7301 | Rauast või terasest sulundkonstruktsioonid, puuritud, perforeeritud või mitte, monoliitsed või monteeritavad; keevitatud kujuprofiilid, rauast või terasest: |
7301.1000.00 | Sulundkonstruktsioonid |
7301.2000.00 | Kujuprofiilid |
7302 | Raudteede ja trammiteede rauast või terasest konstruktsioonielemendid: rööpad, hammas- ja kontrarööpad, pöörmed, riströöpad, pöörmekangid jm ristühendused, liiprid, lukuliiprid, aluslapid, sidelapid, kiilud, tugiplaadid, tugipadjad, tõmmitsad, kandurid, rööpapoldid jm detailid rööbaste ühendamiseks või kinnitamiseks: |
7302.A | Rööpad: |
7302.1010.00 | Current-conducting, with parts of non-ferrous metal |
7302.A.A | Muud: |
7302.A.A.A | New |
7302.A.A.A.A | Vignole rails |
7302.1022.00 | Of a weight per metre of 36 kg or more |
7302.1028.00 | Of a weight per metre of less than 36 kg |
7302.1040.00 | Grooved rails |
7302.1050.00 | Muud |
7302.1090.00 | Used |
7302.3000.00 | Pöörmed, riströöpad, pöörmekangid jm ristühendused |
7302.4000.00 | Sidelapid ja tugiplaadid |
7302.9000.00 | Muud |
7303 | Malmist torud ja õõnesprofiilid: |
7303.A | Tubes and pipes of a kind used in pressure systems |
7303.0010.10 | Of ductile cast iron (also known as spheroidal graphite cast iron), with the exclusion of tubes and pipes of ductile cast iron without internal and external coating (‘bare pipes’) |
7303.0010.20 | Tubes and pipes of ductile cast iron without internal and external coating (‘bare pipes’) |
7303.0010.90 | Muud |
7303.B | Muud: |
7303.0090.10 | Tubes and pipes of ductile cast iron (also known as spheroidal graphite cast iron), with the exclusion of tubes and pipes of ductile cast iron without internal and external coating (‘bare pipes’) |
7303.0090.20 | Tubes and pipes of ductile cast iron without internal and external coating (‘bare pipes’) |
7303.0090.90 | Muud |
7304 | Igasugused õmbluseta torud ja õõnesprofiilid, rauast või terasest (v.. A malmist): |
7304.A | Gaasi- ja naftatorujuhtmetes kasutatavad torud: |
7304.A.A | Roostevabast terasest: |
7304.1100.10 | Of circular cross-section, of an external diameter not exceeding 406.4 mm and with a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.1100.90 | Muud |
7304.A.B | Muud: |
7304.A.B.A | Of an external diameter not exceeding 168.3 mm |
7304.1910.20 | Of circular cross-section and with a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.1910.80 | Muud |
7304.A.B.B | Of an external diameter exceeding 168.3 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.1930.20 | Of circular cross-section and with a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.1930.80 | Muud |
7304.1990.00 | Of an external diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.B | Mantel- , surve- ja puurtorud nafta- ja gaasipuuraukude jaoks: |
7304.B.A | Roostevabast terasest puurtorud: |
7304.2200.20 | Of circular cross-section, of an external diameter not exceeding 406.4 mm and with a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.2200.80 | Muud |
7304.B.B | Muud puurtorud: |
7304.2300.20 | Of circular cross-section, of an external diameter not exceeding 406.4 mm and with a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.2300.80 | Muud |
7304.B.C | Muud, roostevabast terasest: |
7304.2400.20 | Of circular cross-section, of an external diameter not exceeding 406.4 mm and with a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.2400.80 | Muud |
7304.B.D | Muud: |
7304.B.D.A | Of an external diameter not exceeding 168.3 mm |
7304.2910.20 | Of circular cross-section and with a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.2910.80 | Muud |
7304.B.D.B | Of an external diameter exceeding 168.3 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.2930.20 | Of circular cross-section and with a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.2930.80 | Muud |
7304.B.D.C | Of an external diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.2990.10 | Casings |
7304.2990.90 | Muud |
7304.C | Muud, rauast või legeerimata terasest, ümmarguse ristlõikega: |
7304.C.A | Külmtõmmatud või külmvaltsitud: |
7304.C.A.A | Precision tubes |
7304.3120.30 | Of an external diameter not exceeding 406.4 mm and with a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.3120.95 | Muud |
7304.C.A.B | Muud: |
7304.3180.30 | Of an external diameter not exceeding 406.4 mm and with a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.3180.99 | Muud |
7304.C.B | Muud: |
7304.C.B.A | Threaded or threadable tubes (gas pipe) |
7304.3950.30 | Of an external diameter not exceeding 406.4 mm and with a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.3950.99 | Muud |
7304.C.B.B | Other, of an external diameter |
7304.C.B.B.A | Not exceeding 168.3 mm |
7304.3982.30 | With a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.3982.99 | Muud |
7304.C.B.B.B | Exceeding 168.3 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.3983.20 | With a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.3983.80 | Muud |
7304.3988.00 | Exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.D | Muud, roostevabast terasest, ümmarguse ristlõikega: |
7304.D.A | Külmtõmmatud või külmvaltsitud: |
