HS-koodid - 72: Raud ja teras:
7201 | Toormalm ja peegelmalm kangide, plokkide või muude esmasvormidena: |
7201.10.0000 | Legeerimata toormalm fosforisisaldusega kuni 0,5 % massist |
7201.20.0000 | Nonalloy pig iron containing by weight more than 0.5 percent of phosphorus |
7201.50 | Legeeritud toormalm; peegelmalm: |
7201.50.3000 | Alloy pig iron |
7201.50.6000 | Spiegeleisen |
7202 | Ferrosulamid: |
7202.A | Ferromangaan: |
7202.11 | Süsinikusisaldusega üle 2 % massist: |
7202.11.1000 | Containing by weight more than 2 percent but not more than 4 percent of carbon |
7202.11.5000 | Süsinikusisaldusega üle 4 % massist |
7202.19 | Muud: |
7202.19.1000 | Containing by weight not more than 1 percent of carbon |
7202.19.5000 | Containing by weight more than 1 percent but not more than 2 percent of carbon |
7202.B | Ferrosiliitsium: |
7202.21 | Containing by weight more than 55 percent of silicon: |
7202.21.A | Containing by weight more than 55 percent but not more than 80 percent of silicon: |
7202.21.1000 | Containing by weight more than 3 percent of calcium |
7202.21.5000 | Muud |
7202.21.7500 | Containing by weight more than 80 percent but not more than 90 percent of silicon |
7202.21.9000 | Containing by weight more than 90 percent of silicon |
7202.29.00 | Muud: |
7202.29.0010 | Containing by weight over 2 percent of magnesium |
7202.29.0050 | Muud |
7202.30.0000 | Ferrosilicon manganese |
7202.C | Ferrokroom: |
7202.41.0000 | Süsinikusisaldusega üle 4 % massist |
7202.49 | Muud: |
7202.49.1000 | Containing by weight more than 3 percent of carbon |
7202.49.50 | Muud: |
7202.49.5010 | Containing by weight more than 0.5 percent of carbon |
7202.49.5090 | Muud |
7202.50.0000 | Ferrosilicon chromium |
7202.60.0000 | Ferronickel |
7202.70.0000 | Ferromolybdenum |
7202.80.0000 | Ferrotungsten and ferrosilicon tungsten |
7202.D | Muud: |
7202.91.0000 | Ferrotitanium and ferrosilicon titanium |
7202.92.0000 | Ferrovanadium |
7202.93 | Ferroniobium: |
7202.93.4000 | Containing by weight less than 0.02 percent of phosphorus or sulfur or less than 0.4 percent of silicon |
7202.93.8000 | Muud |
7202.99 | Muud: |
7202.99.1000 | Ferrozirconium |
7202.99.2000 | Calcium silicon |
7202.99.80 | Muud: |
7202.99.8020 | Ferrophosphorus |
7202.99.8040 | Muud |
7203 | Rauamaagi jm käsnrauasaaduste otsesel redutseerimisel saadud raud, tükkidena, graanulitena vms kujul; raud minimaalse puhtusega 99,94 % massist, tükkidena, graanulitena vms kujul: |
7203.10.0000 | Rauamaagi otsesel redutseerimisel saadud raud |
7203.90.0000 | Muud |
7204 | Malmi ja terase jäätmed ja jäägid; praagitud raua või terase valuplokid ümbersulatamiseks: |
7204.10.0000 | Malmijäätmed ja -jäägid |
7204.A | Legeerterase jäätmed ja jäägid: |
7204.21.0000 | Roostevabast terasest |
7204.29.0000 | Muud |
7204.30.0000 | Tinatatud malmi või terase jäätmed ja jäägid |
7204.B | Muud jäätmed ja jäägid: |
7204.41.00 | Trei-, höövli- ja raielaastud, freesimisjäätmed, saagimisjäätmed, viilmed, lõikmed ning stantsimisjäätmed, pakettidena või mitte: |
7204.41.0020 | No. 1 bundles |
7204.41.0040 | No. 2 bundles |
7204.41.0060 | Borings, shovelings and turnings |
7204.41.0080 | Muud |
7204.49.00 | Muud: |
7204.49.0020 | No. 1 heavy melting |
7204.49.0040 | No. 2 heavy melting |
7204.49.00.A | Muud: |
7204.49.0060 | Cut plate and structural |
7204.49.0070 | Shredded |
7204.49.0080 | Muud |
7204.50.0000 | Praagitud valuplokid ümbersulatamiseks |
7205 | Graanulid ja pulber toormalmist, peegelmalmist, rauast või terasest: |
7205.10.0000 | Graanulid |
7205.A | Pulber: |
7205.21.0000 | Legeerterasest |
7205.29.0000 | Muud |
7206 | Raud ja legeerimata teras valuplokkidena või muude esmasvormidena (v.. A rubriigi 7203 raud): |
7206.10.0000 | Valuplokid |
7206.90.0000 | Muud |
7207 | Pooltooted rauast või legeerimata terasest: |
7207.A | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist: |
7207.11.0000 | Täisnurkse (k.. A ruudukujulise) ristlõikega, laiusega alla kahekordse paksuse |
7207.12.00 | Muud täisnurkse (v.. A ruudukujulise) ristlõikega: |
7207.12.0010 | Having a width measuring less than four times the thickness |
7207.12.0050 | Having a width measuring at least four times the thickness |
7207.19.00 | Muud: |
7207.19.0030 | Of circular cross section |
7207.19.0090 | Muud |
7207.20.00 | Süsinikusisaldusega vähemalt 0,25 % massist: |
7207.20.00.A | Of rectangular (including square) cross section: |
7207.20.0025 | Having a width measuring less than four times the thickness |
7207.20.0045 | Having a width measuring at least four times the thickness |
7207.20.0075 | Of circular cross section |
7207.20.0090 | Muud |
7208 | Lehtvaltstooted rauast või legeerimata terasest, laiusega vähemalt 600 mm, kuumvaltsitud, plakeerimata, pindamata ja muul viisil katmata: |
7208.10 | Rullides, kuumvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata, reljeefse mustriga |
7208.10.1500 | Pikeldatud |
7208.10.A | Muud: |
7208.10.3000 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm |
7208.10.6000 | Paksusega alla 4,75 mm |
7208.A | Muud, rullides, kuumvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata, söövitatud: |
7208.25 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm: |
7208.25.3000 | Of high-strength steel |
7208.25.6000 | Muud |
7208.26.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm, kuid alla 4,75 mm: |
7208.26.0030 | High-strength steel |
7208.26.0060 | Muud |
7208.27.00 | Paksusega alla 3 mm: |
7208.27.00.A | High-strength steel: |
7208.27.0040 | “Advanced” or “ultra” of a kind described in statistical note 4 to this chapter |
7208.27.0045 | Muud |
7208.27.0060 | Muud |
7208.B | Muud, rullides, kuumvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata: |
7208.36.00 | Paksusega üle 10 mm: |
7208.36.0030 | High-strength steel |
7208.36.0060 | Muud |
7208.37.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm, kuid mitte üle 10 mm: |
7208.37.0030 | High-strength steel |
7208.37.0060 | Muud |
7208.38.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm, kuid alla 4,75 mm: |
7208.38.0015 | High-strength steel |
