00.20 | Of a thickness of 1.44 mm or more |
7210.70.00 | Värvitud, lakitud või plastiga kaetud |
7210.70.00.10 | Not plated or coated with metal and not clad |
7210.70.00.11 | Plated or coated with zinc: |
7210.70.00.21 | Electrolytically |
7210.70.00.29 | Muud |
7210.70.00.90 | Muud |
7210.90.00 | Muud |
7211 | Lehtvaltstooted rauast ja legeerimata terasest, laiusega alla 600 mm, plakeerimata, pindamata või muul viisil katmata |
- | Kuumvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata |
7211.13.00 | Valtsitud neljalt küljelt või kinnises kaliibris, laiusega üle 150 mm, paksusega vähemalt 4 mm, mitte rullides, reljeefse mustrita |
7211.14.00 | Muud, paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm |
7211.14.00.10 | Not in coils |
7211.14.00.90 | Muud |
7211.19.00 | Muud |
7211.19.00.10 | Not in coils |
7211.19.00.90 | Muud |
- | Külmvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata |
7211.23.00 | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist |
7211.29.00 | Muud |
7211.90.00 | Muud |
7212 | Lehtvaltstooted rauast või legeerimata terasest, laiusega alla 600 mm, plakeeritud, pinnatud või muul viisil kaetud |
7212.10.00 | Tinaga pinnatud või kaetud |
7212.20.00 | Tsingiga elektrolüütiliselt pinnatud või kaetud |
7212.20.00.10 | Of a thickness less than 0.25 mm |
7212.20.00.20 | Of a thickness of 0.25 mm or more but less than 0.5 mm |
7212.20.00.30 | Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but not exceeding 1 mm |
7212.20.00.40 | Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm |
7212.30.00 | Tsingiga muul viisil pinnatud või kaetud |
7212.30.00.10 | Of a thickness less than 0.25 mm |
7212.30.00.20 | Of a thickness of 0.25 mm or more but less than 0.5 mm |
7212.30.00.30 | Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but not exceeding 1 mm |
7212.30.00.40 | Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm |
7212.40.00 | Värvitud, lakitud või plastiga kaetud |
7212.40.00.10 | Not plated or coated with metal and not clad |
7212.40.00.11 | Plated or coated with zinc: |
7212.40.00.21 | Electrolytically |
7212.40.00.29 | Muud |
7212.40.00.90 | Muud |
7212.50.00 | Muul viisil pinnatud või kaetud |
7212.50.00.30 | Of a thickness less than 0.25 mm |
7212.50.00.40 | Of a thickness of 0.25 mm or more but less than 0.5 mm |
7212.50.00.50 | Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but not exceeding 1 mm |
7212.50.00.60 | Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm |
7212.60.00 | Plakeeritud |
7213 | Kuumvaltsitud varbmaterjal rauast või legeerimata terasest, korrapäratult kokku keritud |
7213.10.00 | Süvendite, nukkide, soonte või muude valtsimisprotsessis tekkinud deformatsioonidega |
- | Concrete reinforcing bars, of specification CSA G30.18: |
7213.10.00.11 | Of a diameter of 12 mm or less |
7213.10.00.12 | Of a diameter of more than 12 mm but not exceeding 17 mm |
7213.10.00.13 | Of a diameter exceeding 17 mm |
7213.10.00.90 | Muud |
7213.20.00 | Muud, automaaditerasest |
7213.20.00.50 | Containing by weight 0.1% or more of lead |
7213.20.00.90 | Muud |
- | Muud |
7213.91.00 | Ümmarguse ristlõikega, läbimõõduga alla 14 mm |
- | Not tempered or treated and not partly manufactured: |
7213.91.00.41 | Tire cord-quality steel wire rod, as defined in Statistical Note 2 to this Chapter |
7213.91.00.42 | Of cold heading quality (CHQ) steel, as defined in Statistical Note 3 to this Chapter |
7213.91.00.43 | Of welding quality wire rods, as defined in Statistical Note 4 to this Chapter |
7213.91.00.49 | Muud |
7213.91.00.50 | Other, containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon |
7213.91.00.60 | Other, containing by weight 0.25% or more but less than 0.6% of carbon |
7213.91.00.70 | Other, containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon |
7213.99.00 | Muud |
- | Of circular cross section, containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon: |
7213.99.00.11 | Of a diameter of 14 mm or more but less than 19 mm |
7213.99.00.12 | Of a diameter of 19 mm or more but not exceeding 25.5 mm |
7213.99.00.13 | Of a diameter exceeding 25.5 mm |
7213.99.00.14 | Of circular cross section, containing by weight 0.25% or more but less than 0.6% of carbon: |
7213.99.00.31 | Of a diameter of 14 mm or more but less than 19 mm |
