HS-koodid - 73: Raud- ja terastooted:
7301 | Rauast või terasest sulundkonstruktsioonid, puuritud, perforeeritud või mitte, monoliitsed või monteeritavad; keevitatud kujuprofiilid, rauast või terasest: |
7301.10.0000 | Sulundkonstruktsioonid |
7301.20 | Kujuprofiilid: |
7301.20.1000 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7301.20.5000 | Legeerterasest |
7302 | Raudteede ja trammiteede rauast või terasest konstruktsioonielemendid: rööpad, hammas- ja kontrarööpad, pöörmed, riströöpad, pöörmekangid jm ristühendused, liiprid, lukuliiprid, aluslapid, sidelapid, kiilud, tugiplaadid, tugipadjad, tõmmitsad, kandurid, rööpapoldid jm detailid rööbaste ühendamiseks või kinnitamiseks: |
7302.10 | Rööpad: |
7302.10.10 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7302.10.10.A | New: |
7302.10.10.A.A | Not heat treated: |
7302.10.1010 | Standard tee rails over 30 kg per meter |
7302.10.10.A.A.A | Muud: |
7302.10.1015 | Over 30 kg per meter |
7302.10.1025 | Muud |
7302.10.10.A.B | Heat treated: |
7302.10.1035 | Standard tee rails over 30 kg per meter |
7302.10.10.A.B.A | Muud: |
7302.10.1045 | Over 30 kg per meter |
7302.10.1055 | Muud |
7302.10.10.B | Used: |
7302.10.1065 | Railway rails for rerolling |
7302.10.1075 | Muud |
7302.10.50 | Legeerterasest |
7302.10.5020 | New |
7302.10.50.A | Used: |
7302.10.5040 | Railway rails for rerolling |
7302.10.5060 | Muud |
7302.30.0000 | Pöörmed, riströöpad, pöörmekangid jm ristühendused |
7302.40.0000 | Sidelapid ja tugiplaadid |
7302.90 | Muud: |
7302.90.1000 | Sleepers (cross-ties) |
7302.90.9000 | Muud |
7303.00.00 | Malmist torud ja õõnesprofiilid: |
7303.00.0030 | Soil pipe |
7303.00.0060 | Pressure pipe with an inside diameter of less than 356 mm |
7303.00.0090 | Muud |
7304 | Igasugused õmbluseta torud ja õõnesprofiilid, rauast või terasest (v.. A malmist): |
7304.A | Gaasi- ja naftatorujuhtmetes kasutatavad torud: |
7304.11.00 | Roostevabast terasest: |
7304.11.0020 | Having an outside diameter not exceeding 114.3 mm |
7304.11.0050 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 114.3 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.11.0080 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.19 | Muud: |
7304.19.10 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7304.19.1020 | Having an outside diameter not exceeding 114.3 mm |
7304.19.1030 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 114.3 mm but less than 215.9 mm |
7304.19.10.A | Having an outside diameter of 215.9 mm or more but not exceeding 406.4 mm: |
7304.19.1045 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.19.1060 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.19.1080 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.19.50 | Of other alloy steel |
7304.19.5020 | Having an outside diameter not exceeding 114.3 mm |
7304.19.5050 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 114.3 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.19.5080 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.B | Mantel- , surve- ja puurtorud nafta- ja gaasipuuraukude jaoks: |
7304.22.00 | Roostevabast terasest puurtorud: |
7304.22.00.A | Having an outside diameter not exceeding 168.3 mm: |
7304.22.0030 | Having a wall thickness not exceeding 9.5 mm |
7304.22.0045 | Having a wall thickness exceeding 9.5 mm |
7304.22.0060 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 168.3 mm |
7304.23 | Muud puurtorud: |
7304.23.3000 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7304.23.60 | Legeerterasest |
7304.23.60.A | Having an outside diameter not exceeding 168.3 mm: |
7304.23.6030 | Having a wall thickness not exceeding 9.5 mm |
7304.23.6045 | Having a wall thickness exceeding 9.5 mm |
7304.23.6060 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 168.3 mm |
7304.24 | Muud, roostevabast terasest: |
7304.24.A | Casing: |
7304.24.30 | Threaded or coupled |
7304.24.30.A | Having an outside diameter less than 215.9 mm: |
7304.24.3010 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.24.3020 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.24.30.B | Having an outside diameter of 215.9 mm or more but not exceeding 285.8 mm: |
7304.24.3030 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.24.3040 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.24.3045 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 285.8 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.24.3080 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.24.40 | Muud: |
7304.24.40.A | Having an outside diameter less than 215.9 mm: |
7304.24.4010 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.24.4020 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.24.40.B | Having an outside diameter of 215.9 mm or more but not exceeding 285.8 mm: |
7304.24.4030 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.24.4040 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.24.40.C | Having an outside diameter exceeding 285.8 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm: |
7304.24.4050 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.24.4060 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.24.4080 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.24.60 | Tubing |
7304.24.60.A | Having an outside diameter not exceeding 114.3 mm: |
7304.24.6015 | Having a wall thickness not exceeding 9.5 mm |
7304.24.6030 | Having a wall thickness exceeding 9.5 mm |
7304.24.6045 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 114.3 mm but less than 215.9 mm |
7304.24.6060 | Having an outside diameter of 215.9 mm or more but not exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.24.6075 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.29 | Muud: |
7304.29.A | Casing: |
7304.29.A.A | Of iron or nonalloy steel: |
7304.29.10 | Threaded or coupled |
7304.29.10.A | Having an outside diameter less than 215.9 mm: |
7304.29.1010 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.29.1020 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.29.10.B | Having an outside diameter of 215.9 mm or more but not exceeding 285.8 mm: |
7304.29.1030 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.29.1040 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.29.10.C | Having an outside diameter exceeding 285.8 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm: |