7208.38.00.A | Muud: |
7208.38.0030 | With untrimmed edges |
7208.38.0090 | Muud |
7208.39.00 | Paksusega alla 3 mm: |
7208.39.00.A | High-strength steel: |
7208.39.0020 | “Advanced” or “ultra” of a kind described in statistical note 4 to this chapter |
7208.39.0025 | Muud |
7208.39.00.B | Muud: |
7208.39.0030 | With untrimmed edges |
7208.39.0090 | Muud |
7208.40 | Mitte rullides, kuumvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata, reljeefse mustriga: |
7208.40.30 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm: |
7208.40.3030 | Paksusega üle 10 mm |
7208.40.3060 | Muud |
7208.40.60 | Paksusega alla 4,75 mm: |
7208.40.6030 | Of a thickness less than 3 mm |
7208.40.6060 | Muud |
7208.C | Muud, mitte rullides, kuumvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata: |
7208.51.00 | Paksusega üle 10 mm: |
7208.51.0030 | Valtsitud neljalt küljelt või kinnises kaliibris, laiusega üle 150 mm, paksusega vähemalt 4 mm, mitte rullides, reljeefse mustrita |
7208.51.00.A | Muud: |
7208.51.0045 | Of high-strength steel |
7208.51.0060 | Muud |
7208.52.0000 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm, kuid mitte üle 10 mm |
7208.53.0000 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm, kuid alla 4,75 mm |
7208.54.0000 | Paksusega alla 3 mm |
7208.90.0000 | Muud |
7209 | Lehtvaltstooted rauast või legeerimata terasest, laiusega vähemalt 600 mm, külmvaltsitud, plakeerimata, pindamata või muul viisil katmata: |
7209.A | Rullides, külmvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata: |
7209.15.0000 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm |
7209.16.00 | Paksusega üle 1 mm, kuid alla 3 mm: |
7209.16.00.A | Of high-strength steel: |
7209.16.00.A.A | Annealed: |
7209.16.0040 | “Advanced” or “ultra” of a kind described in statistical note 4 to this chapter |
7209.16.0045 | Muud |
7209.16.0060 | Muud |
7209.16.00.B | Muud: |
7209.16.0070 | Annealed |
7209.16.0091 | Muud |
7209.17.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 0,5 mm, kuid mitte üle 1 mm: |
7209.17.00.A | Of high-strength steel: |
7209.17.00.A.A | Annealed: |
7209.17.0040 | “Advanced” or “ultra” of a kind described in statistical note 4 to this chapter |
7209.17.0045 | Muud |
7209.17.0060 | Muud |
7209.17.00.B | Muud: |
7209.17.0070 | Annealed |
7209.17.0091 | Muud |
7209.18 | Paksusega alla 0,5 mm: |
7209.18.15 | Of high-strength steel |
7209.18.1530 | Annealed |
7209.18.1560 | Muud |
7209.18.A | Muud: |
7209.18.25 | Of a thickness of less than 0.361 mm (blackplate) |
7209.18.2520 | Annealed |
7209.18.2585 | Muud |
7209.18.60 | Muud: |
7209.18.6020 | Annealed |
7209.18.6090 | Muud |
7209.B | Mitte rullides, külmvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata: |
7209.25.0000 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm |
7209.26.0000 | Paksusega üle 1 mm, kuid alla 3 mm |
7209.27.0000 | Paksusega vähemalt 0,5 mm, kuid mitte üle 1 mm |
7209.28.0000 | Paksusega alla 0,5 mm |
7209.90.0000 | Muud |
7210 | Lehtvaltstooted rauast ja legeerimata terasest, laiusega vähemalt 600 mm, plakeeritud, pinnatud või muul viisil kaetud: |
7210.A | Tinaga pinnatud või kaetud: |
7210.11.0000 | Paksusega vähemalt 0,5 mm |
7210.12.0000 | Paksusega alla 0,5 mm |
7210.20.0000 | Pliiga (sh plii ja tina sulamiga) pinnatud või kaetud |
7210.30.00 | Tsingiga elektrolüütiliselt pinnatud või kaetud: |
7210.30.0030 | Of high-strength steel |
7210.30.0060 | Muud |
7210.B | Tsingiga muul viisil pinnatud või kaetud: |
7210.41.0000 | Gofreeritud |
7210.49.00 | Muud: |
7210.49.00.A | Of high-strength steel: |
7210.49.0040 | “Advanced” or “ultra” of a kind described in statistical note 4 to this chapter |
7210.49.0045 | Muud |
7210.49.00.B | Muud: |
7210.49.0091 | Of a thickness of 0.4 mm or more |
7210.49.0095 | Muud |
7210.50.00 | Kroomoksiididega või kroomi ja kroomoksiididega pinnatud või kaetud: |
7210.50.0020 | Of a width less than 1050 mm |
7210.50.0090 | Muud |
7210.C | Alumiiniumiga pinnatud või kaetud: |
7210.61.0000 | Alumiiniumi-tsingisulamiga pinnatud või kaetud |
7210.69.0000 | Muud |
7210.70 | Värvitud, lakitud või plastiga kaetud: |
7210.70.3000 | Not coated or plated with metal and not clad |
7210.70.60 | Muud: |
7210.70.60.A | Zinc coated or plated: |
7210.70.6030 | Electrolytically coated or plated |
7210.70.6060 | Muud |
7210.70.6090 | Muud |
7210.90 | Muud: |
7210.90.1000 | Plakeeritud |
7210.90.A | Muud: |
7210.90.6000 | Electrolytically coated or plated with base metal |
7210.90.9000 | Muud |
7211 | Lehtvaltstooted rauast ja legeerimata terasest, laiusega alla 600 mm, plakeerimata, pindamata või muul viisil katmata: |
7211.A | Not further worked than hot-rolled: |
7211.13.0000 | Valtsitud neljalt küljelt või kinnises kaliibris, laiusega üle 150 mm, paksusega vähemalt 4 mm, mitte rullides, reljeefse mustrita |
7211.14.00 | Muud, paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm: |
7211.14.0030 | Of high-strength steel |
7211.14.00.A | Muud: |
7211.14.0045 | Not in coils |
7211.14.0090 | Muud |
7211.19 | Muud: |
7211.19.A | Of a width of less than 300 mm: |
7211.19.1500 | Of high-strength steel |
7211.19.A.A | Muud: |
7211.19.2000 | Of a thickness exceeding 1.25 mm |
7211.19.3000 | Muud |
7211.19.B | Muud: |
7211.19.4500 | Of high-strength steel |
7211.19.B.A | Muud: |
7211.19.6000 | Pikeldatud |
7211.19.75 | Muud: |
7211.19.75.A | Rullides: |
7211.19.7530 | With untrimmed edges |
7211.19.7560 | Muud |
7211.19.7590 | Muud |
7211.B | Külmvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata: |
7211.23 | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist: |
7211.23.A | Of a width of less than 300 mm: |
7211.23.A.A | Of a thickness exceeding 1.25 mm: |
7211.23.1500 | Of high-strength steel |
7211.23.2000 | Muud |
7211.23.3000 | Of a thickness exceeding 0.25 mm but not exceeding 1.25 mm |
7211.23.4500 | Of a thickness not exceeding 0.25 mm |
7211.23.60 | Muud: |
7211.23.6030 | Of a thickness exceeding 1.25 mm |
7211.23.6060 | Of a thickness exceeding 0.25 mm but not exceeding 1.25 mm |
7211.23.6090 | Of a thickness not exceeding 0.25 mm |
7211.29 | Muud: |