7304.4100.10 | With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft |
7304.4100.90 | Muud |
7304.D.B | Muud: |
7304.D.B.A | Of an external diameter not exceeding 168.3 mm |
7304.4983.10 | With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft |
7304.4983.90 | Muud |
7304.D.B.B | Of an external diameter exceeding 168.3 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.4985.10 | With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft |
7304.4985.90 | Muud |
7304.D.B.C | Of an external diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.4989.10 | With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft |
7304.4989.90 | Muud |
7304.E | Muud, muust legeerterasest, ümmarguse ristlõikega: |
7304.E.A | Külmtõmmatud või külmvaltsitud: |
7304.5110.00 | Straight and of uniform wall thickness, of alloy steel containing by weight not less than 0.9% but not more than 1.15% of carbon, not less than 0.5% but not more than 2% of chromium and, if present, not more than 0.5% of molybdenum |
7304.E.A.A | Muud: |
7304.5181.00 | Precision tubes |
7304.E.A.A.A | Muud: |
7304.5189.30 | Of an external diameter not exceeding 406.4 mm and with a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.5189.99 | Muud |
7304.E.B | Muud: |
7304.5930.00 | Straight and of uniform wall thickness, of alloy steel containing by weight not less than 0.9% but not more than 1.15% of carbon, not less than 0.5% but not more than 2% of chromium and, if present, not more than 0.5% of molybdenum |
7304.E.B.A | Muud: |
7304.E.B.A.A | Of an external diameter not exceeding 168.3 mm |
7304.5982.30 | With a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.5982.99 | Muud |
7304.E.B.A.B | Of an external diameter exceeding 168.3 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.5983.20 | With a carbon equivalent value (cev) not exceeding 0.86 according to the international institute of welding (iiw) formula and chemical analysis |
7304.5983.80 | Muud |
7304.5989.00 | Of an external diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.F | Muud: |
7304.9000.10 | With attached fittings, suitable for conducting gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft |
7304.F.A | Muud: |
7304.9000.91 | Tubes and pipes, of stainless steel |
7304.9000.99 | Muud |
7305 | Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, riveted or similarly closed), having circular cross-sections, the external diameter of which exceeds 406.4 mm, of iron or steel |
7305.A | Gaasi- ja naftatorujuhtmetes kasutatavad torud: |
7305.1100.00 | Pikisuunalise räbualusel kaarkeevisõmblusega |
7305.1200.00 | Muud, pikisuunalise keevisõmblusega |
7305.1900.00 | Muud |
7305.2000.00 | Manteltorud gaasi või nafta puurimiseks |
7305.B | Muud, keevisõmblusega: |
7305.3100.00 | Pikisuunalise keevisõmblusega |
7305.3900.00 | Muud |
7305.9000.00 | Muud |
7306 | Muud raud- või terastorud ning õõnesprofiilid (näiteks lahtiste, keevitatud, needitud või muul viisil ühendatud õmblustega): |
7306.A | Gaasi- ja naftatorujuhtmetes kasutatavad torud: |
7306.1100.00 | Keevisõmblusega, roostevabast terasest |
7306.1900.00 | Muud |
7306.B | Mantel-, surve- ja puurtorud gaasi- ja naftapuuraukude jaoks: |
7306.2100.00 | Keevisõmblusega, roostevabast terasest |
7306.2900.00 | Muud |
7306.C | Muud keevisõmblusega, ümmarguse ristlõikega, rauast või legeerimata terasest: |
7306.C.A | Precision tubes |
7306.3012.00 | Külmtõmmatud või külmvaltsitud |
7306.3018.00 | Muud |
7306.C.B | Muud: |
7306.C.B.A | Threaded or threadable tubes (gas pipe) |
7306.C.B.A.A | Tsingiga pinnatud või kaetud |
7306.3041.20 | Tubes and pipes of an external diameter not exceeding 168.3 mm |
7306.3041.90 | Muud |
7306.C.B.A.B | Muud: |
7306.3049.20 | Tubes and pipes of an external diameter not exceeding 168.3 mm |
7306.3049.90 | Muud |
7306.C.B.B | Other, of an external diameter |
7306.C.B.B.A | Not exceeding 168.3 mm |
7306.C.B.B.A.A | Tsingiga pinnatud või kaetud |
7306.3072.80 | Torud |
7306.3072.90 | Muud |
7306.C.B.B.A.B | Muud: |
7306.3077.80 | Torud |
7306.3077.90 | Muud |
7306.3080.00 | Exceeding 168.3 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm |
7306.D | Muud keevisõmblusega, ümmarguse ristlõikega, roostevabast terasest: |
7306.4020.00 | Külmtõmmatud või külmvaltsitud |
7306.4080.00 | Muud |
7306.E | Muud keevisõmblusega, ümmarguse ristlõikega, muust legeerterasest: |
7306.E.A | Precision tubes |
7306.5021.00 | Külmtõmmatud või külmvaltsitud |
7306.5029.00 | Muud |
7306.5080.00 | Muud |
7306.F | Muud keevisõmblusega, mitteümmarguse ristlõikega: |
7306.F.A | Ruudu- või ristkülikukujulise ristlõikega: |
7306.6110.00 | Roostevabast terasest |
7306.F.A.A | Muud: |
7306.6192.00 | With a wall thickness not exceeding 2 mm |
7306.6199.00 | With a wall thickness exceeding 2 mm |
7306.F.B | Muu mitteümmarguse ristlõikega: |
7306.6910.00 | Roostevabast terasest |
7306.6990.00 | Muud |
7306.9000.00 | Muud |
7307 | Rauast või terasest toruliitmikud (näiteks muhvid, põlved): |
7307.A | Valatud: |
7307.A.A | Mittetempermalmist: |
7307.1110.00 | Of a kind used in pressure systems |
7307.1190.00 | Muud |
7307.A.B | Muud: |
7307.A.B.A | Malmist |
7307.A.B.A.A | Threaded |
7307.A.B.A.A.A | Of malleable cast iron |
