HS-koodid - 75: Nikkel ja nikkeltooted:
7501 | Nickel mattes, nickel oxide sinters and other intermediate products of nickel metallurgy. |
7501.10.00.00 | Niklikivi |
7501.20.00.00 | Nikkeloksiidi sulamid jm niklitootmise vahesaadused |
7502 | Unwrought nickel. |
7502.10.00.00 | Legeerimata nikkel |
7502.20.00.00 | Niklisulamid |
7503.00.00.00 | Nickel waste and scrap. |
7504.00.00 | Nickel powders and flakes. |
7504.00.00.10 | Pulber |
7504.00.00.90 | Muud |
7505 | Nickel bars, rods, profiles and wire. |
7505.A | Varbmaterjal ja profiilid: |
7505.11.00.00 | Legeerimata niklist |
7505.12.00.00 | Niklisulamitest |
7505.B | Traat: |
7505.21.00.00 | Legeerimata niklist |
7505.22.00.00 | Niklisulamitest |
7506 | Nickel plates, sheets, strip and foil. |
7506.10 | Legeerimata niklist |
7506.10.10.00 | Worked foil of a thickness not exceeding 0.15 mm |
7506.10.90.00 | Muud |
7506.20 | Niklisulamitest |
7506.20.10.00 | The following foil of a thickness not exceeding 0.15 mm:
, Unworked, containing by weight less than 60% of nickel;
, Worked |
7506.20.90.00 | Muud |
7507 | Nickel tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves). |
7507.A | Torud: |
7507.11.00.00 | Legeerimata niklist |
7507.12.00.00 | Niklisulamitest |
7507.20.00.00 | Toruliitmikud |
7508 | Other articles of nickel. |
7508.10.00.00 | Nikkeltraadist riie, võred ja võrgud |
7508.90 | Muud: |
7508.90.10.00 | Anodes for electroplating |
7508.90.90.00 | Muud |
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