HS-koodid - 82: Mitteväärismetallist tööriistad, terariistad, lusikad ja kahvlid; nende mitteväärismetallist osad:
8201 | Hand tools, the following: spades, shovels, mattocks, picks, hoes, forks and rakes; axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools; secateurs and pruners of any kind; scythes, sickles, hay knives, hedge shears, timber wedges and other tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry. |
8201.10 | Labidad ja kühvlid |
8201.10.10.00 | Heads for use in the manufacture or production of spades and shovels |
8201.10.90.00 | Muud |
8201.30 | Kõplad, kirkad ja rehad |
8201.30.10.00 | Heads for use in the manufacture or production of mattocks, picks, hoes or rakes;
, Mattocks and picks for climbing or mountaineering |
8201.30.90.00 | Muud |
8201.40 | Axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools |
8201.40.10.00 | For climbing or mountaineering;
, Heads for use in the manufacture or production of axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools |
8201.40.90.00 | Muud |
8201.50.00.00 | Aia- ja oksakäärid jms ühekäekäärid (sh linnukäärid) |
8201.60 | Hekikäärid, kahekäeoksakäärid jms kahekäekäärid |
8201.60.10.00 | Pruning shears |
8201.60.90.00 | Muud |
8201.90 | Muud käsi-tööriistad põllu-, aia- ja metsatööde tegemiseks |
8201.90.10.00 | Post-hole diggers;
, Pruning hooks |
8201.90.A | Forks: |
8201.90.21.00 | Forged, for use in the manufacture of pronged forks |
8201.90.29.00 | Muud |
8201.90.B | Muud: |
8201.90.91.00 | Heads for use in the manufacture or production of other hand tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry |
8201.90.99.00 | Muud |
8202 | Hand saws; blades for saws of all kinds (including slitting, slotting or toothless saw blades). |
8202.10.00.00 | Hand saws |
8202.20.00.00 | Band saw blades |
8202.A | Saekettad (sh pikisaagimiseks ja soonelõikamiseks): |
8202.31.00.00 | Terasest töötava osaga |
8202.39.00.00 | Muud, sh osad |
8202.40.00.00 | Chain saw blades |
8202.B | Muud saelehed: |
8202.91.00.00 | Otsehammastusega saelehed metalli töötlemiseks |
8202.99.00.00 | Muud |
8203 | Files, rasps, pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweezers, metal cutting shears, pipe-cutters, bolt croppers, perforating punches and similar hand tools. |
8203.10.00.00 | Viilid, rasplid jms tööriistad |
8203.20.00 | Tangid (sh lõiketangid), näpitsad, pihid jms tööriistad |
8203.20.00.10 | Pliers |
8203.20.00.90 | Muud |
8203.30 | Metal cutting shears and similar tools |
8203.30.10.00 | Shears |
8203.30.90.00 | Muud |
8203.40.00.00 | Torulõikurid, polditangid, augurauad jms tööriistad |
8204 | Hand-operated spanners and wrenches (including torque meter wrenches but not including tap wrenches); interchangeable spanner sockets, with or without handles. |
8204.A | Mutrivõtmed: |
8204.11.00 | Mittetellitavad |
8204.11.00.30 | Combination open end and box end |
8204.11.00.40 | Torque |
8204.11.00.90 | Muud |
8204.12.00 | Tellitavad |
8204.12.00.10 | Pipe wrench |
8204.12.00.90 | Muud |
8204.20.00 | Mutrivõtmete vahetatavad otsikud, käepidemega või ilma |
8204.20.00.10 | With handles |
8204.20.00.20 | Without handles |
8205 | Hand tools (including glaziers' diamonds), not elsewhere specified or included; blow lamps; vices, clamps and the like, other than accessories for and parts of, machine-tools or water-jet cutting machines; anvils; portable forges; hand or pedal-operated grinding wheels with frameworks. |
8205.10 | Tööriistad puurimiseks, sise- ja väliskeermestamiseks |
8205.10.10.00 | Die stocks |
8205.10.90.00 | Muud |
8205.20 | Sepistusvasarad ja-haamrid |