7307.1910.03 | Bodies of compression fittings using iso din 13 metric thread |
7307.1910.05 | Circular junction boxes without having a lid |
7307.1910.10 | Muud |
7307.A.B.A.A.B | Of spheroidal graphite cast iron |
7307.1910.13 | Bodies of compression fittings using iso din 13 metric thread |
7307.1910.15 | Malleable iron threaded circular junction boxes without having a lid; ductile iron clamp tees with rubber sealing and an outlet hole; ductile iron grooved end caps for use on grooved steel pipe with a threaded outlet; ductile iron grooved reducers with threaded end; ductile iron grooved reducing tees with a threaded outlet; ductile iron blanking saddles without threaded outlets used to seal a hole in a tube or pipe |
7307.1910.20 | Muud |
7307.1910.30 | Muud |
7307.A.B.A.B | Unthreaded |
7307.1910.35 | Of malleable cast iron |
7307.1910.40 | Of spheroidal graphite cast iron |
7307.1910.45 | Muud |
7307.1990.00 | Muud |
7307.B | Muud, roostevabast terasest: |
7307.B.A | Äärikud: |
7307.2100.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.2100.90 | Muud |
7307.B.B | Keermestatud põlved, loogad ja muhvid: |
7307.2210.00 | Sleeves |
7307.B.B.A | Elbows and bends |
7307.2290.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.2290.90 | Muud |
7307.B.C | Otsakuti külgekeevitatavad liitmikud: |
7307.B.C.A | Elbows and bends |
7307.B.C.A.A | Of austenitic stainless steel grades, corresponding to aisi types 304, 304l, 316, 316l, 316ti, 321 and 321h and their equivalent in the other norms, with a greatest external diameter not exceeding 406.4 mm and a wall thickness of 16 mm or less, with a roughness average (ra) of the internal surface not less than 0.8 micrometres, not flanged, whether or not finished |
7307.B.C.A.A.A | Consigned from Malaysia |
7307.2310.35 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.2310.40 | Muud |
7307.B.C.A.A.B | Muud: |
7307.2310.50 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.2310.55 | Muud |
7307.B.C.A.B | Muud: |
7307.2310.80 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.2310.85 | Muud |
7307.B.C.B | Muud: |
7307.B.C.B.A | Of austenitic stainless steel grades, corresponding to aisi types 304, 304l, 316, 316l, 316ti, 321 and 321h and their equivalent in the other norms, with a greatest external diameter not exceeding 406.4 mm and a wall thickness of 16 mm or less, with a roughness average (ra) of the internal surface not less than 0.8 micrometres, not flanged, whether or not finished |
7307.B.C.B.A.A | Consigned from Malaysia |
7307.2390.35 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.2390.40 | Muud |
7307.B.C.B.A.B | Muud: |
7307.2390.50 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.2390.55 | Muud |
7307.B.C.B.B | Muud: |
7307.2390.80 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.2390.85 | Muud |
7307.B.D | Muud: |
7307.B.D.A | Threaded |
7307.2910.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.2910.90 | Muud |
7307.B.D.B | Muud: |
7307.2980.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.2980.90 | Muud |
7307.C | Muud: |
7307.C.A | Äärikud: |
7307.9100.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.9100.90 | Muud |
7307.C.B | Keermestatud põlved, loogad ja muhvid: |
7307.9210.00 | Sleeves |
7307.C.B.A | Elbows and bends |
7307.9290.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.9290.90 | Muud |
7307.C.C | Otsakuti külgekeevitatavad liitmikud: |
7307.C.C.A | With greatest external diameter not exceeding 609.6 mm |
7307.C.C.A.A | Elbows and bends |
7307.C.C.A.A.A | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.9311.11 | Consigned from Taiwan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka or the Philippines |
7307.9311.19 | Muud |
7307.C.C.A.A.B | Muud: |
7307.9311.30 | Other threaded fittings |
7307.C.C.A.A.B.A | Muud: |
7307.9311.91 | Consigned from Taiwan |
7307.9311.93 | Consigned from Indonesia |
7307.9311.94 | Consigned from Sri Lanka |
7307.9311.95 | Consigned from the Philippines |
7307.9311.99 | Muud |
7307.C.C.A.B | Muud: |
7307.C.C.A.B.A | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.9319.11 | Consigned from Taiwan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka or the Philippines |
7307.9319.19 | Muud |
7307.C.C.A.B.B | Muud: |
7307.9319.30 | Other threaded fittings |
7307.C.C.A.B.B.A | Muud: |
7307.9319.91 | Consigned from Taiwan |
7307.9319.93 | Consigned from Indonesia |
7307.9319.94 | Consigned from Sri Lanka |
7307.9319.95 | Consigned from the Philippines |
7307.9319.99 | Muud |
7307.C.C.B | With greatest external diameter exceeding 609.6 mm |
7307.C.C.B.A | Elbows and bends |
7307.9391.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.9391.90 | Muud |
7307.C.C.B.B | Muud: |
7307.9399.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.9399.90 | Muud |
7307.C.D | Muud: |
7307.C.D.A | Threaded |
7307.9910.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.9910.90 | Muud |
7307.C.D.B | Muud: |
7307.C.D.B.A | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7307.C.D.B.A.A | With greatest external diameter not exceeding 609.6 mm |
7307.9980.11 | Consigned from Taiwan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka or the Philippines |