7211.29.A | Of a width of less than 300 mm: |
7211.29.20 | Of a thickness exceeding 0.25 mm |
7211.29.2030 | Of a width less than 51 mm, in coils |
7211.29.2090 | Muud |
7211.29.4500 | Muud |
7211.29.60 | Muud: |
7211.29.6030 | Of a thickness exceeding 1.25 mm |
7211.29.6080 | Muud |
7211.90.0000 | Muud |
7212 | Lehtvaltstooted rauast või legeerimata terasest, laiusega alla 600 mm, plakeeritud, pinnatud või muul viisil kaetud: |
7212.10.0000 | Tinaga pinnatud või kaetud |
7212.20.0000 | Tsingiga elektrolüütiliselt pinnatud või kaetud |
7212.30 | Tsingiga muul viisil pinnatud või kaetud: |
7212.30.A | Of a width of less than 300 mm: |
7212.30.10 | Of a thickness exceeding 0.25 mm or more |
7212.30.1030 | Of a width less than 51 mm, in coils |
7212.30.1090 | Muud |
7212.30.3000 | Muud |
7212.30.5000 | Muud |
7212.40 | Värvitud, lakitud või plastiga kaetud: |
7212.40.1000 | Of a width of less than 300 mm |
7212.40.5000 | Muud |
7212.50.0000 | Muul viisil pinnatud või kaetud |
7212.60.0000 | Plakeeritud |
7213 | Kuumvaltsitud varbmaterjal rauast või legeerimata terasest, korrapäratult kokku keritud: |
7213.10.0000 | Süvendite, nukkide, soonte või muude valtsimisprotsessis tekkinud deformatsioonidega või valtsimisjärgselt painutatud |
7213.20.00 | Muud, automaaditerasest: |
7213.20.0010 | Containing by weight 0.1 percent or more of lead |
7213.20.0080 | Muud |
7213.A | Muud: |
7213.91 | Ümmarguse ristlõikega, läbimõõduga alla 14 mm: |
7213.91.30 | Not tempered, not treated and not partly manufactured |
7213.91.3011 | Tire cord-quality steel wire rod of a kind described in statistical note 5 to this chapter |
7213.91.3015 | Of Cold Heading Quality (CHQ) steel of a kind described in statistical note 6 to this chapter |
7213.91.3020 | Of welding quality wire rods of a kind described in statistical note 7 to this chapter |
7213.91.3093 | Muud |
7213.91.A | Muud: |
7213.91.4500 | Containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon |
7213.91.6000 | Muud |
7213.99.00 | Muud: |
7213.99.00.A | Of circular cross section: |
7213.99.0030 | With a diameter of 14 mm or more but less than 19 mm |
7213.99.0060 | With a diameter of 19 mm or more |
7213.99.0090 | Muud |
7214 | Muu varbmaterjal rauast või legeerimata terasest, sepistatud, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud (k.. A valtsimisjärgselt väänatud vardad), edasi töötlemata: |
7214.10.0000 | Sepistatud |
7214.20.0000 | Süvendite, nukkide, soonte või muude valtsimisprotsessis tekkinud deformatsioonidega või valtsimisjärgselt painutatud |
7214.30.00 | Muud, automaaditerasest: |
7214.30.0010 | Containing by weight 0.1 percent or more of lead |
7214.30.0080 | Muud |
7214.A | Muud: |
7214.91.00 | Täisnurkse (v.. A ruudukujulise) ristlõikega: |
7214.91.00.A | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist: |
7214.91.0016 | With a maximum cross section less than 152 mm |
7214.91.0020 | With a maximum cross section of 152 mm or more |
7214.91.0060 | Containing by weight 0.25 percent or more but less than 0.6 percent of carbon |
7214.91.0090 | Containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon |
7214.99.00 | Muud: |
7214.99.00.A | Rounds: |
7214.99.00.A.A | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist: |
7214.99.0016 | With a diameter less than 76 mm |
7214.99.0021 | With a diameter of 76 mm or more but not exceeding 152 mm |
7214.99.0026 | With a diameter exceeding 152 mm |
7214.99.00.A.B | Containing by weight 0.25 percent or more but less than 0.6 percent of carbon: |
7214.99.0031 | With a diameter less than 76 mm |
7214.99.0036 | With a diameter of 76 mm or more but not exceeding 152 mm |
7214.99.0040 | With a diameter exceeding 152 mm |
7214.99.0045 | Containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon |
7214.99.00.B | Muud: |
7214.99.0060 | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist |
7214.99.0075 | Containing by weight 0.25 percent or more but less than 0.6 percent of carbon |
7214.99.0090 | Containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon |
7215 | Muu varbmaterjal rauast või legeerimata terasest: |
7215.10.00 | Automaaditerasest, külmvormitud või -viimistletud, edasi töötlemata |
7215.10.0010 | Containing by weight 0.1 percent or more of lead |
7215.10.0080 | Muud |
7215.50.00 | Muud, külmvormitud või -viimistletud, edasi töötlemata: |
7215.50.00.A | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist: |
7215.50.0016 | With a diameter or cross section measuring less than 76 mm |
7215.50.0018 | With a diameter or cross section measuring 76 mm or more but not exceeding 228 mm |
7215.50.0020 | With a diameter or cross section exceeding 228 mm |
7215.50.00.B | Containing by weight 0.25 percent or more but less than 0.6 percent of carbon: |
7215.50.0061 | With a diameter or cross section measuring less than 76 mm |
7215.50.0063 | With a diameter or cross section measuring 76 mm or more but not exceeding 228 mm |
7215.50.0065 | With a diameter or cross section exceeding 228 mm |
7215.50.0090 | Containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon |
7215.90 | Muud: |
7215.90.A | Plated or coated with metal: |
7215.90.1000 | Not cold-formed |
7215.90.3000 | Cold-formed |
7215.90.5000 | Muud |
7216 | Kujuprofiilid rauast või legeerimata terasest: |
7216.10.00 | U, I or H sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of a height of less than 80 mm |
7216.10.0010 | U-kujulised profiilid |
7216.10.0050 | Muud |
7216.A | L- või t-kujulised profiilid, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata, kõrgusega alla 80 mm: |
7216.21.0000 | L-kujulised profiilid |
7216.22.0000 | T-kujulised profiilid |
7216.B | U-, i- või h-kujulised profiilid, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata, kõrgusega vähemalt 80 mm: |
7216.31.0000 | U-kujulised profiilid |
7216.32.0000 | I-kujulised profiilid |
7216.33.00 | H-kujulised profiilid: |
7216.33.0030 | Weighing not more than 11.3 kg per 30.5 cm, with a web depth measuring 102 mm to 356 mm |
7216.33.0060 | Weighing more than 11.3 kg but not more than 27.2 kg per 30.5 cm, with a web depth measuring 203 mm to 457 mm |