7213.99.00.32 | Of a diameter of 19 mm or more but not exceeding 25.5 mm |
7213.99.00.33 | Of a diameter exceeding 25.5 mm |
7213.99.00.34 | Of circular cross section, containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon: |
7213.99.00.51 | Of a diameter of 14 mm or more but less than 19 mm |
7213.99.00.52 | Of a diameter of 19 mm or more but not exceeding 25.5 mm |
7213.99.00.53 | Of a diameter exceeding 25.5 mm |
7213.99.00.90 | Muud |
7214 | Muu varbmaterjal rauast või legeerimata terasest, sepistatud, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud (k.. A valtsimisjärgselt väänatud vardad), edasi töötlemata |
7214.10.00 | Sepistatud |
7214.20.00 | Süvendite, nukkide, soonte või muude valtsimisprotsessis tekkinud deformatsioonidega või valtsimisjärgselt painutatud |
- | Concrete reinforcing bar, of specification CSA G30.18, with a diameter of 12 mm or less: |
7214.20.00.11 | With a maximum yield point of 400MPa |
7214.20.00.12 | With a minimum yield point greater than 400MPa but not exceeding 500MPa |
7214.20.00.13 | With a minimum yield point greater than 500MPa but not exceeding 600MPa |
7214.20.00.14 | With a minimum yield point greater than 600MPa |
7214.20.00.15 | Concrete reinforcing bar, of specification CSA G30.18, with a diameter of more than 12 mm but not exceeding 39 mm: |
7214.20.00.21 | With a maximum yield point of 400MPa |
7214.20.00.22 | With a minimum yield point greater than 400MPa but not exceeding 500MPa |
7214.20.00.23 | With a minimum yield point greater than 500MPa but not exceeding 600MPa |
7214.20.00.24 | With a minimum yield point greater than 600MPa |
7214.20.00.25 | Concrete reinforcing bar, of specification CSA G30.18, with a diameter exceeding 39 mm: |
7214.20.00.31 | With a maximum yield point of 400MPa |
7214.20.00.32 | With a minimum yield point greater than 400MPa but not exceeding 500MPa |
7214.20.00.33 | With a minimum yield point greater than 500MPa but not exceeding 600MPa |
7214.20.00.34 | With a minimum yield point greater than 600MPa |
7214.20.00.90 | Muud |
7214.30.00 | Muud, automaaditerasest |
7214.30.00.10 | Containing by weight 0.15% or more but not exceeding 0.35% of lead or 0.05% or more but not exceeding 0.4% of bismuth, for use in Canadian manufactures |
7214.30.00.11 | Flat bars, including flat grader blade sections: |
7214.30.00.24 | Of a width not exceeding 76 mm |
7214.30.00.25 | Of a width exceeding 76 mm but less than 152 mm |
7214.30.00.26 | Of a width of 152 mm or more |
7214.30.00.27 | Rounds: |
7214.30.00.33 | Of a diameter not exceeding 76 mm |
7214.30.00.34 | Of a diameter exceeding 76 mm |
7214.30.00.40 | Hexagons |
7214.30.00.50 | Squares |
7214.30.00.90 | Muud |
- | Muud |
7214.91.00 | Täisnurkse (v.. A ruudukujulise) ristlõikega |
- | Containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon: |
7214.91.00.11 | Of a width not exceeding 76 mm |
7214.91.00.12 | Of a width exceeding 76 mm but less than 152 mm |
7214.91.00.13 | Of a width of 152 mm or more |
7214.91.00.14 | Containing by weight 0.25% or more but less than 0.6% of carbon: |
7214.91.00.21 | Of a width not exceeding 76 mm |
7214.91.00.22 | Of a width exceeding 76 mm but less than 152 mm |
7214.91.00.23 | Of a width of 152 mm or more |
7214.91.00.24 | Containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon: |
7214.91.00.31 | Of a width not exceeding 76 mm |
7214.91.00.32 | Of a width exceeding 76 mm but less than 152 mm |
7214.91.00.33 | Of a width of 152 mm or more |
7214.99.00 | Muud |
7214.99.00.20 | Hexagons |
7214.99.00.30 | Squares |
7214.99.00.31 | Other, containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon: |
7214.99.00.41 | Rounds, of a diameter of less than 76 mm |
7214.99.00.42 | Rounds, of a diameter of 76 mm or more but not exceeding 152 mm |
7214.99.00.43 | Rounds, of a diameter exceeding 152 mm |
7214.99.00.49 | Muud |
7214.99.00.50 | Other, containing by weight 0.25% or more but less than 0.6% of carbon: |
7214.99.00.51 | Rounds, of a diameter of less than 76 mm |
7214.99.00.52 | Rounds, of a diameter of 76 mm or more but not exceeding 152 mm |
7214.99.00.53 | Rounds, of a diameter exceeding 152 mm |
7214.99.00.59 | Muud |
7214.99.00.60 | Other, containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon |
7215 | Muu varbmaterjal rauast või legeerimata terasest |