7304.29.1050 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.29.1060 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.29.1080 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.29.20 | Muud: |
7304.29.20.A | Having an outside diameter less than 215.9 mm: |
7304.29.2010 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.29.2020 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.29.20.B | Having an outside diameter of 215.9 mm or more but not exceeding 285.8 mm: |
7304.29.2030 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.29.2040 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.29.20.C | Having an outside diameter exceeding 285.8 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm: |
7304.29.2050 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.29.2060 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.29.2080 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.29.A.B | Of other alloy steel: |
7304.29.31 | Threaded or coupled |
7304.29.31.A | Having an outside diameter less than 215.9 mm: |
7304.29.3110 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.29.3120 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.29.31.B | Having an outside diameter of 215.9 mm or more but not exceeding 285.8 mm: |
7304.29.3130 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.29.3140 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.29.31.C | Having an outside diameter exceeding 285.8 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm: |
7304.29.3150 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.29.3160 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.29.3180 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.29.41 | Muud: |
7304.29.41.A | Having an outside diameter less than 215.9 mm: |
7304.29.4110 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.29.4120 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.29.41.B | Having an outside diameter of 215.9 mm or more but not exceeding 285.8 mm: |
7304.29.4130 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.29.4140 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.29.41.C | Having an outside diameter exceeding 285.8 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm: |
7304.29.4150 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.29.4160 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more |
7304.29.4180 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.29.B | Tubing: |
7304.29.50 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7304.29.50.A | Having an outside diameter not exceeding 114.3 mm: |
7304.29.5015 | Having a wall thickness not exceeding 9.5 mm |
7304.29.5030 | Having a wall thickness exceeding 9.5 mm |
7304.29.5045 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 114.3 mm but less than 215.9 mm |
7304.29.5060 | Having an outside diameter of 215.9 mm or more but not exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.29.5075 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.29.61 | Of other alloy steel |
7304.29.61.A | Having an outside diameter not exceeding 114.3 mm: |
7304.29.6115 | Having a wall thickness not exceeding 9.5 mm |
7304.29.6130 | Having a wall thickness exceeding 9.5 mm |
7304.29.6145 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 114.3 mm but less than 215.9 mm |
7304.29.6160 | Having an outside diameter of 215.9 mm or more but not exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.29.6175 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.C | Muud, rauast või legeerimata terasest, ümmarguse ristlõikega: |
7304.31 | Külmtõmmatud või külmvaltsitud: |
7304.31.3000 | Hollow bars |
7304.31.60 | Muud: |
7304.31.6010 | Suitable for use in boilers, superheaters, heat exchangers, condensers, refining furnaces and feedwater heaters |
7304.31.6050 | Muud |
7304.39.00 | Muud: |
7304.39.00.A | Suitable for use in boilers, superheaters, heat exchangers, condensers, refining furnaces and feedwater heaters: |
7304.39.0002 | Having an outside diameter less than 38.1 mm |
7304.39.0004 | Having an outside diameter of 38.1 mm or more but less than 190.5 mm |
7304.39.0006 | Having an outside diameter of 190.5 mm or more but not exceeding 285.8 mm |
7304.39.0008 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 285.8 mm |
7304.39.00.B | Muud: |
7304.39.0016 | Galvanized, having an outside diameter not exceeding 114.3 mm |
7304.39.00.B.A | Muud: |
7304.39.0020 | Having an outside diameter less than 38.1 mm |
7304.39.00.B.A.A | Having an outside diameter of 38.1 mm or more but not exceeding 114.3 mm: |
7304.39.0024 | Having a wall thickness less than 6.4 mm |
7304.39.0028 | Having a wall thickness of 6.4 mm or more but not exceeding 12.7 mm |
7304.39.0032 | Having a wall thickness exceeding 12.7 mm |
7304.39.00.B.A.B | Having an outside diameter exceeding 114.3 mm but less than 190.5 mm: |
7304.39.0036 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.39.0040 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more but less than 19 mm |
7304.39.0044 | Having a wall thickness of 19 mm or more |
7304.39.00.B.A.C | Having an outside diameter of 190.5 mm or more but not exceeding 285.8 mm: |
7304.39.0048 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.39.0052 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more but less than 19 mm |
7304.39.0056 | Having a wall thickness of 19 mm or more |
7304.39.00.B.A.D | Having an outside diameter exceeding 285.8 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm: |
7304.39.0062 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.39.0068 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more but less than 19 mm |
7304.39.0072 | Having a wall thickness of 19 mm or more |
7304.39.00.B.A.E | Having an outside diameter exceeding 406.4 mm: |
7304.39.0076 | Having a wall thickness less than 19 mm |
7304.39.0080 | Having a wall thickness of 19 mm or more |
7304.D | Muud, roostevabast terasest, ümmarguse ristlõikega: |
7304.41 | Külmtõmmatud või külmvaltsitud: |
7304.41.30 | Of an external diameter of less than 19 mm |
7304.41.3005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7304.41.30.A | Muud: |
7304.41.3015 | Suitable for use in boilers, superheaters, heat exchangers, condensers, refining furnaces and feedwater heaters |
7304.41.3045 | Muud |
7304.41.60 | Muud: |
7304.41.6005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7304.41.60.A | Muud: |