7216.33.0090 | Muud |
7216.40.00 | L- ja t-kujulised profiilid, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata, kõrgusega vähemalt 80 mm: |
7216.40.0010 | L-kujulised profiilid |
7216.40.0050 | Muud |
7216.50.0000 | Muud kujuprofiilid, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata |
7216.C | Kujuprofiilid, külmvormitud või -viimistletud, edasi töötlemata: |
7216.61.0000 | Lehtvaltstoodetest valmistatud |
7216.69.0000 | Muud |
7216.D | Muud: |
7216.91.00 | Lehtvaltstoodetest külmvormitud või -viimistletud: |
7216.91.0010 | Drilled, notched, punched or cambered |
7216.91.0090 | Muud |
7216.99.00 | Muud: |
7216.99.0010 | Drilled, notched, punched or cambered |
7216.99.0090 | Muud |
7217 | Traat rauast või legeerimata terasest: |
7217.10 | Pindamata ja katmata pinnaga, poleeritud või poleerimata: |
7217.10.A | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist: |
7217.10.A.A | Flat wire: |
7217.10.1000 | Of a thickness not exceeding 0.25 mm |
7217.10.2000 | Of a thickness exceeding 0.25 mm but not exceeding 1.25 mm |
7217.10.3000 | Of a thickness exceeding 1.25 mm |
7217.10.A.B | Round wire: |
7217.10.40 | With a diameter of less than 1.5 mm |
7217.10.40.A | Heat treated: |
7217.10.4040 | In coils weighing not more than 2 kilograms |
7217.10.4045 | Muud |
7217.10.4090 | Muud |
7217.10.50 | With a diameter of 1.5 mm or more |
7217.10.5030 | Heat treated |
7217.10.5090 | Muud |
7217.10.6000 | Other wire |
7217.10.B | Muud: |
7217.10.7000 | Flat wire |
7217.10.80 | Round wire |
7217.10.80.A | Containing by weight 0.25 percent or more but less than 0.6 percent of carbon: |
7217.10.8010 | Heat treated |
7217.10.8020 | Muud |
7217.10.80.B | Containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon: |
7217.10.80.B.A | Heat treated: |
7217.10.8025 | With a diameter of less than 1.0 mm |
7217.10.8030 | With a diameter of 1.0 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.10.8045 | With a diameter of 1.5 mm or more |
7217.10.80.B.B | Muud: |
7217.10.8060 | With a diameter of less than 1.0 mm |
7217.10.8075 | With a diameter of 1.0 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7217.10.8090 | With a diameter of 1.5 mm or more |
7217.10.9000 | Other wire |
7217.20 | Tsingiga pinnatud või kaetud: |
7217.20.1500 | Flat wire |
7217.20.A | Round wire: |
7217.20.3000 | With a diameter of 1.5 mm or more and containing by weight less than 0.25 percent of carbon |
7217.20.45 | Muud: |
7217.20.45.A | With a diameter of less than 1.0 mm: |
7217.20.4510 | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist |
7217.20.4520 | Containing by weight 0.25 percent or more but less than 0.6 percent of carbon |
7217.20.4530 | Containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon |
7217.20.45.B | With a diameter of 1.0 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm: |
7217.20.4540 | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist |
7217.20.4550 | Containing by weight 0.25 percent or more but less than 0.6 percent of carbon |
7217.20.4560 | Containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon |
7217.20.45.C | With a diameter of 1.5 mm or more: |
7217.20.4570 | Containing by weight 0.25 percent or more but less than 0.6 percent of carbon |
7217.20.4580 | Containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon |
7217.20.B | Muud: |
7217.20.6000 | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist |
7217.20.7500 | Muud |
7217.30 | Muude mitteväärismetallidega pinnatud või kaetud: |
7217.30.15 | Flat wire |
7217.30.1530 | Containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon |
7217.30.1560 | Muud |
7217.30.A | Round wire: |
7217.30.3000 | With a diameter of 1.5 mm or more and containing by weight less than 0.25 percent of carbon |
7217.30.45 | Muud: |
7217.30.4504 | Containing by weight less than 0.20 percent of carbon, and suitable for electric arc welding |
7217.30.45.A | Muud: |
7217.30.45.A.A | With a diameter of less than 1.0 mm: |
7217.30.4511 | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist |
7217.30.4520 | Containing by weight 0.25 percent or more but less than 0.6 percent or carbon |
7217.30.4530 | Containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon |
7217.30.45.A.B | With a diameter of 1.0 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm: |
7217.30.4541 | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist |
7217.30.4550 | Containing by weight 0.25 percent or more but less than 0.6 percent of carbon |
7217.30.4560 | Containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon |
7217.30.4590 | With a diameter of 1.5 mm or more |
7217.30.B | Muud: |
7217.30.6000 | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist |
7217.30.7500 | Muud |
7217.90 | Muud: |
7217.90.1000 | Plastiga kaetud |
7217.90.50 | Muud: |
7217.90.5030 | Süsinikusisaldusega alla 0,25 % massist |
7217.90.5060 | Containing by weight 0.25 percent or more but less than 0.6 percent of carbon |
7217.90.5090 | Containing by weight 0.6 percent or more of carbon |
7218 | Roostevaba teras valuplokkidena või muude esmasvormidena; roostevabast terasest pooltooted: |
7218.10.0000 | Valuplokid jm esmasvormid |
7218.A | Muud: |
7218.91.00 | Täisnurkse (v.. A ruudukujulise) ristlõikega: |
7218.91.00.A | Having a width less than four times the thickness: |
7218.91.0015 | Having a cross-sectional area of less than 232 cm2 |
7218.91.0030 | Having a cross-sectional area of 232 cm2 or more |
7218.91.0060 | Having a width at least four times the thickness |
7218.99.00 | Muud: |
7218.99.00.A | Of square cross section: |
7218.99.0015 | Having a cross-sectional area of less than 232 cm2 |
7218.99.0030 | Having a cross-sectional area of 232 cm2 or more |
7218.99.00.B | Of circular cross section: |
7218.99.0045 | Having a cross-sectional area of less than 232 cm2 |
7218.99.0060 | Having a cross-sectional area of 232 cm2 or more |
7218.99.0090 | Muud |
7219 | Lehtvaltstooted roostevabast terasest, laiusega vähemalt 600 mm: |
7219.A | Kuumvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata, rullides: |
