HS-koodid - 76: Alumiinium ja alumiiniumtooted
7601 | Survetöötlemata alumiinium |
7601.10 | Legeerimata alumiinium |
7601.10.30.00 | Of uniform cross section throughout its length, the least cross-sectional dimension of which is not greater than 9.5 mm, in coils |
7601.10.60 | Muud |
7601.10.60.30 | Of greater than 99.8 percent aluminum |
7601.10.60.90 | Muud |
7601.20 | Alumiiniumisulamid |
7601.20.30.00 | Of uniform cross section throughout its length, the least cross-sectional dimension of which is not greater than 9.5 mm, in coils |
- | Muud |
7601.20.60.00 | Containing 25 percent or more by weight of silicon |
7601.20.90 | Muud |
7601.20.90.30 | Aluminum vanadium master alloy |
7601.20.90.31 | Muud |
7601.20.90.45 | Of uniform circular cross section throughout its length, the foregoing comprised of billets, not in coils |
7601.20.90.60 | Other, containing 0.03 percent or more by weight of lead (secondary aluminum) |
- | Muud |
7601.20.90.75 | Remelt scrap ingot |
7601.20.90.80 | Sheet ingot (slab) of a kind described instatistical note 3 to this chapter |
7601.20.90.85 | Foundry ingot of a kind described in statistical note 4 to this chapter |
7601.20.90.95 | Muud |
7602.00.00 | Aluminum waste and scrap |
7602.00.00.35 | Recyclable beverage containers |
7602.00.00.95 | Recyclable aluminum from industrial processes, including turnings, borings, shavings, filings, clippings and chips |
7602.00.00.97 | Other recyclable aluminum |
7602.00.00.98 | Muud |
7603 | Alumiiniumipulbrid ja -helbed |
7603.10.00.00 | Mittekihilise struktuuriga pulbrid |
7603.20.00.00 | Kihilise struktuuriga pulbrid; helbed |
7604 | Alumiiniumist varbmaterjal ja profiilid |
7604.10 | Legeerimata alumiiniumist |
7604.10.10.00 | Profiles |
- | Bars and rods: |
7604.10.30.00 | Having a round cross section |
7604.10.50.00 | Muud |
7604.11 | Alumiiniumisulamitest |
7604.21.00 | Õõnesprofiilid |
7604.21.00.10 | Heat-treatable industrial alloys of a kind described in statistical note 7 to this chapter |
7604.21.00.90 | Muud |
7604.29 | Muud |
7604.29.10 | Other profiles |
7604.29.10.10 | Heat-treatable industrial alloys of a kind described in statistical note 7 to this chapter |
7604.29.10.90 | Muud |
7604.29.11 | Bars and rods: |
7604.29.30 | Having a round cross section |
7604.29.30.30 | High-strength heat-treatable alloys of a kind described in statistical note 6 to this chapter |
7604.29.30.60 | Heat-treatable industrial alloys of a kind described in statistical note 7 to this chapter |
7604.29.30.90 | Muud |
7604.29.50 | Muud |
7604.29.50.20 | High-strength heat-treatable alloys of a kind described in statistical note 6 to this chapter |
7604.29.50.50 | Heat-treatable industrial alloys of a kind described in statistical note 7 to this chapter |
7604.29.50.90 | Muud |
7605 | Alumiiniumtraat |
- | Legeerimata alumiiniumist |
7605.11.00.00 | Ristlõike maksimaalmõõtmega üle 7 mm |
7605.19.00.00 | Muud |
- | Alumiiniumisulamitest |
7605.21.00.00 | Ristlõike maksimaalmõõtmega üle 7 mm |
7605.29.00.00 | Muud |
7606 | Alumiiniumist plaadid, lehed ja ribad paksusega üle 0,2 mm |
- | Täisnurksed (sh ruudukujulised) |
7606.11 | Legeerimata alumiiniumist |
7606.11.30 | Not clad |
7606.11.30.30 | With a thickness of more than 6.3 mm |
7606.11.30.60 | With a thickness of 6.3 mm or less |
7606.11.60.00 | Clad |
7606.12 | Alumiiniumisulamitest |
7606.12.30 | Not clad |
- | With a thickness of more than 6.3 mm: |
7606.12.30.15 | High-strength heat-treatable alloys of a kind described in statistical note 6 to this chapter |