7215.10.00 | Automaaditerasest, külmvormitud või -viimistletud, edasi töötlemata |
7215.10.00.20 | Rounds |
7215.10.00.90 | Muud |
7215.50.00 | Muud, külmvormitud või -viimistletud, edasi töötlemata |
7215.50.00.10 | Flat bars |
7215.50.00.11 | Rounds: |
7215.50.00.21 | Ground, turned or polished |
7215.50.00.29 | Muud |
7215.50.00.90 | Muud |
7215.90.00 | Muud |
7215.90.00.10 | Chrome plated |
7215.90.00.20 | Corrosion resistant concrete reinforcing bars |
7215.90.00.30 | Other concrete reinforcing bars |
7215.90.00.90 | Muud |
7216 | Kujuprofiilid rauast või legeerimata terasest |
7216.10.00 | U-, i- ja h-kujulised profiilid, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata, kõrgusega alla 80 mm |
- | U sections: |
7216.10.00.11 | American standard |
7216.10.00.19 | Muud |
7216.10.00.20 | I sections: |
7216.10.00.21 | American standard |
7216.10.00.29 | Muud |
7216.10.00.30 | H sections |
- | L- või t-kujulised profiilid, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata, kõrgusega alla 80 mm |
7216.21.00 | L-kujulised profiilid |
7216.21.00.10 | Equal legs |
7216.21.00.20 | Unequal legs |
7216.22.00 | T-kujulised profiilid |
- | U-, i- või h-kujulised profiilid, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata, kõrgusega vähemalt 80 mm |
7216.31.00 | U-kujulised profiilid |
- | Of a height of 80 mm or more but not exceeding 152.4 mm: |
7216.31.00.11 | American standard |
7216.31.00.12 | For motor vehicles |
7216.31.00.19 | Muud |
7216.31.00.20 | Of a height exceeding 152.4 mm: |
7216.31.00.21 | American standard |
7216.31.00.22 | For motor vehicles |
7216.31.00.29 | Muud |
7216.32.00 | I-kujulised profiilid |
7216.32.00.10 | Of a height of 80 mm or more but not exceeding 152.4 mm |
7216.32.00.20 | Of a height exceeding 152.4 mm |
7216.33.00 | H-kujulised profiilid |
- | Wide flange: |
7216.33.00.11 | Of a height not exceeding 150 mm |
7216.33.00.12 | Of a height exceeding 150 mm but not exceeding 355 mm |
7216.33.00.13 | Of a height exceeding 355 mm but not exceeding 635 mm |
7216.33.00.14 | Of a height exceeding 635 mm |
7216.33.00.20 | Bearing pile |
7216.33.00.21 | Muud |
7216.33.00.91 | Of a height of 80 mm or more but not exceeding 152.4 mm |
7216.33.00.92 | Of a height exceeding 152.4 mm |
7216.40.00 | L- ja t-kujulised profiilid, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata, kõrgusega vähemalt 80 mm |
- | L sections, equal legs: |
7216.40.00.11 | Of a height of 80 mm or more but not exceeding 152.4 mm |
7216.40.00.12 | Of a height exceeding 152.4 mm |
7216.40.00.13 | L sections, unequal legs: |
7216.40.00.21 | Large leg, of a height of 80 mm or more but not exceeding 152.4 mm |
7216.40.00.22 | Large leg, of a height exceeding 152.4 mm |
7216.40.00.30 | T sections |
7216.50.00 | Muud kujuprofiilid, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata |
7216.50.00.10 | For use in ships, boats or floating structures |
7216.50.00.20 | Shapes or sections, with bevelled edge or edges, of a length of more than 3.65 m and either of a width of more than 25.4 cm or of a thickness of more than 3.5 cm, for use in the manufacture of cutting edges for bulldozer or angledozer blades, front-end shovel loader buckets, combination excavating and transporting scrapers, road graders or road scrapers |
7216.50.00.30 | Track shoe profile bars of steel, of a width of 190 mm or more but not exceeding 350 mm and of a height not exceeding 150 mm, for use in the manufacture of track shoes for track-laying machinery or vehicles |
7216.50.00.90 | Muud |
- | Kujuprofiilid, külmvormitud või -viimistletud, edasi töötlemata |
7216.61.00 | Lehtvaltstoodetest valmistatud |
7216.69.00 | Muud |
- | Muud |
7216.91.00 | Lehtvaltstoodetest külmvormitud või -viimistletud |
7216.91.00.10 | L sections |
7216.91.00.20 | I or H sections |
7216.91.00.30 | U sections |
7216.91.00.31 | Muud |
7216.91.00.91 | Ribbed shapes |
7216.91.00.99 | Muud |
7216.99.00 | Muud |
7216.99.00.10 | L sections |
7216.99.00.20 | I or H sections |
7216.99.00.30 | U sections |
7216.99.00.31 | Muud |
7216.99.00.91 | Ribbed shapes |
7216.99.00.99 | Muud |
7217 | Traat rauast või legeerimata terasest |
7217.10.00 | Pindamata ja katmata pinnaga, poleeritud või poleerimata |
- | Round, heat treated, containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon: |