7304.41.6015 | Suitable for use in boilers, superheaters, heat exchangers, condensers, refining furnaces and feedwater heaters |
7304.41.6045 | Muud |
7304.49.00 | Muud: |
7304.49.0005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7304.49.00.A | Muud: |
7304.49.0015 | Hollow bars |
7304.49.00.A.A | Muud: |
7304.49.0045 | Suitable for use in boilers, superheaters, heat exchangers, condensers, refining furnaces and feedwater heaters |
7304.49.0060 | Muud |
7304.E | Muud, muust legeerterasest, ümmarguse ristlõikega: |
7304.51 | Külmtõmmatud või külmvaltsitud: |
7304.51.1000 | Suitable for use in the manufacture of ball or roller bearings |
7304.51.50 | Muud: |
7304.51.5005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7304.51.50.A | Muud: |
7304.51.50.A.A | Suitable for use in boilers, superheaters, heat exchangers, condensers, refining furnaces and feedwater heaters: |
7304.51.5015 | Of heat-resisting steel |
7304.51.5045 | Muud |
7304.51.5060 | Muud |
7304.59 | Muud: |
7304.59.1000 | Suitable for use in the manufacture of ball or roller bearings |
7304.59.A | Muud: |
7304.59.20 | Suitable for use in boilers, superheaters, heat exchangers, condensers, refining furnaces and feedwater heaters |
7304.59.2030 | Of heat-resisting steel |
7304.59.20.A | Muud: |
7304.59.2040 | Having an outside diameter less than 38.1 mm |
7304.59.2045 | Having an outside diameter of 38.1 mm or more but not exceeding 114.3 mm |
7304.59.2055 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 114.3 mm but less than 190.5 mm |
7304.59.2060 | Having an outside diameter of 190.5 mm or more but not exceeding 285.8 mm |
7304.59.2070 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 285.8 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.59.2080 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.59.A.A | Muud: |
7304.59.6000 | Of heat-resisting steel |
7304.59.80 | Muud: |
7304.59.8010 | Having an outside diameter less than 38.1 mm |
7304.59.80.A | Having an outside diameter of 38.1 mm or more but not exceeding 114.3 mm: |
7304.59.8015 | Having a wall thickness less than 6.4 mm |
7304.59.8020 | Having a wall thickness of 6.4 mm or more but not exceeding 12.7 mm |
7304.59.8025 | Having a wall thickness exceeding 12.7 mm |
7304.59.80.B | Having an outside diameter exceeding 114.3 mm but less than 190.5 mm: |
7304.59.8030 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.59.8035 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more but less than 19 mm |
7304.59.8040 | Having a wall thickness of 19 mm or more |
7304.59.80.C | Having an outside diameter of 190.5 mm or more but not exceeding 285.8 mm: |
7304.59.8045 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.59.8050 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more but less than 19 mm |
7304.59.8055 | Having a wall thickness of 19 mm or more |
7304.59.80.D | Having an outside diameter exceeding 285.8 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm: |
7304.59.8060 | Having a wall thickness less than 12.7 mm |
7304.59.8065 | Having a wall thickness of 12.7 mm or more but less than 19 mm |
7304.59.8070 | Having a wall thickness of 19 mm or more |
7304.59.8080 | Having an outside diameter exceeding 406.4 mm |
7304.90 | Muud: |
7304.90.A | Having a wall thickness of 4 mm or more: |
7304.90.1000 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7304.90.3000 | Legeerterasest |
7304.90.B | Having a wall thickness of less than 4 mm: |
7304.90.5000 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7304.90.7000 | Legeerterasest |
7305 | Muud raud- ja terastorud (näiteks keevitatud, needitud või muu õmblusega), ümmarguse ristlõikega, välisläbimõõduga üle 406,4 mm: |
7305.A | Gaasi- ja naftatorujuhtmetes kasutatavad torud: |
7305.11 | Pikisuunalise räbualusel kaarkeevisõmblusega |
7305.11.10 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7305.11.1030 | With an external diameter exceeding 406.4 mm but not exceeding 609.6 mm |
7305.11.1060 | With an external diameter exceeding 609.6 mm |
7305.11.5000 | Legeerterasest |
7305.12 | Muud, pikisuunalise keevisõmblusega |
7305.12.10 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7305.12.1030 | With an external diameter exceeding 406.4 mm but not exceeding 609.6 mm |
7305.12.1060 | With an external diameter exceeding 609.6 mm |
7305.12.5000 | Legeerterasest |
7305.19 | Muud: |
7305.19.10 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7305.19.1030 | With an external diameter exceeding 406.4 mm but not exceeding 609.6 mm |
7305.19.1060 | With an external diameter exceeding 609.6 mm |
7305.19.5000 | Legeerterasest |
7305.20 | Manteltorud gaasi või nafta puurimiseks |
7305.20.A | Of iron or nonalloy steel: |
7305.20.2000 | Threaded or coupled |
7305.20.4000 | Muud |
7305.20.B | Legeerterasest |
7305.20.6000 | Threaded or coupled |
7305.20.8000 | Muud |
7305.B | Muud, keevisõmblusega: |
7305.31 | Pikisuunalise keevisõmblusega |
7305.31.2000 | Tapered pipes and tubes of steel principally used as parts of illuminating articles |
7305.31.A | Muud: |
7305.31.4000 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7305.31.60 | Legeerterasest |
7305.31.6010 | Roostevabast terasest |
7305.31.6090 | Muud |
7305.39 | Muud: |
7305.39.1000 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7305.39.5000 | Legeerterasest |
7305.90 | Muud: |
7305.90.1000 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7305.90.5000 | Legeerterasest |
7306 | Muud raud- või terastorud ning õõnesprofiilid (näiteks lahtiste, keevitatud, needitud või muul viisil ühendatud õmblustega): |
7306.A | Gaasi- ja naftatorujuhtmetes kasutatavad torud: |
7306.11.00 | Keevisõmblusega, roostevabast terasest |
7306.11.0010 | With an outside diameter not exceeding 114.3 mm |
7306.11.0050 | With an outside diameter exceeding 114.3 mm |
7306.19 | Muud: |
7306.19.10 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7306.19.1010 | With an outside diameter not exceeding 114.3 mm |
7306.19.1050 | With an outside diameter exceeding 114.3 mm |
7306.19.51 | Legeerterasest |
7306.19.5110 | With an outside diameter not exceeding 114.3 mm |
7306.19.5150 | With an outside diameter exceeding 114.3 mm |
7306.B | Mantel-, surve- ja puurtorud gaasi- ja naftapuuraukude jaoks: |
7306.21 | Welded of stainless steel: |