7606.12.30.25 | Heat-treatable industrial alloys of a kind described in statistical note 7 to this chapter |
7606.12.30.35 | Muud |
- | With a thickness of 6.3 mm or less: |
- | Aluminum can stock: |
7606.12.30.45 | Body stock |
7606.12.30.55 | Lid stock |
- | Muud |
7606.12.30.91 | Heat-treatable industrial alloys of a kind described in statistical note 7 to this chapter |
7606.12.30.96 | Muud |
7606.12.60.00 | Clad |
- | Muud |
7606.91 | Legeerimata alumiiniumist |
7606.91.30 | Not clad |
7606.91.30.55 | With a thickness of more than 6.3 mm |
7606.91.30.95 | With a thickness of 6.3 mm or less |
7606.91.60 | Clad |
7606.91.60.55 | With a thickness of more than 6.3 mm |
7606.91.60.95 | With a thickness of 6.3 mm or less |
7606.92 | Alumiiniumisulamitest |
7606.92.30 | Not clad |
7606.92.30.25 | With a thickness of more than 6.3 mm |
7606.92.30.35 | With a thickness of 6.3 mm or less |
7606.92.60 | Clad |
7606.92.60.55 | With a thickness of more than 6.3 mm |
7606.92.60.95 | With a thickness of 6.3 mm or less |
7607 | Alumiiniumfoolium (trükiga kaetud või mitte, paberist, papist, plastist vms materjalidest aluskihiga või ilma), paksusega kuni 0,2 mm (aluskihti arvestamata) |
- | Aluskihita |
7607.11 | Valtsitud, kuid edasi töötlemata |
- | Of a thickness not exceeding 0.15 mm: |
7607.11.30.00 | Of a thickness not exceeding 0.01 mm |
7607.11.60 | Of a thickness exceeding 0.01 mm |
7607.11.60.10 | Boxed aluminum foil weighing not more than 11.3 kg |
7607.11.60.90 | Muud |
7607.11.90 | Muud |
- | Aluminum can stock: |
7607.11.90.30 | Body stock |
7607.11.90.60 | Lid stock |
7607.11.90.90 | Muud |
7607.19 | Muud |
7607.19.10.00 | Etched capacitor foil |
- | Muud |
7607.19.30.00 | Cut to shape, of a thickness not exceeding 0.15 mm |
7607.19.60.00 | Muud |
7607.20 | Aluskihil |
7607.20.10.00 | Covered or decorated with a character, design, fancy effect or pattern |
7607.20.50.00 | Muud |
7608 | Alumiiniumtorud |
7608.10.00 | Legeerimata alumiiniumist |
7608.10.00.30 | Õmbluseta |
7608.10.00.90 | Muud |
7608.20.00 | Alumiiniumisulamitest |
7608.20.00.30 | Õmbluseta |
7608.20.00.90 | Muud |
7609.00.00.00 | Aluminum tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves) |
7610 | Alumiiniumist konstruktsioonid (v.. A rubriigi 9406 kokkupandavad ehitised), nende osad (näiteks sillad, sillasektsioonid, tornid, sõrestikmastid, katused, katusefermid, uksed ja aknad, nende raamid, lävepakud, balustraadid, piilarid ja sambad); alumiiniumist plaadid, vardad, profiilid, torud jms alumiiniumtooted ehituskonstruktsioonides kasutamiseks |
7610.10.00 | Uksed, nende piidad ja lävepakud, aknad ja nende raamid |
7610.10.00.10 | Windows and their frames |
7610.10.00.20 | Thresholds for doors |
7610.10.00.30 | Muud |
7610.90.00 | Muud |
7610.90.00.20 | Sheet-metal roofing, siding, flooring, and roof guttering and drainage equipment |
7610.90.00.40 | Architectural and ornamental work |
7610.90.00.41 | Muud |
7610.90.00.60 | Mobile homes |
7610.90.00.80 | Muud |
7611.00.00 | Alumiiniumist reservuaarid, tsisternid, paagid jms mahutid mis tahes ainete jaoks (v.. A suru- või vedelgaas), mahuga üle 300 liitri, soojusisolatsiooniga või soousisolatsioonita, mehaaniliste või soojustehniliste seadmeteta |
7611.00.00.30 | Tanks |
7611.00.00.90 | Muud |
7612 | Alumiiniumist vaadid, trumlid, plekknõud, toosid jms mahutid (sh jäigad ja kokkupressitavad silindrilised mahutid) mis tahes ainete jaoks (v.. A suru- või vedelgaas), mahuga kuni 300 liitrit, soojusisolatsiooniga või soojusisolatsioonita, mehaaniliste või soojustehniliste seadmeteta |