7307.9980.19 | Muud |
7307.9980.20 | Muud |
7307.C.D.B.B | Muud: |
7307.C.D.B.B.A | With greatest external diameter not exceeding 609.6 mm |
7307.9980.92 | Consigned from Taiwan |
7307.9980.93 | Consigned from Indonesia |
7307.9980.94 | Consigned from Sri Lanka |
7307.9980.95 | Consigned from the Philippines |
7307.9980.98 | Muud |
7307.9980.99 | Muud |
7308 | Rauast või terasest metallkonstruktsioonid (v.. A rubriigi 9406 kokkupandavad ehitised) ja nende osad (näiteks sillad, sillasektsioonid, lüüsiväravad, tornid, sõrestikmastid, katusekatted, katusefermid, uksed, aknad, nende raamid, lävepakud, aknaluugid, balustraadid, piilarid ja sambad); tahvlid, vardad, kujuprofiilid, torud jms konstruktsioonides kasutatavad raud- või terastooted: |
7308.1000.00 | Sillad ja sillasektsioonid |
7308.A | Tornid ja sõrestikmastid: |
7308.2000.11 | Utility scale tubular steel wind towers, whether or not tapered, whether or not assembled, whether or not including an embedded tower foundation section, whether or not joined with nacelles or rotor blades, designed to support the nacelle and rotor blades, for use in wind turbines with an electrical power generation capacity – either in onshore or offshore applications - equal to or in excess of 1.00 megawatt, and with a minimum height of 50 meters measured from the base of the tower to the bottom of the nacelle when fully assembled |
7308.2000.90 | Muud |
7308.3000.00 | Uksed, nende piidad ja lävepakud, aknad ja nende raamid |
7308.4000.00 | Tooted tellingute või raketiste püstitamiseks, tugipostid ja kaevandustoestik |
7308.B | Muud: |
7308.B.A | Solely or principally of sheet |
7308.9051.00 | Panels comprising two walls of profiled (ribbed) sheet with an insulating core |
7308.9059.00 | Muud |
7308.B.B | Muud: |
7308.9098.11 | Steel sections of wind towers for use in the assembly of utility scale tubular wind towers, whether or not tapered, whether or not including an embedded tower foundation section, whether or not joined with nacelles or rotor blades, designed to support the nacelle and rotor blades, for use in wind turbines with an electrical power generation capacity – either in onshore or offshore applications - equal to or in excess of 1.00 megawatt, and with a minimum height of 50 meters measured from the base of the tower to the bottom of the nacelle when the tower is fully assembled |
7308.9098.90 | Muud |
7309 | Rauast või terasest reservuaarid, tsisternid, paagid jms mahutid mis tahes ainete jaoks (v.. A suru- või vedelgaas), mahuga üle 300 liitri, vooderdusega või ilma, soojusisolatsiooniga või ilma, mehaaniliste ja soojustehniliste seadmeteta: |
7309.0010.00 | For gases (other than compressed or liquefied gas) |
7309.A | Vedelike jaoks: |
7309.0030.00 | Lined or heat-insulated |
7309.A.A | Other, of a capacity |
7309.0051.00 | Exceeding 100 000 l |
7309.0059.00 | Not exceeding 100 000 l |
7309.0090.00 | For solids |
7310 | Rauast või terasest tsisternid, vaadid, trumlid, plekknõud, toosid jm mahutid mis tahes ainete jaoks (v.. A suru- või vedelgaas), mahuga kuni 300 liitrit, vooderdusega või ilma, soojusisolatsiooniga või ilma, mehaaniliste ja soojustehniliste seadmeteta: |
7310.A | Mahuga vähemalt 50 l: |
7310.1000.10 | Kegs, vessels, drums, tanks, casks and similar containers, excluding cans and boxes, refillable, of stainless steel, with bodies approximately cylindrical in shape, with a wall thickness of 0.5 mm or more, of a kind used for materials other than crude oil and petroleum products, of a capacity of 4.5 litres or more, regardless of the type of finish, gauge or stainless steel grade, whether or not with additional components, whether or not painted or coated with other materials |
7310.1000.90 | Muud |
7310.B | Mahuga alla 50 l: |
7310.B.A | Konservikarbid, suletavad jootmise või valtsimisega: |
7310.2111.00 | Cans of a kind used for preserving food |
7310.2119.00 | Cans of a kind used for preserving drink |
7310.B.A.A | Other, with a wall thickness of |
7310.2191.00 | Less than 0.5 mm |
7310.2199.00 | 0.5 mm or more |
7310.B.B | Muud: |
7310.2910.00 | With a wall thickness of less than 0.5 mm |
7310.B.B.A | With a wall thickness of 0.5 mm or more |
7310.2990.10 | Kegs, vessels, drums, tanks, casks and similar containers, excluding cans and boxes, refillable, of stainless steel, with bodies approximately cylindrical in shape, with a wall thickness of 0.5 mm or more, of a kind used for materials other than crude oil and petroleum products, of a capacity of 4.5 litres or more, regardless of the type of finish, gauge or stainless steel grade, whether or not with additional components, whether or not painted or coated with other materials |
7310.2990.90 | Muud |
7311 | Rauast ja terasest suru- või vedelgaasimahutid: |
7311.A | Õmbluseta: |
7311.A.A | For a pressure of 165 bar or more, of a capacity of |
7311.A.A.A | Less than 20 l |
7311.0011.10 | Containers intended for pressurisation, of iron or steel, in certain types of aircraft |
7311.0011.90 | Muud |
7311.A.A.B | 20 l or more but not more than 50 l |
7311.0013.10 | Containers intended for pressurisation, of iron or steel, in certain types of aircraft |