7306.21.A | Casing: |
7306.21.3000 | Threaded or coupled |
7306.21.4000 | Muud |
7306.21.80 | Tubing |
7306.21.8010 | Imported with coupling |
7306.21.8050 | Muud |
7306.29 | Muud: |
7306.29.A | Casing: |
7306.29.A.A | Of iron or nonalloy steel: |
7306.29.10 | Threaded or coupled |
7306.29.1030 | Imported with coupling |
7306.29.1090 | Muud |
7306.29.2000 | Muud |
7306.29.A.B | Muud: |
7306.29.3100 | Threaded or coupled |
7306.29.4100 | Muud |
7306.29.B | Tubing: |
7306.29.60 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7306.29.6010 | Imported with coupling |
7306.29.6050 | Muud |
7306.29.81 | Muud: |
7306.29.8110 | Imported with coupling |
7306.29.8150 | Muud |
7306.30 | Muud keevisõmblusega, ümmarguse ristlõikega, rauast või legeerimata terasest: |
7306.30.1000 | Having a wall thickness of less than 1.65 mm |
7306.30.A | Having a wall thickness of 1.65 mm or more: |
7306.30.3000 | Tapered steel pipes and tubes principally used as parts of illuminating articles |
7306.30.50 | Muud: |
7306.30.5010 | Suitable for use in boilers, superheaters, heat exchangers, condensers, refining furnaces and feedwater heaters, whether or not cold drawn |
7306.30.5015 | Other, cold-drawn |
7306.30.5020 | Other, cold-rolled (cold-reduced) with a wall thickness not exceeding 2.54 mm |
7306.30.50.A | Muud: |
7306.30.50.A.A | With an outside diameter not exceeding 114.3 mm: |
7306.30.50.A.A.A | Galvanized: |
7306.30.50.A.A.A.A | Imported with coupling: |
7306.30.5026 | With an outside diameter not exceeding 50.8 mm |
7306.30.5027 | With an outside diameter exceeding 50.8 mm but not exceeding 114.3 mm |
7306.30.5028 | Internally coated or lined with a non-electrically insulating material, suitable for use as electrical conduit |
7306.30.50.A.A.A.B | Muud: |
7306.30.5031 | With an outside diameter not exceeding 50.8 mm |
7306.30.5033 | With an outside diameter exceeding 50.8 mm but not exceeding 114.3 mm |
7306.30.50.A.A.B | Muud: |
7306.30.5035 | Tube and pipe hollows for redrawing |
7306.30.50.A.A.B.A | Imported with coupling: |
7306.30.5041 | With an outside diameter not exceeding 50.8 mm |
7306.30.5043 | With an outside diameter exceeding 50.8 mm but not exceeding 114.3 mm |
7306.30.50.A.A.B.B | Muud: |
7306.30.5056 | With an outside diameter not exceeding 50.8 mm |
7306.30.5057 | With an outside diameter exceeding 50.8 mm but not exceeding 114.3 mm |
7306.30.50.A.B | With an outside diameter exceeding 114.3 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm: |
7306.30.5085 | Galvanized |
7306.30.5090 | Muud |
7306.40 | Muud keevisõmblusega, ümmarguse ristlõikega, roostevabast terasest: |
7306.40.10 | Having a wall thickness of less than 1.65 mm |
7306.40.10.A | Containing more than 0.5 percent by weight of nickel: |
7306.40.1010 | Containing more than 1.5 percent but less than 5 percent by weight of molybdenum |
7306.40.1015 | Muud |
7306.40.1090 | Muud |
7306.40.50 | Having a wall thickness of 1.65 mm or more |
7306.40.5005 | Of high-nickel alloy steel |
7306.40.50.A | Muud: |
7306.40.5015 | Suitable for use in boilers, superheaters, heat exchangers, condensers, refining furnaces and feedwater heaters, whether or not cold-drawn |
7306.40.50.A.A | Other, cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold- reduced): |
7306.40.5040 | Containing more than 0.5 percent but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel |
7306.40.50.A.A.A | Muud: |
7306.40.5042 | Containing less than 15 percent by weight of chromium |
7306.40.5044 | Muud |
7306.40.50.A.B | Muud: |
7306.40.50.A.B.A | With an outside diameter not exceeding 114.3 mm: |
7306.40.50.A.B.A.A | Containing more than 0.5 percent but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel: |
7306.40.5062 | Containing more than 1.5 percent but less than 5 percent by weight of molybdenum |
7306.40.5064 | Muud |
7306.40.5080 | Muud |
7306.40.50.A.B.B | With an outside diameter exceeding 114.3 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm: |
7306.40.5085 | Containing more than 0.5 percent but less than 24 percent by weight of nickel |
7306.40.5090 | Muud |
7306.50 | Muud keevisõmblusega, ümmarguse ristlõikega, muust legeerterasest: |
7306.50.1000 | Having a wall thickness of less than 1.65 mm |
7306.50.A | Having a wall thickness of 1.65 mm or more: |
7306.50.3000 | Tapered pipes and tubes of steel principally used as parts of illuminating articles |
7306.50.50 | Muud: |
7306.50.5010 | Suitable for use in boilers, superheaters, heat exchangers, condensers, refining furnaces and feedwater heaters, whether or not cold-drawn |
7306.50.5030 | Other, cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold- reduced) |
7306.50.50.A | Muud: |
7306.50.5050 | With an outside diameter not exceeding 114.3 mm |
7306.50.5070 | With an outside diameter exceeding 114.3 mm but not exceeding 406.4 mm |
7306.C | Muud keevisõmblusega, mitteümmarguse ristlõikega: |
7306.61 | Ruudu- või ristkülikukujulise ristlõikega: |
7306.61.A | Having a wall thickness of 4 mm or more: |
7306.61.1000 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7306.61.3000 | Legeerterasest |
7306.61.B | Having a wall thickness of less than 4 mm: |
7306.61.5000 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7306.61.70 | Legeerterasest |
7306.61.7030 | Roostevabast terasest |
7306.61.7060 | Muud |
7306.69 | Muu mitteümmarguse ristlõikega: |
7306.69.A | Having a wall thickness of 4 mm or more: |
7306.69.1000 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7306.69.3000 | Legeerterasest |
7306.69.B | Having a wall thickness of less than 4 mm: |
7306.69.5000 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7306.69.70 | Legeerterasest |
7306.69.7030 | Roostevabast terasest |
7306.69.7060 | Muud |
7306.90 | Muud: |
7306.90.1000 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7306.90.5000 | Legeerterasest |
7307 | Rauast või terasest toruliitmikud (näiteks muhvid, põlved): |
7307.A | Valatud: |
7307.11.00 | Mittetempermalmist: |
7307.11.0030 | For threaded pipe |
7307.11.00.A | Muud: |
7307.11.0045 | For cast-iron soil pipe |
7307.11.0060 | Muud |
7307.19 | Muud: |
7307.19.30 | Ductile fittings |
7307.19.3040 | Grooved-end fittings (including grooved couplings) |
7307.19.30.A | Muud: |
7307.19.3060 | Threaded |
7307.19.3070 | With mechanical, push-on (rubber compression) or flanged joints attached |