8205.20.10.00 | For climbing or mountaineering;
, Heads for use in the manufacture or production of hammers and sledge hammers |
8205.20.90.00 | Muud |
8205.30.00.00 | Höövlid, meislid, peitlid jms puidulõikeriistad |
8205.40.00.00 | Kruvikeerajad |
8205.A | Muud käsi-tööriistad (k.. A klaasilõiketeemandid): |
8205.51 | Majapidamistööriistad |
8205.51.10.00 | Portable butane hair curlers |
8205.51.90.00 | Muud |
8205.59 | Muud: |
8205.59.10.00 | For climbing or mountaineering;
, Heads for use in the manufacture or production of other hand tools;
, Livestock branding irons |
8205.59.20.00 | Stapling or tacking guns, and hammer tackers not operated by an independent hammer |
8205.59.90.00 | Muud |
8205.60.00.00 | Blow lamps |
8205.70 | Kruustangid, pitskruvid jms |
8205.70.10.00 | Clamps for use with the following surgical, dental, veterinary or diagnostic articles:Instruments;Sterilizers;Cobalt therapy units;Anaesthesia, surgical suction or oxygen administering apparatus |
8205.70.20.00 | Precision clamps and vices, for toolmakers, machinists or metal workers |
8205.70.90.00 | Muud |
8205.90 | Muud, sh komplektid kahe või enama alamrubriigi käesoleva rubriigi toodetest: |
8205.90.10.00 | Anvils; portable forges; hand or pedal-operated grinding wheels with frameworks |
8205.90.90.00 | Muud |
8206.00.00.00 | Tools of two or more of the headings 82.02 to 82.05, put up in sets for retail sale. |
8207 | Interchangeable tools for hand tools, whether or not power-operated, or for machine-tools (for example, for pressing, stamping, punching, tapping, threading, drilling, boring, broaching, milling, turning or screw driving), including dies for drawing or extruding metal, and rock drilling or earth boring tools. |
8207.A | Rock drilling or earth boring tools: |
8207.13.00 | Metallkeraamikast töötava osaga |
8207.13.00.10 | Rotary rock drill bits |
8207.13.00.90 | Muud |
8207.19.00 | Muud, sh osad: |
8207.19.00.40 | Rotary rock drill bits |
8207.19.00.50 | Percussion rock drill bits |
8207.19.00.90 | Muud |
8207.20.00.00 | Tõmbesilmad, ekstrudeerimismatriitsid |
8207.30.00 | Tööriistad pressimiseks, lehtstantsimiseks või mulgustamiseks: |
8207.30.00.20 | Suitable for cutting metal |
8207.30.00.40 | Stamping dies |
8207.30.00.50 | Metal forming dies, including thread-rolling dies |
8207.30.00.90 | Muud |
8207.40.00 | Tööriistad sise- või väliskeermestamiseks: |
8207.40.00.10 | For tapping |
8207.40.00.20 | For threading |
8207.50.00 | Tools for drilling, other than for rock drilling |
8207.50.00.10 | Drill bits for masonry |
8207.50.00.20 | Drill bits for metal working |
8207.50.00.90 | Muud |
8207.60.00.00 | Tööriistad sisetreimiseks ja kammlõikamiseks |
8207.70.00 | Tööriistad freesimiseks: |
8207.70.00.A | Milling cutters: |
8207.70.00.11 | Tungsten carbide tipped |
8207.70.00.19 | Muud |
8207.70.00.90 | Muud |
8207.80.00.00 | Tööriistad treimiseks |
8207.90 | Muud vahetatavad tööinstrumendid: |
8207.90.10.00 | Ball points, bushing bits, chisels, clay spades, front spades, drivers (for pipes, pins and spikes) and star drills, for portable power tools;
, Cutting tools, carbide tipped, for wood working;
, Nozzles for vacuum cleaners |
8207.90.90.00 | Muud |
8208 | Knives and cutting blades, for machines or for mechanical appliances. |
8208.10.00.00 | For metal working |
8208.20.00.00 | For wood working |
8208.30.00.00 | Köögiriistade ning toiduainetööstuse seadmete jaoks |
8208.40.00 | Põllu-, aia- ja metsatööseadmete jaoks |
8208.40.00.10 | For mowers for lawns, parks or sports-grounds |
8208.40.00.20 | For other agricultural or horticultural type machinery and parts thereof |