7217.10.00.41 | Of a diameter of less than 1.5 mm, in coils weighing not more than 2 kg |
7217.10.00.42 | Other, of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7217.10.00.43 | Other, of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.10.00.44 | Other, of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7217.10.00.45 | Other, of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7217.10.00.46 | Other, containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon: |
7217.10.00.51 | Round, of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7217.10.00.52 | Round, of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.10.00.53 | Round, of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7217.10.00.54 | Round, of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7217.10.00.55 | Flat |
7217.10.00.59 | Muud |
7217.10.00.60 | Other round, containing by weight 0.25% or more but less than 0.6% of carbon: |
7217.10.00.61 | Heat treated, of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7217.10.00.62 | Heat treated, of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.10.00.63 | Heat treated, of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7217.10.00.64 | Heat treated, of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7217.10.00.65 | Other, of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7217.10.00.66 | Other, of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.10.00.67 | Other, of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7217.10.00.68 | Other, of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7217.10.00.69 | Other, containing by weight 0.25% or more but less than 0.6% of carbon: |
7217.10.00.71 | Flat |
7217.10.00.79 | Muud |
7217.10.00.80 | Other round, containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon: |
7217.10.00.81 | Heat treated, of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7217.10.00.82 | Heat treated, of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.10.00.83 | Heat treated, of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7217.10.00.84 | Heat treated, of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7217.10.00.85 | Other, of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7217.10.00.86 | Other, of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.10.00.87 | Other, of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7217.10.00.88 | Other, of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7217.10.00.89 | Other, containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon: |
7217.10.00.91 | Flat |
7217.10.00.99 | Muud |
7217.20.00 | Tsingiga pinnatud või kaetud |
7217.20.00.10 | Flat |
7217. | Plated or coated wth zinc-aluminum, containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon: |
7217.20.00.41 | Round, of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7217.20.00.42 | Round, of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.20.00.43 | Round, of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7217.20.00.44 | Round, of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7217.20.00.49 | Muud |
7217. | Plated or coated with zinc-aluminum, containing by weight 0.25% or more but less than 0.6% of carbon: |
7217.20.00.51 | Round, of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7217.20.00.52 | Round, of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.20.00.53 | Round, of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7217.20.00.54 | Round, of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7217.20.00.59 | Muud |
7217.20.00.60 | Plated or coated with zinc-aluminum, containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon: |
7217.20.00.61 | Round, of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7217.20.00.62 | Round, of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.20.00.63 | Round, of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7217.20.00.64 | Round, of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7217.20.00.69 | Muud |
7217.20.00.70 | Other, containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon: |
7217.20.00.71 | Round, of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7217.20.00.72 | Round, of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.20.00.73 | Round, of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7217.20.00.74 | Round, of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7217.20.00.79 | Muud |