7307.19.3085 | Muud |
7307.19.90 | Muud: |
7307.19.9030 | Unions |
7307.19.90.A | Muud: |
7307.19.9040 | Grooved-end fittings (including grooved couplings) |
7307.19.90.A.A | Muud: |
7307.19.9060 | Threaded |
7307.19.9080 | Muud |
7307.B | Muud, roostevabast terasest: |
7307.21 | Äärikud: |
7307.21.1000 | Not machined, not tooled and not otherwise processed after forging |
7307.21.5000 | Muud |
7307.22 | Keermestatud põlved, loogad ja muhvid: |
7307.22.1000 | Sleeves (couplings) |
7307.22.5000 | Muud |
7307.23.00 | Otsakuti külgekeevitatavad liitmikud: |
7307.23.0030 | Not machined, not tooled and not otherwise processed after forming |
7307.23.0090 | Muud |
7307.29.00 | Muud: |
7307.29.0030 | Nipples |
7307.29.0090 | Muud |
7307.C | Muud: |
7307.91 | Äärikud: |
7307.91.A | Not machined, not tooled and not otherwise processed after forging: |
7307.91.1000 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7307.91.3000 | Of alloy steel (except stainless steel) |
7307.91.50 | Muud: |
7307.91.50.A | With an inside diameter of less than 360 mm: |
7307.91.5010 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7307.91.5030 | Of alloy steel (except stainless steel) |
7307.91.50.B | With an inside diameter of 360 mm or more: |
7307.91.5050 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7307.91.5070 | Of alloy steel (except stainless steel) |
7307.92 | Keermestatud põlved, loogad ja muhvid: |
7307.92.30 | Sleeves (couplings) |
7307.92.3010 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7307.92.3030 | Of alloy steel (except stainless steel) |
7307.92.9000 | Muud |
7307.93 | Otsakuti külgekeevitatavad liitmikud: |
7307.93.A | With an inside diameter of less than 360 mm: |
7307.93.30 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7307.93.3010 | Not machined, not tooled and not otherwise processed after forging |
7307.93.3040 | Muud |
7307.93.6000 | Of alloy steel (except stainless steel) |
7307.93.90 | With an inside diameter of 360 mm or more |
7307.93.90.A | Of iron or nonalloy steel: |
7307.93.9010 | Not machined, not tooled and not otherwise processed after forging |
7307.93.9040 | Muud |
7307.93.9060 | Of alloy steel (except stainless steel) |
7307.99 | Muud: |
7307.99.A | Not machined, not tooled and not otherwise processed after forging: |
7307.99.1000 | Of iron or nonalloy steel |
7307.99.3000 | Of alloy steel (except stainless steel) |
7307.99.50 | Muud: |
7307.99.50.A | Of iron or nonalloy steel: |
7307.99.5015 | Nipples |
7307.99.5045 | Muud |
7307.99.5060 | Of alloy steel (except stainless steel) |
7308 | Rauast või terasest metallkonstruktsioonid (v.. A rubriigi 9406 kokkupandavad ehitised) ja nende osad (näiteks sillad, sillasektsioonid, lüüsiväravad, tornid, sõrestikmastid, katusekatted, katusefermid, uksed, aknad, nende raamid, lävepakud, aknaluugid, balustraadid, piilarid ja sambad); tahvlid, vardad, kujuprofiilid, torud jms konstruktsioonides kasutatavad raud- või terastooted: |
7308.10.0000 | Bridges and bridge sections |
7308.20.00 | Tornid ja sõrestikmastid: |
7308.20.0020 | Tubular, whether or not tapered, and sectional components thereof |
7308.20.0090 | Muud |
7308.30 | Uksed, nende piidad ja lävepakud, aknad ja nende raamid |
7308.30.1000 | Roostevabast terasest |
7308.30.50 | Muud: |
7308.30.5015 | Windows and their frames |
7308.30.5025 | Thresholds for doors |
7308.30.5050 | Muud |
7308.40.0000 | Equipment for scaffolding, shuttering, propping or pit- propping |
7308.90 | Muud: |
7308.90.A | Columns, pillars, posts, beams, girders and similar structural units: |
7308.90.3000 | Not in part of alloy steel |
7308.90.6000 | Muud |
7308.90.B | Muud: |
7308.90.7000 | Steel grating |
7308.90.95 | Muud: |
7308.90.9530 | Sheet-metal roofing, siding, flooring and roof drainage equipment |
7308.90.95.A | Muud: |
7308.90.9560 | Architectural and ornamental work |
7308.90.9590 | Muud |
7309.00.00 | Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity exceeding 300 liters, whether or not lined or heat insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment |
7309.00.0030 | Tanks |
7309.00.0090 | Muud |
7310 | Rauast või terasest tsisternid, vaadid, trumlid, plekknõud, toosid jm mahutid mis tahes ainete jaoks (v.. A suru- või vedelgaas), mahuga kuni 300 liitrit, vooderdusega või ilma, soojusisolatsiooniga või ilma, mehaaniliste ja soojustehniliste seadmeteta: |
7310.10.00 | Mahuga vähemalt 50 l: |
7310.10.0005 | Refillable stainless steel kegs, whether or not pressurized, of a kind described in statistical note 1 to this chapter. |
7310.10.0015 | Empty steel drums and barrels |
7310.10.0090 | Muud |
7310.A | Mahuga alla 50 l: |
7310.21.00 | Konservikarbid, suletavad jootmise või valtsimisega: |
7310.21.0025 | Containers, of circular cross section, of a volume capacity between 11.4 liters and 26.6 liters, of a kind used for the conveyance of goods |
7310.21.0050 | Muud |
7310.29.00 | Muud: |
7310.29.00.A | Containers, of circular cross section, of a volume capacity between 11.4 liters and 26.6 liters, of a kind used for the conveyance of goods: |
7310.29.0020 | Refillable stainless steel kegs, whether or not pressurized, of a kind described in statistical note 1 to this chapter |
7310.29.0030 | Muud |
7310.29.00.B | Muud: |
7310.29.0055 | Refillable stainless steel kegs, whether or not pressurized, of a kind described in statistical note 1 to this chapter |
7310.29.0065 | Muud |
7311.00.00 | Rauast ja terasest suru- või vedelgaasimahutid: |
7311.00.00.A | Certified prior to exportation to have been made in accordance with the safety requirements of sections 178.36 through 178.68 of title 49 CFR or under a specific exemption to those requirements: |
7311.00.0030 | Seamless steel containers not overwrapped, marked DOT 3A, 3AX, 3AA, 3AAX, 3B, 3E, 3HT, 3T or DOT-E followed by a specific exemption number |
7311.00.0060 | Muud |
7311.00.0090 | Muud |
7312 | Trossikeed, trossid, põimitud lint, tropid jms, rauast või terasest, elektrilise isolatsioonita: |
7312.10 | Trossikeed, trossid ja kaabel: |
7312.10.A | Stranded wire: |
7312.10.A.A | Roostevabast terasest: |
7312.10.0500 | Fitted with fittings or made up into articles |
7312.10.10 | Muud: |
7312.10.1030 | Tire cord |
7312.10.1050 | Other, stranded wire having a lay or twist of not more than 1 revolution for a length equal to the strand diameter multiplied by 8.5 |