7311.0013.90 | Muud |
7311.A.A.C | More than 50 l |
7311.0019.10 | Containers intended for pressurisation, of iron or steel, in certain types of aircraft |
7311.0019.90 | Muud |
7311.A.B | Muud: |
7311.0030.10 | Containers intended for pressurisation, of iron or steel, in certain types of aircraft |
7311.0030.90 | Muud |
7311.B | Muud, mahuga: |
7311.0091.00 | Less than 1 000 l |
7311.0099.00 | 1 000 l or more |
7312 | Trossikeed, trossid, põimitud lint, tropid jms, rauast või terasest, elektrilise isolatsioonita: |
7312.A | Trossikeed, trossid ja kaabel: |
7312.1020.00 | Roostevabast terasest |
7312.A.A | Other, with a maximum cross-sectional dimension |
7312.A.A.A | Not exceeding 3 mm |
7312.1041.00 | Plated or coated with copper-zinc alloys (brass) |
7312.1049.00 | Muud |
7312.A.A.B | Exceeding 3 mm |
7312.A.A.B.A | Stranded wire |
7312.A.A.B.A.A | Not coated |
7312.1061.91 | With not more than 18 wires, of non-alloy steel, containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon |
7312.1061.99 | Muud |
7312.A.A.B.A.B | Coated |
7312.A.A.B.A.B.A | Tsingiga pinnatud või kaetud |
7312.1065.91 | With not more than 18 wires, of non-alloy steel, containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon, excluding galvanised (but not with any further coating material) seven wire strands in which the diameter of the central wire is identical or less than 3% greater than the diameter of any of the 6 other wires |
7312.1065.99 | Muud |
7312.A.A.B.A.B.B | Muud: |
7312.1069.91 | With not more than 18 wires, of non-alloy steel, containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon |
7312.1069.99 | Muud |
7312.A.A.B.B | Ropes and cables (including locked coil ropes) |
7312.A.A.B.B.A | Not coated or only plated or coated with zinc, with a maximum cross-sectional dimension |
7312.A.A.B.B.A.A | Exceeding 3 mm but not exceeding 12 mm |
7312.A.A.B.B.A.A.A | Of steel |
7312.1081.12 | Consigned from Morocco |
7312.1081.13 | Consigned from the Republic of Korea |
7312.1081.19 | Muud |
7312.1081.90 | Muud |
7312.A.A.B.B.A.B | Exceeding 12 mm but not exceeding 24 mm |
7312.A.A.B.B.A.B.A | Of steel |
7312.1083.12 | Consigned from Morocco |
7312.1083.13 | Consigned from the Republic of Korea |
7312.1083.19 | Muud |
7312.1083.90 | Muud |
7312.A.A.B.B.A.C | Exceeding 24 mm but not exceeding 48 mm |
7312.A.A.B.B.A.C.A | Of steel |
7312.1085.12 | Consigned from Morocco |
7312.1085.13 | Consigned from the Republic of Korea |
7312.1085.19 | Muud |
7312.1085.90 | Muud |
7312.A.A.B.B.A.D | Exceeding 48 mm |
7312.A.A.B.B.A.D.A | Of steel |
7312.1089.12 | Consigned from Morocco |
7312.1089.13 | Consigned from the Republic of Korea |
7312.1089.19 | Muud |
7312.1089.90 | Muud |
7312.A.A.B.B.B | Muud: |
7312.A.A.B.B.B.A | Of steel |
7312.1098.12 | Consigned from Morocco |
7312.1098.13 | Consigned from the Republic of Korea |
7312.1098.19 | Muud |
7312.1098.90 | Muud |
7312.9000.00 | Muud |
7313 | Rauast või terasest okastraat; rauast või terasest piirdetraat, korrutatud või lapiktraat, okastega või ilma |
7314 | Riie (sh lõputu lint), võred, võrgud ja tarad raud- või terastraadist; laialivenitatud metallvõrk, rauast või terasest: |
7314.A | Riie: |
7314.1200.00 | Lõputu lint roostevabast terasest, masinatel ja seadmetel kasutamiseks |
7314.1400.00 | Muu riie roostevabast terasest |
7314.1900.00 | Muud |
7314.B | Traadist võred, võrgud, tarad (lõikumiskohtades keevitatud), milles traadi ristlõike maksimaalmõõde on vähemalt 3 mm ning võrgusilma pindala vähemalt 100 cm2: |
7314.2010.00 | Of ribbed wire |
7314.2090.00 | Muud |
7314.C | Muud traadist võred, võrgud ja tarad, lõikumiskohtades keevitatud: |
7314.3100.00 | Tsingiga pinnatud või kaetud |
7314.3900.00 | Muud |
7314.D | Muu riie, võred, võrgud ja tarad: |
7314.4100.00 | Tsingiga pinnatud või kaetud |
7314.4200.00 | Plastiga kaetud |
7314.4900.00 | Muud |
7314.5000.00 | Laialivenitatud metallvõrk |
7315 | Raud- ja terasketid, nende osad: |
7315.A | Liigendketid ja nende osad: |
7315.A.A | Rullketid: |
7315.1110.00 | Of a kind used for cycles and motorcycles |
7315.1190.00 | Muud |
7315.1200.00 | Muud ketid |
7315.1900.00 | Osad |
7315.2000.00 | Rehviketid |
7315.B | Muud ketid |
7315.8100.00 | Vaheplaadiga ankruketid |
7315.8200.00 | Muud, keevitatud lülidega |
7315.8900.00 | Muud |
7315.9000.00 | Muud osad |
7316 | Rauast või terasest ankrud, otsiankrud (tragid) ja nende osad |
7317 | Rauast või terasest naelad, tihvtid, rõhknaelad, klambrid (v.. A rubriigis 8305 nimetatud) jms tooted, samast või muust materjalist (v.. A vasest) peadega: |
7317.A | Traadist külmpressitud: |
7317.0020.00 | Nails in strips or coils |
7317.0060.00 | Muud |
7317.0080.00 | Muud |
7318 | Rauast või terasest kruvid, poldid, mutrid, võtmega keeratavad puidukruvid, kruvikonksud, needid, tüüblid, splindid, seibid (sh vedruseibid) jms tooted: |
7318.A | Keermestatud tooted: |
7318.1100.00 | Võtmega keeratavad puidukruvid |
7318.A.A | Muud puidukruvid: |
7318.A.A.A | Roostevabast terasest: |
7318.1210.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1210.90 | Muud |
7318.A.A.B | Muud: |
7318.1290.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1290.90 | Muud |