7217.20.00.80 | Other, containing by weight 0.25% or more but less than 0.6% of carbon: |
7217.20.00.81 | Round, of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7217.20.00.82 | Round, of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.20.00.83 | Round, of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7217.20.00.84 | Round, of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7217.20.00.89 | Muud |
7217.20.00.90 | Other, containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon: |
7217.20.00.91 | Round, of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7217.20.00.92 | Round, of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.20.00.93 | Round, of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7217.20.00.94 | Round, of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7217.20.00.99 | Muud |
7217.30.00 | Muude mitteväärismetallidega pinnatud või kaetud |
7217.30.00.10 | Flat |
7217.30.00.11 | Other, containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon: |
7217.30.00.21 | Round, of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7217.30.00.22 | Round, of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.30.00.23 | Round, of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7217.30.00.24 | Round, of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7217.30.00.29 | Muud |
7217.30.00.30 | Other, containing by weight 0.25% or more but less than 0.6% of carbon: |
7217.30.00.31 | Round, of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7217.30.00.32 | Round, of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.30.00.33 | Round, of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7217.30.00.34 | Round, of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7217.30.00.39 | Muud |
7217.30.00.40 | Other, containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon: |
7217.30.00.41 | Round, of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7217.30.00.42 | Round, of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.30.00.43 | Round, of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7217.30.00.44 | Round, of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7217.30.00.49 | Muud |
7217.90.00 | Muud |
7217.90.00.20 | Coated with plastics |
7217.90.00.21 | Muud |
7217.90.00.91 | Containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon |
7217.90.00.92 | Containing by weight 0.25% or more but less than 0.6% of carbon |
7217.90.00.93 | Containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon |
7218 | Roostevaba teras valuplokkidena või muude esmasvormidena; roostevabast terasest pooltooted |
7218.10.00 | Valuplokid jm esmasvormid |
- | Muud |
7218.91.00 | Täisnurkse (v.. A ruudukujulise) ristlõikega |
7218.99.00 | Muud |
7218.99.00.10 | Blooms, billets, rounds, slabs and sheet bars |
7218.99.00.90 | Muud |
7219 | Lehtvaltstooted roostevabast terasest, laiusega vähemalt 600 mm |
- | Kuumvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata, rullides |
7219.11.00 | Paksusega üle 10 mm |
7219.12.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm, kuid mitte üle 10 mm |
7219.13.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm, kuid alla 4,75 mm |
7219.14.00 | Paksusega alla 3 mm |
- | Kuumvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata, mitte rullides |
7219.21.00 | Paksusega üle 10 mm |
7219.21.00.10 | Of a width of 600 mm or more but not exceeding 1,830 mm |
7219.21.00.20 | Of a width exceeding 1,830 mm |
7219.22.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm, kuid mitte üle 10 mm |
7219.22.00.10 | Of a width of 600 mm or more but not exceeding 1,830 mm |
7219.22.00.20 | Of a width exceeding 1,830 mm |
7219.23.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm, kuid alla 4,75 mm |
7219.24.00 | Paksusega alla 3 mm |
- | Külmvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata |
7219.31.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm |
7219.32.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm, kuid alla 4,75 mm |
7219.32.00.10 | 300 Series |
7219.32.00.90 | Muud |
7219.33.00 | Paksusega üle 1 mm, kuid alla 3 mm |
7219.33.00.10 | 300 Series |
7219.33.00.90 | Muud |
7219.34.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 0,5 mm, kuid mitte üle 1 mm |