8208.40.00.90 | Muud |
8208.90.00.00 | Muud |
8209.00.00 | Plates, sticks, tips and the like for tools, unmounted, of cermets. |
8209.00.00.10 | Carbide inserts and bits |
8209.00.00.90 | Muud |
8210.00 | Hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing 10 kg or less, used in the preparation, conditioning or serving of food or drink. |
8210.00.10.00 | Grape crushers for domestic purposes |
8210.00.90 | Muud: |
8210.00.90.10 | Appliances which chop, cut, slice, mince or shred food |
8210.00.90.20 | Can openers |
8210.00.90.90 | Muud |
8211 | Knives with cutting blades, serrated or not (including pruning knives), other than knives of heading 82.08, and blades therefor. |
8211.10 | Nugade komplektid |
8211.10.10.00 | Table cutlery |
8211.10.90.00 | Muud |
8211.A | Muud: |
8211.91 | Lauanoad, fikseeritud teraga |
8211.91.10.00 | Carving knives |
8211.91.90.00 | Muud |
8211.92.00.00 | Muud fikseeritud teraga noad |
8211.93.00.00 | Fikseerimata teraga noad |
8211.94 | Terad |
8211.94.10.00 | Blanks, of stainless steel, to specification AISI 430 or AISI 300 series, of a thickness of 1.78 mm or more, not further manufactured than stamped to shape, for use in the manufacture of flatware;
, Forged, including blanks of stainless steel, not further manufactured than wet ground, for use in the manufacture of table knives |
8211.94.90.00 | Muud |
8211.95 | Mitteväärismetallist noapead |
8211.95.A | Of table knives having fixed blades: |
8211.95.11.00 | Of carving knives |
8211.95.12.00 | Hollow stainless steel handles, further manufactured than welded, of table knives other than carving knives |
8211.95.13.00 | Hollow stainless steel knife handles, not further manufactured than welded, for use in the manufacture of table knives |
8211.95.19.00 | Muud |
8211.95.20.00 | Of other knives having fixed blades |
8211.95.30.00 | Of knives having other than fixed blades |
8212 | Razors and razor blades (including razor blade blanks in strips). |
8212.10.00.00 | Habemenoad ja terapardlid |
8212.20.00.00 | Pardliterad (žiletiterad), sh terade toorikud lintidena |
8212.90.00.00 | Muud osad |
8213.00 | Scissors, tailors' shears and similar shears, and blades therefor. |
8213.00.10.00 | Scissors and shears |
8213.00.20.00 | Blanks |
8213.00.30.00 | Terad |
8214 | Other articles of cutlery (for example, hair clippers, butchers' or kitchen cleavers, choppers and mincing knives, paper knives); manicure or pedicure sets and instruments (including nail files). |
8214.10.00.00 | Paper knives, letter openers, erasing knives, pencil sharpeners and blades therefor |
8214.20.00.00 | Maniküüri- ja pediküürikomplektid ja -tarbed (sh küüneviilid) |
8214.90 | Muud: |
8214.90.10.00 | Clippers for animals, for use on the farm |
8214.90.90.00 | Muud |
8215 | Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs and similar kitchen or tableware. |
8215.10 | Köögi- ja lauatarvete komplektid, mis sisaldavad vähemalt üht väärismetalliga pinnatud eset: |
8215.10.10.00 | Containing spoons, knives and forks, of a kind used at the table |
8215.10.90.00 | Muud |
8215.20 | Muud köögi- ja lauatarvete komplektid: |
8215.20.10.00 | Containing spoons, knives and forks, of a kind used at the table |
8215.20.90.00 | Muud |
8215.A | Muud: |
8215.91 | Pinnatud väärismetalliga |
8215.91.10.00 | Spoons or forks, of a kind used at the table |
8215.91.90.00 | Muud |
8215.99 | Muud: |
8215.99.10.00 | Spoons or forks, of a kind used at the table |
8215.99.20.00 | Spoon blanks and table forks in the rough |
8215.99.90.00 | Muud |
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