7312.10.1070 | Muud |
7312.10.A.B | Muud: |
7312.10.2000 | Fitted with fittings or made up into articles |
7312.10.30 | Muud: |
7312.10.3005 | Tire cord |
7312.10.30.A | For prestressing concrete: |
7312.10.3010 | Covered with textile or other non- metallic material |
7312.10.3012 | Muud |
7312.10.3020 | Other, stranded wire having a lay or twist of not more than 1 revolution for a length equal to the strand diameter multiplied by 8.5 |
7312.10.30.B | Muud: |
7312.10.3045 | Of brass plated wire |
7312.10.30.B.A | Muud: |
7312.10.30.B.A.A | Galvanized: |
7312.10.3065 | ACSR core strand |
7312.10.30.B.A.A.A | Muud: |
7312.10.3070 | Covered with textile or other nonmetallic material |
7312.10.3074 | Muud |
7312.10.3080 | Muud |
7312.10.B | Ropes, cables and cordage other than stranded wire: |
7312.10.B.A | Roostevabast terasest: |
7312.10.5000 | Fitted with fittings or made up into articles |
7312.10.60 | Muud: |
7312.10.6030 | With a diameter not exceeding 9.5 mm |
7312.10.6060 | Muud |
7312.10.B.B | Muud: |
7312.10.7000 | Fitted with fittings or made up into articles |
7312.10.B.B.A | Muud: |
7312.10.8000 | Of brass plated wire |
7312.10.90 | Muud: |
7312.10.90.A | Galvanized: |
7312.10.9030 | With a diameter not exceeding 9.5 mm |
7312.10.9060 | With a diameter exceeding 9.5 mm |
7312.10.9090 | Muud |
7312.90.0000 | Muud |
7313.00.0000 | Rauast või terasest okastraat; rauast või terasest piirdetraat, korrutatud või lapiktraat, okastega või ilma |
7314 | Riie (sh lõputu lint), võred, võrgud ja tarad raud- või terastraadist; laialivenitatud metallvõrk, rauast või terasest: |
7314.A | Riie: |
7314.12 | Lõputu lint roostevabast terasest, masinatel ja seadmetel kasutamiseks |
7314.12.1000 | With meshes not finer than 12 wires to the lineal centimeter in warp or filling |
7314.12.2000 | With meshes finer than 12 but not finer than 36 wires to the lineal centimeter in warp or filling |
7314.12.A | With meshes finer than 36 wires to the lineal centimeter in warp or filling: |
7314.12.A.A | Fourdrinier wires, seamed or not seamed, suitable for use in papermaking machines: |
7314.12.3000 | With 94 or more wires to the lineal centimeter |
7314.12.6000 | Muud |
7314.12.9000 | Muud |
7314.14 | Muu riie roostevabast terasest |
7314.14.1000 | With meshes not finer than 12 wires to the lineal centimeter in warp or filling |
7314.14.2000 | With meshes finer than 12 but not finer than 36 wires to the lineal centimeter in warp or filling |
7314.14.A | With meshes finer than 36 wires to the lineal centimeter in warp or maximum: |
7314.14.A.A | Fourdrinier wires, seamed or not seamed, suitable for use in papermaking machines: |
7314.14.3000 | With 94 or more wires to the lineal centimeter |
7314.14.6000 | Muud |
7314.14.9000 | Muud |
7314.19.0100 | Muud |
7314.20.0000 | Traadist võred, võrgud, tarad (lõikumiskohtades keevitatud), milles traadi ristlõike maksimaalmõõde on vähemalt 3 mm ning võrgusilma pindala vähemalt 100 cm2 |
7314.B | Muud traadist võred, võrgud ja tarad, lõikumiskohtades keevitatud: |
7314.31 | Tsingiga pinnatud või kaetud: |
7314.31.1000 | Wire fencing plated or coated with zinc, whether or not covered with plastic material |
7314.31.50 | Muud: |
7314.31.5010 | Welded wire stucco netting, furred, not reinforced with supplemental horizontal wire |
7314.31.5080 | Muud |
7314.39.0000 | Muud |
7314.C | Muu riie, võred, võrgud ja tarad: |
7314.41.00 | Tsingiga pinnatud või kaetud |
7314.41.0030 | Chain link fencing |
7314.41.00.A | Woven wire stucco netting, furred, not reinforced with supplemental horizontal wire: |
7314.41.0040 | Of wire with maximum cross- sectional dimension of 1 mm |
7314.41.0045 | Muud |
7314.41.0080 | Muud |
7314.42.00 | Plastiga kaetud |
7314.42.0030 | Chain link fencing |
7314.42.0060 | Muud |
7314.49 | Muud: |
7314.49.3000 | Not cut to shape |
7314.49.6000 | Cut to shape |
7314.50.0000 | Laialivenitatud metallvõrk |
7315 | Raud- ja terasketid, nende osad: |
7315.A | Liigendketid ja nende osad: |
7315.11.00 | Rullketid: |
7315.11.0005 | For motor vehicles |
7315.11.00.A | Muud: |
7315.11.00.A.A | Of not over 50 mm pitch and containing more than 3 parts per pitch: |
7315.11.0010 | Bicycle chains |
7315.11.0045 | Muud |
7315.11.0060 | Muud |
7315.12.00 | Muud ketid |
7315.12.0020 | Of not over 50 mm pitch and containing more than 3 parts per pitch |
7315.12.00.A | Muud: |
7315.12.0040 | Welded steel chain |
7315.12.0060 | Cast and combination chain |
7315.12.0080 | Muud |
7315.19.0000 | Osad |
7315.20 | Rehviketid |
7315.20.1000 | Not over 8 mm in diameter |
7315.20.5000 | Over 8 mm in diameter |
7315.B | Muud ketid: |
7315.81.0000 | Stud link |
7315.82 | Muud, keevitatud lülidega |
7315.82.A | Legeerterasest |
7315.82.1000 | Not over 10 mm in diameter |
7315.82.3000 | Over 10 mm in diameter |
7315.82.B | Of iron or nonalloy steel: |
7315.82.5000 | Not over 10 mm in diameter |
7315.82.7000 | Over 10 mm in diameter |
7315.89 | Muud: |
7315.89.A | With links of essentially round cross sections: |
7315.89.1000 | Not over 8 mm in diameter |
7315.89.3000 | Over 8 mm in diameter |
7315.89.5000 | Muud |
7315.90.0000 | Muud osad |
7316.00.0000 | Rauast või terasest ankrud, otsiankrud (tragid) ja nende osad |
7317.00 | Rauast või terasest naelad, tihvtid, rõhknaelad, klambrid (v.. A rubriigis 8305 nimetatud) jms tooted, samast või muust materjalist (v.. A vasest) peadega: |
7317.00.1000 | Thumb tacks |
7317.00.A | Other, suitable for use in powder-actuated handtools: |
7317.00.2000 | Not threaded |
7317.00.3000 | Threaded |
7317.00.B | Muud: |
7317.00.B.A | Of one piece construction: |
7317.00.55 | Made of round wire |
7317.00.55.A | Collated nails: |
7317.00.5501 | Collated roofing nails with a length of 20.6 mm to 46.1 mm, a head diameter of 8.3 mm to 10.6 mm, a shank diameter of 2.5 mm to 3.2 mm, whether or not galvanized |
7317.00.55.A.A | Muud: |
7317.00.55.A.A.A | Assembled in a wire coil: |
7317.00.5502 | Galvanized |
7317.00.5503 | Muud |
7317.00.55.A.A.B | Assembled in a plastic strip: |
7317.00.5505 | Galvanized |
7317.00.5507 | Muud |
7317.00.5508 | Assembled in a paper strip |
7317.00.5511 | Assembled in a wire strip |
7317.00.5518 | Muud |
7317.00.55.B | Muud: |
7317.00.5519 | With a length of less than 25.4 mm and with a diameter of less than 1.65 mm |
7317.00.55.B.A | Muud: |
7317.00.55.B.A.A | Smooth shank: |