7219.34.00.10 | 300 Series |
7219.34.00.90 | Muud |
7219.35.00 | Paksusega alla 0,5 mm |
7219.35.00.10 | 300 Series |
7219.35.00.90 | Muud |
7219.90.00 | Muud |
7220 | Lehtvaltstooted roostevabast terasest, laiusega alla 600 mm |
- | Kuumvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata |
7220.11.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm |
7220.12.00 | Paksusega alla 4,75 mm |
7220.20.00 | Külmvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata |
7220.20.00.10 | 300 Series |
7220.20.00.90 | Muud |
7220.90.00 | Muud |
7221 | Kuumvaltsitud varbmaterjal roostevabast terasest, korrapäratult kokku keritud |
7221.00.00.30 | Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process |
7221.00.00.40 | Rounds, 300 series |
7221.00.00.50 | Other rounds |
7221.00.00.60 | Other wire rods |
7221.00.00.90 | Muud |
7222 | Muu varbmaterjal roostevabast terasest; kujuprofiilid roostevabast terasest |
- | Varbmaterjal roostevabast terasest, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata |
7222.11.00 | Ümmarguse ristlõikega |
7222.11.00.10 | Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process |
7222.11.00.11 | Other, of high nickel alloy steel: |
7222.11.00.31 | Of a diameter of 25 mm or more |
7222.11.00.32 | Of a diameter of less than 25 mm |
7222.11.00.33 | Muud |
7222.11.00.91 | Of a diameter of 25 mm or more |
7222.11.00.92 | Of a diameter of less than 25 mm |
7222.19.00 | Muud |
- | High nickel alloy steel: |
7222.19.00.11 | Flat bars |
7222.19.00.19 | Muud |
7222.19.00.20 | Muud |
7222.19.00.21 | Flat bars |
7222.19.00.29 | Muud |
7222.20.00 | Varbmaterjal roostevabast terasest, külmvormitud või -viimistletud, edasi töötlemata |
7222.20.00.20 | Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process |
7222.20.00.21 | Other, of high nickel alloy steel: |
7222.20.00.31 | Rounds, of a diameter of 25 mm or more |
7222.20.00.32 | Rounds, of a diameter of less than 25 mm |
7222.20.00.39 | Muud |
7222.20.00.40 | Muud |
7222.20.00.91 | Rounds, of a diameter of 25 mm or more |
7222.20.00.92 | Rounds, of a diameter of less than 25 mm |
7222.20.00.93 | Flat bars |
7222.20.00.99 | Muud |
7222.30.00 | Muu varbmaterjal |
7222.30.00.20 | Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process |
7222.30.00.30 | Other, of high nickel alloy steel |
7222.30.00.90 | Muud |
7222.40.00 | Kujuprofiilid |
7222.40.00.10 | Profile wire, cold drawn or cold drawn and annealed, up to 0.787 mm² in maximum solid cross-sectional area |
7222.40.00.20 | Other wire |
7222.40.00.90 | Muud |
7223 | Roostevabast terasest traat |
7223.00.00.30 | Profile wire, cold drawn or cold drawn and annealed, up to 0.787 mm² in maximum solid cross-sectional area |
- | Niklisisaldusega vähemalt 2,5 % massist |
7223.00.00.41 | Round spring |
7223.00.00.42 | Other round |
7223.00.00.49 | Muud |
- | Niklisisaldusega alla 2,5 % massist |
7223.00.00.51 | Spring |
7223.00.00.52 | Other, of a diameter of less than 0.25 mm |
7223.00.00.53 | Other, of a diameter of 0.25 mm or more but less than 0.76 mm |
7223.00.00.54 | Other, of a diameter of 0.76 mm or more but less than 1.52 mm |
7223.00.00.55 | Other, of a diameter of 1.52 mm or more but less than 5.1 mm |
7223.00.00.56 | Other, of a diameter of 5.1 mm or more but less than 6.5 mm |
7223.00.00.57 | Other, of a diameter of 6.5 mm or more |
7223.00.00.90 | Muud |
7224 | Muu legeerteras valuplokkidena vm esmasvormidena; muust legeerterasest pooltooted |
7224.10.00 | Valuplokid jm esmasvormid |
7224.90.00 | Muud |
7225 | Lehtvaltstooted muust legeerterasest, laiusega vähemalt 600 mm |
- | Elektrotehnilisest räniterasest |
7225.11.00 | Suundorienteeritud struktuuriga |
7225.19.00 | Muud |
7225.30.00 | Muust legeerterasest, kuumvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata, rullides |
7225.40.00 | Muust legeerterasest, kuumvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata, mitte rullides |
7225.40.00.10 | Heat treated |
7225.40.00.20 | Other, of a width of 600 mm or more but not exceeding 1,525 mm |
7225.40.00.30 | Other, of a width exceeding 1,525 mm but not exceeding 1,830 mm |
7225.40.00.40 | Other, of a width exceeding 1,830 mm but not exceeding 2,450 mm |
7225.40.00.50 | Other, of a width exceeding 2,450 mm |
7225.50.00 | Muud, külmvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata |
7225.50.00.10 | Of a thickness of less than 0.5 mm |
7225.50.00.20 | Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but not exceeding 1 mm |
7225.50.00.30 | Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but less than 3 mm |
7225.50.00.40 | Of a thickness of 3 mm or more |
- | Muud |
7225.91.00 | Tsingiga elektrolüütiliselt pinnatud või kaetud |
7225.91.00.10 | Of a thickness of less than 0.25 mm |
7225.91.00.20 | Of a thickness of 0.25 mm or more but less than 0.5 mm |
7225.91.00.30 | Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but not exceeding 1 mm |
7225.91.00.40 | Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm |
7225.92.00 | Tsingiga muul viisil pinnatud või kaetud |
7225.92.00.10 | Of a thickness less than 0.25 mm |
7225.92.00.20 | Of a thickness of 0.25 mm or more but less than 0.5 mm |
7225.92.00.30 | Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but not exceeding 1 mm |
7225.92.00.40 | Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm |
7225.99.00 | Muud |
7225.99.00.20 | Plated or coated with aluminum or aluminum alloys |
7225.99.00.90 | Muud |
7226 | Lehtvaltstooted muust legeerterasest, laiusega alla 600 mm |
- | Elektrotehnilisest räniterasest |
7226.11.00 | Suundorienteeritud struktuuriga |
7226.19.00 | Muud |
7226.20.00 | Kiirlõiketerasest |
- | Muud |
7226.91.00 | Kuumvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata |
7226.92.00 | Külmvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata |
7226.99.00 | Muud |
- | Plated or coated with zinc: |
7226.99.00.11 | Of a thickness of less than 0.25 mm |
7226.99.00.12 | Of a thickness of 0.25 mm or more but less than 0.5 mm |
7226.99.00.13 | Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but not exceeding 1 mm |
7226.99.00.19 | Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm |
7226.99.00.20 | Muud |
7226.99.00.91 | Of a thickness of less than 0.25 mm |
7226.99.00.92 | Of a thickness of 0.25 mm or more but less than 0.5 mm |
7226.99.00.93 | Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more but not exceeding 1 mm |
7226.99.00.99 | Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm |
7227 | Kuumvaltsitud varbmaterjal muust legeerterasest, korrapäratult kokku keritud |
7227.10.00 | Kiirlõiketerasest |
7227.20.00 | Ränimangaanterasest |
7227.20.00.20 | Of welding quality wire rods, as defined in statistical note 4 to this chapter |
7227.20.00.90 | Muud |
7227.90.00 | Muud |
- | Of tool steel (other than high speed steel), not tempered or treated and not partly manufactured: |
7227.90.00.11 | Of ball-bearing steel |
7227.90.00.19 | Muud |
7227.90.00.20 | Of other tool steel (other than high-speed steel): |
7227.90.00.21 | Of ball-bearing steel |
7227.90.00.29 | Muud |
7227.90.00.50 | Other, containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations produced during the rolling process |
7227.90.00.60 | Other, of cold heading quality (CHQ) steel, as defined in Statistical Note 3 to this Chapter |
7227.90.00.70 | Other, of welding quality wire rods, as defined in Statistical Note 4 to this Chapter |
7227.90.00.71 | Other, of a circular cross section: |
7227.90.00.81 | Of a diameter of less than 14 mm |
7227.90.00.82 | Of a diameter of 14 mm or more but not exceeding 19 mm |
7227.90.00.83 | Of a diameter of 19 mm or more |
7227.90.00.90 | Muud |
7228 | Muust legeerterasest varbmaterjal; muust legeerterasest kujuprofiilid; legeeritud või legeerimata terasest puurtorud |
7228.10.00 | Kiirlõiketerasest varbmaterjal |
7228.10.00.10 | Cold-formed |
7228.10.00.20 | Not cold-formed |
7228.20.00 | Ränimangaanterasest varbmaterjal |
7228.20.00.40 | Cold-formed |
7228.20.00.50 | Not cold-formed |
7228.30.00 | Muu varbmaterjal, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata |
- | Of tool steel (other than high-speed steel): |
7228.30.00.41 | Of ball bearing steel |
7228.30.00.42 | Of chipper knife steel, not cold-formed |
7228.30.00.49 | Muud |
7228.30.00.50 | Concrete reinforcing bars and rods: |
7228.30.00.51 | With a diameter of 12 mm or less |
7228.30.00.52 | With a diameter of more than 12 mm but not exceeding 39 mm |
7228.30.00.53 | With a diameter exceeding 39 mm |
7228.30.00.60 | Other, of high-nickel alloy steel |
7228.30.00.61 | Other rounds: |
7228.30.00.71 | With a diameter of less than 76 mm |