7318.A.B | Kruvikonksud ja -rõngad: |
7318.1300.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1300.90 | Muud |
7318.A.C | Isekeermestavad kruvid: |
7318.A.C.A | Roostevabast terasest: |
7318.1410.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1410.90 | Muud |
7318.A.C.B | Muud: |
7318.A.C.B.A | Spaced-thread screws |
7318.1491.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1491.90 | Muud |
7318.A.C.B.B | Muud: |
7318.1499.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1499.90 | Muud |
7318.A.D | Muud kruvid ja poldid, nende juurde kuuluvate mutrite või seibidega või ilma nendeta: |
7318.1520.00 | For fixing railway track construction material |
7318.A.D.A | Muud: |
7318.A.D.A.A | Without heads |
7318.A.D.A.A.A | Roostevabast terasest: |
7318.1535.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1535.90 | Muud |
7318.A.D.A.A.B | Other, with a tensile strength |
7318.A.D.A.A.B.A | Of less than 800 mpa |
7318.1542.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1542.90 | Muud |
7318.A.D.A.A.B.B | Of 800 mpa or more |
7318.1548.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1548.90 | Muud |
7318.A.D.A.B | With heads |
7318.A.D.A.B.A | Slotted or cross-recessed heads |
7318.A.D.A.B.A.A | Roostevabast terasest: |
7318.1552.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1552.90 | Muud |
7318.A.D.A.B.A.B | Muud: |
7318.1558.10 | Self-locking bolts and nuts (of the type "hi-lok") |
7318.A.D.A.B.A.B.A | Muud: |
7318.1558.60 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1558.90 | Muud |
7318.A.D.A.B.B | Hexagonal-socket heads |
7318.A.D.A.B.B.A | Roostevabast terasest: |
7318.1562.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1562.90 | Muud |
7318.A.D.A.B.B.B | Muud: |
7318.1568.10 | Self-locking bolts and nuts (of the type "hi-lok") |
7318.A.D.A.B.B.B.A | Muud: |
7318.1568.60 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1568.90 | Muud |
7318.A.D.A.B.C | Hexagonal heads |
7318.A.D.A.B.C.A | Roostevabast terasest: |
7318.1575.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1575.90 | Muud |
7318.A.D.A.B.C.B | Other, with a tensile strength |
7318.A.D.A.B.C.B.A | Of less than 800 mpa |
7318.1582.10 | Self-locking bolts and nuts (of the type "hi-lok") |
7318.A.D.A.B.C.B.A.A | Muud: |
7318.1582.60 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1582.90 | Muud |
7318.A.D.A.B.C.B.B | Of 800 mpa or more |
7318.1588.60 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1588.80 | Muud |
7318.A.D.A.B.D | Muud: |
7318.A.D.A.B.D.A | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1595.11 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.1595.19 | Muud |
7318.A.D.A.B.D.B | Muud: |
7318.1595.85 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.1595.89 | Muud |
7318.A.E | Mutrid: |
7318.A.E.A | Roostevabast terasest: |
7318.A.E.A.A | Blind rivet nuts |
7318.1631.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1631.90 | Muud |
7318.A.E.A.B | Muud: |
7318.1639.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1639.90 | Muud |
7318.A.E.B | Muud: |
7318.A.E.B.A | Blind rivet nuts |
7318.1640.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1640.90 | Muud |
7318.A.E.B.B | Self-locking nuts |
7318.1660.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1660.90 | Muud |
7318.A.E.B.C | Other, with an inside diameter |
7318.A.E.B.C.A | Not exceeding 12 mm |
7318.1692.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1692.90 | Muud |
7318.A.E.B.C.B | Exceeding 12 mm |
7318.1699.20 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1699.90 | Muud |
7318.A.F | Muud: |
7318.1900.20 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.1900.90 | Muud |
7318.B | Keermestamata tooted: |
7318.B.A | Vedruseibid jm lukustusseibid: |
7318.B.A.A | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.2100.21 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.B.A.A.A | Muud: |
7318.2100.31 | Consigned from Malaysia |
7318.2100.39 | Muud |
7318.B.A.B | Muud: |
7318.2100.91 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.B.A.B.A | Muud: |
7318.2100.95 | Consigned from Malaysia |
7318.2100.98 | Muud |
7318.B.B | Muud seibid: |
7318.B.B.A | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.2200.21 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.B.B.A.A | Muud: |
7318.2200.31 | Consigned from Malaysia |
7318.2200.39 | Muud |
7318.B.B.B | Muud: |
7318.2200.91 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.B.B.B.A | Muud: |
7318.2200.95 | Consigned from Malaysia |
7318.2200.98 | Muud |
7318.B.C | Needid: |
7318.2300.20 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.2300.90 | Muud |
7318.B.D | Tüüblid ja splindid: |
7318.2400.20 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.2400.40 | Tube or pipe restraint joint elements:-of stainless steel according to specification 17-4ph or of steel according to specification tool steel s7,-produced by metal injection moulding,-with a rockwell hardness of 38 hrc (± 1) or 53 hrc (+ 2/- 1),-measuring 7 mm x 4 mm x 5 mm or more, but not more than 40 mm x 20 mm x 10 mm |
7318.2400.90 | Muud |
7318.B.E | Muud: |