7219.11.00 | Paksusega üle 10 mm: |
7219.11.0030 | Of a width not exceeding 1575 mm |
7219.11.0060 | Of a width exceeding 1575 mm |
7219.12.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm, kuid mitte üle 10 mm: |
7219.12.0002 | Not annealed or not pickled |
7219.12.00.A | Muud: |
7219.12.0006 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7219.12.00.A.A | Muud: |
7219.12.00.A.A.A | Of a width of 1370 mm or more: |
7219.12.00.A.A.A.A | Of a thickness exceeding 6.8 mm: |
7219.12.0021 | Of a width not exceeding 1575 mm |
7219.12.0026 | Of a width exceeding 1575 mm |
7219.12.00.A.A.A.B | Muud: |
7219.12.0051 | Of a width not exceeding 1575 mm |
7219.12.0056 | Of a width exceeding 1575 mm |
7219.12.00.A.A.B | Muud: |
7219.12.00.A.A.B.A | Containing more than 0.5 percent by weight of nickel: |
7219.12.0066 | Containing more than 1.5 percent but less than 5 percent by weight of molybdenum |
7219.12.0071 | Muud |
7219.12.0081 | Muud |
7219.13.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm, kuid alla 4,75 mm: |
7219.13.0002 | Not annealed or not pickled |
7219.13.00.A | Muud: |
7219.13.0031 | Of a width of 1370 mm or more |
7219.13.00.A.A | Muud: |
7219.13.00.A.A.A | Containing more than 0.5 percent but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel: |
7219.13.0051 | Containing more than 1.5 percent but less than 5 percent by weight of molybdenum |
7219.13.0071 | Muud |
7219.13.0081 | Muud |
7219.14.00 | Paksusega alla 3 mm: |
7219.14.0030 | Of a width of 1370 mm or more |
7219.14.00.A | Muud: |
7219.14.0065 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7219.14.0090 | Muud |
7219.B | Kuumvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata, mitte rullides: |
7219.21.00 | Paksusega üle 10 mm: |
7219.21.0005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7219.21.00.A | Muud: |
7219.21.0020 | Of a width not exceeding 1575 mm |
7219.21.0040 | Of a width exceeding 1575 mm but not exceeding 1880 mm |
7219.21.0060 | Of a width exceeding 1880 mm |
7219.22.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm, kuid mitte üle 10 mm: |
7219.22.0005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7219.22.00.A | Muud: |
7219.22.00.A.A | Containing more than 0.5 percent by weight of nickel: |
7219.22.00.A.A.A | Containing more than 1.5 percent but less than 5 percent by weight of molybdenum: |
7219.22.0015 | Of a width not exceeding 1575 mm |
7219.22.0020 | Of a width exceeding 1575 mm but not exceeding 1880 mm |
7219.22.0025 | Of a width exceeding 1880 mm |
7219.22.00.A.A.B | Muud: |
7219.22.0035 | Of a width not exceeding 1575 mm |
7219.22.0040 | Of a width exceeding 1575 mm but not exceeding 1880 mm |
7219.22.0045 | Of a width exceeding 1880 mm |
7219.22.00.A.B | Muud: |
7219.22.0070 | Of a width not exceeding 1575 mm |
7219.22.0075 | Of a width exceeding 1575 mm but not exceeding 1880 mm |
7219.22.0080 | Of a width exceeding 1880 mm |
7219.23.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm, kuid alla 4,75 mm: |
7219.23.0030 | Of a width of 1370 mm or more |
7219.23.0060 | Muud |
7219.24.00 | Paksusega alla 3 mm: |
7219.24.0030 | Of a width of 1370 mm or more |
7219.24.0060 | Muud |
7219.C | Külmvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata: |
7219.31.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm: |
7219.31.0010 | Rullides |
7219.31.0050 | Not in coils |
7219.32.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 3 mm, kuid alla 4,75 mm: |
7219.32.00.A | Rullides: |
7219.32.00.A.A | Of a width of 1370 mm or more: |
7219.32.0005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7219.32.00.A.A.A | Muud: |
7219.32.0020 | Containing more than 0.5 percent by weight of nickel |
7219.32.0025 | Muud |
7219.32.00.A.B | Muud: |
7219.32.0035 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7219.32.00.A.B.A | Muud: |
7219.32.00.A.B.A.A | Containing more than 0.5 percent by weight of nickel: |
7219.32.0036 | Containing more than 1.5 percent but less than 5 percent by weight of molybdenum |
7219.32.0038 | Muud |
7219.32.00.A.B.A.B | Muud: |
7219.32.0042 | Containing less than 15 percent by weight of chromium |
7219.32.0044 | Muud |
7219.32.00.B | Not in coils: |
7219.32.0045 | Of a width of 1370 mm or more |
7219.32.0060 | Muud |
7219.33.00 | Paksusega üle 1 mm, kuid alla 3 mm: |
7219.33.00.A | Rullides: |
7219.33.00.A.A | Of a width of 1370 mm or more: |
7219.33.0005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7219.33.00.A.A.A | Muud: |
7219.33.0020 | Containing more than 0.5 percent by weight of nickel |
7219.33.0025 | Muud |
7219.33.00.A.B | Muud: |
7219.33.0035 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7219.33.00.A.B.A | Muud: |
7219.33.00.A.B.A.A | Containing more than 0.5 percent by weight of nickel: |
7219.33.0036 | Containing more than 1.5 percent but less than 5 percent by weight of molybdenum |
7219.33.0038 | Muud |
7219.33.00.A.B.A.B | Muud: |
7219.33.0042 | Containing less than 15 percent by weight of chromium |
7219.33.0044 | Muud |
7219.33.00.B | Not in coils: |
7219.33.0045 | Of a width of 1370 mm or more |
7219.33.00.B.A | Muud: |
7219.33.0070 | Containing more than 0.5 percent but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel |
7219.33.0080 | Muud |
7219.34.00 | Paksusega vähemalt 0,5 mm, kuid mitte üle 1 mm: |
7219.34.00.A | Rullides: |
7219.34.0005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7219.34.00.A.A | Muud: |
7219.34.00.A.A.A | Containing more than 0.5 percent by weight of nickel: |
7219.34.0020 | Containing more than 1.5 percent but less than 5 percent by weight of molybdenum |
7219.34.0025 | Muud |
7219.34.00.A.A.B | Muud: |
7219.34.0030 | Containing less than 15 percent by weight of chromium |
7219.34.0035 | Muud |
7219.34.0050 | Not in coils |
7219.35.00 | Paksusega alla 0,5 mm: |
7219.35.00.A | Rullides: |
7219.35.00.A.A | Containing more than 0.5 percent but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel: |
7219.35.0005 | Containing more than 1.5 percent but less than 5 percent by weight of molybdenum |
7219.35.0015 | Muud |