7228.30.00.72 | With a diameter of 76 mm or more but not exceeding 152 mm |
7228.30.00.73 | With a diameter of 152 mm or more but not exceeding 228 mm |
7228.30.00.74 | With a diameter exceeding 228 mm |
7228.30.00.75 | Other, of rectangular cross section: |
7228.30.00.81 | With a minimum cross section less than 152mm |
7228.30.00.82 | With a maximum cross section of 152mm or more |
7228.30.00.90 | Muud |
7228.40.00 | Muu varbmaterjal, sepistatud, edasi töötlemata |
7228.40.00.10 | Mold steel |
7228.40.00.20 | Tool steel |
7228.40.00.90 | Muud |
7228.50.00 | Muu varbmaterjal, külmvormitud või -viimistletud, edasi töötlemata |
7228.50.00.10 | Mold steel |
7228.50.00.20 | Tool steel |
7228.50.00.90 | Muud |
7228.60.00 | Muu varbmaterjal |
7228.70.00 | Kujuprofiilid |
- | L sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, cold-rolled, drawn or extruded: |
7228.70.00.11 | Equal legs |
7228.70.00.12 | Unequal legs |
7228.70.00.13 | Wide flange H sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, cold-rolled, drawn or extruded: |
7228.70.00.21 | Of a height not exceeding 150 mm |
7228.70.00.22 | Of a height exceeding 150 mm |
7228.70.00.30 | Other H sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, cold-rolled, drawn or extruded |
7228.70.00.31 | I sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, cold-rolled, drawn or extruded: |
7228.70.00.41 | American standard, of a height not exceeding 150 mm |
7228.70.00.42 | American standard, of a height exceeding 150 mm |
7228.70.00.49 | Muud |
7228.70.00.50 | U sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, cold-rolled, drawn or extruded |
7228.70.00.60 | T sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, cold-rolled, drawn or extruded |
7228.70.00.70 | Z sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, cold-rolled, drawn or extruded |
7228.70.00.71 | Other shapes or sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, cold-rolled, drawn or extruded: |
7228.70.00.81 | Bearing pile |
7228.70.00.82 | Curved grader blade sections |
7228.70.00.83 | Track shoe profile bars of steel, of a width of 190 mm or more but not exceeding 350 mm and of a height not exceeding 150 mm, for use in the manufacture of track shoes for track-laying machinery or vehicles |
7228.70.00.89 | Muud |
7228.70.00.90 | Muud |
7228.70.00.91 | L sections |
7228.70.00.92 | H or I sections |
7228.70.00.93 | U sections |
7228.70.00.99 | Muud |
7228.80.00 | Puurtorud |
- | Kuumvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata |
7228.80.00.11 | Round, alloy steel |
7228.80.00.12 | Round, non-alloy steel |
7228.80.00.18 | Other, alloy steel |
7228.80.00.19 | Muud |
7228.80.00.20 | Muud |
7228.80.00.91 | Round, alloy steel |
7228.80.00.92 | Round, non-alloy steel |
7228.80.00.98 | Other, alloy steel |
7228.80.00.99 | Muud |
7229 | Legeerterasest traat |
7229.20.00 | Ränimangaanterasest |
- | Round, of a diameter not exceeding 1.6 mm, containing by weight less than 0.2% of carbon, more than 0.9% of manganese, and more than 0.6% of silicon, suitable for electric arc-welding: |
7229.20.00.11 | Plated or coated with copper |
7229.20.00.19 | Muud |
7229.20.00.90 | Muud |
7229.90.00 | Muud |
7229.90.00.30 | Of high-speed steel |
7229.90.00.40 | Other flat |
7229.90.00.41 | Other round, of a diameter not exceeding 1.6 mm, containing by weight less than 0.2% of carbon and more than 0.3% of nickel or more than 0.08% of molybdenum, suitable for electric arc-welding: |
7229.90.00.51 | Plated or coated with copper |
7229.90.00.59 | Muud |
7229.90.00.60 | Other round, containing by weight 1.2% or more of silicon and 0.6% or more of chromium: |
7229.90.00.61 | Of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7229.90.00.62 | Of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7229.90.00.63 | Of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7229.90.00.64 | Of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7229.90.00.65 | Other round: |
7229.90.00.71 | Of a diameter of less than 1 mm |
7229.90.00.72 | Of a diameter of 1 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7229.90.00.73 | Of a diameter of 1.5 mm or more but less than 3 mm |
7229.90.00.74 | Of a diameter of 3 mm or more |
7229.90.00.90 | Muud |
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