7318.2900.20 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7318.2900.90 | Muud |
7319 | Rauast või terasest õmblusnõelad, kudumisvardad, läbitõmbenõelad, heegelnõelad, tikkimisstiletid jms käsitööks vajalikud tooted; haaknõelad, nööpnõelad jms, rauast või terasest, mujal nimetamata: |
7319.4000.00 | Haaknõelad ja nööpnõelad |
7319.A | Muud: |
7319.9010.00 | Sewing, darning or embroidery needles |
7319.9090.00 | Muud |
7320 | Rauast või terasest vedrud ja vedrulehed: |
7320.A | Lehtvedrud ja nende lehed: |
7320.A.A | Hot-worked |
7320.A.A.A | Laminated springs and leaves therefor |
7320.1011.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7320.1011.90 | Muud |
7320.A.A.B | Muud: |
7320.1019.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7320.1019.90 | Muud |
7320.A.B | Muud: |
7320.1090.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7320.1090.90 | Muud |
7320.B | Keerdvedrud: |
7320.B.A | Hot-worked |
7320.2020.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7320.2020.90 | Muud |
7320.B.B | Muud: |
7320.B.B.A | Coil compression springs |
7320.2081.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7320.2081.90 | Muud |
7320.B.B.B | Coil tension springs |
7320.2085.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7320.2085.90 | Muud |
7320.B.B.C | Muud: |
7320.2089.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7320.2089.90 | Muud |
7320.C | Muud: |
7320.C.A | Flat spiral springs |
7320.9010.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7320.C.A.A | Muud: |
7320.9010.91 | Flat spiral spring of tempered steel, with:- a thickness of 2.67 mm or more, but not more than 4.11 mm,- a width of 12.57 mm or more, but not more than 16.01 mm,- a torque of 18.05 nm or more, but not more than 73.5 nm- an angle between the free position and the nominal position in exercise of 76° or more, but not more than 218°for use in the manufacture of tensioners for power transmission belts, for internal combustion engines |
7320.9010.99 | Muud |
7320.C.B | Discs springs |
7320.9030.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7320.9030.90 | Muud |
7320.C.C | Muud: |
7320.9090.10 | For use in certain types of aircraft |
7320.9090.90 | Muud |
7321 | Rauast või terasest pliidid (k.. A sisseehitatud keskkütte-kuumaveekatlaga), ahjud, kaminad, söepannid, gaasipõletid, soojendusplaadid jm mitteelektrilised kütteseadmed, nende osad: |
7321.A | Kütteseadmed toidu valmistamiseks ja soojendamiseks: |
7321.A.A | Gaaskütusel või nii gaaskütusel kui ka muul kütusel |
7321.1110.00 | With oven, including separate ovens |
7321.1190.00 | Muud |
7321.1200.00 | Vedelkütusel |
7321.1900.00 | Muud, sh seadmed tahkekütuse jaoks |
7321.B | Muud kodumasinad |
7321.8100.00 | Gaaskütusel või nii gaaskütusel kui ka muul kütusel |
7321.8200.00 | Vedelkütusel |
7321.8900.00 | Muud, sh seadmed tahkekütuse jaoks |
7321.9000.00 | Osad |
7322 | Mitteelektrilised keskkütteradiaatorid, ja nende osad, rauast või terasest; rauast või terasest õhukuumendid ning kuuma õhu jaotusseadmed (sh ka värske või konditsioneeritud õhu jaotamiseks), mitteelektrilise kuumendusega, elektrimootorilt käitatavate ventilaatorite või õhupuhuritega, nende seadmete osad: |
7322.A | Radiaatorid ja nende osad: |
7322.1100.00 | Malmist |
7322.1900.00 | Muud |
7322.B | Muud: |
7322.9000.10 | Air heaters and not-air distributors (excluding parts thereof), for use in civil aircraft |
7322.9000.90 | Muud |
7323 | Rauast või terasest laua-, köögi- jm majapidamistarbed, nende osad; raud- või terasvill; nõudepesunuustikud, küürimis- või poleerimispadjakesed ja -kindad jms, rauast või terasest: |
7323.1000.00 | Raud- või terasvill; nõudepesunuustikud, küürimis- või poleerimispadjakesed ja -kindad jms tooted |
7323.A | Muud: |
7323.9100.00 | Malmist, emailimata |
7323.9200.00 | Malmist, emailitud |
7323.A.A | Roostevabast terasest: |
7323.9300.10 | Ironing boards, including sleeve boards, whether or not free standing, and legs, tops and iron rests thereof |
7323.9300.90 | Muud |
7323.9400.00 | Rauast (v.. A malmist) või terasest, emailitud |
7323.A.B | Muud: |
7323.9900.10 | Ironing boards, including sleeve boards, whether or not free standing, and legs, tops and iron rests thereof |
7323.9900.90 | Muud |
7324 | Rauast või terasest sanitaartehnikatooted ja nende osad: |
7324.A | Roostevabast terasest valamud ja kraanikausid: |
7324.1000.10 | For use in civil aircraft |
7324.1000.90 | Muud |
7324.B | Vannid: |
7324.2100.00 | Malmist, emailitud või emailimata |
7324.2900.00 | Muud |
7324.C | Muud, sh osad: |
7324.9000.10 | Sanitary ware (excluding parts thereof), for use in civil aircraft |
7324.9000.90 | Muud |
7325 | Muud rauast või terasest valatud tooted: |
7325.A | Mittetempermalmist: |
7325.1000.10 | Channel gratings and cast tops subject to standard en 1433, to be fitted as a component on channels in polymer, plastic, galvanised steel or concrete allowing surface water to flow into the channel |
7325.1000.15 | Floor drains, roof drains, cleanouts and covers for cleanouts, subject to standard en 1253 |
7325.1000.20 | Step irons, lifting keys, and fire hydrants |
7325.A.A | Muud: |