7219.35.00.A.B | Muud: |
7219.35.0030 | Containing less than 15 percent by weight of chromium |
7219.35.0035 | Muud |
7219.35.0050 | Not in coils |
7219.90.00 | Muud: |
7219.90.0010 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7219.90.00.A | Muud: |
7219.90.00.A.A | Containing more than 0.5 percent by weight of nickel: |
7219.90.0020 | Containing more than 1.5 percent but less than 5 percent by weight of molybdenum |
7219.90.0025 | Muud |
7219.90.00.A.B | Muud: |
7219.90.0060 | Containing less than 15 percent by weight of chromium |
7219.90.0080 | Muud |
7220 | Lehtvaltstooted roostevabast terasest, laiusega alla 600 mm: |
7220.A | Not further worked than hot-rolled: |
7220.11.0000 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm |
7220.12 | Paksusega alla 4,75 mm: |
7220.12.1000 | Of a width of 300 mm or more |
7220.12.5000 | Of a width of less than 300 mm |
7220.20 | Külmvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata: |
7220.20.10 | Of a width of 300 mm or more |
7220.20.10.A | Containing more than 0.5 percent but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel: |
7220.20.1010 | Containing more than 1.5 percent but less than 5 percent by weight of molybdenum |
7220.20.1015 | Muud |
7220.20.10.B | Muud: |
7220.20.1060 | Containing less than 15 percent by weight of chromium |
7220.20.1080 | Muud |
7220.20.A | Of a width of less than 300 mm: |
7220.20.60 | Of a thickness exceeding 1.25 mm |
7220.20.6005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7220.20.60.A | Muud: |
7220.20.60.A.A | Containing more than 0.5 percent by weight of nickel: |
7220.20.6010 | Containing more than 1.5 percent but less than 5 percent by weight of molybdenum |
7220.20.6015 | Muud |
7220.20.60.A.B | Muud: |
7220.20.6060 | Containing less than 15 percent by weight of chromium |
7220.20.6080 | Muud |
7220.20.70 | Of a thickness exceeding 0.25 mm but not exceeding 1.25 mm |
7220.20.7005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7220.20.70.A | Muud: |
7220.20.70.A.A | Containing more than 0.5 percent by weight of nickel: |
7220.20.7010 | Containing more than 1.5 percent but less than 5 percent by weight of molybdenum |
7220.20.7015 | Muud |
7220.20.70.A.B | Muud: |
7220.20.7060 | Containing less than 15 percent by weight of chromium |
7220.20.7080 | Muud |
7220.20.A.A | Of a thickness not exceeding 0.25 mm: |
7220.20.8000 | Razor blade steel |
7220.20.90 | Muud: |
7220.20.9030 | Containing more than 0.5 percent but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel |
7220.20.9060 | Muud |
7220.90.00 | Muud: |
7220.90.00.A | Containing more than 0.5 percent but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel: |
7220.90.0010 | Containing more than 1.5 percent but less than 5 percent by weight of molybdenum |
7220.90.0015 | Muud |
7220.90.00.B | Muud: |
7220.90.0060 | Containing less than 15 percent by weight of chromium |
7220.90.0080 | Muud |
7221.00.00 | Kuumvaltsitud varbmaterjal roostevabast terasest, korrapäratult kokku keritud: |
7221.00.0005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7221.00.00.A | Muud: |
7221.00.00.A.A | Of circular cross section: |
7221.00.00.A.A.A | With a diameter of less than 14 mm: |
7221.00.0017 | Containing less than 8 percent by weight of nickel |
7221.00.0018 | Containing 8 percent or more but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel |
7221.00.0030 | With a diameter of 14 mm or more but less than 19 mm |
7221.00.0045 | With a diameter of 19 mm or more |
7221.00.0075 | Muud |
7222 | Muu varbmaterjal roostevabast terasest; kujuprofiilid roostevabast terasest: |
7222.A | Varbmaterjal roostevabast terasest, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata: |
7222.11.00 | Ümmarguse ristlõikega: |
7222.11.0001 | Electroslag or vacuum arc remelted |
7222.11.0006 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7222.11.00.A | Muud: |
7222.11.00.A.A | With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of less than 152.4 mm: |
7222.11.0057 | Containing less than 8 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.11.0059 | Containing 8 percent or more but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.11.00.A.B | With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 152.4 mm or more: |
7222.11.0082 | Containing less than 8 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.11.0084 | Containing 8 percent or more but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.19.00 | Muud: |
7222.19.0001 | Electroslag or vacuum arc remelted |
7222.19.00.A | Muud: |
7222.19.0006 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7222.19.00.A.A | Muud: |
7222.19.0052 | Containing less than 8 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.19.0054 | Containing 8 percent or more but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.20.00 | Varbmaterjal roostevabast terasest, külmvormitud või -viimistletud, edasi töötlemata: |
7222.20.0001 | Electroslag or vacuum arc remelted |
7222.20.0006 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7222.20.00.A | Muud: |
7222.20.00.A.A | Of a circular cross-section: |
7222.20.00.A.A.A | With a maximum circular cross-sectional dimension of less than 18 mm: |
7222.20.0041 | Containing less than 8 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.20.0043 | Containing 8 percent or more but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.20.00.A.A.B | With a maximum circular cross-sectional dimension of 18 mm or more and less than 152.4 mm: |
7222.20.0062 | Containing less than 8 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.20.0064 | Containing 8 percent or more but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.20.00.A.A.C | With a maximum circular cross-sectional dimension of 152.4 mm or more: |
7222.20.0067 | Containing less than 8 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.20.0069 | Containing 8 percent or more but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.20.00.A.B | Muud: |
7222.20.0071 | Containing less than 8 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.20.0073 | Containing 8 percent or more but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.30.00 | Muu varbmaterjal: |