7612.10.00.00 | Kokkupressitavad silindrilised mahutid |
7612.90 | Muud |
7612.90.10 | Of a capacity not exceeding 20 liters |
7612.90.10.30 | Cans of a capacity not exceeding 355 ml |
7612.90.10.60 | Cans of a capacity exceeding 355 ml but less than 3.8 liters |
7612.90.10.90 | Muud |
7612.90.50.00 | Muud |
7613.00.00.00 | Aluminum containers for compressed or liquefied gas |
7614 | Trossikee, trossid, punutud lindid jms alumiiniumist tooted, elektriisolatsioonita |
7614.10 | Terassüdamikuga |
7614.10.10.00 | Not fitted with fittings and not made up into articles |
7614.10.50.00 | Fitted with fittings or made up into articles |
7614.90 | Muud |
- | Not fitted with fittings and not made up into articles: |
7614.90.20 | Electrical conductors |
7614.90.20.30 | With a cross-sectional area less than 240 mm² |
7614.90.20.60 | With a cross-sectional area greater than or equal to 240 mm² |
7614.90.40.00 | Muud |
7614.90.50.00 | Fitted with fittings or made up into articles |
7615 | Alumiiniumist laua-, köögi- jm majapidamistarbed, nende osad; nõudepesunuustikud, küürimis- või poleerimispadjakesed, -kindad jms alumiiniumist tooted; alumiiniumist sanitaartehnikatooted, nende osad |
7615.10 | Laua-, köögi- jm majapidamistarbed ja nende osad; nõudepesunuustikud, küürimis- või poleerimispadjakesed, -kindad jms |
7615.10.11.00 | Pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like |
- | Muud |
- | Cooking and kitchen ware: |
- | Enameled or glazed or containing nonstick interior finishes: |
7615.10.20 | Cast |
7615.10.20.15 | Bakeware (cookware not suitable for stove top use) |
7615.10.20.25 | Muud |
7615.10.30 | Muud |
7615.10.30.15 | Bakeware (cookware not suitable for stove top use) |
7615.10.30.25 | Muud |
- | Not enameled or glazed and not containing nonstick interior finishes: |
7615.10.50 | Cast |
7615.10.50.20 | Bakeware (cookware not suitable for stove top use) |
7615.10.50.40 | Muud |
7615.10.71 | Muud |
7615.10.71.25 | Containers suitable for food preparation, baking, reheating or storage, 0.04 mm or more but not over 0.22 mm in thickness |
7615.10.71.26 | Other cookware: |
7615.10.71.30 | Bakeware (cookware not suitable for stove top use) |
7615.10.71.55 | Muud |
7615.10.71.80 | Muud |
7615.10.91.00 | Muud |
7615.20.00.00 | Sanitaartehnikatooted ja nende osad |
7616 | Muud alumiiniumtooted |
7616.10 | Naelad, tihvtid, rõhknaelad (v.. A rubriigis 8305 nimetatud), kruvid, poldid, mutrid, kruvikonksud, needid, tüüblid, splindid, seibid jms |
7616.10.10.00 | Nails, tacks and staples |
7616.10.30.00 | Rivets |
7616.10.50.00 | Cotters and cotter pins |
- | Muud |
7616.10.70 | Having shanks, threads or holes over 6 mm in diameter |
7616.10.70.30 | Threaded fasteners |
7616.10.70.90 | Muud |
7616.10.90 | Muud |
7616.10.90.30 | Threaded fasteners |
7616.10.90.90 | Muud |
7616.11 | Muud |
7616.91.00.00 | Alumiiniumtraadist riie, võred, võrgud ja tarad |
7616.99 | Muud |
7616.99.10.00 | Luggage frames |
7616.99.51 | Muud |
7616.99.51.20 | Laminated goods consisting of 2 or more flat-rolled sheets of aluminum held together with an adhesive or having a core of non-metallic material |
7616.99.51.30 | Ladders |
7616.99.51.40 | Venetian blinds and parts thereof |
7616.99.51.50 | Hangers and supports for pipes and tubes |
7616.99.51.51 | Muud |
7616.99.51.60 | Castings |
7616.99.51.70 | Forgings |
- | Muud |
7616.99.51.75 | Articles of wire |
7616.99.51.90 | Muud |
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