7317.00.5520 | Not coated, plated or painted |
7317.00.55.B.A.A.A | Coated, plated or painted: |
7317.00.5530 | Galvanized |
7317.00.5540 | Vinyl, resin or cement coated |
7317.00.5550 | Muud |
7317.00.55.B.A.B | Muud: |
7317.00.5560 | Not coated, plated or painted |
7317.00.55.B.A.B.A | Coated, plated or painted: |
7317.00.5570 | Galvanized |
7317.00.5580 | Vinyl, resin or cement coated |
7317.00.5590 | Muud |
7317.00.65 | Muud: |
7317.00.6530 | Cut |
7317.00.6560 | Muud |
7317.00.7500 | Of two or more pieces |
7318 | Rauast või terasest kruvid, poldid, mutrid, võtmega keeratavad puidukruvid, kruvikonksud, needid, tüüblid, splindid, seibid (sh vedruseibid) jms tooted: |
7318.A | Keermestatud tooted: |
7318.11.0000 | Võtmega keeratavad puidukruvid |
7318.12.0000 | Muud puidukruvid |
7318.13.00 | Kruvikonksud ja -rõngad: |
7318.13.0030 | Having shanks or threads with a diameter of less than 6 mm |
7318.13.0060 | Having shanks or threads with a diameter of 6 mm or more |
7318.14 | Isekeermestavad kruvid: |
7318.14.10 | Having shanks or threads with a diameter of less than 6 mm |
7318.14.1030 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.14.1060 | Muud |
7318.14.50 | Having shanks or threads with a diameter of 6 mm or more |
7318.14.5020 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.14.5080 | Muud |
7318.15 | Muud kruvid ja poldid, nende juurde kuuluvate mutrite või seibidega või ilma nendeta: |
7318.15.20 | Bolts and bolts and their nuts or washers entered or exported in the same shipment |
7318.15.2010 | Having shanks or threads with a diameter of less than 6 mm |
7318.15.20.A | Having shanks or threads with a diameter of 6 mm or more: |
7318.15.2020 | Track bolts |
7318.15.2030 | Structural bolts |
7318.15.20.A.A | Bent bolts: |
7318.15.2041 | Right-angle anchor bolts |
7318.15.2046 | Muud |
7318.15.20.A.B | Muud: |
7318.15.20.A.B.A | With round heads: |
7318.15.2051 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.15.2055 | Muud |
7318.15.20.A.B.B | With hexagonal heads: |
7318.15.2061 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.15.2065 | Muud |
7318.15.20.A.B.C | Muud: |
7318.15.2091 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.15.2095 | Muud |
7318.15.4000 | Machine screws 9.5 mm or more in length and 3.2 mm or more in diameter (not including cap screws) |
7318.15.50 | Studs |
7318.15.5030 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.15.50.A | Muud: |
7318.15.50.A.A | Continuously threaded rod: |
7318.15.5051 | Legeerterasest |
7318.15.5056 | Muud |
7318.15.5090 | Muud |
7318.15.A | Muud: |
7318.15.60 | Having shanks or threads with a diameter of less than 6 mm |
7318.15.60.A | Socket screws: |
7318.15.6010 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.15.6040 | Muud |
7318.15.60.B | Muud: |
7318.15.6070 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.15.6080 | Muud |
7318.15.80 | Having shanks or threads with a diameter of 6 mm or more |
7318.15.8020 | Set screws |
7318.15.80.A | Muud: |
7318.15.80.A.A | Socket screws: |
7318.15.8030 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.15.8045 | Muud |
7318.15.80.A.B | Muud: |
7318.15.80.A.B.A | With hexagonal heads: |
7318.15.8055 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.15.80.A.B.A.A | Muud: |
7318.15.8066 | Cap screws |
7318.15.8069 | Muud |
7318.15.80.A.B.B | Muud: |
7318.15.8082 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.15.8085 | Muud |
7318.16.00 | Mutrid: |
7318.16.00.A | Lugnuts: |
7318.16.0015 | Non-locking chrome-plated |
7318.16.0030 | Locking |
7318.16.0045 | Muud |
7318.16.00.B | Muud: |
7318.16.0060 | Roostevabast terasest |
7318.16.0085 | Muud |
7318.19.0000 | Muud |
7318.B | Keermestamata tooted: |
7318.21.00 | Vedruseibid jm lukustusseibid: |
7318.21.0030 | Helical spring lock washers |
7318.21.0090 | Muud |
7318.22.0000 | Muud seibid |
7318.23.0000 | Needid |
7318.24.0000 | Tüüblid ja splindid |
7318.29.0000 | Muud |
7319 | Rauast või terasest õmblusnõelad, kudumisvardad, läbitõmbenõelad, heegelnõelad, tikkimisstiletid jms käsitööks vajalikud tooted; haaknõelad, nööpnõelad jms, rauast või terasest, mujal nimetamata: |
7319.40 | Haaknõelad ja nööpnõelad |
7319.40.20 | Safety pins |
7319.40.2010 | On cards |
7319.40.2050 | Muud |
7319.40.3000 | Dressmakers' or common pins |
7319.40.50 | Muud: |
7319.40.5010 | Push pins |
7319.40.5050 | Muud |
7319.90 | Muud: |
7319.90.1000 | Sewing, darning or embroidery needles |
7319.90.9000 | Muud |
7320 | Rauast või terasest vedrud ja vedrulehed: |
7320.10 | Lehtvedrud ja nende lehed: |
7320.10.A | Suitable for motor vehicle suspension: |
7320.10.3000 | To be used in motor vehicles having a G.V.W. not exceeding 4 metric tons |
7320.10.60 | Muud: |
7320.10.6015 | Leaf springs having individual leaves with a thickness of 1.6 mm or more and leaves therefor |
7320.10.6060 | Muud |
7320.10.90 | Muud: |
7320.10.9015 | Leaf springs having individual leaves with a thickness of 1.6 mm or more and leaves therefor |
7320.10.9060 | Muud |
7320.20 | Keerdvedrud: |
7320.20.1000 | Suitable for motor-vehicle suspension |
7320.20.50 | Muud: |
7320.20.50.A | Helical springs, of wire having a cross-sectional dimension of less than 5.1 mm: |
7320.20.5010 | Suitable for use in mattress supports and mattresses of heading 9404 |
7320.20.5020 | Muud |
7320.20.5045 | Helical springs, of wire having a cross-sectional dimension of 5.1 mm or more but less than 12.7 mm |
7320.20.5060 | Muud |
7320.90 | Muud: |
7320.90.1000 | Hairsprings |
7320.90.50 | Muud: |
7320.90.50.A | Of wire: |
7320.90.5010 | Suitable for use in mattress supports and mattresses of heading 9404 |
7320.90.5020 | Muud |
7320.90.5060 | Muud |
7321 | Rauast või terasest pliidid (k.. A sisseehitatud keskkütte-kuumaveekatlaga), ahjud, kaminad, söepannid, gaasipõletid, soojendusplaadid jm mitteelektrilised kütteseadmed, nende osad: |
7321.A | Kütteseadmed toidu valmistamiseks ja soojendamiseks: |
7321.11 | Gaaskütusel või nii gaaskütusel kui ka muul kütusel: |
7321.11.10 | Portable |
7321.11.1030 | Stoves or ranges |
7321.11.1060 | Muud |
7321.11.A | Muud: |
7321.11.30 | Stoves or ranges: |
7321.11.3010 | Of a maximum width not exceeding 70 centimeters |
7321.11.3020 | Of a maximum width exceeding 70 but not exceeding 80 centimeters |
7321.11.3050 | Of a maximum width exceeding 80 centimeters |