7222.30.0001 | Electroslag or vacuum arc remelted |
7222.30.0012 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7222.30.00.A | Muud: |
7222.30.00.A.A | With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of less than 152.4 mm: |
7222.30.0022 | Containing less than 8 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.30.0024 | Containing 8 percent or more but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.30.00.A.B | With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 152.4 mm or more: |
7222.30.0082 | Containing less than 8 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.30.0084 | Containing 8 percent or more but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel |
7222.40 | Kujuprofiilid: |
7222.40.30 | Hot-rolled, not drilled, not punched and not otherwise advanced |
7222.40.30.A | With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 80 mm or more: |
7222.40.3025 | Angles |
7222.40.3045 | Muud |
7222.40.30.B | With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of less than 80 mm: |
7222.40.3065 | Angles |
7222.40.3085 | Muud |
7222.40.6000 | Muud |
7223.00 | Roostevabast terasest traat: |
7223.00.10 | Round wire |
7223.00.1005 | Spring round wire of a kind described in statistical note 8 to this chapter |
7223.00.10.A | Muud: |
7223.00.1016 | With a diameter of less than 0.25 mm |
7223.00.1031 | With a diameter of 0.25 mm or more but less than 0.76 mm |
7223.00.1046 | With a diameter of 0.76 mm or more but less than 1.52 mm |
7223.00.1061 | With a diameter of 1.52 mm or more but less than 5.1 mm |
7223.00.1076 | With a diameter of 5.1 mm or more |
7223.00.5000 | Flat wire |
7223.00.9000 | Muud |
7224 | Muu legeerteras valuplokkidena vm esmasvormidena; muust legeerterasest pooltooted: |
7224.10.00 | Valuplokid jm esmasvormid: |
7224.10.0005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7224.10.00.A | Muud: |
7224.10.0045 | Of tool steel |
7224.10.0075 | Muud |
7224.90.00 | Muud: |
7224.90.0005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7224.90.00.A | Muud: |
7224.90.00.A.A | Of tool steel: |
7224.90.00.A.A.A | Of rectangular (including square) cross section: |
7224.90.0015 | Having a width less than four times the thickness |
7224.90.0025 | Having a width at least four times the thickness |
7224.90.0035 | Muud |
7224.90.00.A.B | Muud: |
7224.90.00.A.B.A | Of rectangular (including square) cross section: |
7224.90.0045 | Having a width less than four times the thickness |
7224.90.0055 | Having a width at least four times the thickness |
7224.90.0065 | Of circular cross section |
7224.90.0075 | Muud |
7225 | Lehtvaltstooted muust legeerterasest, laiusega vähemalt 600 mm: |
7225.A | Elektrotehnilisest räniterasest: |
7225.11.0000 | Suundorienteeritud struktuuriga |
7225.19.0000 | Muud |
7225.30 | Muust legeerterasest, kuumvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata, rullides: |
7225.30.A | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm: |
7225.30.11 | Of tool steel |
7225.30.1110 | Kiirlõiketerasest |
7225.30.1180 | Muud |
7225.30.30 | Muud: |
7225.30.3005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7225.30.3050 | Muud |
7225.30.B | Paksusega alla 4,75 mm: |
7225.30.51 | Of tool steel |
7225.30.5110 | Kiirlõiketerasest |
7225.30.5180 | Muud |
7225.30.7000 | Muud |
7225.40 | Muust legeerterasest, kuumvaltsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata, mitte rullides: |
7225.40.A | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm: |
7225.40.11 | Of tool steel |
7225.40.1110 | Kiirlõiketerasest |
7225.40.1180 | Muud |
7225.40.30 | Muud: |
7225.40.3005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7225.40.3050 | Muud |
7225.40.B | Paksusega alla 4,75 mm: |
7225.40.51 | Of tool steel |
7225.40.5110 | Kiirlõiketerasest |
7225.40.5130 | Of ball-bearing steel |
7225.40.5160 | Muud |
7225.40.7000 | Muud |
7225.50 | Muud, külmvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata: |
7225.50.11 | Of tool steel |
7225.50.1110 | Kiirlõiketerasest |
7225.50.1130 | Of ball-bearing steel |
7225.50.1160 | Muud |
7225.50.A | Muud: |
7225.50.6000 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm |
7225.50.A.A | Paksusega alla 4,75 mm: |
7225.50.7000 | Heat-resisting steel |
7225.50.80 | Muud: |
7225.50.8010 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7225.50.8080 | Muud |
7225.B | Muud: |
7225.91.0000 | Tsingiga elektrolüütiliselt pinnatud või kaetud |
7225.92.0000 | Tsingiga muul viisil pinnatud või kaetud |
7225.99.00 | Muud: |
7225.99.0010 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7225.99.0090 | Muud |
7226 | Lehtvaltstooted muust legeerterasest, laiusega alla 600 mm: |
7226.A | Elektrotehnilisest räniterasest: |
7226.11 | Suundorienteeritud struktuuriga: |
7226.11.1000 | Of a width of 300 mm or more |
7226.11.90 | Of a width of less than 300 mm |
7226.11.9030 | Of thickness not exceeding 0.25 mm |
7226.11.9060 | Muud |
7226.19 | Muud: |
7226.19.1000 | Of a width of 300 mm or more |
7226.19.9000 | Of a width of less than 300 mm |
7226.20.0000 | Kiirlõiketerasest |
7226.B | Muud: |
7226.91 | Not further worked than hot-rolled: |
7226.91.A | Muu varbmaterjal, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata: |
7226.91.0500 | Of chipper knife steel |
7226.91.A.A | Muud: |
7226.91.15 | Of a width of 300 mm or more |
7226.91.1530 | Of ball-bearing steel |
7226.91.1560 | Muud |
7226.91.25 | Of a width of less than 300 mm |
7226.91.2530 | Of ball-bearing steel |
7226.91.2560 | Muud |
7226.91.B | Muud: |
7226.91.5000 | Paksusega vähemalt 4,75 mm |
7226.91.B.A | Paksusega alla 4,75 mm: |
7226.91.7000 | Of a width of 300 mm or more |
7226.91.8000 | Of a width of less than 300 mm |
7226.92 | Külmvaltsitud, edasi töötlemata: |
7226.92.A | Muu varbmaterjal, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata: |
7226.92.10 | Of a width of 300 mm or more |
7226.92.1030 | Of ball-bearing steel |
7226.92.1060 | Muud |
7226.92.30 | Of a width of less than 300 mm |