7325.1000.31 | Lamellar graphite cast iron (grey iron), and parts thereof, of a kind used to:– cover ground or sub-surfaces systems, and/or openings to ground or sub-surface systems, and also– give access to ground or sub-surface systems and/or provide view to ground or sub-surface systems |
7325.1000.99 | Muud |
7325.B | Muud: |
7325.9100.00 | Jahvatuskuulid jms tooted veskites kasutamiseks |
7325.B.A | Muud: |
7325.B.A.A | Malmist |
7325.9910.31 | Channel gratings and cast tops subject to standard en 1433, to be fitted as a component on channels in polymer, plastic, galvanised steel or concrete allowing surface water to flow into the channel |
7325.9910.35 | Floor drains, roof drains, cleanouts and covers for cleanouts, subject to standard en 1253 |
7325.9910.40 | Step irons, lifting keys, and fire hydrants |
7325.9910.60 | Spheroidal graphite cast iron (also known as ductile cast iron), and parts thereof, of a kind used to:– cover ground or sub-surfaces systems, and/or openings to ground or sub-surface systems, and also– give access to ground or sub-surface systems and/or provide view to ground or sub-surface systems |
7325.9910.90 | Muud |
7325.B.A.B | Muud: |
7325.9990.10 | Collars, flanges and other devices for fixing, jointing, clamping or spacing, for use in certain types of aircraft |
7325.9990.20 | Devices for cargo stowage and clamping freight, for use in certain types of aircraft |
7325.9990.30 | Balls used in freight loading systems in certain types of aircraft |
7325.9990.90 | Muud |
7326 | Muud raud- ja terastooted: |
7326.A | Sepistatud või stantsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata: |
7326.1100.00 | Jahvatuskuulid jms tooted veskites kasutamiseks |
7326.A.A | Muud: |
7326.1910.00 | Open-die forged |
7326.1990.00 | Muud |
7326.B | Raud- või terastraadist tooted: |
7326.2000.10 | For use in civil aircraft |
7326.2000.20 | Metal fleece, consisting of a mass of stainless steel wires of diameters of 0.001 mm or more but not more than 0.070 mm, compacted by sintering and rolling |
7326.2000.90 | Muud |
7326.C | Muud: |
7326.9030.00 | Ladders and steps |
7326.9040.00 | Pallets and similar platforms for handling goods |
7326.9050.00 | Reels for cables, piping and the like |
7326.9060.00 | Non-mechanical ventilators, guttering, hooks and like articles used in the building industry |
7326.C.A | Muud raud- ja terastooted: |
7326.C.A.A | Open-die forged |
7326.9092.10 | Collars, flanges and other devices for fixing, jointing, clamping or spacing, for use in certain types of aircraft |
7326.9092.20 | Devices for cargo stowage and clamping freight, for use in certain types of aircraft |
7326.9092.30 | Balls used in freight loading systems in certain types of aircraft |
7326.9092.90 | Muud |
7326.C.A.B | Closed-die forged |
7326.9094.10 | Collars, flanges and other devices for fixing, jointing, clamping or spacing, for use in certain types of aircraft |
7326.9094.20 | Devices for cargo stowage and clamping freight, for use in certain types of aircraft |
7326.9094.30 | Balls used in freight loading systems in certain types of aircraft |
7326.9094.40 | Steel ball neck, drop forged, machined, also heat treated or surface treated, having an angle between the centre of the conical head and the arm of less than 90° or having an angle between the centre of the ball and the arm of less than 90°, for use in the manufacture of trailer hitches for passenger cars |
7326.9094.90 | Muud |
7326.C.A.C | Sintered |
7326.9096.10 | Collars, flanges and other devices for fixing, jointing, clamping or spacing, for use in certain types of aircraft |
7326.9096.20 | Devices for cargo stowage and clamping freight, for use in certain types of aircraft |
7326.9096.30 | Ball bearings used in freight loading systems in certain types of aircraft |
7326.9096.90 | Muud |
7326.C.A.D | Muud: |
7326.9098.10 | Collars, flanges and other devices for fixing, jointing, clamping or spacing, for use in certain types of aircraft |
7326.9098.20 | Devices for cargo stowage and clamping freight, for use in certain types of aircraft |
7326.9098.30 | Ball bearings used in freight loading systems in certain types of aircraft |
7326.9098.40 | Iron, steel and/or zinc alloy weights:-with a weight of not more than 500 grams and measuring not more than 107 mm x 107 mm x 11 mm,-whether or not with parts of other material,-whether or not with parts of other metals,-whether or not surface treated,-whether or not printed,of a kind used for the production of remote controls |
7326.9098.60 | Vane ring of a kind for fastening gas flow control blades: -of iron or steel alloy,-with a heat resistance of 830 °c or more but not more than 1 050 °c,-with an external diameter of not more than 92 mm,-with holes for holding the gas flow control blades,for use in the manufacture of turbochargers |
7326.9098.70 | Disc of a kind for ensuring the gas flow channel width: -of iron or steel alloy,-with a heat resistance of 830 °c or more but not more than 1 050 °c,-with an external diameter of not more than 92.5 mm,-with an internal diameter of not more than 62 mm,for use in the manufacture of turbochargers |
7326.9098.90 | Muud |
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