7321.11.6000 | Muud |
7321.12.0000 | Vedelkütusel |
7321.19.00 | Muud, sh seadmed tahkekütuse jaoks |
7321.19.00.A | Portable: |
7321.19.0020 | Hibachis |
7321.19.0040 | Muud |
7321.19.00.B | Muud: |
7321.19.0060 | Malmist |
7321.19.0080 | Muud |
7321.B | Muud seadmed: |
7321.81 | Gaaskütusel või nii gaaskütusel kui ka muul kütusel: |
7321.81.1000 | Portable |
7321.81.5000 | Muud |
7321.82 | Vedelkütusel |
7321.82.1000 | Portable |
7321.82.5000 | Muud |
7321.89.00 | Muud, sh seadmed tahkekütuse jaoks |
7321.89.0010 | Fireplace grates of cast iron |
7321.89.0050 | Muud |
7321.90 | Osad: |
7321.90.A | Of articles in subheading 7321.11.30: |
7321.90.1000 | Cooking chambers, whether or not assembled |
7321.90.2000 | Top surface panels with or without burners or controls |
7321.90.4000 | Door assemblies, incorporating more than one of the following: inner panel, outer panel, window, insulation |
7321.90.5000 | Muud |
7321.90.60 | Muud: |
7321.90.60.A | Of cooking appliances and plate warmers: |
7321.90.6040 | Shelving and racks for cooking ovens |
7321.90.6060 | Muud |
7321.90.6090 | Muud |
7322 | Mitteelektrilised keskkütteradiaatorid, ja nende osad, rauast või terasest; rauast või terasest õhukuumendid ning kuuma õhu jaotusseadmed (sh ka värske või konditsioneeritud õhu jaotamiseks), mitteelektrilise kuumendusega, elektrimootorilt käitatavate ventilaatorite või õhupuhuritega, nende seadmete osad: |
7322.A | Radiaatorid ja nende osad: |
7322.11.0000 | Malmist |
7322.19.0000 | Muud |
7322.90.00 | Muud, sh osad: |
7322.90.0015 | Air heaters, not electrically heated, incorporating a motor-driven fan or blower |
7322.90.0030 | Hot air distributors, not electrically heated, incorporating a motor-driven fan or blower |
7322.90.0045 | Parts of air heaters and hot air distributors |
7323 | Rauast või terasest laua-, köögi- jm majapidamistarbed, nende osad; raud- või terasvill; nõudepesunuustikud, küürimis- või poleerimispadjakesed ja -kindad jms, rauast või terasest: |
7323.10.0000 | Raud- või terasvill; nõudepesunuustikud, küürimis- või poleerimispadjakesed ja -kindad jms tooted |
7323.A | Muud: |
7323.91 | Of cast iron, not enameled: |
7323.91.1000 | Coated or plated with precious metal |
7323.91.50 | Muud: |
7323.91.5020 | Bakeware (cookware not suitable for stove top use) |
7323.91.5040 | Muud |
7323.92.00 | Of cast iron, enameled |
7323.92.0020 | Bakeware (cookware not suitable for stove top use) |
7323.92.0040 | Muud |
7323.93.00 | Roostevabast terasest: |
7323.93.00.A | Cooking and kitchen ware: |
7323.93.0015 | Teakettles |
7323.93.00.A.A | Muud: |
7323.93.00.A.A.A | Cooking ware: |
7323.93.0035 | Bakeware (cookware not suitable for stove top use) |
7323.93.0045 | Muud |
7323.93.0060 | Kitchen ware |
7323.93.0080 | Muud |
7323.94.00 | Of iron (other than cast iron) or steel, enameled |
7323.94.00.A | Cooking and kitchen ware: |
7323.94.00.A.A | Of steel: |
7323.94.0010 | Teakettles |
7323.94.00.A.A.A | Muud: |
7323.94.00.A.A.A.A | Cooking ware: |
7323.94.0021 | Bakeware (cookware not suitable for stove top use) |
7323.94.0026 | Muud |
7323.94.0030 | Kitchen ware |
7323.94.0040 | Muud |
7323.94.0080 | Muud |
7323.99 | Muud: |
7323.99.A | Coated or plated with precious metal: |
7323.99.1000 | Coated or plated with silver |
7323.99.3000 | Muud |
7323.99.B | Not coated or plated with precious metal: |
7323.99.50 | Of tinplate |
7323.99.5030 | Kitchen or tableware suitable for food or drink contact |
7323.99.5060 | Muud |
7323.99.B.A | Muud: |
7323.99.7000 | Cookingware |
7323.99.90 | Muud: |
7323.99.9030 | Kitchen or tableware suitable for food or drink contact |
7323.99.9040 | Gates for confining children or pets |
7323.99.9080 | Muud |
7324 | Rauast või terasest sanitaartehnikatooted ja nende osad: |
7324.10.00 | Roostevabast terasest valamud ja kraanikausid: |
7324.10.0010 | Stainless steel sinks with one or more drawn bowls (basins) |
7324.10.0050 | Muud |
7324.A | Vannid: |
7324.21 | Malmist, emailitud või emailimata |
7324.21.1000 | Coated or plated with precious metal |
7324.21.5000 | Muud |
7324.29.0000 | Muud |
7324.90.0000 | Muud, sh osad |
7325 | Muud rauast või terasest valatud tooted: |
7325.10.00 | Mittetempermalmist: |
7325.10.0010 | Manhole covers, rings and frames |
7325.10.0020 | Catch basins, grates and frames |
7325.10.0025 | Cleanout covers and frames |
7325.10.0030 | Valve and service boxes |
7325.10.0035 | Meter boxes |
7325.10.0080 | Muud |
7325.A | Muud: |
7325.91.0000 | Jahvatuskuulid jms tooted veskites kasutamiseks |
7325.99 | Muud: |
7325.99.1000 | Malmist |
7325.99.5000 | Muud |
7326 | Muud raud- ja terastooted: |
7326.A | Sepistatud või stantsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata: |
7326.11.0000 | Jahvatuskuulid jms tooted veskites kasutamiseks |
7326.19.00 | Muud: |
7326.19.0010 | Sepistatud |
7326.19.0080 | Muud |
7326.20.00 | Raud- või terastraadist tooted: |
7326.20.0010 | Belts and belting |
7326.20.0020 | Garment hangers |
7326.20.0030 | Sod staples, U staples, irrigation staples, ground staples, and ground pins |
7326.20.0040 | Double loop bar ties and double loop wire ties |
7326.20.0055 | Paint roller frames |
7326.20.0090 | Muud |
7326.90 | Muud: |
7326.90.1000 | Of tinplate |
7326.90.A | Muud: |
7326.90.2500 | Cable or inner wire for caliper and cantilever brakes and casing therefor, whether or not cut to length |
7326.90.3500 | Containers of a kind normally carried on the person, in the pocket or in the handbag |
7326.90.4500 | Horse and mule shoes |
7326.90.A.A | Muud: |
7326.90.6000 | Coated or plated with precious metal |
7326.90.86 | Muud: |
7326.90.8605 | Rods for electrical grounding |
7326.90.8610 | Laminated goods consisting of two or more flat-rolled sheets of iron or steel held together with an adhesive or having a core of non-metallic material |
7326.90.8630 | Hangers and similar supports for tubes and pipes |
7326.90.8635 | Fence posts, studded with corrugations, knobs, studs, notches or similar protrusions, with or without anchor plates |
7326.90.8645 | Barbed tape |
7326.90.8660 | Ladders |
7326.90.8675 | Paint roller frames (other than of iron or steel wire) |
7326.90.8676 | Metal handles for brooms, mops, paint applicators and similar products |
7326.90.8677 | Burial caskets |
7326.90.8688 | Muud |
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