7226.92.3030 | Of ball-bearing steel |
7226.92.3060 | Muud |
7226.92.B | Muud: |
7226.92.5000 | Of a width of 300 mm or more |
7226.92.B.A | Of a width of less than 300 mm: |
7226.92.70 | Of a thickness not exceeding 0.25 mm |
7226.92.7005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7226.92.7050 | Muud |
7226.92.80 | Of a thickness exceeding 0.25 mm |
7226.92.8005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7226.92.8050 | Muud |
7226.99.01 | Muud: |
7226.99.0110 | Tsingiga elektrolüütiliselt pinnatud või kaetud |
7226.99.0130 | Tsingiga muul viisil pinnatud või kaetud |
7226.99.0180 | Muud |
7227 | Kuumvaltsitud varbmaterjal muust legeerterasest, korrapäratult kokku keritud: |
7227.10.0000 | Kiirlõiketerasest |
7227.20.00 | Ränimangaanterasest |
7227.20.0030 | Of welding quality wire rods of a kind described in statistical note 7 to this chapter |
7227.20.0080 | Muud |
7227.90 | Muud: |
7227.90.A | Muu varbmaterjal, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata: |
7227.90.10 | Not tempered, not treated, and not partly manufactured |
7227.90.1030 | Of ball-bearing steel |
7227.90.1060 | Muud |
7227.90.20 | Muud: |
7227.90.2030 | Of ball-bearing steel |
7227.90.2060 | Muud |
7227.90.60 | Muud: |
7227.90.6005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7227.90.6010 | Of Cold Heading Quality (CHQ) steel of a kind described in statistical note 6 to this chapter |
7227.90.6020 | Of welding quality wire rods of a kind described in statistical note 7 to this chapter |
7227.90.60.A | Of a circular cross section: |
7227.90.6030 | With a diameter of less than 14 mm |
7227.90.6035 | With a diameter of 14 mm or more but less than 19 mm |
7227.90.6040 | With a diameter of 19 mm or more |
7227.90.6090 | Muud |
7228 | Muust legeerterasest varbmaterjal; muust legeerterasest kujuprofiilid; legeeritud või legeerimata terasest puurtorud: |
7228.10.00 | Kiirlõiketerasest varbmaterjal: |
7228.10.0010 | Not cold-formed |
7228.10.00.A | Cold-formed: |
7228.10.0030 | With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of less than 18 mm |
7228.10.0060 | With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 18 mm or more |
7228.20 | Ränimangaanterasest varbmaterjal: |
7228.20.1000 | Not cold-formed |
7228.20.5000 | Cold-formed |
7228.A | Muu varbmaterjal, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata: |
7228.30 | Muu varbmaterjal, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata: |
7228.30.2000 | Of ball-bearing steel |
7228.30.4000 | Of chipper knife steel, not cold-formed |
7228.30.6000 | Muud |
7228.30.80 | Muud: |
7228.30.8005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7228.30.8010 | Süvendite, nukkide, soonte või muude valtsimisprotsessis tekkinud deformatsioonidega või valtsimisjärgselt painutatud |
7228.30.80.A | Muud: |
7228.30.8015 | With a diameter or cross section measuring less than 76 mm |
7228.30.8041 | With a diameter or cross section measuring 76 mm or more but not exceeding 152 mm |
7228.30.8045 | With a diameter or cross section measuring 152 mm or more but not exceeding 228 mm |
7228.30.8070 | With a diameter or cross section exceeding 228 mm |
7228.40.0000 | Muu varbmaterjal, sepistatud, edasi töötlemata |
7228.50 | Muu varbmaterjal, külmvormitud või -viimistletud, edasi töötlemata: |
7228.50.10 | Muu varbmaterjal, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata: |
7228.50.1010 | Of ball-bearing steel |
7228.50.10.A | Muud: |
7228.50.10.A.A | With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of less than 18 mm: |
7228.50.1020 | Of round or rectangular cross section with surfaces ground, milled or polished |
7228.50.1040 | Muud |
7228.50.10.A.B | With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 18 mm or more: |
7228.50.1060 | Of round or rectangular cross section with surfaces ground, milled or polished |
7228.50.1080 | Muud |
7228.50.50 | Muud: |
7228.50.5005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7228.50.50.A | Muud: |
7228.50.5015 | With a diameter or cross section measuring less than 76 mm |
7228.50.5040 | With a diameter or cross section measuring 76 mm or more but not exceeding 228 mm |
7228.50.5070 | With a diameter or cross section exceeding 228 mm |
7228.60 | Muu varbmaterjal: |
7228.60.10 | Muu varbmaterjal, kuumvaltsitud, -tõmmatud või -pressitud, edasi töötlemata: |
7228.60.1030 | Of ball-bearing steel |
7228.60.1060 | Muud |
7228.60.A | Muud: |
7228.60.6000 | Not cold-formed |
7228.60.8000 | Cold-formed |
7228.70 | Kujuprofiilid: |
7228.70.30 | Hot-rolled, not drilled, not punched and not otherwise advanced |
7228.70.3010 | U, I, H and T sections |
7228.70.30.A | Muud: |
7228.70.30.A.A | With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of 76 mm or more: |
7228.70.3020 | Angles |
7228.70.3041 | Muud |
7228.70.30.A.B | With a maximum cross-sectional dimension of less than 76 mm: |
7228.70.3060 | Angles |
7228.70.3081 | Muud |
7228.70.6000 | Muud |
7228.80.0000 | Puurtorud |
7229 | Legeerterasest traat: |
7229.20.00 | Ränimangaanterasest |
7229.20.00.A | Round, with a diameter of less than or equal to 1.6 mm, containing by weight less than 0.20 percent of carbon, more than 0.9 percent of manganese, and more than 0.6 percent of silicon, and suitable for electric arc welding: |
7229.20.0010 | Plated or coated with copper |
7229.20.0015 | Muud |
7229.20.0090 | Muud |
7229.90 | Muud: |
7229.90.0500 | Kiirlõiketerasest |
7229.90.A | Muud: |
7229.90.1000 | Flat wire |
7229.90.50 | Round wire |
7229.90.50.A | With a diameter of less than or equal to 1.6 mm, containing by weight less than 0.20 percent of carbon and more than 0.3 percent of nickel or more than 0.08 percent of molybdenum, and suitable for electric arc welding: |
7229.90.5006 | Plated or coated with copper |
7229.90.5008 | Muud |
7229.90.50.B | Muud: |
7229.90.5016 | With a diameter of less than 1.0 mm |
7229.90.5031 | With a diameter of 1.0 mm or more but less than 1.5 mm |
7229.90.5051 | With a diameter of 1.5 mm or more |
7229.90.9000 | Other wire |
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